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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1064888 added February 25, 2024 at 9:34pm
Restrictions: None
No time for me
You can tell my life has become hectic.

Terry has practically become an invalid with this broken arm. So David and I have to be at her beck n call. I won't mention some of the things she has me doing because David can't/won't. I'm about ready to make a pass at her just so that she will put me back at arm's length. (She knows I am Bi and has given me fair warning already..... but like I said, it might get me out of some of the things I'm doing.)
Needless to say about all I've been able to do is play games on my tablet, her tablet, and my laptop as I sit in my living room chair. Happy happy, joy joy. I can't do anything that needs my full attention because I've either got to do for Terry or take the dog out about every 15 minutes.

I am going to enjoy tomorrow. I have to go out with my worker, then see my therapist. Which means at least two hours out of the house.

There's just nothing to say. I have done nothing with my writing and I have not even been sleeping. I think I got four hours all weekend.

I see my future and what is ahead of me. I am done moving around. My life in this room in this house is what is in store for me. I may change it slightly with my writing and such but for the most part this is it. It isn't all that bad. I have my best friend, sis, cousin, whatever you want to call her Terry. I have her son David that is already doing things to take care of me because of my illnesses. I'm sure I'm going to inherit some of the old age equipment that Terry currently has (or they will help me get my own when the time comes I am in need). It is really not such a bad life.

I've been sick a bit this weekend too. My Parkinson's decided to be on steroids this weekend. I've been popping pain pills and my RLS medication like candy. I've had a constant headache because of my empathy being so strong with Terry. I am worried for her because I remember my brother's mother-in-law breaking a bone in her shoulder and she lost complete use of that arm Today my body decided to have severe gas and bloating.

I don't want to whine all the time about being sick but what else can I do? It is mostly what is keeping me from writing.

I have changed my saying from I am Terminally Lazy to I am Abnormally Apathetic. That sounds about right now. I'm going to have fun talking to Jacob (therapist) about it tomorrow.

I'm going to try to stretch out and relax and watch a movie. (Probably Thirteen Ghosts again).....

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