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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/tracker1948/day/6-5-2024
Rated: 13+ · Book · Friendship · #2295863
This stuffed Beanie Baby dog came tagged "tracker" which fits my search for knowledge.

Here are words I like to write
All day long 'til it is night.
Words go up and words go down
When complete approve the sound.

If you complete my little rhyme,
Things will come your way in time.

signature from Gaby's design shop
Blog City image smallA clover image for the Power Group to use Group Angel Army Signature The Poet's Place
Made by Hanna For Members in Veterans Group.2023 Quill Winner
June 5, 2024 at 2:42am
June 5, 2024 at 2:42am
June 5, 2024
2:25 am WDC time

So it is the 5th according to WDC and I have missed an entry this month already.

I am using a prompt for this entry.

BCOF Insignia

Use these random words: subject, code, parallel, arrow, gloom, doom, enlarge, and map.

Marion woke up with a feeling of gloom and doom. Her spirits were low as she anticipated something bad happening. She went into her home office, input the code to her safe, and pulled out the envelope her brother had left her in his will. Today was the day she was supposed to open it and take whatever action it indicated.

She knew the subject and possible action he wanted. He had whispered to her on his deathbed, "Do this for me, Marion. Please." The envelope instructed her to open the envelope on this dark and gloomy day. Inside the envelope was a map. She knew immediately she would need to enlarge it. She snapped a photo with her cell phone, edited it, and saw the familiar green ink he preferred over black or blue.

"Here it is, Marion!" he wrote. A large arrow was drawn parallel to the river that snaked through the acreage up north. The land they dreamed of buying someday and building homes near each other was just outside the state park they spent hours and hours in while growing up. They were twins, after all, doing most everything together. She fed Gimpy, her three-legged cat, picked up the map, and decided to take action. Grabbing her car keys off the hook by the back door, she was away to locate the X that marked the spot!

Two hours later she sat in her car stunned.

(An ending please. I need an ending... thanks).

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/tracker1948/day/6-5-2024