Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1054327-Barbarian-Love
Rated: 13+ · Other · History · #1054327
Just something I came up with, I don't know where I got the idea for this.
In the year of 414 A.D.
Growing up as a lonely Roman farmer
Parents ravaged by a Germanic barbarian tribe
Known as the saxons they were
Living on the northern outskirts of the empire
Just outside the city of Bordeaux
In the foggy remains of my father's farm
I sit in the candlelight and write this tale
A poetic story of a woman I found by happenstance

Travelling to a peaceful saxon tribe
Just across the Rhine
A tribe that has actually found 'civilization'
This is where I make trades if not in Bordeaux
It is true that I loathe the saxons
I would resort to killing if I wasn't so civilized
Yet, I resort to a more peaceful form of revenge
For I am a lover, not a fighter
So I make trades more profitable to me

It just so happens that one visit to this tribe
I met a beautiful, young, blonde saxon woman
Known as Aemelia she was
It wasn't her beauty that struck me most
But in the innocent way she carried herself
Roman women are so promiscuous and devilish
They don't seem to understand any other maturity
Yet in her way of innocent existence
There seems to be a strong will for life and love
Which is very appealling to a man such as myself
She seemed to understand some latin
Which I refuse to learn their language
The traders I deal with understand and speak latin
Where they oft trade in Bordeaux
And therefore forced to learn our language
I plan now to make my trips there more numerous
As I find this woman very intriguing

I find it hard to cover my loathing for her kin
And I believe she can sense this in my attitude
I try not to make it so evident
But it is them, these barbarians, whom took my kin
Took their beautiful lives out of existence
But I believe, with more visits with Aemelia
That this fire in my heart can be put out
Before it turns my heart into ashes
And cremates my soul forever

I could never imagine a woman of such upbringing
Could have such a peaceful behavior
It might be from their conversion to Christianity
Yet her way of life couldn't be from just religion
With such a love of herself and her surroundings
And with such an unselfish attitude toward others
I feel a tension of feeling growing between us
This is evident in the smile she gives me
Which was absent in our first few meetings

With each visit I try to teach her more latin
Where some day I will explain my feelings
And she will be able to completely understand
Yet she seems to be naive about certain things
Especially the sexual aspect of life
Maybe someday I will teach her these things
Yet in the meantime she teases me
Innocent in her ways still
She does not understand the libido of men
Even still, I grow more fond of her each day
Her essence consumes my mind now
Even to the point of forgetfulness
Just thinking of her can make me lose my mind

She's now more comfortable with me touching her
I think next time we meet I will steal a kiss
I constantly think of her now
I can feel the fire in my heart being extinguished
She explains to me she's never been to Bordeaux
So I invite her on a trip there
Yet when I go to pick her up
She's invited a friend to come along
She explains, since her parents don't know me yet
That they require her to come along
This vexes me very much so
Yet I'd rather not upset her
Perhaps it's a defensive move
Or perhaps she is telling me the truth
For she is not a very good liar
Honesty is a quality I so much admire
I've lost some of my honesty
Mostly in cheating in the trades with the saxons

I take her and her friend to the theatre
Where a poet is reciting a story from Homer
This is where I ask her to come live with me
That I could offer a life of love and happiness
With a beautiful house and a farm to live off of
Where we can have children and watch them grow
With a moment of hesitation
And biting my lips as to not say too much
With an expression of delight from her friend
Which I now knew the answer to the question
It was now up to her to concur with her feelings
As she nodded her head and smiled
I kissed her long and hard
As her and I left the theatre
Her friend waved a final goodbye
And we traipsed along to my house
Where we will finish our lives together
In happiness and in love, forever.
© Copyright 2006 Syldanara (argonis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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