Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1473640-Learning-to-fly
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #1473640
Written for a very special lady... I hope it can inspire others somehow...
I dreamt I was an angel... and I watched with such amazement and awe at how all the other angels would fly amongst the clouds and sweep across the sun and its beautiful rays. They seemed so complete in there flight ...dipping into the white mists and then climbing quickly to the bright blue of the sky above them.. I felt ready ..I wanted to fly as well... they would come close and beckon to me but I could not fly ...I had only one wing. I would stand and watch them all. So perfect in there dance amongst the heights.. a pattern there was not to all there joy. The dance was a random and chaotic beauty I can only describe as perfection. I would never fly I would think in my heart. I can not fly with one wing... and so I began to give up. Time would pass as it always does and I still gave no more thought to reaching the heights there above me..where I truly belonged...but there..I saw an angel standing above me ..she was beauty without fault..perfection with a dream upon her face for a smile,,, I was so captivated and curious to why she did not fly along with the rest of the angels amongst us. I climbed the misty wisps until I stood before her smile itself and asked gently as to why she was not with the others... she dropped her head in despair and turned to one side ...there was only one wing ..as I ..only it was upon the side mine was not. I revealed to her my wing as well and reached out to her..I understand I said. She took my hand and stepped next to me. She was smiling again and she said to me ..we are complete...you and I ..we have only to trust and leave our hearts in each others hands. As she said this she stretched out her wing and made it full and wide as if she were in flight .. she then nodded and asked... do you trust me,,, I was afraid of falling..I had fallen so many times before ...but as I looked into her eyes I saw that there was a glimmer of hope within them... and I knew she was trusting me fully, Yes ..I said I do trust you ...and my one beautiful wing stretched quickly outward and flapped against the air ,its length not seen in so long.. We stepped forward..looking out at the sky and its deep blue ..its cotton clouds and shapes.. the wind in our faces and the world below us ..both our wings outstretched and ready we gripped each others hands tightly .. and we stepped into thin air ... we fell...only at first ..but out trust and our promise took us upward..together we flew..together we went where we had never went before ..the other angels celebrating at our flight as well... we were low at first but then we climbed higher...and higher.. and from there we both knew that ...we can go anywhere and accomplish anything so long as we trust one another with our hearts .... and take the things that we feel make us unhappy and bring us down and use them as tools together to rise above it all. I will trust her and hold her hand tight .. together we will work...together we will trust ..and together we will be forever...for if I were to ever let go ..so surely would I fall... for it is this angel that completes me... How can I fall .. when you wont give me reason .....
© Copyright 2008 RAZER COYOTE (wyndwarrior at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1473640-Learning-to-fly