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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2323651
Work in progress

I am glad to finally be leaving work for the weekend, this day
truly was very trying for me. I really had to put all my
effort into keeping my happy public Sophie in the forefront,
when really what I wanted to do was stick the demon-controlled
mind of the pessimistic Sophie on a few coworkers today. But
I didn't I was able to control myself and behave, even though
I know I was a little snappy to some from time to time. I
can't help it that is another thing that perturbs me, I cannot
stand dumb people, or in the case of Barbie, people who act
totally dumb. I mean seriously she would not be able to hold
any job, let alone the position she holds with our company if
she was that pathetic in the interview. Hell, if she was as
dumb as she acts most of the time she would be at home with a
caretaker 24/7, because she would just be sitting staring into
space drooling, I'm not kidding you, she acts that fucking
dumb. Plus, to top it off she gets away with it, all because
of the way she looks, I know she can from time to time drive
Alexis crazy too and Alexis had said to me one day she just
wanted to smack the stupid right out of her, so it isn't just
On my drive home, I was thinking of calling my parents, but
decided not to. I know that when I am in one of these moods,
I tend to be very temperamental and will argue for really no
reasons at all. I really don't feel like taking my anger and
frustrations out on my family, they did nothing wrong this is
all on me. So, I decide to call the insurance company, I know
they told me they would reach out to me when or if they needed
to, but I decide well if I need to yell at anyone and if it is
required at least I can unload on a party that deserves it.
I pull up my contacts and hit the number for my insurance
company, they answer promptly, more than likely because it is
Friday afternoon 15 minutes before 5 so I’m sure they want to
get the hell out of there. I say to the receptionist, “Hi
this is Sophie McIntosh, I was hoping to talk to my rep Amy,
is she available.” The receptionist asks me to hold and
pushes a button that instantly envelopes my tiny rental car
with sounds of very outdated elevator music, thankfully I am

not on hold long before Amy picks up. I mentally make a note
to self that if at any time in the future I want people to
quickly respond to a phone call that I call on a Friday right
before they close, seems to be working today. "Hi Amy, this
is Sophie. I was just calling to check up on my car and see
where we stood with it. I know you said you would reach out
to me if you had to, but I figured I would just quick give you
a call." I think to myself as I am talking, I also need to
vent some pent-up frustration so please give me some news that
I can rip you a new asshole and it would be understandable.
But it doesn't seem like that is going to be happening as she
says "Hi Sophie, it isn't a problem that you wanted to call to
check up. I was actually planning on giving you an update
call on Monday, but this will save me that phone call." She
continues, "Mr. Davenport's insurance sent out an appraiser to
look at your vehicle and I guess he wanted to get a second
opinion. So, they will be sending out another appraiser to
look at your car either on Monday or Tuesday." I say in
response, "Oh, okay. What exactly does that mean? I mean is
the damage that bad that the first guy wants to get a second
opinion before claiming the vehicle a total loss?" She simply
says, "To be totally honest it could mean a couple of
different things, but I am not 100 percent sure which reason
it is in this case, so if you don't mind I would like to wait
until I hear back from them before I tell you any incorrect
information." I say that it is no problem and thank her for
taking my call so close to closing on Friday afternoon, and
wish her a wonderful weekend, which in turn she offers me the
same thing.
Well that phone call was useless, not only was I unable to rip
anyone a new asshole to relieve some stress and aggravation,
but I got no new information regarding my crumpled-up vehicle.
I was wondering what happens if they decide to not fix it and
they declare it a total loss, because this accident was not my
fault. Do I still only get the book value of the car and must
pay the difference back on the loan, because I know it will
not cover the loan. Or does his insurance company take the
hit and I get a new car. I sigh well I guess this is all
stuff that I will be finding out soon enough, I am just hoping
to get my girl back. She is new and doesn't have a lot of
mileage on her, as I think of course though it would be my
luck to not get her back. This is one of the best cars driving

wise that I have had, and I would get stuck only being able to
afford a car like this. Hell, no that will not be happening,
no way will I be settling for a fucking clown car, I am
surprised it doesn't have a string out the ass end that you
pull to start it up. But before I get all bent out of shape
about something that I have no idea if it will happen or not I
turn up the volume on the radio and find a good pop rock song
that I know the lyrics to, so I can sing along. Well what I
call sing along, I am not deaf, and I know I cannot carry a
tune even if it that tune came in a bag with handles.
I arrive home, go inside and decide to feed Brandi as I figure
out what to do next. She is all about that plan and jumps up
on the counter with a meow to tell me she is ready for dinner.
I grab her clean dish out of the dishwasher, refill her water
bowl and pop open a can of her food, she immediately starts to
devour her food like it's been months since she has last
eaten, I pet her head and say to her a girl after my own
heart, we love our food that is obvious. She isn't a fat cat,
I have seen enormous pictures of cats on the internet and I
swear some of them must be doctored pictures because I cannot
see a cat being that huge. But Brandi is husky, she is a
health cat, her vet never told me I had to put her on a diet
or limit the food I give her, so both of us are just healthy.
Even though I am healthier than Brandi, because my doctor
isn't as nice and says that it would be a good idea for me to
try and lose some weight. It is at that moment that I have
the brilliant realization that maybe I should switch doctors
and see if Brandi's vet is accepting new patients, I snicker
to myself at my joke.
It's not fair, to be told you should really lose some weight,
do you think I don't know that seriously. Besides, I have
lost some weight in the past numerous times, but every time I
lose it I go back to my old lazy ways and it comes back and
brings a few of its friends. Geeze, cut a girl a break I am
still able to stand up and walk around without having a
coronary, doesn't that count for something. But the last year
since I haven't really been to the gym I have taken notice
that I tend to get a bit winded easier than what I was, so
that is a definite sign to me that I put on the pounds.

I will worry about all that at another point in time, even
though I know going to the gym would help to get me a little
more relaxed and unstrung. But I honestly do not see myself
getting changed into my workout clothes and going to work up a
sweat in this mood, hell it's obvious I don't do that shit in
a good mood so why would I put myself through it when I feel
like this.
I decide to just make myself a sandwich for dinner, add some
chips and a beer and I am set. Yes, that is exactly the
reason I am getting more winded, my diet has gone back to
being unhealthy but as I said right now I really don't give a
fuck. It isn't like I would be able to lose all the weight in
time for Warren to see me and be like hot dam what the fuck
was I thinking of hurting that knock out. So, fuck it, I'm
going to enjoy my dinner and maybe even have a heaping bowl of
whatever ice cream I can find in my freezer. That may
possibly make my phone call a little easier to manage or at
least I am hoping it will. I decide as I sit down to try and
get a monologue into my head so that I am not making this
phone call completely blind. I need to play out all the
different scenarios that can come about and have some sort of
conversation in my head, so I don't sound like a complete
moron. I go through all the negative scenarios that can and
most likely will happen of course, and then I turn over to
some of the possible positive outcomes that can play through.
There are not many good things that I can come up with, the
bad outcomes outweigh the good like 200 to 2. I can't help
it, I don't have a lot of good interactions with men that I
can go of, remember most of my relationships were horrible so
it's not my fault that I don't have a lot of experience
dealing with the good things a relationship has to offer.
I finish my sandwich and my beer, but decide I am going to
drink one more beer and just relax a little before I make the
phone call. I also decide on holding off on the ice cream
until after the phone call, because more than likely I will
need some sort of comfort food to get me through the outcome
of the phone call. I also was going to take my beer and go
take a relaxing bath prior to calling Warren, even though I

don't have any bubble bath or oils to put in the tub I just
thought that it might be a good idea to meditate. But again,
I decide after the call I will do that with my bowl of ice
cream in hand, that will help me get over the doom that I am
sure I am about to face.
I take the beer and my phone over to the sofa and replay his
message 3 times on speaker before yelling at myself to stop
dragging my feet and to grow a set of balls and make the
fucking phone call already. I realize that I have not heard
back from my bully ever since I played that message on my
lunch break. Holy fuck Warren did you kill the enemy? Dam if
that is the case why the fuck didn't you run into me at least
a year ago? I tried to kill that bastard off numerous times
with obviously no success.
Well I think to myself here goes nothing as I press Warren and
the little phone to make the call as my adrenaline begins to
pump like I just ran a marathon. Here's to nothing I say out
loud as Brandi looks over at me as if to wish me luck.
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