Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2323652-Chapter-27
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2323652
Work in progress

As soon as I hear the first ring I disconnect the call, I got
to calm down this is fucking pathetic even for me. I am
acting like an immature teenager about to talk to the cute boy
in school for the first time, cut this out, you are fucking 24
years old not 14. I jump up with the remaining beer chugging
it down on the way to the kitchen, do a couple arm shakes and
continue to say to myself stop this, you are above acting like
this. I grab out the Jim Beam pour some into a shot glass,
grab another beer and pop it open. I chug the Jim Beam and
chase it with a long sip of beer, ugh that shit how do people
drink this crap and why is this like the 2nd shot I've done in
a matter of a week. This shit has been in my cabinet for
almost a year and I never touched it, Warren Davenport what in
the world are you doing to me?
I walk over to the sofa with my can of beer take a huge chug
and pick up the phone as I set the beer down on the end table.
Ok, I think as I am terrified out of my skin as my phone
begins to ring. Shit fuck it can't be dam it, I turn the
phone over to see the screen and see that Warren is calling me
back. Dam it, well you did call and let it ring once and hang
up what did you expect? I was hoping that maybe I was quick
enough that I hung up before it rang on his end, but
apparently, I wasn't that lucky obviously. I take a deep
breath and count to ten before I answer.
"Hello," I say as casually as my shaking body will allow me
to. "Hi Sophie, it's Warren is everything ok?" Crap, "yes
why do you ask?" I say trying to sound like I have no reason
to know why he is asking me that. "my phone rang three times
and when I went to answer it the call was disconnected. I was
just hoping you were ok, and it was just a bad signal, I
waited a few minutes to see if you would call back but when
you didn't I got a little worried." There he goes again
acting like me, but I don't act my feelings are real. His
feelings aren’t real they are just a good act of him showing
kindness and being worried when of course he isn't, not for me
anyway. He is such a fucking asshole does he really think I
am that dense that I would believe him. Like a guy with
everything that he possesses would give a rat's ass about
someone like me, well guess again Davenport this girl has been
around the block more times than she likes to admit and knows

better than to believe your pathetic act of caring. "oh, that
is because I went to call you and I was attempting to feed my
cat at the same time and ended up dropping her water dish all
over the floor, so I had to hang up to clean up the mess I
made. I'm sorry if I worried you, I figured it didn't ring on
your end because I only heard one ring on my end." That is
the best excuse I could come up with on such a short notice,
hope he buys it.
He claims, "oh, sorry to hear that. But I am glad you are ok
and glad you called. So, you have a cat? You said her what
is her name? Sorry I'm bombarding you with questions here, I
guess I'm just a little nervous." Ha, sure you are I think in
my head. Don't you think you are laying it on a little too
thick I mean come on you have to realize that this is getting
hard to buy.
I respond back "yes she, her name is Brandi, I rescued her
about 6 months ago from the shelter. She was just a little
fur ball, she was I think they told me a few weeks to a month
old when I got her. I love animals I always had a soft heart
for them and babies, those are two of my favorite things in
the world at least things that I can't eat." I say as I
giggle, childish I hear in my mind as I think oh Warren didn't
kill you, you are back, how convenient. I continue, "You
nervous, I find that very hard to believe that you would be
nervous. I mean you must be aware of how attractive you are
and probably have gorgeous women flocking to you at all
times." I couldn't let that go, it had to be said I am not
that fucking dumb as to believe you are nervous to talk to me,
but I hate myself for stating the rest of the things I just
inflated that already huge ego of his.
I hear him laughing and say "are you kidding me, first off I
do not find myself attractive at all, I am a run of the mill
average looking guy, and as for women flocking to me, no that
has never happened to me. It happens to Friends of mine all
the time, but no not me. I have had a rough time finding a
nice, good looking girl to even consider taking out on a date,
now a days they are all about themselves and what I can do for

them. It's about how much money I have, and how much you are
going to be spending on them and things they want. Then if
you don't have it or have the money and you just don't spend
it on them then you are not worthy of them. So, like I said
to you the day of the accident it was a nice change to come
across and attractive woman like you, who wasn't at my throat
and threatening to sue me for every dime I have because I
wrecked their car."
I am flabbergasted at his response, I am down right stunned,
again Warren has left me with my mouth hanging open and at a
loss for words. What is it about this man? I must have left
too much of dead air because he continues, "I'm sorry I may be
getting a little personal and be a little quick to share to
much unneeded information. That is one of my down falls, all
my friends have constantly told me that I share too much of
myself and let my heart come through loud and clear and that
is what attracts all the wrong girls. But I don't know how to
be someone I am not."
I am completely and utterly floored, I must think of something
to say and quick because I will never be able to find words if
he keeps on saying shit like that. Seriously either this man
is a one in the world kind of guy, or he is just good at
knowing how to say just the right shit and when to say it to
make you believe him. What the fuck, come on Sophie think.
I clear my throat, so he knows I am about to say something, as
soon as I can think of something to say. I come up with,
"Wow, I really am having a hard time believing that, I think
you are much more than a run of the mill guy." Fuck yep there
you go blowing up the ego. I continue with, "I can't imagine
that your friends have girls flocking to them, but you don't
have any. I cannot begin to imagine your friends are better
looking than you." I regret that the minute the words leave
my mouth and try to make a save, as I quickly state, " I mean
maybe it is that you intimidate the women, maybe they think
you are out of their league or they figure you must already be
involved with someone. I do know what you mean about dating,
I have had my fair share of fucked up relationships, and I too

am the same way with what I like to call wearing my heart on
my sleeve. My mom has always told me I have a way of
attracting all of the losers, like I am loser magnet or
something, that always made me feel good about myself." I
laugh and continue, "but I can see why I have had issues with
men but you, I just can't see you having a tough time dating."
He says, "well believe it because I do, I actually gave up
looking for a while, but when we had our accident I couldn't
let you escape. I just had this weird sense that you were
different, that there was just something that I can't explain
there between us. I'm sorry again I say too much you will
think I am fucking crazy, but I'm not. Then again I guess if I
were crazy I wouldn’t be admitting I am."
Unbelievable, I wonder if he really felt the same things that
I felt that day. Like when he touched my hand and how I felt
that there was some odd connection between us it's like he was
able to read my mind. I don't know if I should agree with him
or if that would just sound dumb, so I decide to keep that
secret a while longer and not tell him about the electricity
he sent up my arm when he touched my hand. I completely
ignore all that and respond, "That's interesting, so what did
you have in mind for tomorrow?" He tells me that he isn’t
sure what to plan for tomorrow and he wanted to talk to me
first and find out what kind of things I am interested in.
Then he would make plans.
We end up being on the telephone talking, laughing and
spilling our guts out to each other for over an hour and a
half, until I finally catch myself yawning into the phone and
he says that he should let me go I sound tired. I realize I
am disappointed and not ready to hang up with him. I am
utterly pissed off at myself, because I find myself really
falling for Warren Davenport to my utter disappointment. But
I can't help it, I just pray to God that he is really who he
is portraying to be and isn't just the best actor in the

We have decided that he will pick me up at noon and we will go
grab a quick bite to eat somewhere and then he said he will
plan something out, but he wants to surprise me. So, I have
no idea at all what he is planning for tomorrow. All I know
is he said that I gave him enough information on things that I
like to do and the food that I enjoy so that he can plan a
surprise day trip for me. I think to myself this really and
seriously is too good to be true.
I suddenly flash back to reality as I wonder if he was able to
get his truck back or if he got stuck with a clown car too. I
know I didn't see much damage at all if any on his truck, that
is what shocked me when they towed his truck off too. Oh well
I don't have to worry about it he must have some means of
transportation, after all he is picking me up and driving for
the day trip he is planning.
I go and jump in the shower and get ready for bed, I take
notice I have a huge smile on my face and I am so excited for
tomorrow. Shit, I have to figure out what I am going to wear,
it is early October and I know the weather man is calling for
abundant sunshine and I think the temperature is to be in the
high 60's to early 70's. Well I can try to figure out my
wardrobe after my shower, I am looking forward to jumping in
there and just letting our telephone conversation replay
through my mind. I need to try and find the slip ups that I
know he had to have made, like they say to be a liar you must
have a good memory, so you don't fuck up and forget your lie.
I realize that I can't remember any slip ups and he seemed so
honest, I really hate myself for thinking this but I think
Warren may just be a real deal, at least I hope he is because
I want to see that body without clothing and hear that sexy
voice whisper sexual sweet nothings into my ear while we are
having hot and wild sex together. I try to stop myself as I
feel myself going to the edge at just the fantasies of fucking
him, I can't imagine how it will feel to have him naked next
to me and to be able to kiss him and touch him. Sophie Marie
McIntosh stop this instant.

I get out of the shower before I begin touching myself and
don't ever want to come out. I throw on my oversized PJ's and
brush through my hair and go to my bedroom closet. I find a
cute out fit and an oversized sweatshirt that I can take along
just in case I need to have something a little warmer. I mean
I have no idea what this day trip is going to consist of, so I
figure my best bet is to go in layers, that way I have enough
to be warm, but I can also remove layers if I get too warm.
I lay out the clothing on the rocking chair in my room, pull
down the covers and jump into bed, hoping tonight's sleep
consists of happy dreams not nightmares like last night. How
can they be nightmares I think to myself when I am having
visions and fantasies flying around my head of a naked Warren
in bed with me fulfilling my every sexual need. I tell Brandi
goodnight, snuggle under my sheets and close my eyes.
Tomorrow is going to be a dream come true, I hope so anyways.
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