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Yoyo Brett Favre and his re-re-return to football...now last shot at glory corrupted?
Now an Archive:

(Let's see how the Mississippi scandal plays out before I can properly comment. not lookin' good, Brett.)

This blog chronicles the ups and downs since his tearful departure from Green Bay in early 2007 to his brief flirtation with the Jets to another renaissance in the land of 10,000 lakes. Little did I know this rollercoaster ride would have this many ups, downs and turns.

And then there were the accusations of a bounty on Favre in that NFC Championship game against the Saints. This blog is mostly an archive but will be updated from time to time. There's no chance he'll come out of retirement now? Favre is still the NFL's version of Elvis.

It's his 20th and likely final NFL season. Does the long trail end in Minnesota after one remarkable season? We wait again to see if Brett Favre is 'all in' for another Super Bowl run. Along the way, he still knows how to make headlines.

Reread and recall the events leading up til now.

It's on again...it's off again...now it's on with one last Super Bowl push in 2009-10 Stay tuned as the title of this blog changes with the mind of Brett Favre.}/hide}

Move forward? How about trudge forward, with the indignity that clasps about your indifferent ankles.

My old lead in...I had many purposes for this recent blog, but now it is devoted to the Brett Favre retirement saga and all the bull that Ted Thompson can fling at the wall to see what sticks.

Clearly, we've moved away from that since the Packers were bounced in the first round of the playoffs. They got schooled by the master Favre who lead the Vikings to the NFC North division title. Putting up the best stats of his careers, people keep waiting for him to run out of gas. As of this writing, he's heading into New Orleans.

Now, on to my bloggin' until this thing is done.

Who's the yo-yo (Favre) and who's the string (Packers)? And who is yanking my chain (?!)

I grew up in Upper Michigan and followed teams like the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Bucks and Brewers, because of the geography and what little sports programming the rabbit ears could pick up. But when I became a reader, sports took on all kinds of dimensions as I became a huge fan of Johnny Bench and the Cincinnati Reds or that college phenom 'Pistol' Pete Maravich.

I followed the Packers since their mediocrity in the post-Lombardi days before another legend was born with the Mississippi mudslinger Brett Favre. I unwittingly started blogging about him in the wake of his retirement and little did I know I would still be writing about him now.

I take aim at sports with a naive perspective, hopeful that the icons can still inspire little ones to follow the glory and dreams of tomorrow. I'd like to separate the intense media focus and remove the cynicism while avoiding the maudlin over-hype to see what's real and appreciable about players and sports today.

I don't know what I just said...*Laugh*but moving on...
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October 13, 2018 at 3:13pm
October 13, 2018 at 3:13pm

Makes about as much sense as anything.
March 23, 2017 at 9:49am
March 23, 2017 at 9:49am
Something I wrote July 9, 2008 that's probably posted here somewhere or a dead link....

I often drive by Brett Favre's Green Bay home. The other day, I noticed a landscaping crew caring for a nicely manicured lawn. My son asks as we drive by, who is the Packer's new quarterback? 'Rodgers. Aaron Rodgers,' I pronounce slowly. My son is seven. 'Do you think we could stop sometime and ask Brett Favre for his autograph?' I tell him it's not likely.

We never saw Favre outside the house during training camps or the regular season. Now that he's retired, we watch to see if a realtor sticks a sign in the ground. He likely can afford to keep the home anyway, and it probably comes in handy for his trips to and from Green Bay. He still has the upcoming Packer Hall of Fame dinner to attend. I had told my son about this, prompting yet another request to have a chance encounter with this person he hears so much about but has only briefly seen play.

No, the only time someone I knew had reported seeing Brett outside his Green Bay home was early on a Tuesday morning after the second or third game of the season. He was playing with his hunting dog, probably a beagle in the yard. My wife knows his neighbor who told her he had the dog flown up from Mississippi because he missed his hunting companion. The dog apparently wasn't content in Green Bay, and wound up back in Kiln during the season.

It must have been a lonely year. An old dog was learning new tricks, it seemed, hearing how Favre had to relearn his footwork from McCarthy. He apparently spent more time watching film and had to put in more time preparing for games. He likely paid a toll. He seemed to run out of gas in that playoff game against the Giants. A lot of people commented that wasn't like him, to just tank like that in a cold weather game. Others said, that's what they've come to expect from him in recent years. To choke. I wonder how that has been sitting with Brett.

He said he was retired. Now he wants to unretire. It's hard to figure out what led to all this. Did he feel obligated to give Ted Thompson and Mike McCarthy and the Packer organization a decision on another year and decided too early? Did he start to doubt himself after the way the Giants game panned out? He was that close to the Super Bowl again and maybe after the season he just decided he couldn't do it again. But then, wait. He's had some time now. Maybe, he's reconsidered what he has left and what he can still accomplish.

But it's likely the employer and not the employee that complicates the decision. The old dog that learned new tricks might feel he still has some more tricks in the bag. Is Thompson too stubborn to let Favre go out or come back on his own terms? Perhaps, he wants to make Favre jump through those hoops knowing he can wear the old quarterback down. Take the fun out of the game so he'll want to retire, so Thompson can look ahead with Rodgers and the future of the organization. Why in such a hurry?

It seemed they rushed a Favre retirement ceremony by making it the first game of this season. That puts a lot of pressure on Rodgers who would have to begin a new era. The rumors that Thompson wouldn't return a text message from Favre is being aired in the media. It makes me wonder who puts that information out there and for what reasons. Is Thompson being portrayed as indifferent to the star quarterback, to perhaps reveal what many may suspect? Has he been trying to shed the most beloved player in franchise history? Is Thompson really stonewalling last year's MVP in a world without Tom Brady?

A shareholders meeting is around the corner and Favre is scheduled to make a presentation on behalf of Frank Winters at the Packer Hall of Fame dinner. A lot has to happen in a short time, or this could become a messy divorce. And Packers fans might feel like helpless offspring watching their parents feud. Uniquely, the team is owned by shareholders, giving fans greater voice. Does this turn up the heat on Thompson to play his cards right? Because, it appears, now Favre and his camp are forcing his hand.

I think the Packer's may have been trying to nudge and now shove Favre out of the picture. And last season didn't show that he could still play? Isn't the team better with him rather than with that other guy? Who has been injured more, ironically it's Rodgers who's missed games while Favre was the starter. Of course, the Packers are better with Favre. And, doesn't he fire up those players, doesn't he lead? What is Thompson afraid of here? That Favre will show up? Why?

Brett Favre is money. You could say he generates more revenue for the organization, brings more attention to the franchise, and gives you a better shot at winning another title. Favre worked extra hard and took your team that close to the Super Bowl, and you stood by to watch him explode from carrying that enormous burden on his back? And now you, the Packer organization, want to call him a yo-yo too wishy-washy to know what he wants. If Favre had the appropriate time, he would have said he'd play again. And now, like some speculated, he will be back to play because he can. Ted Thompson, you have to do the right thing.

You can say it's Favre's fault you wasted two draft picks on quarterbacks. But, everything happens for a reason. Maybe, the ironman who's never missed a game could ironically go down in a heap. It just adds to the story, the legend, whatever happens. Don't give him the bum's rush. But if this is all a ploy by both sides to help Favre find a warmer environment so you won't have to explain a parting of ways to fans, shame on you all.

Talk to him. Find out what he wants. But you know, don't you. And I think he wants to know that you want him. But you don't want to let him think that any more. But he can play. He wants to play. He's forcing your hand and you can't trade him away, even though he would let you.

I hope you're vacation wasn't spoiled Ted. I hope you're rested and ready to answer questions for those shareholders. There are too many people to silence this time around. McCarthy could barely silence a room of kids at a recent fundraiser. I know what my son would say.

I think I'll drive by Brett's house a couple extra times next week. If my son is brave enough, I'll let him ask for that autograph. I would love to ask Brett to share what's on his mind. It would be nice to know what has been standing in his way. I don't begrudge him for announcing his retirement prematurely. We know too well the coming out of retirement stories. Like the George Foremans of the world, this is what old guys like me live for. One more shot at glory, to feel whole, to be doing something well that we love and to be admired for it.

"Who's Tampering With Whom?
"Packers Losing Me
"Packers Clean House-Favre Last On List

"Brett Favre Scandal After Retirement Yrs [E]
"Invalid Item

July 7, 2015 at 9:48pm
July 7, 2015 at 9:48pm
Profootballtalk.com is a website that echoes some of the stories around the sports world on the NFL. They ran a blurb on Favre's comments regarding his split from the team in 2008. Link here: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/07/07/brett-favre-realizes-he-shares-s...

Most commenters at the post are still bitter and not fond of the quarterback, who says he takes some of the blame for his departure, but lack perspective. I added my own comment to illuminate:

"What made Favre want to retire year after year was feeling management wasn't putting him in the best position to win (or protect him). He wanted to go out on top. He wanted to bring Green Bay another Super Bowl win. What's wrong with that?

Is he supposed to shrink in the shadows? No player who has given as much to the game, to his team wants to be ushered out the door that way. Bitter? Want to help others teams beat the Packers? Is it so unusual to have those feelings?

He's saying what he is saying now because he is trying to mend fences. They're about to retire his number. It's water under the bridge. Get over it and go back to remembering how electric he was and how he made the Packers relevant again. And know, he is human and was put on a pedestal. Better to have an overblown ego than none."

I only judge Favre the player, not the man. I think we get too personal with the lives of athletes and those details should be saved for memoirs when their playing days are done. It's hard to enjoy any sport nowadays because journalists pry too much and we have to be reminded what ridiculous amounts of money players make, making me wonder if we love money more than the game we adored as children.

February 17, 2014 at 8:42pm
February 17, 2014 at 8:42pm
April 4, 2012 at 4:13pm
April 4, 2012 at 4:13pm
Though his last day at Lambeau hasn't come (and time will tell for sure), this upcoming documentary intrigues me as to how the biographers will depict Brett Favre's final days in the NFL. Here is an early review of "Last Day at Lambeau" that caught my attention today...


I have my trepidations about rehashing the past if this documentary is skewed from the perspective of angry fans. It's okay if it's balanced and doesn't blame Favre for his exit from Green Bay. It seems the focus was always on his reservations for his future and last acts as a Packer and Viking -- anything that serves the argument for those who choose to ignore how one man resurrected the franchise with his play on the field.

He proved his worth in the 2009 season. You can't discount that he wasn't done. Ted Thompson failed Packer fans as much, if not more, than Favre. He orchestrated his quarterback's exit behind the scenes and covered his trail in the aftermath, feeding Favre to the angry mob.

Brett didn't have the reigns on the team. No one brings to account the coach and GM for failing to beat the eventual Super Bowl winner.

I think a documentary that sheds truth of what went down behind the scenes is what's needed. Reliving it from the perspective of those that have no control might just serve to further the frustration and angst.
March 22, 2012 at 3:53pm
March 22, 2012 at 3:53pm
Bounty-gate Justice

The New Orleans Saints and all connected with the 'bounty-gate' conspiracy were taken to the wood shed in the worst way by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. It won't change the outcome of the 2009 Conference Championship (played in 2010) that likely would have gone the way of Brett Favre's team and their rightful place in the Super Bowl that year.

Favre's ankle was messed up and the 2010 season was a fiasco that exploded, imploded and blew up every which way in the faces of everyone connected to the Minnesota franchise. Brett Favre aught to be pretty sore at the Saints' organization that he reportedly rooted for in his youth.

Some are now saying the penalty is too severe. Not severe enough, I say. Head hunting is one thing, but going behind the league's back and deliberately disobeying the rule compounds the severity of their crimes that went on for three years. Current and former players are now pointing fingers at snitches, while angered that something that has been 'going on' for so long is being dealt with so severely.

This is a wake up call, because the league is changing direction. With the severity of injuries that claim people every day, you must now know that what you sign up for when you play is not to have someone tear your head off and take you out of a game. That's dirty pool. Do unto others NFL ballers or you will be done unto by the commish.

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow opted for the New York Jets and may have a shot at redemption, even though his only true redeemer is in the heavens...vigilant.

I would have blogged about this subject right after Manning was signed by Denver, but too many other thoughts consume this head. If I had written what I had been saying to my wife, "Watch, they'll trade him so fast it will make your head spin." Timing was important. They got him out the door the day the big news broke on the Saints' punishment.

I feel that Manning might have a shelf life of about one year, if that. Elway and Manning both know it, even though other teams courted but failed to win the services of the future hall of fame QB. It's the right fit, because Manning can take it easy behind that offensive line that will protect him and open up holes for the NFL's leading rushing offense. He can pick teams apart in the thin air of Denver with speedy wide receivers he can toss to when teams load up to stop their rushers.

Someone said Manning may have seen what Tebow did with that team and likely feels he can exploit it the way only he knows how. So it is appropo (sp.?) that Tebow got to choose the Jets with a coach who might be miffed he was rebuffed by Manning in the recent sweepstakes for the signal caller. Rex Ryan will roll the dice on Tebow and ground and pound the ball with a defense that can back up an anemic offense and shove it in Manning's face, should he get a chance to come to call. That's provided current Jet's quarterback Mark Sanchez screws up and the fans start chanting for Tebow Time!

Manning's injury is so cautionary, it reminds me how he will dive to the ground anytime a pass rusher gets near. He will not take chances this coming season. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't make it through the season or into next year. Question is, can he start the season? We kept hearing last year that the Colt's expected him to suit up and then it never happened. All this talk about nerve regeneration raises an eyebrow...or two.

I heard one person in Manning's camp say, if he had to, Peyton could play a game today. Are you hearing that? Because, I'm hearing just one game. I think they know the grind of a 16 game season, and add to that mini camps, training and preseason, will take it's toll. I hear them say people who put their heads into the line of scrimmage have come back from these kinds of neck injuries. What? And risk paralysis? Manning is worth more on his two legs than as a parapalegic. I wouldn't risk the current and future endorsements, if I were him.

Better bubble wrap that quarterback.

My bottom line on this: Manning is doing Elway a favor. Peyton idolizes the legendary former Bronco's QB. He could have chose other teams to go to where he had a chance with win right away...San Fran, Houston, Tennessee, even the Jets. I think it is the safest bet that doubles as an opportunity for Elway to jettison the Tebow circus and send it to the brights lights, big city.

It was heard all season that Elway could never accept Tebow's style of play and could never imagine molding him into the type of quarterback that he envisioned as the new Bronco's GM. He was brought in because the organization as a whole wanted to go in another direction. Tebow was supposed to look foolish when they 'unleashed' him and put him on the field for fan's chanting his arrival. Miracles happened. It was divinely intervened. The Bronco's management fanned the flames and the fire roared so bright, they could only sit back and take in the warmth.

They owe that kid a huge debt of gratitude, because Peyton Manning came calling to show he can do that boy one better. Only time will tell. Elway was a mistake as GM. The Bronco's gave up on the future too quickly, maybe as far back as the firing of the man who had the faith in the greatest college football player of all time, arguably.

I also believe the league does not believe in Tebow. He could ruin the game today that relies on big offense to inspire fans, inspire fantasy leagues. If Tebow wins ugly, how to equate that? They already have ticket and merchandise sales. They need to crack the fantasy markets and all the outsiders that pulls in.

So, yeah. I'll take the conspiracy as high as the owners who only want to see Tebow as a side show...sell tickets, sell jerseys and look pretty for the camera. Then they will trade him to another team for a bag of peanuts and the next franchise that needs a new stadium or to avoid blackouts in their market can do the same. But wait, Tebow chose Rex Ryan and the Jets. Though it appears they could be trying to profit like they did when they reeled in Brett Favre, Ryan is the kind of guy who seems most likely to stick it to the man.

Tebow may have been persuaded by Rex to choose his team, but it was a choice that also acknowledges 'I have a chance to prove them wrong.' He can stick it to Elway, critics, the entire league, and have the motivation to prove everyone wrong. And if he saves a few souls along the way, it's all good.

March 8, 2012 at 4:43pm
March 8, 2012 at 4:43pm
Historical perspective is what I am getting with the 'divorce' of Peyton Manning from the Indianapolis Colts and how this equates and does not equate with the messy break up that was Brett Favre and the Green Bay Packers.

Let me start by saying people in the media have no clue when it comes to labeling these trending sports stories. Add 'gate' and you have some burgeoning scandal as with the current investigation into bounties on football players, or when the New England Patriots got caught cheating. So, labeling Manning's departure from the Colts isn't so neatly wrapped up in a irreconcilable separation of spouses. These were never equal partners. Nor was the situation with Favre, or for any player leaving a team for that matter.

Never forget the sports franchise makes the decision...holds all the cards, if you like your metaphors. And here's one more...

This is like a corporation with stockholders getting rid of someone like a CEO. Was this contractually employed leader (Manning) doing great things to make the investors (fans) happy and financially supportive of the company's (Colts') fiscal results (wins and losses)? (just a hypothetical) You could break it down more and say the founder (Irsay) has all the clout but must make the best decisions as jury and executioner (sorry mixing metaphors) to keep people in the 'court of public opinion' happy.

No metaphor is perfect for making sense of how these behind doors negotiations that sports pundits and insiders can't seem to pin down. (you could get as much wisdom from a body language expert than the dozens of experts employed by ESPN alone)

Green Bay's situation, though seemingly democratic with actual shareholders, is as autonomous as any other sports franchise when handling an employee like Favre. The Packers front office still had to work through the back channels to get public opinion on their side, pushing their quarterback out of the picture over a period of time (with Aaron Rodgers in the wings). Remember, they hired a spin doctor to help them clean up their mess.

Jim Irsay was a walking mess who tried to put a spin on his own situation with Manning. It was obvious all the while he was getting rid of his future hall of fame quarterback. With the Packers mistakes no doubt fresh in his mind, Irsay bumbled about proffering his puffy red nose to any media members anxious to drink up his tweeter feeds and other cukoo cawcawings. He could not balance on that high wire with the media and other know-it-alls shouting, "You're gonna fall!" (way too many metaphors to track, spinning out of control)

Favre held only one trump card -- retirement. He threatened to play it because the Packers ultimately had stacked the deck and called his bluff. Their game all along was to get him out of the picture so Rodgers could take the helm. Whether you liked Favre as your quarterback or not, it was never up to the fans if he would remain. Only the brainwashed set believed they skewered the old QB and ran through town, hoisting his head about on a stick to this day.

The Packers edge has been holding all the media field passes and maintaining a century long tradition in one little Wisconsin community where people bleed green and cheese. A majority of fans were hearing that Favre was a washed up malcontent who was as good as his last pass in the NFC Championship loss to the eventual Super Bowl winner. Maybe some of his teammates bought into this, as well. Whether he deserved better or not is and was moot, because it is a business conducted in public with deceptive practices.

We'll never know a tenth of what went down behind closed doors, as is the case with Manning. Ultimately, his health was the playing card. Irsay decided it was time to rebuild, keep $28 million in his pocket and made sure Manning knew it. The founder was willing to let the CEO take his talents to another company with a chance to end his career on a high note without repercussion, ultimately bowing to the court of public opinion.

The Packers only offered Favre the door and eventually a severance package, if he promised never to work again. He opted to rub the Packers noses in it and nearly went out on top. The 2009 season for Favre was such a difficult, unpredictable act that nearly became a storybook ending (if not for 'bountygate', if you believe that). But, this isn't fiction or fantasy, but reality. Yet, there is some poignancy in the quarterback's ironic ending that year.

Peyton Manning and the Colts are learning from the Packers and Brett Favre. It's still a tangled web, just a more sophisticated one that fans can more easily consume. Or, because the two situations are not as similar as they seem and Irsay could not dictate how fans should feel about the inevitable 'divorce' he was planning.

We can accept that what happened in Indy was 'amicable' and something in hindsight Favre and the Packers can learn from when it comes time to retire the number four jersey. Perhaps, starting with saying 'we wish we had done things differently,' beginnting with the organization's actual and current CEO Mark Murphy.

Let's start mending those fences now and end any animosity you started.

March 6, 2012 at 8:12am
March 6, 2012 at 8:12am
Did the Saints cheat and should they be stripped of their Super Bowl title?

Could the Green Bay Packers have fed the kitty to up the ante on their so-called 'traitor'?

I have to take this blog out of retirement...

A bounty? The Saints needed to get an edge somehow to defeat Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings and giving the defense extra financial incentives appears to have tainted the outcome of the 2009 NFC Championship game.


Darren Sharper, Favre's old Packers teammate claims no such bounty existed. Yet, it's reported that the Saint's Jonathon Vilma offered 10 grand to anyone who knocked the quarterback out of the game.

My initial feelings watching that game were that the Saints were coming on every play and they would hit Favre even if they didn't need to. On a hand off to Adrian Peterson? Going high low on Favre could have been cheap, but you don't know that the players hitting him simultaneously knew the other was zeroing in on that play.

My feelings were the protection wasn't as good as it should have been. And, once it was known the Saints were blitzing, other plays should have been called to alleviate the pressure and to make the opponent pay for over aggressiveness.

Despite their efforts, Favre could not be done in. A testament to his durability, though that game likely shortened his career. It's not possible to make a case for Favre's game ending pick on the Saints' assault, but one has to wonder the outcome if the officials caught more of the cheating and the Sean Peyton's team were forced to call off the heat.

NFL rules dictate no bounties. Bounties that inspire dirty play or to harm another player is below the belt and should not be tolerated. It's unfortunate the impact that game has likely had on Favre's chances to write a storybook ending to his career. The Saints had a formula that worked for them that year. In hindsight, it should be stripped from them like an NCAA team that grossly ignored the rules.

Favre's comments on this subject are eye-opening. As a quarterback, he's not unaware their have been headhunters out there during his career. He just never imagined it would get as dirty as it did during his last shot at the Super Bowl. Though, he should not be really surprised. But, I don't blame him if he is hurt that a friend like Sharper may have resorted to that, and maybe that is why his former teammate is in denial while everyone else is blowing their whistles.

Now, something else to consider. What if the Packer's organization pitched into that pool of money to see Favre dumped on his butt? The motivation to see him fail would have been great. He was very close to succeeding that year. I don't know if the investigation will ever uncover that, unless former Packer teammates wanted to see Favre fail and a name or two surfaces for adding to the ante. The league, however, isn't likely go after another organization, if the Pack was involved somehow in motivating the Saints' players. They have the necessary culprits clearly in their scopes to make an example of, and then we will likely not hear about this subject once the media gets tired of beating this story into the earth.

I'm sure the league would like to be done with the lame named 'bounty gate' and see the matter go away.

But first, they delve deeper...

January 28, 2012 at 3:12pm
January 28, 2012 at 3:12pm

Hopefully, Packer fans will get a little historical perspective in the coming months as Colts owner Jim Irsay moves his chess pieces into position in hopes of removing $28 million from his payroll enroute to a big draft day.

Peyton Manning might have the savvy to deal with a Twitter mouthpiece like Irsay. Brett Favre spoke his mind (but not in the press) and was shown the door. Irsay seems to have less of a foothold than the Packers had in removing their Hall of Fame QB.

Packer fans should appreciate what Favre meant to Green Bay the way Colts' fans will remember Manning, who will undoubtedly retire (in the eyes of this reporter). Three neck surgeries and 20 months since he last took a snap on the field of play is one thing. Getting doctors to sign off on a head that has been fused to its spine is quite another.

Manning should retire a Colt. Irsay knows Manning will likely never play again and has no designs in playing elsewhere. He does owe Manning some money for all his years of service, so Peyton will just stay pat until his roster bonus comes due in March and then we'll see if he decides it's time to embark on a broadcasting career.

Favre wanted the Packers to add some pieces so they could make one last run for one last hurrah. The team's GM, president and coach decided it was time to rebuild rather than savor past glory with the guy who could have remained a marketable part of the team's lore.

The Packers have a great team now and the potential for many Super Bowl titles with Aaron Rodgers at the helm. But with teams looking for head coaches and willling to spend cash on their players in free agency, can GM Ted Thompson work another miracle and draft the right pieces to keep his team in contention or has the hot streak ended?

Me thinks another Super Bowl will not be as easy as the one the won last year when they caught teams by surprise and got on a hot streak that extended into this year before the New York Giants ironically dashed their dreams of showing why getting rid of Favre was a good thing.

We'll never know what Favre could have done in Green Bay if he had stayed through 2009, but it could have been better than what he did with two teams in the Jets and Vikings that saw quite a bit of success since he's passed through their doors.

January 19, 2011 at 1:12am
January 19, 2011 at 1:12am
I finally grew tired of tracking his season, his career and will make this my last entry.

There's no use trying to be an apologist or find ways to shine a light on his career. If he comes back somehow next year, I might see a reason to resurrect this blog. But finite.

November 21, 2010 at 3:37pm
November 21, 2010 at 3:37pm
He gave it his all and it hasn't been good enough of late.

Brett Favre can step aside now knowing he's been bested by father time and not feel ashamed. Most people his age cannot say they've achieved as much.

Ironic that it is the Green Bay Packers, the team that spurned him, who are helping close the door(again) on a great career. They paid a great price for sending him to the showers too early.

Favre ultimately pays the price with his body and his legacy, though the latter should remain in tact. No one will forget the great memories and the love of the game. But there is little of that to savor now.

Favre should be the one who decides to step aside and let the Vikings find out what they have going forward the rest of this season. I would support an abrupt exit to his Mississippi home to reclusively mend and look to more time with his grandchild.

No shame in saying 'no mas'. Many would have been counted out on the canvas long ago.

Thanks for the memories Mr. Favre. The hall awaits you.

November 16, 2010 at 7:40am
November 16, 2010 at 7:40am
Where do you find the motivation to move on?

It seems like the season is lost, three games back in the division. Brett Favre has a host of injuries and it seems like the Vikings had spent their last gasp on that comeback against the Arizona Cardinals.

The chant for the coaches head will be unanswered yet another week with the Packers coming to town. There is nothing that can seem to give this team a rallying cry going into their next home game.

What a somber scene it will be. Will the team play with pride or fold up like the Dallas Cowboys under their former coach Wade Phillips.

A win = a glimmer of hope. Will this team band together one more time and show what they are capable of?
November 3, 2010 at 4:07pm
November 3, 2010 at 4:07pm
Brett Favre knows what he had in Randy Moss, even if Brad Childress does not appreciate the ex-ex-Minnesota Viking receiver. Favre weighed in at his Wednesday presser...


It's likely Favre was the object of Childress' ire because he was forcing the ball to Moss in previous games. It's likely the head coach could not phathom how to use number 84 or appreciate how the rest of the offense improved while he was dogging it out on the field.

Favre plays better with the short game, but that does open up more with a receiver like Moss. Without Sydney Rice ready to reprise his role as a down field threat, look for Adrian Peterson to handle more of the load in the next few games.

Could it be Childress was sending something of a message to his quarterback by getting rid of Moss? I think in part, maybe. He couldn't take a stand against Favre directly, so maybe he got his attention with putting his best receiver on waivers.

That's not coaching.

On the other front, what if Moss was nothing more than a Belichek plant the whole time. Moss comes in before the two teams square off and then starts waxing poetic about his ole New England teammates after the Vikings third consecutive loss with the receiver.

He dogs it, acts like an ass and lowers his stock value so much, maybe he figures no team will take a chance on him. Minnesota gave up a third round pick for a receiver who was going to the highest bidder next year anyway. Perhaps, he figures he can wind up back in New England. If he does, I smell a rat...or rat turds since that's all he's left behind in the Vikings clubhouse.

Childress is not off the hot seat...

November 2, 2010 at 8:12am
November 2, 2010 at 8:12am
It wasn't the fantasy pairing many thought it would be and now it is apparently over. With a quick trigger, the Minnesota Vikings coach Brad Childress has apparently sent Randy Moss to some other team's showers.


He may have been out of line and a divisive element in Minnesota, but it makes you wonder why the need for a quick exit when the team so desperately needed a receiver while Sydney Rice rehabbed from his surgery and is still not ready to come back.

The fact that Moss didn't his the waivers the day the news broke out and reports that the team's owner Zygi Wolfe was none too pleased having with the announcement got people talking about an early demise for Childress who is in an unenviable position.

Waiting for this thing to sort itself out and almost wondering with all this drama for the Vikings if Moss' release is water under the bridge with a season nearly lost at 2-5 and the many injuries decimating this team. It doesn't appear Childress has been able to coach the team out of this mess.

And while it's reported some teammates were livid with the decision, some approved...


Either way, the Vikings are a mess. You know what you are getting when you send away a third round pick for Moss. How do you not manage this situation better? They were desperate and they likely thought Moss would flourish with Favre. And when the team lost three straight and Moss used his entitlement with the team to create an uncomfortable nature, enough was enough.

Childress is walking a tight rope with this decision. Many are still alienated. The future for Moss is curious, too. It almost feels like New England coach Bill Belichek dropped him off in Minnesota before their face-off just to get an edge. But even more so, knowing he might get Moss back when it was all said and done. Well see what happens with the waiver process.

October 30, 2010 at 6:39am
October 30, 2010 at 6:39am
October 29, 2010 at 7:49am
October 29, 2010 at 7:49am

This would be a mistake and Childress is taking his job in his own hands if they don't get a win against the Patriots on Sunday.

Most NFL analysts have said that a hobbled Favre beats two Tavaris Jackson's in the bush. Favre has played through similar injuries and has played great. You can start him and the worst that could happen is that you may see a need to sit him down if he doesn't perform.

It's a must win game and Favre still needs work with his reassembled receiving corps. It's conceivable that plays for Jackson could spell Favre and keep him from blitz packages if there is a concern he won't be able to elude the pressure.

Favre is out of that walking boot already and it's been said the double fractured ankle was a stretch and that it was more of an ankle sprain than anything else. Doctors have told Favre he could play without risk of further injury.

Don't be any idiot coach. You brought this guy in to do a job, let him finish it.

Aha! Subterfuge...


October 21, 2010 at 7:40pm
October 21, 2010 at 7:40pm
I'm trying to figure out if the NFL is really serious about getting to the bottom of these allegations against Brett Favre? What is his crime if sexual harassment charges are not being pursued?

The victim in this is Favre's wife, first and foremost. Does the NFL investigate infidelity? And to what degree has he cheated on Deanna? It gives me pause to wonder why this investigation is still in the headlines after NFL reps talked to Favre on Tuesday.

Favre had nothing to say about what was said behind closed doors and now it's reported the league wants to talk to the central figure, Jenn Sterger and also the website 'Deadspin' that displayed photos and cell messages Favre allegedly left the woman.

Sterger did an about face and has not cooperated with the NFL to date. And she is apparently up against it with statute of limitations about to expire on filing sexual harassment. And now she has lawyered up with a criminal defense attorney? Is it too little too late for a woman who is looking more like an extortionist rather someone who could just be out with the details and put this thing to rest.

It's likely she may have been a willing participant, and looking for a payday to keep her silence ala Tiger Woods' mistresses. And why didn't she hire the woman who represented the women who received hush money from the pro golfer? Could it be that Gloria Allred wouldn't take Sterger as a client?

To me it appears what looks like infidelity charges in the midst of an important season is enough to pressure Favre's camp into cutting a fat check. And it's likely Favre and his wife have a unified front, as she is ready to go into the public arena and promote her book in front of national media. Will she field questions about the alleged infidelity? Likely no, but agreements between interviewer and interviewee have been broken before. But it's a public relations risk if 'Good Morning America' or 'Fox & Friends' try to pull a fast one on Thursday.

Now, you might think Favre's wife should go Elin Woods on him. But we don't know exactly how they are dealing with this and more specifically what he has done that might be wrong. What I'm reminded of is an old adage my mom used with my dad, "He can look, but he can't touch."

As a kid I thought my mom would be offended as dad ogled a woman here and there. Apparently, they had an agreement and a solid foundation for their marriage. What have Brett and Deanna agreed to? 'You can text but you can't touch'?

A lot of people are trying to compare Favre to Ben Rothelisberger because of a pending NFL investigation that could lead to a suspension under the league's personal conduct policy. What Rothelisberger is accused of was heinous and could have brought about rape charges. There were reports of physical activity that included having sex with a woman against her will in a bathroom stall.

Favre may have gotten caught up in a game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." That might have been a bit more than my mom would have tolerated, but given Favre's high profile status and background, his wife may be more accepting of this behavior. And if she puts up with this kind of misbehavior, she may find herself under the microscope for not having Elin's scruples.

It is rather seedy and unwanted for a fan like me to be exposed to all these reports, paraded about like newsworthy stuff when it's all speculative. The media is too nosy and needs to let the system sort this all out. I for one would like Sterger to get a black eye for her passive attempts to sully Favre's name to make a name for herself.

October 15, 2010 at 4:58am
October 15, 2010 at 4:58am
Should I have added a question mark to the title of this blog entry?

Just as I want to lure eyes to read what this is about, isn't it possible Brett Favre and the Vikings want to create a little doubt for their upcoming opponent in the Cowboys? Anything to get an edge on a dangerous team that is 1-3 like Minnesota and seeing their playoff hopes dwindle.

But, PFT reports there is the real possibility Favre could sit out on Sunday. Really? I'm supposed to buy this?


There's enough to create some doubt and confusion and maybe Cowboys's coach Wade Phillips will buy into this. But no way does his team prepare to see Tavaris Jackson at quarterback. If anything, Favre will start and try to see how favre he can go. I think once he gets going, he has no notion of exiting until he's got his team favre enough ahead.

Some annoying word play, I know. But it's Favre's way. His ego is too big. If this scandal with the former Jet's sideline reporter wasn't hanging over his head, I'd say this story about him not starting doesn't surface.

Favre's camp would like you to stop focusing on that case and start worrying about his injury. He could be playing the sympathy card or just trying to deflect attention away. Reporters will be loading up questions about tendonitis instead of the scandal and maybe the story is forced to the back pages instead of the headlines.

Favre may be masterful at more than quarterbacking a football team. He's playing the media and his opponent by creating this diversion. What if...his arm really doesn't bother him as bad as he says. I saw how hard he threw the ball in the Monday night tilt against the Jets...and then hold his arm for lining up and unleashing another bullet. It could be that there was some minor pain there, but maybe he was setting up reporters to lob him some questions after the game about his arm and start moving discussions in another direction?

To us, this is clever. A cunning and calculated move that a wry ole country boy gunslinger would come up with to the appreciation of some adoring fans. Now, if LeBron James pulls a simliar ploy, he's reviled as a phony and a quitter.

There's something more Machiavellian about Favre. Maybe, more simply, it's like telling a white lie after a whopper of an allegation, where the NBA superstar apparently made up an injury so he could leave one team for another. Favre is making a ploy that also helps his team and those who support him. The court of public opinion, like a pendulum, will sway back in his favor in a way that Tiger Woods will likely envy.

Favre can court favor and be forgiven more easily than any other. He's just like Elvis. Maybe it's something about these charismatic boys from Mississippi. What does his wife Deanna think of all this? The scandal will either bring them closer or drive a wedge between them. I'm guessing when she married him, she knew what she was in for. They've been through a lot together before this. And maybe this is a knock on her, but perhaps she had other motives when she married Favre.

Knowing Favre's background, including an incident I have third hand knowledge of involving a drunk driving mishap in his front yard, it's pretty safe to say Deanna Favre knows what hand she was dealt when she said 'I do.' She might be hearing what other women think when she doesn't blink and moves forward with her marriage...which I think will be the case. I think Elin Woods set the bar too high for other high-profile spouses to follow.

October 12, 2010 at 10:00pm
October 12, 2010 at 10:00pm
There is speculation there is a silver lining in Monday night's near comeback against the New York Jets that fell flat after Brett Favre failed to connect with Percy Harvin before the interception that essentially ended the game.

Favre dug deep in his bag and pulled out a near miracle in the second half, finding that missing passing game now that Randy Moss is in the line-up. Whether it be his 500th career TD pass to number 84 or the two he threw to Harvin, it was suddenty clicking. And that meant leaving Adrian Peterson out of the mix. Throwing only 7 passes in the first half produced nothing on the scoreboard.

It's being said Moss needs to learn the offense, but his go-routes alone may be opening up the middle of the field for receivers who run underneath. The Jets only put one defender on him, but that luxury is not available for many other teams who will likely devote two defenders most of the time.

Something lit a fire under Favre in that second half. He looked desperate to win and like many of the great ones, showed that tendonitis and bad ankles will not slow him when the adrenaline is pumping.

This business of a scandal involving a former Jets employee suddenly becoming front page news was perfectly timed for the Jets. I wondered why, since this story has been circulating since August. Check PFT for the original details and compared to the rehashed stuff now.


Why did the NFL wait until now to investigate when this was under everyone's nose all along? I think it was because the Jet's organization pushed the agenda.

Jen Sterger may have been used as a pawn to create this distraction going into Monday night's game. The timing of the thing couldn't be better. The headlines even go as far as wondering if this will end Favre's streak instead of injury or retirement or a flat out benching. I say no.

This seemed like a ploy, whether or not rumors were true. The Jets were unusually quiet going into this week and all the commentators talked about how strange/ironic that was. It could have been because the team may have harrassed a female reporter just a month ago and they didn't want that to resurface. And why didn't it?

For comparison's sake, it might not be unusual for NFL teams to treat women like objects. Look at cheerleaders and their uniforms and the types of routines they do now that would even make some of the most liberal parents avert their childrens' eyes. Female massage therapists were also linked to alleged misbehavior on Favre's part. I can only imagine what uses these organizations might employ women for and wonder if that could be explored more. In short, I'm implying misogynistic behavior is cultivated in these environments.

Favre is no choir boy and the biggest wonder is how his wife Deanna is handling all of this. That should be the only court of opinion that matters. This should not be a Tiger Woods-like witch hunt. Am I'm thinking the NFL media will be much kinder because reporters want to keep their press/field passes.

I'm sure the league will not get help from Sterger unless someone gives her incentive to come forward to tell her story. Who with enough clout could get her to do it? Those that would benefit would be NFC North division opponents. The NFL doesn't want their poster boy tarnished anymore. And there's another way of looking at this.

Many fans may like the good ole boy mentality, the gunslinger who doesn't abide by the rules. The story of one with a libidinous appetite for life who can shake things off with a wink and a grin. They haven't pulled his Wrangler commercials that were clearly evident Monday from the outset. There is something about him that will make fans want to root for him more, rather than less after this. And to assure this happens, he and the Vikings have to play well from here on out.

So it all hinges on Moss and what he brings to the table that will help this team. And don't forget that Sydney Rice returns mid-season giving Minnesota ample ammunition to annihilate the rest of the league and go on to the Super Bowl. It's not over, even after a 1-3 start in a weak division.

And now the angle we all could see coming...


and Ditka tersely weighs in...


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