So playing the trombone wasn't getting me in enough trouble? |
It's been a crazy start to June! It all started when I lost a day or rather tried to do the same day twice, thankfully Quilli ☕ was quick to rush coffee and cookies my way and got me back on track! On the job front, the school year is winding down. Instrumental music lessons have stopped so that we aren't pulling kids out of class during review weeks. My two Music Theory sections are in review for Regents Final in Music Theory 2 and Independent Study for Theory One, working on their final project. As of this morning, all of the Director/Chairpeople positions have been filled, we are now filling the openings at the teaching level we created filling the supervisory jobs. I am happy to say that for three out of four of the supervisory jobs we stayed in house, only the Librarian Technology position is a new to the district hire. Today formal offers will go out to the six regular positions, after that I can put this task to bed. It has been decided that we are having a full scale graduation, limiting only audience size to four attendees per graduate. Because of continued state mandates, masks will be required, there is already push-back. Not my problem. I'm just the trombone player in charge of the tunes, on that note, I will be conducting both the band and choir for this year's ceremony in honor of my pending retirement. As for retirement, in 23 days, I'm a free man. Which is weird to contemplate. I am looking forward to more of this; Beauty and the Beast Pit Orchestra — Richard ~ Merry, Merry on Percussion. ...I'm only the trombone player! |