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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/110643-Have-you-had-a-break-today-03-06-01
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #165682
This is my [somewhat] daily journal!
#110643 added May 31, 2001 at 2:24pm
Restrictions: None
Have you had a break today? [03-06-01]
Well.. last night was not good. I went to work, and did my shift. That was fine. It was a little boring..and time just dragged on and on..but I need the money. (To pay off the Vash Glasses, and my PS2)..

When I got off, I found out that my mother's father (my grandfather) was in a coma. He had to have heart surgery, and while in the surgery..he suffered a stroke. They say that those who have surgeries like that wake up after 2 hours.. it has been almost a full day. He is still not awake. There is a chance he will die..

After I finally got home, I just chatted to Matt and Chauncey. After doing that, I was going to play a match with Tolan (in Quake 3) but there was too much lag, so it was futile. I just went to bed instead.

For some reason, I thought I had to be on my feet at 9, so I figured i'd get up early to be on the computer. Turns out, I didn't have to WAKE UP until 10:00. Blah. Awake so early. Not cool. Anyway, I did get on the computer.. and had some donuts for breakfast..

Mom decided to take us all to McDonald's to eat breakfast. Of course, I had already had donuts..so I wasn't hungry. While there, I picked up a copy of the grill test, that I will have to teach & give out later this afternoon. We came back home..

-Until School-
Sat around.. watched a little bit of TV. I heard (on the news) that some freshman in California shot a bunch of people in his school. What is this world coming to? I used to never fear coming to school, or going places..but now.. everywhere you go, there is a chance you'll be shot, mugged, or just beaten. These are the "end times" I suppose..

-Arrival @ school-
I arrived early. I started to go into the main building, but was pushed back outside and was informed to "go to the gym." I went to the gym. NO ONE was there. I don't understand it. -_-; Anyway.. After I finally heard the bell, I just went to class. I don't know if I was suppose to or not, but it seemed to work alright.

Mr. House, and Jared Reeves were in here. They were working on a bat script for the server. I decided to help im out ^.^ Easy, Easy!

It was still pretty empty, so Jared and I just sat around and talked while Mr. Rackler and Mr. House wandered off somewhere. Matt FINALLY arrived.. and began to type something. Towards the end of the period I went out and talked to him, and at the last minute, he sent me a continuation of the play.

*RW turns to the door and exits.*

End of Scene1

Act1: Scene2

*RW enters a medium-sized classroom. He looks to a corner of the room and sees the computer he came to fix. The teacher's not there so he walks over and begins his work*

RW: "Why dost this burden fall on me alone?
That to insanity i be prone.
Why the sky turn such a somber gray?
A reveloution against the beautiful day.
And as i sit alone and work,
i question and i fear their quirk."

*the door opens and Jenni-dono enters the room. She begins to approach RW*

Funny, eh? I think its getting interesting. hehe. When there is a little more, i'll convert it into script format, and upload it somewhere. It will be rather spiffy.

WEeeeeeEEeee... I did NOTHING. I watched Jared play Mine Sweeper, and I talked to Megan a little bit. That's about it. The bell rang, just as Rackler asked me to go get his food... well, I got his food anyway..

I ran back to the room as quick as I could. I found Chauncey inside, waiting. We decided to play SOF, since there was nothing else to do. I beat them all horribly. I ended up with 28 points. Randel ended up with 20, Chauncey had 3, and Carl (a new guy) ended up with 0. The bell rang..and it was time for 6th!

Samething.. as I..always..do. I just sat around... I drew a little bit.. I think I should have worked on my grill class materials, but I didn't. I didn't even bring my log book to work on it with :(

Sat around.. typed this up. Decided that life isn't very fair..but thats alright. I am making plans to skip on Thursday and to go meet Andy (with Chauncey) around 1 or so. I hope Andy will be able to do it. That will be so cool. Old Lunch-Gumi member meets New Lunch-Gumi member. Groovy.

As always, check tomorrow's scribble for information about tonight. =)

© Copyright 2001 James (Himura) (UN: rurouni at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
James (Himura) has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/110643-Have-you-had-a-break-today-03-06-01