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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/110677-A-Brief-Catchup-05-16-01--05-17-01
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #165682
This is my [somewhat] daily journal!
#110677 added May 31, 2001 at 2:58pm
Restrictions: None
A Brief Catchup [05-16-01 & 05-17-01]
Well, its time I write a short catchup of what has been going on lately.

To be honest, its been GREAT. I havn't really had so much fun since last year, with Andy. I will try to explain briefly.

Wed - May 16
Chauncey decided that we should have been "Rurouni" and take a walk. On the way, we stopped at Matt's house and picked him up. We started to walk to McDonald's, but stopped in a pretty big field filled with huge flowers (the kind you can blow off). We chased each other around, causing the flowers to explode on each other. Finally, we decided to continue our journey, and ended up RUNNING the rest of the way.

At McDonald's, we all ordered drinks, and took a seat. Chauncey and Matt, being little devils that they are, wrote my name in salt and pepper. I was going to clean it up for them, but totally forgot about it. ^^; (oops!)

We started to walk back, when we found some PVC pipe, and decided to spar with one another. We split the pipe in half, and proceeded to beat each other with it. My hand STILL hurts from being hit. You ever wonder why Saitou does his move over and over? Well, its because it WORKS!! Ouch. :P

We stopped at ENMU's Greyhound Arena, where the huge hill was. They decided that rolling down the hill was really fun, and did it..over..and over.. They pratically beat one another seneless from rolling, and trying to prevent the other from rolling. (etc)! Finally, we decided it was time to go home. However, as we started to leave, a cop pulled us over. Chauncey, being an idiot, began to talk to the cop as if he was me or Matt. He told him "You know what? Our parents would love to see us drunk kids come home in a cop car! Can you give us a ride home?" Matt added "we're not REALLY drunk." We thought for sure he was going to give us a sobriety test, espically after Chauncey flaied his arms and told the cop to come roll down the hill with us.

Eventually we got home. (After Chauncey and Matt almost took their faces off with really high-powered water sprinklers).

Thur - May 17
Chauncey and Matt pulled up to my house around 4:10 or so. (I can't remember the exact time). They drug me out of my house, and took me off to Chauncey's house, where we waited until about 4:20. We then went to Matt's house (driving, not walking this time), where he found out he had a few errands to run. We finished the errands around 4:30, and decided to go see if Jenni-dono could come with us. (We were all going to go see a movie).

We reach her house..and find that she was already gone. (She had already left to the movies! d'oh!). So we race back to town, and glance at the time to see the movie had already started. Rushing as fast as we can, we (Chauncey and I) pratically jump out of a moving vehicle (well, HE DID) and race inside, to find her waiting for us all. For anyone who cares, we went to see The Mummy Returns.

After the movie, it looked as if we were gonna split, but Matt and Chauncey talked Jenni into coming with us. We went to McDonald's, where the SAME COP from the day before, was there.. (eeeeeep!) After bugging them for awhile, we had to run back to my house. I had to pick up a CD I had made for her.

We then proceeded to Greyhound Arena's hill..hehe. This time it was more of sparring, and being thrown around. I joined in (ouch! remind me never to do that again, please), and was tossed around like a rag doll. I felt more sorry for Matt, though, who was pinned and restrained by Jenni. I just had to laugh when he was begging me to restrain her.

Finally, it started to thunder and lightning, so we packed back into the van, and headed off to WAL-MART!! I was hopeing that Andy would have been there, but we weren't there late enough to see him. Blah. But that is OK, we had lots of fun playing in the toy section.

After toys, we were looking at little paint color strips. Matt told us to try and find Trunks's hair color. We (Jenni and I) had quite a difference in what his color was. (I think she ended up winning). To find out, we had to find a poster. But before we could go to the posters, Matt and Chauncey forced us to go look at anime shirts. It turns out, that one of them fit Jenni-dono. (they didn't fit me, Chauncey or Matt).

We proceeded to the posters, and found one of Trunks. (it wasn't a very good one) none-of-the-less, it turns out Jenni had the color that was closest to the one on the poster. d'oh. In the end, they all grabbed posters and were hitting me with im. Weeeeeee..

As we decided to leave, Matt wanted to show us one more thing, and drug us back to the shirts. He found a shirt that he liked, and we all decided to pitch in and buy it for Matt (since his birthday is on Saturday).

Everyone talked about how they should get that anime shirt for Jenni, and eventually I decided to buy it for her. We picked one out, and headed towards the cash register. (Which took like 10 minutes, cause we kept stopping to look at other stuff).. finally we check out.

Chauncey was dying for something to drink, so he stopped at the machine. Being such a nice person, I gave him some more money.. (gosh.. you'd think i'd be broke!), and we FINALLY head home.

On the way home, we enjoy the huge lightning show, and talk about our car wrecks (well, Jenni and I). We dropped Jenni off back at her car, and then the rest of us went home.

I have to admit..that that was one of the funnest times in my life. (well, espically for my senior year). I am hopeing we can do something like this again..but I don't know. If it happens, i'll keep ya updated. (or I'll try, at least).

© Copyright 2001 James (Himura) (UN: rurouni at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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