Transparent to the naive eye, bare, naked to the world...evil lurks. |
Right this minute, the reason that stress is so deadly is very clear to me. I truly understand how and why poverty is so devastating to our health. One worry after another w/o adequate compensation, those worries turn into sores on the edges of our nerves. That just can't be healthy. Lately, I've been tired when I awake. The very first thing on my mind is how I'm going to make it thru my daughter's graduation, financilly, that is. I'd prepared for this day but shit happens and you use the savings accordingly. Well, here I sit with zero for such a wonderful, one-time event. Either I pay the utilities or they will be shut off. If I don't pay them and buy my daughter the pretty dress and take her out to celebrate, when we get home, all of our good times will be over with depression and darkness for having no lights and gas. What a crock of dooty. *If you're reading this post to my blog and you're excessively rich, please feel my need and ask me if you can contribute to this wonderful cause in a great young lady's life. I'm not begging here but I'm not beyond it at this point. I just want this day to be special WITH utilites. |