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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#799223 added December 5, 2013 at 8:13am
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The Thermonuclear Scimitar
Why the Jewish vote would go Democrat in this day and age is another one of those mysteries that defies explanation. It is right up there with why the insurance companies became enablers of the Unaffordable Healthcare Act.

I guess the reason is that the Jews have always tended to vote Democratic. Even after the Democrats threw in with the Liberals they continued to associate themselves with the Neo Socialists.

If there is any doctrine that is more opposed to Jewish interests than Socialism, I don’t know what is. Under Socialism there is the Golden One, the Silver Ones and everyone else is considered a bronze citizen. I am not sure where the average Jew fits in this pecking order but it’s definitely not in the first two categories.

Ever since the current regime took office there have been some serious disconnects between the White House and the State of Israel. At first both seemed to have keeping the Iranians from obtaining nuclear weapons a common goal. More recently it has become clear that President Obama, does not believe deep down that a Nuclear Iran is any big deal. He reasons that we lived under MAD with the Soviet Union for over fifty years and nobody fired off a nuke, so what makes the Iranians any different?

The reason lies in the word itself, REASON. REASON is a totally foreign concept in the Middle East. REASON was a part of the Greek Culture when Alexander the Great conquered most of Persia and so they can’t say they were never introduced to the idea. The truth is that they are still living in Biblical Times and while a few of their elite, educated in the West, might be able to explain the process, for ninety-nine percent REASON is a totally foreign concept. Keep in mind the process of REASON is to determine the BEST way for doing something. To the Middle Eastern Mentally such a process simply doesn’t exist. BEST, to an Arab, is whatever his Shah, Iotola, or Allah says it is. When you hear the expression “East is east and West is west” and never the twain shall meet,” surely you catch a glimmer of the vast differences between the Eastern and Western mentality.

The Soviet Union was a Northern European empire and some of the Greek enlighten was understood in Moscow. In Tehran however, it is an entirely different matter. In the Arab view the person with the biggest scimitar is the arbiter of BEST. There is no process involved. Any time a party in the Middle East seeks ARBRITRATION it is perceived as a sign of weakness. Thus the current Administration’s “Deal” with Iran on the nuclear sanctions was probably the worst example of "negotiating" since Chamberlain gave away the store on the eve of World War 2.

One of the commentators put the whole thing into context with the following analogy. Pretend you’ve been negotiating on a used car for the last year with the local Chevy dealer. He calls once a week and you tell him you'll pay $1,000 for the car and he insists on $10,000. This goes on for months and months with neither of you budging. Suddenly you strike a deal with the salesman. You’ll pay $9,900 for the car if he will come down $100. That is a perfect analogy to the deal we got with Iran.

No wonder Netanyahu went ballistic and even the Saudis looked to the heavens in disbelief, spreading their hands in dismay. Now if this doesn’t convince the average Jew that its time to reassess their lockstep support of the Democrats I don’t know what will. If I were of that faith, I’d see what’s happening as analogous to what happened in 1939. For heavens sake get your heads out of the sand and show your dissasisification in the upcoming mid term elections. To the Islamic Extremists the possibility of acquiring a nuclear weapon borders on orgasmic. At last they will have the thermonuclear scimitar they have long been salivating for. If you think that REASON will play any sort of role when they get one… then you’re as blind as those poor souls who once waited until it was too late.

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