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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823556-Impressions--Wardrobe-Malfunctions
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#823556 added July 25, 2014 at 10:19pm
Restrictions: None
Impressions & Wardrobe Malfunctions
Today's blogs...

Blog City – DAY 144

We blog everyday with each other, read other's thoughts and form this visual images in our mind...like I really thought Charlie would be blonde.
Tell us what images you have formed. Yes, what image do you have in your mind. Please try to not to be hurtful but give us an inkling....

Interesting... I don't think I have a visual on people, per se. Like Janine's blog (yes, I peeked) I tend to go by personalities. A month or so ago another friend from the site 🌑 Darleen - QoD posted a picture of her family and though she had talked about her heritage the photo stopped me for a moment before I laughed at myself and realized I had put her in my mind a someone like me. I think I do that to a lot of people.

Radio personalities paint pictures of people for me as well. I see them as beautiful and flawless in my mind, reality gives me a shift but I laugh at my own tendency and shake off the preconceived notions and just be with that person I have come to know and cherish.

Now Charlie ~ we know to have brown hair, not blond. From his comments, I am not sure if he is clean cut or long haired. I shift between the two. I also think he is skinny slim - like my nephew of the same age. He may even have a few tattoos that mean something to him. I think he has a kind, shy smile.

Mitchopolis , that I have actually been missing this month as his blogs are sadly not here, is a man surrounded by women. He can hold his own and though he may complain, I secretly think, he likes his kingdom - though he shares the ruling of it with a brilliant Queen - in equal measure (or tries to). He may have a temper, but he is generous to his family and a lovingly good Dad.

Noyoki is an interesting character. Newer to our little group, she speaks a clear mind. Not sure of her age or experience, but I am thinking she may have some Asian spice to her and a great smile.

Prosperous Snow celebrating } lives in Las Vegas. She is a grandmotherly type in that she is older and wiser and kind to all who come into her circle of friends and family.

Fivesixer } is a serious guy when it comes to the issues, but he is not afraid to let loose and enjoy himself with his friends.

Janine } is a kindly soul. She reaches out a friendly hand and welcomes others.

I know there are others, but I will admit I have not been reading the other blogs as much as I usually do as I am doing Camp Nano and am supposed to be adding to my novel. There are many I have read, but I am not sure how I would describe them as yet.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Funny Friday

Wardrobe malfunctions: How can this topic not be funny? From nip slips to unexpected wind gusts, share your best/worst wardrobe malfunctions or those you have witnessed.

I tend to bumble with zippers left undone - I am 'flying low' as they say. Heck, I even did it today. Made it from my mother's house, drove to Stratford and walked across a few back streets to get to the restaurant and it was not until I sat down that I realized my pants zipper was all the way down.

I mentioned the other day that in order to go to the bathroom during my wedding reception I had to go down to the wheelchair bathroom stall and take my dress off just to use the facilities. I think I only went two or maybe three times over the whole day. I also did not drink very much of any liquid just so I would not have to go more than that. Luckily, as the bride, there was always a bridesmaid or two willing to give you a hand and giggle about the whole process. Being the first of my friends to get married we learned what worked and what didn't and for each wedding that followed we had it down to a science.

For a long time after that every time I went into a bathroom in a golf clubhouse I would check on the size of the bathroom stalls - those suckers are tiny. I am in no way a large person, but I swear some of them were so skinny you had to contort yourself just to get in. Who designed these things and do the guys bathrooms have the same issue? Not all male golfers are slim.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/823556-Impressions--Wardrobe-Malfunctions