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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829837-Balancing-Act-Blog-Dependence--The-Spiders-Foyer
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#829837 added October 3, 2014 at 10:45am
Restrictions: None
Balancing Act, Blog Dependence & The Spider's Foyer
Today's blogs....

Blog City – Day 214

I was thinking today about this. How do we strike a balance between self exposure and discretion with our writing. I am sure each of us has a comfort zone but how? Will what we publish hurt someone? Will it embarrass us in years to come? Am I the only one who thinks about this when I write?

This is an intriguing topic. I think I try to blend my characters into a composite of several people if I can.... The character comes alive and takes on a life of their own. If someone sees them self then that is on them - they did something that tweeked my imagination and I characterized them. One character I am working on right now I have had to tone back from the actual person because no one would believe she is that self centered. She makes a great antagonist though. Would she see herself - part of me thinks she might in that the self centered part may capture her essence, but another part of me thinks she may not see herself because she is not that self aware. All in all - I don't really care. The character is the thing in this case. I have used an ex boyfriend in this way as well. Again, I don't care if he recognizes himself.

I think I try to strike a balance though... blending helps. And so does time. I may let a character percolate and that takes time... in doing that the character takes on their own dimensions and to me they are just who they are... once the name sticks, we are ready to throw them into the mix.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

This is to follow.... Prompt dependence. I initially left this blank because I could not think of anything and was hoping someone else would lob a topic but... something must come as I want this blog done. I think it is wonderful some people have the ability to blog away. Blog City has put in an option to do No Prompt entries and many people have run with that, but I find I almost need a jumping off place. That is not to say I can`t blog without the prompts, but I prefer a starter. Sometimes, even something so obscure will send me off on an interesting tangent. How about the rest of you... are you blog dependent?

Border for my personal use.

This next piece is a ten day serial of me exploring a Haunted House. You can join as long as you are willing to do ten days straight... do you dare! Here's the link if you are brave enough, check it out. "Invalid Item - Blog City and/or Blogging Circle of Friends.

The Haunted House - Day One - The Spider's Foyer

I have wandered around outside the house for several days now. Trying to pry up boards to get a look in, but nothing moves. For a house that looks as if it can barely hold itself together, it is managing to keep any prying eyes, ears and hands out. I am still too nervous to mount the steps and go in... but I will work myself up to it. The dare has been set, I cannot back out now. I do not see myself marked as a frightened Nelly for the rest of my natural days.

Standing on the front path, I cannot find the steps. They have vanished. I am sure they were here the other day, but maybe my mind is only playing tricks. The house sits on stilts.

I pat my pocket, making sure that I have my flashlight with new batteries. I am not taking any chances with the dark. Just thinking about it closes my lungs and has me gasping for air. I sit down on a fallen branch and stare at the empty shell that is this abandoned, empty house. When my breathing finds its normal pattern and the panic abates I stand and make my way around the house again. This time I circle left.

When I reach the front of the house my feet turn and I feel an energy pull at me. I resist, but the force doubles its efforts. I bend down, hoping a lowered center of gravity will dislodge the pull, but it seems to magnify and I am dragged forward. Steps form in vapour as I trip up them. I try to scream for help, but something has wrapped itself around my throat letting only enough air in for me to not aspirate.

I make a grab for the porches banister, but my fingers slip off. The door swings open slowly sending a creek that skitters down my spine. My mouth drops open; no sound emerges and I am propelled forward. There is no time to make a grab for the door's edge. I am thrown it landing heavily on the floor. As I turn, trying to scramble up, the door slams closed with a force that rattles the place and leaves me in pure blackness. I lunge for the door, feeling madly for the handle, but there is nothing but splintered wood. Turning I lean back against it trying to pull in air and steady my flailing heart that dares to speed right out of my chest. I fumble for my flashlight and lift it, flipping the on switch and praying for the light to come. It does. Weakly.

There I stand. Letting the light singe the room before me. My nerves have it skittering over the rough, dusty surfaces. I force myself to slow its movement in the hopes it will give me some semblance of calm. Rising up the walls I see old gas lamps dirty with disuse and covered with webs almost obscuring them from view. In the center of the ceiling a chandelier hangs precariously. Dust and webs cover it like packing twine. A shiver runs along my spine, but I still take a step into the room to check the door for its handle... there is none. Only solid door stands like a sentry. There is no way out this way. I must find another way. Turning I trip the light down to the floor to see where my steps can go. I see footprints in the dust, smudged but there nonetheless. I consider calling out, but find I am still breathing erratically making any attempt useless. My flashlight moves along the walls and up to the corner where is flashes onto glowing eyes. A shriek springs forth, but does not escape as I watch the eyes waver then descend the wall. My flashlight flickers alighting on eight fuzzy legs all the length of my arm. I shift backward away from the beast... no real spider could be that large and as I think this, I notice the pincers at its mouth tremble with greedy intent.

I must get the hell out of this place. I back away from the ghastly beast bumping the wall, then feeling along it to an open space. My skin crawls and I look down to see spiders of a much smaller variety have moved from the wall to my arm. I shake them off and bash at them as terror ripples over me. I turn to run and find myself battling through a thick weave of netting, no, more webs. I tear at it frantically and it rips a gaping hole that I am able to crawl through.... I land with a thud and watch transfixed as the web weaves itself back to fullness as if I had not crossed through.

"I will not have those nasty spiders gallivanting in my kitchen." I hear a voice from across the room cackle....

Stay tuned for the next installment.... The Witch's Kitchen

© Copyright 2014 💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson (UN: carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829837-Balancing-Act-Blog-Dependence--The-Spiders-Foyer