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Rated: E · Book · Family · #1271579
Just as random as random can get.
I don't know yet.
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November 27, 2007 at 12:02am
November 27, 2007 at 12:02am
The Miami Dolphins are 0 and 11. Winless! I did not watch tonight's game between them and the Steelers, but I see that the final score was 3-0. Yes, you heard me right! No,I am not talking about a baseball game. I am glad I decided not to watch that game! That would have been a great opportunity to take a nap though, now that I think about it.

If you are a dolphin fan and you need a shoulder to cry on, then I am here. If you know somebody who is a dolphin fan, please give them a hug!
November 22, 2007 at 11:52pm
November 22, 2007 at 11:52pm
I predict the Packers will face the Cowboys in the NFC Championship.
I predict the Colts will face the Patriots in the AFC Championship.

And the superbowl is going to be Packers versus Patriots.
July 25, 2007 at 12:29am
July 25, 2007 at 12:29am
Sorry folks! I was abducted by aliens. This is day number two on my new job....It is a pretty good gig so far! I'm not going to write a lot today.....This blog is pretty random, I know......Please bear with me.......The highlight of my day was watching Baby Einstein videos with my 20 month old son. We watched the one about animals, the one about colors and the one about body parts. "Head, shoulder, knees and toes....knees and toes...."
Oh yea, my son "learned" how to dance to rap music today. I taught him. He is pretty fly for a white guy...LOL....I taught him to put his hand up about half-way then lower it and repeat, kinda like working a yo-yo. He was definitely getting jiggy with it. (Do the kids still say that?)
Well, talk to you later....Peace out my peeps
July 12, 2007 at 9:16am
July 12, 2007 at 9:16am
Thank you to everybody who read my last blog and actually gave me some suggestions. I appreciate it! A couple of you said to write about my 19 month old son. I will do that on my next entry. Right now, let me recap somethings that are going on in my life. Monday July 9,2007: I turned in my two week notice. I found a job with better benefits, better pay, better schedule and no pager to carry. I am excited about this opportunity! Wednesday July 11,07: I got a tooth pulled today. I had to miss work. Thursday July 12,07: I called in sick today. Well, that about covers it....talk to ya'll later.
July 10, 2007 at 12:48am
July 10, 2007 at 12:48am
July 7, 2007 at 1:11pm
July 7, 2007 at 1:11pm
I got a job offer! They said they would hire me as long as I could pass the drug test. So, I go down to the drug testing facility. They want a hair sample instead of an urine sample. My head is shaved so they can't get it from there. They can get hair from my arms, chest or arm pits. I don't have much hair on my chest or arms so I tell the man to take a sample from my armpits. (How embarrassing by the way.) He used scissors and cut a patch out. Well, I wait 3 days for my test results. When the results came back, I found out I tested positive for Right Guard deodorant.
June 29, 2007 at 12:36am
June 29, 2007 at 12:36am
I am bored! Can someone actually die of boredom? If so, then I should be on my deathbed right now. I am tired of the same-ol-same-ol.....I should break my leg or something just to change the routine up..........I have writer's block right now. The experts say to write through it. Whatever comes to mind, write or type it out....so her it goes: I am ready for the NFL to start back up. I signed up for a fantasy football league this year. It is going to cost me $25 to play but at the end of the season, I have a chance to win $250! If I have the most points then. I have been doing research on who to draft. I got a excellent "crew" picked out. I believe I am going to win! Well, that's all the "writing" I am doing for now...maybe I will type some more later on tonight or some time tomorrow.
June 25, 2007 at 12:59am
June 25, 2007 at 12:59am
Yesterday, I signed up for a drawing. Today Sears called me to tell me I won a free 10x13 portrait. So I took pictures of my 19 month old son. The people watching the photo shoot was: me, my wife, my mom and my grandma (in other words, my son's GREAT grandmother!). Four generations in one room, that's awesome! Afterwards, we went to my parents' house. My dad needed some trees trimmed so I helped him with that. That made his day! After the tree trimming, we had pizza then homemade cookies. I spent 90% of the day at my parents' house. It was a fun, productive day. I don't go over there as much as I should. They only live 10 minutes away, but we have different work schedules, etc. Back to the pictures for a second: we took 10 different poses....bought various sizes to go along with our 10X13....we ended up spending a grand total of $152 on pictures today. That "free" picture kicked my ass! What did I really win from this drawing? That picture is normally about $14. But it was worth it. I now have visual memories of my son and the ladies had fun picking out different portraits. Plus, the ladies will have some pictures to show off to friends, family and coworkers.
June 18, 2007 at 11:15pm
June 18, 2007 at 11:15pm
The highlight of my day was.....drumroll please.........trying to make my computer faster. I did disk cleanup, checked for spyware, ran a virus check and defragmented. I never do this kinda stuff. It is like spring cleaning. I let it build up, build up, build up then finally I knock it all out at once.
June 16, 2007 at 11:50am
June 16, 2007 at 11:50am
This blog is not that important, but meeting new people or chatting with old friends...priceless!

I have the pager today. I HATE having the pager. It's like I don't really have a day off. I am on pins and needles worried about if I will get paged in today. I can't go out to eat, because as soon as I order my food, they will page me. I can't drink too many beers because they might page me. I can't go out of town like I want to because they might page me. I can't go to the movie theater.

Well, I am done venting....talk to ya'll later!

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