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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: in afterlife as 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know. 20k views

Some torn to the ground
Some burn to the ground
Others removed brick by brick
Redesign for the times
When the lease comes up
Or just fold up

When you have a bad day and need a reason...

Formerly: New Zenith To Hell…(all started with arc as writer here from the trials of Rising Stars to Preferred Author to WDC Quills Best Poetry Collection...

"Whoever fights monsters should see to it…he does not become a monster.” - Some guy, I guess. Look it up?
I’ve been to the abyss and back. Not so bad.

The loneliest happy person you'd ever meet, when not the saddest person who needs to be alone.

In an ever-changing world, we need to handle topics at the ready. If you roll over and give in to the narrative without lending a voice, might as well hand over your civil liberties. Voices could connect to true conscience and spirit for honest and open discourse. Why feel so redacted?

Unify on issues or don't but put drama aside. Open minds require complete objectivity. Or, agree to disagree and have a beer. Just writing what I feel without the narrative-altering mind f---ing with my head.

[MY Chorus]
In your house, I long to be
Room by room, patiently
I'll wait for you there, like a stone
I'll wait for you there, alone
- Chris Cornell, RIP

Some other stuff

My recent poetry:

The Absence of Wavelength  (18+)
12.3k views, 2xBest Poetry Period. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind.
#1149750 by Brian K Compton notes an echo~

Sometimes epiphanies about my insights on writing and life and what goes on...

Blah, blah, blah

Merit Badge in Rare
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I like your work!

Thank you WakeUpAndLive️~Happiness for honoring me with your kind words!

Read here some old blog entries...*PointRight* 2018 Highlights

More...*PointRight* 2018: The Quiet Ones

Brian K Compton notes an echo~
"Invalid Entry A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018 -- WINNER -- Merit Badge in Second Time Around Contest
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the Grand Overall Prize in  [Link To Item #2164876]  with your beautiful poem, [Link to Book Entry #933358]. This poem really moved me. Great writing!

Rachel *^*Heartv*^*

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September 23, 2018 at 11:54am
September 23, 2018 at 11:54am

Apologetic Postscript Of A Year Later
by Robert Louis Stevenson

IF you see this song, my dear,
And last year's toast,
I'm confoundedly in fear
You'll be serious and severe
About the boast.

Blame not that I sought such aid
To cure regret.
I was then so lowly laid
I used all the Gasconnade
That I could get.

Being snubbed is somewhat smart,
Believe, my sweet;
And I needed all my art
To restore my broken heart
To its conceit.

Come and smile, dear, and forget
I boasted so,
I apologise - regret -
It was all a jest; - and - yet -
I do not know.
September 23, 2018 at 10:29am
September 23, 2018 at 10:29am

Before the boys wake
the refrigerator hums discontent --
furred, snarled dragons ply
smooth, dead floor
about idle, be-socked feet --
hardwood surfaces plateau
from toe to eye
glossy, forlorn
in chilled autumn morn --
our clear vestibule prison
warm, satisfies

Before one voice unwinds
silence uninterrupted
night already nearing --
mindless echoes still chirping
draw dragons' eyes out
return their desires
chained to domestication
in padded sofa/lounger play land

Nearing the crack of pipes
emerging mechanical waterfalls
an empty hull longs fill
to the brim with expectation

neglected brown coffee cold


e.e. was right about i though We never met. 🤔
September 21, 2018 at 9:20am
September 21, 2018 at 9:20am
Conor boasts
He jousts
A feisty tatted Irish chap?
But he surely busts
The fourth wall
Because in many a Shakespeare act
A second chance
Able nobleman
Not caught in a lie
But how one does try
(Like a fool)
Redeem oneself
Then double back
In another act

Hmm, looks Scots to me
Must've broke from the clan
Give me my stead
I'm off!
'afore he sock me in me eye.
You wouldn't beat up a bard?
Old, blind man??
Bad try, mate!
You bet your Bollocks!

Never say McGregor
near a boxing ring
Nay, 'tis a charmed life
Watch 'im 'awk 'is whiskey.

ESPN left out one detail from McGregor's past in story announcing his 'comeback' (cue LL Cool J). I think the last graph of the story today explains why:


Let bygones be bygones. Let's make some cash! Brian is such a cynic.


I wish I could use this image:

his mugshot is public domain! *Laugh*
September 20, 2018 at 2:47am
September 20, 2018 at 2:47am
I woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep when I realized I had Bonnie Raitt on a loop in my head. Mostly it was the chorus, possibly reminding me that art rejects this dreamer. It could be I'm stuck idling over stuff that's easy to do rather than tackle the monster that's been alive in me all these years.

I might pine over a what-would-have-been woman, write her odes she'll never see. But, it keeps coming back to me: what I'm afraid of, intimacy and the ultimate rejection of that which we don't have the mental fortitude to master. Maybe, never had or never will sail that craft. Wrong metaphor? Out of place.

I looked at at dark wall for about an hour, tossed. I knew I could disturb her, in every sense of the word. So, I went downstairs for a respite. Even after telling my wife and daughter I was getting published last night, put on some enthusiasm so they could appreciate what I should be joyful about, I had that gnawing in my gut. Seeing a poem in print isn't what will suffice. My brain didn't negotiate what the dreaming mind keeps relating at 3 a.m. When are you going to write her?

I had a dream about her (LuAnne) again the night previous. My mind is deceiving me into believing we live in two altered worlds. The LuAnne I knew and the story that could have been, at least about her. I had a scene play out in my head that would be the climax to our story. I had woke and was jotting it all down when real life reminded I needed to shower for an appointment. I wanted to revisit her, if even to reread the notes. Reality kept us apart. Though, she didn't disturb my slumber tonight directly, I was reminded I was neglecting her call...the true vision that could make her come to life.

I've wrestled with the story, thought about it from all perspectives. The thought of wading through chapters of disjointed material...it's difficult to separate what really happened to what I could imagine our outcome to have been. That's not something you toy with, like second-guessing if the life you lived is worthless in pursuit of one that was not. It was a path not chosen. No sliding door references, but a portal keeps opening to my past and shoves me back to pursue a woman seemingly unwilling to meet me. So, it's me, not her calling?

We took separate trails. But, all the odes I've ever written, the one most prophetic is hidden in a folder somewhere, begging me to try again recapture the feeling...so I can move forward without her once again. And, my mind will always come back to this place at three a.m. when I'm not thinking anymore about why she didn't love me. She did. It wasn't in the cards. Yet, she (me) haunts me some nights, but leaves me smiling. She's not really gone, you know. As long as I wrestle with writing and some kind of acceptance to validate me (acceptance that I must validate myself), I'll be stuck with this misery. Maybe, I'll stop getting near to others in hope of the same kind of shared intimacy only to shove them away once I've had a taste and find it doesn't compare...(don't you dare sing, Sinead!)

I'm lost like Disney's Stitch. I'm prone to break stuff like David Banner when he's Hulk. I'm running through a village chased like Frankenstein because I'm just too damn ugly, I shouldn't exist in anyone's garden. Stitch finds love, the abomination of revealed science kills his master (or gets a bride, you choose) and Banner will be haunted forever unless Marvel has the decency to kill him like Spidermam (although, like D.C. and Supermen, they'll bring him back. Just wanted to make you feel something since we're all getting bored with all the super hero nonsense and it's like a billion dollar industry). And so...

At 3 a.m., after I exhaust these thoughts, I'll sleep, wake and sober to these meandering internal reflections. Are you ever going to write her, Brian? Afraid to rebuild your monster because you might kill her, or will it destroy you? I'm guessing this lifelong process of wrestling with the art of it all includes suffering, brooding and a need to be misunderstood...yes I like aloof!

And because I can only access a friggin' iPad, I type with one finger as fast as I can, making sure this stream doesn't close. It's closing. Adieu sweet ghost until deja veux?

I'm sorry to all those who have to suffer when I'm around...like a moody goth teen. It's easier to accept your rejection than realize I'm screwed up and am forever figuring out the coordinates to this portal so I can just get inside and destroy it...or forever merge with it. Just had a flashback to 'Eureka.' Look it up.

What I struggle with:
🎨 Before I'm Rejected By You 🖌️  [E]
Artist fears commit to subject.🥇WDC Hall of Fame Poem. 22,888 views. 77 reviews. TY
by Brian K Compton notes an echo~

Written 30+ Years ago
September 19, 2018 at 5:55am
September 19, 2018 at 5:55am
My son is taking AP Lit in his senior year of high school. He came to me with a poem 'Crossing the Swamp' by Mary Oliver that was a task master and said, "Okay, Dad. Explain poetry to me.' We got distracted with dinner and other obligations, so I decided to write my discourse on poetry to him, hoping it will help:

To Alex,

Why watch a movie called Titanic, if you know how it ends? There is more to the story than beginning, climax and outcome. It's about how they got there, what you experience along the way. A poem can be like that.

A poet wants you to feel what they are experiencing, but they don't want to just shout out the answer in these never ending games of charade. You have to guess. But, who's going to tell you you're right? It's like working a New York Times Sunday crossword alone now.

You figure out the parts that are easy to understand and place them next to other clues and puzzle it together. But, the whole time, you have to remember, you must stand back and let this wash over you. Don't strain too hard. Because a poem is like a painting that can be wild in color or muted in tone. What type brush strokes, canvas? In essence, what is their medium? Is it traditional rhyming (feel good) or free form with line breaks putting emphasis on some words for extra meaning. How do the words layer over one another like the painting?

You might feel better as you go along collecting clues, assembling them, getting a general spirit for the writer's game. In the end, they want you to feel something in your gut. It's experience. If it's something you can't relate to because of lack of experience, it would be hard to feel empathy. Sympathy is a tool for those who can feel your emotion but cannot relate. Everyone (except, maybe, sociopaths) experience joy, pain.

This is why reading poetry about stuff you know will help you understand/feel poetry -- poetry that uses form (can be lyrical), poetic devices (personification, imagery, allegory) and those words so cleverly paired to give us coined expressions. (Just Google Shakespeare and you will see.)

I'll end with this, for now. I can explain further in the days, weeks, life ahead. But, I wrote a poem in college that was my rant about people confusing my writing for greeting card stuff. Though, it doesn't prove my point (it would take many toils to come), it describes what a poem was to me then. My 25-year-old self to my near 18-year-old son:

What do you make of a poem?

A poem
is a poem, is a poem, is a poem.
Is that all you can make out of that?
Wherever you roam, you roam, you roam,
don’t forget to bring a hat?

A rose
is a rose, is a rose, is red, now dead.
Now what do you make out of that?
You killed it with your drool you fool;
slobber from your face you spat.

A dream
is a dream, is a dream, is a dream.
What a scene you made out of that.
You killed it with your vision, division;
television spawned the illiterate brat.

I woke up one day, saw daisies, a meadow;
a brook full of leaping trout in their raincoats,
trying to land on hooks. Caviar bellies
splash on the cement, bake in the sun.
Now what do you make out of that?

I see you, I dream you; you’re just fiction.
You breathe my air like gas,
pass out from fumes too real
for your kind of imagination.
So what do I make out of that?

A poem is a red rose, is a dream.
A poem is a field full of fish in raincoats.
A poem is nothing but what you see; not television,
it’s fiction, too real for your imagination.
Now what do you make out of that?

Indirectly quoting Gertrude Stein while thinking about Shakespeare:
What Do You Make Of A Poem?  (E)
Illustrating what poetry is about to help those who don't see the meaning.
#1173259 by Brian K Compton notes an echo~

Truth is elusive. It makes you doubt it exists. (Your current dad)
September 18, 2018 at 11:16am
September 18, 2018 at 11:16am
Imitation is the sincerest form...

...Edwyn Collins updates the Len Barry tune of '65 in '94 with an eye to Iggy who inspired the song when he was rejected by an intriguing woman. But, many still claim 'Mr. Pop' wrote and/or performed this song, keeping a discophile myth alive...

Myself, I thought it was Bowie until I was corrected. I'm an Absolute Beginner *Whistle*
September 13, 2018 at 4:42pm
September 13, 2018 at 4:42pm
Poem to be available in future ekphrastic poetry collection.
I'm up to 2. Um, I might have a third on a series of Kiya's images...when it turns up

Sorry, it's gone.
August 31, 2018 at 9:11am
August 31, 2018 at 9:11am

Looking at these private colleges and all the shiny incentives they throw at you reminds of that sleek Cadillac of envy that would be a dream to own. You sit down after presentations and tours and go over all the options and start to think it's doable. They laud the kid with their presidential, top-of-the-line, merit-based scholarship in high figures. There's a chance of an elite education, to rub elbows with greatness? Getting a fuzzy glimpse of this teen's future might make a person misty-eyed. Then, when those numbers go crunch, the gap between tuition and grants still can't match the cost of a state school. So, you go back down the block and kick the tires on that Plymouth Duster...again...and a BMW buzzes by. I imagine 'I'm a proud alum of...' frame on a vanity plate.

Meanwhile, 'the kid' has just spent his tenth straight hour on the X-Box. The light of a fading day pours in as I enter that room. His pupils constrict as I greet his dull response. That's when the vision of owning a speed boat at my new cabin on a lake arrives. He found his passion. Maybe, I should indulge my dream instead.
March 16, 2018 at 7:02am
March 16, 2018 at 7:02am

You are the poet and the only true purveyor of your words.

January 31, 2018 at 8:01am
January 31, 2018 at 8:01am
Linguistically functional isosyllabist by prosody, vers libre.

January 14, 2018 at 12:45pm
January 14, 2018 at 12:45pm
A signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018
Poetry is
an improvised dance
arrived from years
watching, yearning
while swaying in restricted garb
to each inspiring melody
until one day
the extended hand begs
cut loose
to your favorite song.

November 7, 2017 at 7:22pm
November 7, 2017 at 7:22pm
I'm tired like you girl --
bitch when someone aims with hands cupped
to lift your shuddering, bony
skeleton with masses of fur balls tight
to tender hips, half shorn where clippers
could free neglect, no longer reached
by rough tongue.
Lay flat as a bear skin rug in blankets
near heat vents. I would. Swallowed
in burrows low and away from foot traffic,
never lift your head when the door
sends its arrivals.
Dreams come no more, waiting winter.
Can't remember when you could survey
a cruel world from atop the dresser,
snuff out prey, clamp in wiry jaw,
when you had good teeth.
You still eye that bowl by the water.
Still hungry like me, I see. And when I have leftovers,
if you're there, stray luncheon meat or cheese
lays at your feet.
November 4, 2017 at 1:47pm
November 4, 2017 at 1:47pm
Since me and rum departed and me and coffee united,
I still need breath mints,
teeth whitened,
a new disposition on life,
serenity knowing
someone can accept me:
clothes wrinkled, hair unwashed,
fingernails torn from biting, and one lazy eye:
happy or otherwise perky
without my latest vice.
Maybe I’ll use up my Vicodin,
liquor store closed until 8 AM, stomach detoxing from its bath --
over-caffeinated, acidic aftermath.

I know we are all looking for a fix, because there is no solution for the emptiness within
and yet,
if the universe stopped expanding
collapses on itself, then
there is no time to waste, because
we will all be gone in an instant. No rapture;
no afterlife, just nothingness. If that is our existence now...

.... I'm sorry, I started thinking...

.....what would be a better purpose for my time? To write or to live? if, no one hears me, no one has read, and no one will listen? If they even bother to get a glimpse, are they moved? If they bother to fully read, do they understand? If they bother to study what is writ, origins, do they seek discourse, agree there is a better approach to finding utility in this life?

Lay down the pen, kiss life fully on the mouth wherever you roam, make no apologies as they have you fitted for white garments, drug you, lock you up. Perhaps,
a better use of time on this disconnected, flat land, horizonless journey of a sterile existence...


...I choose coffee, and Vicodin, and, when the liquor store opens, I’ll kiss life full on the mouth,
maybe the sales clerk, too. Hope she’s pretty. Sorry, men.

Sent from my iPhone to my iPad to Writing.Com email to my blog
What a circuitous, meaningless journey.
*white noise*
I've made my point abundantly unclear

'You're Welcome' ? *BigSmile*
you are free to misinterpret, roam your own existence now.
November 2, 2017 at 12:20pm
November 2, 2017 at 12:20pm
Was going to write something for Daily Poem (he could say every day). Can't seem to keep up with the prompts lately. But, still hashing out the contest's instructions in my thoughts, I come up with something totally unsubmittable. My mind keeps going in different directions when it wants to express...

Out the window
Orange and black parka walks a leash
Russet flat cutouts twirl on stems
hung precarious, sail off
Waves of brown ponds crash
Two black circles spin about
backward-rolling chrome
Sent away by roar of compressed pistons
Fading down the street
A lamp glows inside the pane
A hollow, colorless Picasso image emerges
Looks upon a doubtful man
An organ fires inside its cylinder
Never ending, never casting off
Always, from early hours to early hours,
Viewing a streaked scene.


Out the window:
Orange and black parka walks a leash.
Flat, russet cutouts twirl on stems
hung precarious,
one by one sail off.
Waves of brown ponds crash.
Two black circles spin about
backward-rolling chrome,
sent away by roar of compressed pistons,
fade down the street.
Dim lamp imbues the pane:
hollow, colorless Picasso image emerges
looks upon a doubtful man.
An organ fires inside its cylinder
never ending, never casting off.
Stalled. Wheels spun out
in the bloody mud
from early hours to early hours
viewing a streaked scene,
glass frosting over
a sound-deadened amphitheater.
October 31, 2017 at 9:10pm
October 31, 2017 at 9:10pm
Appease You?
(Perhaps, My Epitaph)

They try to find a metaphor to indirectly say what they mean
Lost, I want to speak like them, in innuendo
Get what I mean? No.
Sigh. Try again. I paint pictures in words, without directly saying
What I mean. Been done before. Okay.
I pour my heart in staggering words, upheaved a torment
From a storm of thought that took years to arrive --
An entrail of unhealthy logic exhumed from my soul.
We don't get you.
Who am I writing for?
I simply stare out a window where I write, don't think
And everything I've ever worked for spills out on a canvas
My repressed thought bubbles, spews
And I harden. If this is what it takes to get through to you
I'd rather walk my loving pups across the sands
Of some temperate beach than even approach a thought
To appease you.

Where's My Audience? Shout Here! if you're tired of isolation in a desolate world of thought.
October 29, 2017 at 12:08pm
October 29, 2017 at 12:08pm
Should it be toilsome to hold you in our hearts?

Should it be a very bad life for us,
if we don't carry that concern for you in our hearts?
It is our struggle to please you,
while trying to take away some satisfaction
selfishly, for ourselves?
in how we live?
If we do not carry your heart in our heart,
how light then the burden?
Once weighted
do we lift at all?
separate from your gravity?
or eternally earthbound
to see your eyes
know your will
none greater than our own
permeates the tender shell
penetrated deeply and often           (catch your breath here)
because our wings are shorn
once we first realize
the necessitude of cohabitation
with one who so dearly
plays with our heart,
our soul, our mind                    (here, too)
as if we have none,
nothing to share but be enslaved
to cruel, centric master
of our domain?

Thank you for loving me
in your way
knowing my only worth
in this struggle for self freedom
is the innermost pressure
that allows me feel
I have lungs, veins thick, blood
pulsing, heart pumping           (inhale, again)
from the struggle within
to be sure I have not displeased one
so kind
to let me dwell near
a hungry soul more dominating
than a mere poet
who mutters words
as he scribes
at your tidy, kitchen table.

Should it be toilsome to hold you in our hearts?

Should I have to explain?
Okay, because it's Sunday. I'm on a spiritual quest. And, I don't want to clean the garage.
That simply sparked my brain to produce an ode to a woman who doesn't understand why I cannot accept the conformity of her religion anymore.
My home life IS dystopian...if you give her power over you.
October 27, 2017 at 12:10pm
October 27, 2017 at 12:10pm
I’d like to serenade you
but you’re not my child

Since these humble darlings could dream
I’d play them a song
sing along
sang solo
in the car
in the yard chasing life
swirling them about, anchored on shoulder
in our living room
crooning soft at bed
when the hazy light of day could fill their eyes no more

rubbing sore legs
looking out those windows
will they be like me?
I hope better; want better

As soft as the cat that slow-crawls hidden beneath their bed each night
I roam room to room
carry my velvety pipes
hoping the day doesn’t arrive too soon
when they ask stop
clowning, creating
lonesome cowboys, owls in silvery moon beams, mocking birds or dazzling diamond rings and twinkling stars
where they rock
cradled in my tree tops
visited each night
to chase away fright, secure dreams
they will be as good, no better than

the old minstrel
wandering their halls.

12.19.19 ledit
6.21.20 ast edit
October 25, 2017 at 10:21am
October 25, 2017 at 10:21am

Stoic stalk lowed by time
Lilts in the dark cold
Hard rain comes
Pelts the offshoots
Graying, too
In a neglected planter
Weathered, soiled and cracked
Not made for these elements

On the front porch
Passed daily a summer long
Long since adulation
Now unnoticed
Time withered away
The hurtful memories

In it's slow decay

They don't have time for you
They can't tend to a dreamer
They can't mend what was lost
A summer long
Adulation now gray
To a stoic stalk torn from pot
Repurposed to stiff
November earth

The warm heart of Mother.

For ~ Aqua ~ and "The Daily Poem
October 25, 2017 at 9:53am
October 25, 2017 at 9:53am
Damn cellphone
So easy to write poetry to you
Does it have to be in traffic?
Muse thinks so
Better than scribbling
On a grocery receipt
While exiting highway of delusion
These words need capture
I won’t recall
Ignoring what Mama said
If you can’t remember
Must not be important

But this heavenly device
Talk to text
Could secure even
The most tragic thoughts
My last moments
Worth it?
Muse seems to think so
Or have I been answering petulant mirth of youth
That child could never grow up
Eaten but undigested
In my belly
Where I spare him life

This wheel is so easy to manage
I could set up office
By air vent
Phone accessibly clipped
Hands free
Siri answer me
Can you open notes?
She will comply
My secretary
In ten minutes of clarity
Serendipity will inspire muse
Play with the lonely child
Transient in memory
To try again understand
Why he’s jailed
In the soul of such a careless driver.

Sent from my iPhone

New Edit:

Soul of a Careless Driver

Damn cellphone,
so easy to write poetry to you.
Does it have to be in traffic?
Muse thinks so.
Better than scribbling
on a grocery receipt
while exiting highway of delusion,
these words need capture.
I won’t recall.
Ignoring what Mama said,
If you can’t remember,
must not be important.

But this heavenly device with
could secure even
the most tragic thoughts,
my last moments.
Worth it?
Muse seems to think so.
Or, have I been answering petulant mirth of youth?
That child could never grow up,
eaten, but undigested
in my belly
where I spare him life.

This wheel is so easy to manage.
I could set up office
by air vent,
phone accessibly clipped,
hands free.
‘Siri answer me.
Can you open notes?’
She will comply,
my secretary;
in ten minutes of clarity
serendipity will inspire muse,
play with the lonely child,
transient in memory,
to try again understand
why he’s jailed
in the soul of such a careless driver.

Sent from my iPhone
October 25, 2017 at 8:03am
October 25, 2017 at 8:03am

Found on my cell phone from several days ago with plans to tweet:

It’s been a heavy day of feeling and I can’t lift anymore.

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