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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
My sig from Tanin, Writing Warrior.

I figured it was about time I started keeping track of silly thoughts or strange things I see from time to time. Sometimes it's vulgar. Sometimes it's sad. And even on some rare occasions, it's a riot! *Smirk*

I think a therapist would have a field day with this...oh wait...I already tried that, to no avail. I guess the rest is up to you. So feel free to stick your takes in The Drop-Off at any time, and don't hold back. Give it to me!

Studyees, you get prime real estate in The Library, so make it count.

Peace out NOW!

Signature for Between the Lines members.

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April 3, 2008 at 8:14am
April 3, 2008 at 8:14am
It's too early to be this awake.

That said, I'm not really awake. Haven't crawled out of bed yet. Don't even have my glasses on (and I swear I'm damn near blind).

Naked blogging. It's a beautiful thing. Why? Because I can. Now if only I could stop yawning. Can't fall back asleep. Not ready to wake up. Oh the conundrum.

More to come later, I fear. Ok not fear like scary, more like a toothache. Hope y'alls have a superfantastic day.
April 2, 2008 at 2:45pm
April 2, 2008 at 2:45pm
"You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking."


So here's where I warn you to go someplace else if you're not into steamy, sordid details of my past. Go someplace else. Hide the kids. This could get messy, but it's what's kicking my bruises today.

So many years ago I dated a girl toward the end of summer. Beautiful girl, intelligent, etc. She went away to school, an ex came back into picture, and I didn't want to do the long distance thing anymore. We broke up. And it crushed her. For awhile. Luckily we hadn't consummated anything, so I didn't feel as bad. But I still felt bad.

She eventually became pregnant several years later, and married a man people have told me looked (at the time) very similar to me and seemed like a replacement for me. Which is kinda eerie. But whatever. Separate paths. We remained friends, exchanging emails from time to time. No big.

She came into town maybe three years ago (she'd long since moved across the state) to visit some friends and maybe spend a little time with me. The topic of us never having sex had come up from time to time and I never really thought anything of it. Conversations became more frequent; the topic kept creeping up.

But she was married! Had a kid, and four months pregnant with a 2nd. Why should the topic keep coming up?

She finagled a way to spend time with me that weekend, by essentially lying (which is completely not like her). She told the friend she was staying with that she was going to leave Saturday, told her husband she'd be home Sunday afternoon; therefore leaving us saturday night to spend together. And she was going to need a place to stay. So I offered her my place; I'd sleep on the couch or anywhere, really. Well, obviously she wanted to sleep next to me. And it finally happened.

I think we really believed we were soul mates, bound to be together somehow. I'm not quite sure what to make of it; she's stated before that she's never really been able to get over me. After 10 or 12 years. I was the first guy she ever really fell in love with. And I fell hard and fast for her, but it never worked out.

After that night it had been awhile since we spoke. And her husband found out about our night. Obviously he wasn't pleased. Luckily (or not?) they stayed together, got counselling, the works. Somehow or another, we got back in touch. We began to talk about things; why we stopped talking, the fallout of the affair, catching back up. We're always good like that- we can not talk for months then pick up right where we left off.

So we made plans to hang out. Try to keep our hands to ourselves. Which worked. It had to be pretty much behind everyone's backs, because no one, especially her husband, would be too ecstatic about the thought off us being together. We pulled it off and managed (somehow) to keep our clothes on. We danced; before we started dating, she worked for my aunt and was looking for a date to her prom. My aunt floated the idea of setting us up, but it never happened. I was convinced I owed her a dance, and we danced before she left. It was nice.

We kept sending texts back and forth as she drove down The 90 back home. Apparently she tried to call me just as she got home to tell me she was home and thata we'd talk later, for her husband wasn't to know a thing. The call never got through.

The last text I sent her included "I love you". She was getting her bags out of the car. Her husband had her phone. Talk about my terrible timing. Of course all hell breaks loose again. This was last November, I believe.

She sends me an email saying that, because of her husband, the fact she doesn't trust herself around me and he doesn't trust me, that we should no longer talk. Which I understand. I may not like it, but I understand. I shouldn't be in the business of wrecking families. After a few days, we'd ceased all communication, for the benefit of the greater good.

Fast forward to yesterday. I open my phone, and there's an email from her, asking me if I sent her a text on Easter that said "Happy Easter". It's adressed to 2 other people, because it was a Buffalo number and she didn't recognize it, so it had to be from one of us. I reply that I had not, that I knew better. And we weren't supposed to be talking.

The conspiracy theorist in me wants to believe that it's some sort of scheme concocted to get us talking again, that really there was no initial "Happy Easter" text from anyone to begin with. Because she can be sneaky like that. The ways she reaches out are subtle enough to not look like she's trying. But I've caught on. Another part of me is no doubt intrigued. And common sense is telling me to keep my distance. But who listens to common sense anyway?

So I know what I should do. The question is, am I going to stay away? Or do I fall victim again to "fate"?

"The Pretty, Petty Things
"Invalid Item
April 1, 2008 at 5:15pm
April 1, 2008 at 5:15pm
This phone has made me lazy. I dont have to leave the house if I dont want to.

red blue green

I'm listening to too much Radiohead. "Videotape" was the video I was gonna post. such a gorgeous and sad love song. Didnt Michael Keaton make a movie about this song a long time ago?

"Rain down on me...god loves his children, yeah"

But I want to leave. And love. And that isnt happening soon.
April 1, 2008 at 6:13am
April 1, 2008 at 6:13am
This is awesome. My first blog entry created via cell phone. And I dont have much to say.

Besides punking my stepmom into thinking I was gonna finally give her a grandchild. April Fool!

Her response was to forward my initial text to my bro & sis. And seem shocked. "Whos the woman? Are you happy?" And then the classic "holy shit you got me" response, "you fucker!"

She sent it off to Mike & Chrissy. Like they give a fuck. Finally I pulled off a decent April Fools' Day prank. Been years in the making.

I've told her, if she wants grandkids so bad, to find me a suitable female. Otherwise, Mike's her best option. And he's only 18. It's more likely to happen with him than me right now.

Stay tuned. If it doesnt thunderstorm too bad today I'll post another entry complete w/youtube clips.

If not, April Fool! I think I'm goin back to bed.
March 31, 2008 at 2:47pm
March 31, 2008 at 2:47pm
The weather's finally breaking. Back up in the 50's today. Hopefully I won't have to put on another pair of pants til November. *Cool*

Decided to save a few bucks and go to McDonalds for lunch. I get cravings for it once in awhile. Double Cheeseburger. Dollar Menuaire, baby.

Then later on, I remember why I don't go to McDonalds more often. Remember Morgan Spurlock's documentary "Super Size Me"? The movie that everyone said "scared them straight off the Big Mac" as if it were cocaine and they'd just seen "Scared Straight"?


Well, not me. Yes, parts of the movie were gross. But it was more like watching a fucking hour-and-a-half long commercial for McDonalds. And who in their right mind actually wants to eat their 3 squares at the golden arches, every day? Of course you're going to get sick, jackass! Don't make me get all Bruce Willis on you and tell you "there's always a little shit in the meat." (And damn youtube, for only having that clip available in Spanish...no offense, Spanish-speaking readers. But I can't put that up here.)

No. The next day, no, for like the next 3 days after watching that movie, I marched my happy ass over to McDonalds for at least one meal a day. Because I'm foolish. And for an hour and a half, I've stared at images of Ronald McDonald and pals, listening to this man supersize his value meals and gulping down Shamrock Shakes and puking up whatever his kidneys are rejecting (and I think I'm making up the part about the Shamrock Shakes...don't remember if he actually ordered one or not but it sounds damn good right about now), and it all means nothing to me. It means, damn, I'm kinda hungry, and Chicken McNuggets sounds like a good idea.

Yeah, Chicken McNuggets did sound like a good idea. Til I got a bone in one once. I remember once when I was a little, little kid, not long after they introduced Chicken McNuggets. I loved 'em. I think back in the day they used every part of the chicken except the cluck. We had an extra hot mustard sauce packet thingey (I know they're not actually packets...what are they? Mini-tubs?) in the fridge. Know what else I really liked as a little, little kid? Cheese Sandwiches. With mustard. And that particular afternoon, we happened to be out of mustard. What I'm about to say next may come as a surprise, so do not try this at home. I repeat, do not try this at home. Consider yourselves warned.

McDonalds' hot mustard sauce does not taste good on a cheese sandwich.

It's disgusting. And I think I was using regular cheddar cheese instead of American. Not a good combo. In case you ever get the urge for a cheese sandwich.

What was my point? I tend to lose it when I've got McDonalds warring on in my belly. Oh yeah. So I've got the McDonalds. That's what I call it. That stomachache you get after eating McDonalds. It gives you the McDonalds. I guy I used to work with, everytime we had McDonalds, would smell the inside of the bag before he ate. He said he did this because everytime he farted after eating McDonalds, it smelled like the inside of the bag. Oddly enough, he was right. I know, sick image. But it's true. And I never said this blog was gonna be filled with flowers and puppies and cutsie-tootsie rub-a-dub fluffy fun. And the hell with Morgan Spurlock and his dumb movie. I think I fell asleep at the end of it actually.
March 30, 2008 at 2:12pm
March 30, 2008 at 2:12pm
I'd like to think I'm a pretty good judge of my own talent as a writer. I know I've got a few peices in my port that are worth less than 3 stars. I'd like to think I have the sense to know when something of mine is better. That said, I've been struck by The Phantom Rater. Which I don't mind, much. Whoever's giving me 4.5 stars, thank you much (even if the piece is kinda a thrown-together piece of crap); I wish I could thank you personally. And to the person who thinks it's ok to rate something 2.5 stars, and not have the stones to tell me why I sucked at life that particular moment or offer any sort of advice or help, frankly, it makes me wonder. And not why this person rates (in my opinion) a decent piece so poorly and doesn't sign their name to it. No. I'm wondering, who helped you log on to WDC in the first place??

To add to my confusion today, I received a very nice email from someone asking me desperately to review something they'd written. The email said something like "I've been going thru your port, and based on what you've written and your reviews, I think you're more than qualified to review the chapters of my sci-fi fantasy novel." Ummm, ahhh...WHAT?? First, don't tell me you've been rifling thru my port and haven't reviewed a damn thing, then ask me for a review! I think I said that before. And #2, there is nothing in my port that says "Sci-fi" or fantasy. I don't like Science Fiction very much. I have little use for it. Sure, I write weird things that really sometimes don't make a lot of sense. But I wouldn't call it anything close to Sci-fi. On top of that, chapters? Of, like, novels? Honestly, I don't think I can recall reading a single chapter of anything remotely close to a novel. I tend to stick to short things. Poems. Prose. Romance. Love. Hate. Miscellany. Bullshit even. Not novels. No thank you. Not this attention span.

The funny and ironic part of my babbling is that this person has an In & Out offering reviews. And I'm not going to nitpick, because I'm the first offender of a lack of style, lack of proofreading, and a lack of effort given to how things look. But judging by the email I received, there's grammatical errors bleeding off the screen. And that said, I'm at least going to give it a shot and see if it can hold my attention. I hope she proofread it first. I hope my eyeballs don't dry out.

And I hope to god she's not reading this blog.
March 29, 2008 at 3:42pm
March 29, 2008 at 3:42pm
So I'm in a better mood today. Went to lunch with Scottie K, a dude I used to work with and one of those people that if you knew he was working, it was probably going to be a good day. Scottie filled me in and I must say, I'm glad that some people there still remember me and can tell some pretty good stories.

I was an Assistant Manager for Rite-Aid, and were one of the former Eckerd stores that was bought out. I didn't particularily enjoy my job, nor was I very good at it. My boss was kind of a bitch at times (I know, who's isn't) and a lot of time it was "her way or no way" (which is probably why she's the boss) and liked to tell the same stories over and over. And never took any bit of criticism well. To top it off, we had different senses of humor. I never found her funny and vice-versa. Needless to say, I was the "cool" manager. The "fun" manager. Didn't wanna tuck in your shitr? No prob. Five minutes late? No prob. I let a lot of little things slide, so long as whatever I gave you to do got done.

Me and Scottie were basically the only males in the customer service/photo lab/management departments. And he's easily 10-12 years younger. We got along well.

So anyway, I stopped working there shortly after the merger, but still talk to Scottie once in awhile. So, picture a pharmacy. Any pharmacy. The one in your hometown...CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid...they all pretty much look kinda similar, and they've all got pretty much the same shit. Now, imagine the photo lab being moved halfway across the store, where the manager's office is, and the manager's office being relocated to the vacated photo lab. How nuts is that! He also said that when the pharmacy itself was being updated and renovated, there was a makeshift temporary pharmacy in the back corner of the store...where the food and soda pop display is. Insanity, these big-money drug companies. Insanity. I'd be even crazier if I was still there.

Speaking of the Rx dept...our store categorically was one of the lowest-volume Rx dept's in the entire 30-some odd store district. Conversely, we did a huge amount of Photo Lab business. So let's bury the photo lab in another part of the store where no one's gonna see it, and dump a ton of money into renovating an Rx dept. that nobody goes to, with a pharmacist (that, while I personally think he's a great guy) has his head up his ass and has no clue what's going on around him, just to make it all high-tech and fancy. Makes no sense.

Scottie told me a few other stories, caught me up on how everyone's doing, and I finally got to share the biggest secret that I couldn't tell anyone...only one other person in the whole company knew (who also happened to be my crazy ex-girlfriend). Finally, I could tell someone what I'd been waiting for so long, and not have to worry about repercussions or word getting around or the wrong people finding out. I got to tell him that right before I got transferred to his store, I went out with a bunch of friends, including my girlfriend, and his and my soon-to-be bitch of a boss got wind and asked if she was invited (this was before I thought she was a bitch). Sure, no prob. She didn't seem like the party type, nor have the stamina to hang all night with us. Boy was I wrong. Around 3am approaches, and it hits her...she's drunk. Oh hell it's 3am, we're all pretty drunk. So I invite her to stay on my couch cuz I live very close to the bar, and she takes me up on it. Long story short, my best friend on the couch with my soon-to-be boss, who is engaged, well, they decide to hook up. Scottie K's reaction? I think he was shocked. I was shocked. But it felt good to tell Scottie...to hold that secret for a year and a half, was killing me! I had to tell someone! And my boss and I? Nary a word was ever spoken about that night. Ever.

Anyway, things are a little better today. No sightings. No drama. Dad's coming over around 7 to drop off a carton of smokes so it'll be good to see him. I think I'm gonna head off for lunch soon, haven't eaten yet today And I could go for a chili dog. Mmmm. Hope everyone's enjoying their weekends so far.
March 29, 2008 at 1:41pm
March 29, 2008 at 1:41pm
The classic...all three episodes are available here!


*Laugh* I hope this link works...
March 28, 2008 at 12:39pm
March 28, 2008 at 12:39pm
Had a whole 'nother entry prepared and ready to go...maybe after lunch. I'm pissed on a whole different other level.

I'm not even pissed. I wanna puke. I wanna end the choking feeling I've got goin' on.

Yesterday I saw the last girl I dated, 2x, driving past me. No big, no prob. I didn't even date her that long, and I'm not gonna waste more time slaggin' on her. It was what it was and became something it shouldn't have. I'm way over it. That said, I wish it didn't end the way it did. Maybe that's what eats at me. I can be an ass. Who knew? *Rolleyes*

So I get the good fortune of having her drive past me again today. I hope and pray she doesn't recognize me. Nope. Today she waves at me. I wiggle my fingers back (presumably to keep me from shoving them down my throat). If this is love you can take it back. I didn't even know her long enough to love her, but she was loveable. Definitely.

I really hope she lost my phone number or doesn't get the urge to use it. I really do. Because I don't trust myself enough to talk to her and pretend like I wouldn't want to hang out with her again.

I swear I ask for trouble more than I deserve it.

March 27, 2008 at 4:21pm
March 27, 2008 at 4:21pm
So I'm not much of a phone person. Not a big fan. Usually it's "hey what's up, what's goin on, mhm mhm, good, see I told you that's fucked up, yeah let's get together on saturday, later".

2 weeks ago I switched my cell plan from Prepaid to the T-Mobile My Faves plan. So every month I get 300 whenever minutes, unlimited nights and weekends, plus unlimited calling to any 5 numbers nationwide (these would be considered my 5 "Faves") for $39.99. I had the $9.99 text plan, which gave me 1000 texts/instant messages (AOL). After receiving a text saying that I was about to go over my texts (a mild surprise but one I could still kinda see coming of late) I decided to do some research and see exactly what the hell it is I do on my phone. These figures are off the T-Mobile website and are accurate as of yesterday afternoon:

*Bullet* Of the 300 daytime minutes, I've used 39.
*Bullet* During the unlimited nights and weekends, I've also used 39 minutes.
*Bullet* Between my 5 "My Faves" numbers, I've used 1581 minutes. That's over 26 and a half hours! HOURS! And of those 26.5 hours, probably 25 have been spent talking to one person in particular. Yeah, I'm lookin at you, gorgeous...well, ok, if I was lookin at you I prolly wouldn't spend so much time on the phone with you, like you said, but yeah...
*Bullet* For $5 more, I've upgraded to the Unlimited texting plan. So if anyone drops me a text or IM, it's all good. Unless I happen to actually be on the phone.

In other events:
*Bullet* After getting off the phone last night I went through my vast music library and dug up some techno that I haven't listened to in awhile. Forgot how good this song/video are:
I think what makes me listen to music besides great lyrics are loud beats and bass. Go figure. I hope the video isn't as slow to load for you as it is for me.
*Bullet* Truly a sad day. The man who introduced the world and McDonalds to the Egg McMuffin has passed away. How in the hell did he provide us with such an unhealthy delicacy and still manage to live to be 87? With my luck I'll invent a cure for cancer and get hit by a bus on the way to saving lives when I'm like 40.

I prefer breakfast burritos anyway.
March 26, 2008 at 7:29pm
March 26, 2008 at 7:29pm
Took me awhile, but I finally found it. Got the idea from chicochica . Some of these are a little dated, and there's way too many to actually post, so here's the link:


And a few more that I found, for good measure:

You consider it a sport to sit in a ice hut all day long with a rod and reel just to put perch in your freezer.. you might live in Buffalo.

If you're proud that your region makes the national news 96 nights each year because Lewiston is the coldest spot in the nation, you might live in Buffalo.

If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might live in Buffalo.

If you instinctively walk like a penguin for five months out of the year, you might live in Buffalo.

If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in Buffalo; because you're all so damn friendly.

If you have ever worn shorts, sunglasses and a parka at the same time, you might live in Buffalo.

If your town has an equal number of bars and churches, or if you are in church and your priest or minister asks you to pray for the Bills, and wants to get you all home for 1 p.m. kickoff you might live in Buffalo.

If you have had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you might live in Buffalo.

YOU KNOW YOU ARE A TRUE Buffalonian when:

1. "Vacation" means going over to your cabin in Canada for the weekend. (Or driving 2 hours to Toronto!)

2. You measure distance in minutes it takes to get there.

3. You know several people who have hit a deer more than once.

4. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again.

5. You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching.

6. You carry jumper cables in your car and your wife knows how to use them. (Not to mention, all the equipment necessary like shovel, de-icer..etc needed)

7. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

8. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.

9. You know all 4 seasons: almost fall, winter, still winter and road construction.

10. Down South to you means ERIE, PA.

11. You find '0' degrees "a little chilly."

12. You go out to fish fry every Friday, Prime Rib on Saturday and bingo every Wednesday. (Late nights at Applebees!)

13. Your 4th of July picnic was moved indoors due to frost.

14. You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.

15. You actually understand these jokes, and you forward them to all your
Buffalo friends!

To add to this list:

16. You can leave your frozen food in the balcony or in the trunk overnight and they'll all still be frozen the next day!

17. Your pet goldfish froze to death because the tank is next to the windows and you've forgotten to close them.

18. You know what is the difference between: ice/slush or sleet/black ice/hail snow/freezing rain/flurries.

19. You bring around an extra pair of gloves/mittons/scarf/beanie for just in case...
March 26, 2008 at 4:05pm
March 26, 2008 at 4:05pm
*Bullet* My favorite movie as a teenager was probably "Major League" w/ Charlie Sheen, Corbin Bernson and Tom Berringer. Sometimes I'd watch it 3 times a week in the summer. I heard on the radio today that most of it was actually filmed in Milwaukee and not Cleveland, where the gist of the story is set. To hear that was almost like hearing there's no such thing as Santa Claus.

*Bullet* Rather than edit my previous entry (again), I have to brag that also when I was younger, I was indeed a pretty solid softball player. I managed to hit .600 one year, in of all places, a church league. Hey, don't judge me! I was young and impressionable. It's worth noting that most of my hits were infield singles or seeing-eye doubles that worked their way into holes in the infield and I was quick enough to race to 2nd. Enough bragging.

*Bullet* I can't get over how weird it is every once in awhile to see something I wrote in the "Reviewer Items" column. I guess it's weird cuz I'm not really sure how I feel about it actually. I almost wish I had a choice over what ends up there, but I'm not in the mood to be shamelessly self-promoting myself today.

*Bullet* When I put my phone on silent or vibrate, no one calls or texts. But if I forget, everyone and their Jesus wants to get a hold of me, and it's so damn loud.

*Bullet* From the department of "What the weatherman forgot to tell you as he proclaimed 'The Sky's Gonna Fall'": It's abso-freakin-lutely gorgeous outside today...low-to-mid 40's, lotsa sunshine, not a cloud nor chill in the air. I was braced for the worst and was too lazy to do anything productive. Now watch, it's gonna be crappy the rest of the week, and I'll be dying to get out of the house. That's my luck. Hope y'all are more inclined to make something useful happen today than I am. Peace.

*Bullet* *Bullet* I just noticed that I'm over 100 entries. *Balloon6* Who'd thunk I could sustain this for that long? It's sort of like the weird tv show that no one watches, yet makes it to 100 episodes. The question is, who forgot the cake?? *Balloon6*
March 25, 2008 at 3:07pm
March 25, 2008 at 3:07pm
*Bullet* The best part of spring is a new year rising...everything rising...plants, leaves, hope, truth, love. I have no choice but to believe in life's rebirth. Spring is probably my most optimistic time of year. It sets the stage for the year to come.

*Bullet* Submitted my name/number to the village for the upcoming mens' softball season, hoping someone will pick up a light-hitting but fast and decent-fielding second baseman/catcher. I last played 2 or 3 summers ago, and I'm not ready to hang up the cleats yet. I was horrible that year...my first as a catcher. I couldn't hit my way out of a wet paper bag. I decided I wasn't going out like that; I need this summer to be productive and I still think I've got a few swings left in me. That and I won't be playing with the J-bags, which means I won't be batting in the bottom of the 7th with the bases loaded, 2 outs, needing a hit to win the game, and whiffing while fighting off a slight buzz. I spent more time next to the beer cooler than I did on base. Not good.

*Bullet* HIPPIE ALERT! At the village board meeting last night I volunteered for the annual "Clean Up Depew Day" in April. Good karma. And I may volunteer to help plant trees in the village, as we got a grant from the state to replace trees we lost in various storms in the past year and a half. Don't worry, I'm not gonna burn any bras or stop showering.

*Bullet* THE RULE OF THE DAY: If you're going to come to the library for internet access, please make sure you're prepared for one thing: make sure you know the basics of using a computer! This weird old guy gets on next to me, and for the two hours he's there, he's struggling. I mean, he's struggling. He's having a rough go at things. And I'm trying to mind my own business, go through my emails, etc, but this guy is a train wreck with a keyboard. I know he had to have some knowledge, as he had a printout of some product he was looking for, but as he sat down and couldn't figure out how to open up Internet Explorer and had to ask for assistance from the main desk I knew he was in for a hard drive (ok, lame pun intended). Then he kept asking me simple questions as if he was actually trying to test my patience (I must admit, I passed with flying colors and managed to not kill nor maim this poor, lost individual), and somehow he managed to pull up some Chinese website. At that point I closed everything out for him (he didn't know what the little "x" at the top right hand corner was for) and tried to start him over, which I think confused him more. The ironic part of all this, might you ask? The product he was attempting to research was MSN's Microsoft Windows TV. Somewhere in a third world country, Bill Gates is smiling knowing that this man is soon gonna line his pockets a little more, so that Mr. Gates will have even more ching to give to the starving kids in Rwanda instead of the millions he flew over in America on his way there.

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
March 24, 2008 at 3:47pm
March 24, 2008 at 3:47pm
Hope y'all had a Happy Easter.

And if you didn't celebrate Easter, then a happy Sunday.

And if you didn't have a happy sunday, then I can't help your poor miserable life.

I actually didn't have a bad Easter. Went to Mother Mary & Grumpo's for dinner. They're my uncle's parents. Very nice people, but very old. Grumpo's arthritis got the best of him so he's pretty wheelchair bound and basically comes out to eat, sleep and bathe. And Mother Mary's just starting to lose it upstairs a little bit. Met my uncle's sister, whom I was told I met her at Christmas two years ago. I have no friggin clue (she's from out of town, Vegas maybe?). But she's chatty and batty and one step under being obnoxious as all get-out.

Dinner was fine, really good actually. Ham w/pineapple, 2 kinds of sausages, mashed potatoes, some kind of "authentic" something potato salad which was really good (maybe cuz it was made with mustard...a high compliment from someone who doesn't eat potato salad), sweet potatoes (which you couldn't pay me enough to eat), buttered rye bread (seedless cuz that's the way I like it) and I'm sure there's other stuff I'm forgetting. Dessert was awesome...homemade cream puffs (even though the filling didn't quite set) and homemade cheesecake.

And then of course, the watching of Jackass 2.5 back at my aunt and uncles. We may eat well, but I never said we were normal, and no one got chewed out by anyone

**For the record I am not a fan of the tv shows or movies the Jackass crew has put out. Maybe when I was 18 or 19.
March 22, 2008 at 4:44pm
March 22, 2008 at 4:44pm
I was reminded yesterday of what I forgot was one of the most torturous experiences known to man.

I had to buy a new pair of jeans. Thanks to the dog that shredded mine (I'm still bitter about what that beast has put me through).

Maybe I'm too picky. But no one makes jeans that fit me nicely. Or has the color I have in mind. Or they're pre-ripped (which is bullshit). Or they flare out too much. Or they're $85 (and I have a hard time spending over $30).

I think I went into every store in the mall that sells men's clothing at least twice. And I think every clerk saw the dissatisfaction on my face as I left (or came back in).

Let me back up. The main reason for going to the mall was to figure out what was wrong with my cell phone. It's still not doing all the cool shit it's supposed to (then again, why not just lug around a laptop?). They wouldn't even look at it. If I had the box, the kid told me, he'd replace it. Jeez for all I know, I could be doing something wrong. Instead I have to go home and come back with the damn box. Why, I have no freakin clue.

Then, I figured, since there's only about 800 ATMs in the mall, I'd pull out some cash from my debit card to pay on my rent. And Walgreens only lets you take out up to $40. If anyone knows where I can pay rent for $40, let me know.

No dice.

Not a single one of those ATMs for whatever reason would take my card. I mean, it was only issued by New York State. Why should I be surprised.

So I say fuck it. How hard can it be to find a pair of jeans? This should go well and I can get the hell out of here, and maybe make it home in time to get to the library.

Haha! Riiiiiiiiiight. Like, what color is the sky in my planet.

I'm not graced with long legs. And most places only carry a 30-inch length as the smallest (for the record, I can still squeeze into 31-30's like I was back in college). If they're too flared, I'll walk all over them. If they're too straight, they don't look right. Or the color is off. Or they're too beat-up looking. I found a really nice pair at Macy's that I know would've looked great on me...but not for $100.

I may have to start wearing children's sizes. However, they may not be big enough in the hips to accommodate my hips.

Where do these manufacturers get off? Surely I cannot be the only one who has this problem.

The best pair of jeans I owned, fit-wise? I think they were an ex-girlfriend's because I didn't buy them and may have mistaken hers for mine (I think they were a size 8...maybe 10, not sure). Didn't even realize it til she pointed it out.

Another thing...I will not try on clothes in dressing rooms unless absolutely necessary. For that, if I do need to return them, I will make the 2nd trip. But I lucked out. Got a nice pair of Levi's for less than $30. Just like my college days. And I hardly ever shop at JC Penney's. Although I must say, I'm not a big fan of the waist on these. It's very, very low; lower than any of my American Eagle jeans. And uh, yeah, it would help if I remembered to zip them up, because I left the house, had lunch, and didn't realize until I sat down 5 minutes after getting to the library that I had forgotten to perform this simple and necessary task.

That's enough of that most boring story.

Congrats to Dave, who just became a first time uncle. And to his family, especially his sister and brother-in-law, for being first time parents. Mom, dad and baby are all healthy and doing well.

It makes me feel old.
March 20, 2008 at 8:20pm
March 20, 2008 at 8:20pm
Snagged from Julie D - PUBLISHED! , for your pleasure...

My dad, and his dad, and the tradition stops here.

Do these things get any more interesting?

Never heard someone ask me that before. I know no one likes my signature.

There we go! I'm a salami fan. Turkey and ham #2 & 3.

Not that I'm legally aware of.

I would've kicked my ass; stole my lunch money, girl and bike; and told your parents on me.

like a 2nd language

Yeah. And my wisdom teeth. Cuz I'm a smart mouth.

Why not?

Depends what I'm in the mood for, yo... Reese Peanut Butter Puffs.

They don't let me have laces. They're afraid I'm gonna strangle someone.

Emotionally, more so now than ever. Physically, definitely more of a wuss than when I was 17.

Slathered all over a set of....ooops I mean Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby

eyes. then connection.

Pink cuz it brings out the man in my eyes.

that I'mma torture people by not answering this question.

she knows

there's more important things in life than me and this

Why wanna make out?? ok jeans from AE and big black Doc Marten boots. P-U-N-X.

20.What was the last thing you ate?
1/2 a salami sub from the Deli, 1/2 a gigantic pickle and broccoli/cheddar soup.

some Beastie Boys remixes on youtube, and Rivers Cuomo is in my cd player.

the broken one the smelly kid shoved up his nose

The morning I wake up next to the one I love and her scent is all over me.

my landlord

If by "sent this" you mean "ganked from", then yup, why not.

hockey and football

an effed-up red


if I could figure out how to jam them in my eyes

tacos or pizza

"fo fi dolla you get happy ending"

I don't have the attention span for movies. No BS. Wait, does the documentary on Thursday's "Kill The House Lights" dvd count? Or the Public Enemy concert that came with their cd?

Black longsleeve over a grey button-down over a t-shirt that says ironically "Standard of Living" (they're a local band)

Summer. Or spring. or handsprings.

hugs. Unless my lips are required.



everyone who doesn't read this...you suckas.

Spin magazine and Poems of Dylan Thomas.

a dead mouse and some half-eaten cheese

I don't watch tv. It's overrated.

loud, bangy things. Or girls who...never mind.

Definitely Beatles, Sgt. Pepper and after.


If I told you you'd either slap me or wanna marry me.

don't ask the questions if you aren't gonna like the answers.
March 20, 2008 at 4:08pm
March 20, 2008 at 4:08pm
Very quickly, since I take awhile and I'm being texted...

Thankfully I don't have an ass, because I got bit by a dog last nite. Sumbitch shredded my jeans. Thankfully, not me.

Love Rivers Cuomo's cd (Weezer's singer). Makes me fall in love with very listen.

Got busy last nite and this morning. Gonna post 3 new pieces...a cheesy love song ("Somebody Please Let Her Know!"), a banger (Check Your ID") and something more obtuse (my favorite "style" of writing, "Little Remote"). May even throw in a fourth if I get bored, "Broken Dictionaries", but I'm not in the bitter mood.

Gonna make my girl happy and swing by her blog before I check mine and my emails and whatnot.

Free Tibet.

My biggest accomplishment today so far has been blowing off a form-letter type email from a state senator and an email from the record shop advertising a used cd sale just to email my sister. If I don't reach out to some people, they usually think I'm dead (first...before they try to reach out to me).

March 19, 2008 at 3:03pm
March 19, 2008 at 3:03pm
So in coversation with emptyelevators, and several other folks around the WDC Country, many of you have let it be known that it's almost too bad there hasn't been a WDC convention in awhile, and there prolly won't be one w/the pregnancy of SM/SMs. So I came up with a half-genius idea. Why not throw my own "Convention"?

Don't get all excited. I haven't hammered out all the details. Yet.

In no way would it be a site-wide convention. I'd even hesitate to call it a convention. Maybe a delegation? A gathering? A herding? Whatever man, I digress.

I look at it this way. I have a fairly large apartment so I could host a decent amount of people. The only drawback is one bathroom with one shower. That could get potentially riotous (and I have a sign hanging in my shower that says "By order of state law, it is unlawful to have more than 5 persons in this shower at a time". No bullshit.) and I don't need people burning my backyard like it's Woodstock. Oh snap, I never thought about that...there's a small amount of room in my backyard, people could tent and campout there as well! Score! (And I'm thinking about the timing being May/June, when it's warm but not too warm...maybe July).

So let's see...sleeping arrangements...2-3 on the fold-out couch in the living room, one on the recliner, one on the Papasan chair, plenty of floor space in the rest of the living room, one single bed in the spare room, 2 on the loveseat in the spare room (it reclines), maybe one or 2 more on the floor, one on the recliner in my room, and maybe one more in my bed (can probably hold 3, but someone's already got first dibs). And maybe a couple on the bedroom floor. And Wednesday's already called the tub or any little nook and cranny in the basment (which is huge and has lots of space, but it's kinda dank and spidery down there, and might have to function as a rain shelter for Tent City if the weather's bad). And for those unsure, I do live near a lot of hotels and the airport, but for that you're on your own.

It'd probably be a weekend thing...Fri-Sat-Sun. Friday we get you people in town, get you situated, and have some real pizza and chicken wings (and if anyone calls them "Buffalo Wings", you're getting sent home...do you think Chinese people say "let's order Chinese Food tonight"?). Maybe hang out and get to know each other. Depending on how many people show, I might rent a van for easy transportation. Saturday hmmm...breakfast, sightseeing, Elmwood Village, Galleria Mall, Mighty Taco for lunch (a Buffalo staple), Niagara Falls and Casino. Sunday breakfast, church is right down the street in case anyone feels the need, otherwise it'll be freetime, the afternoon we'll do something fun and memorable, and get you guys back home Sunday night. The itinerary of course is subject to change.

Keep in mind, this is only a loose idea. Of course I haven't thought it completely 100% of the way through. If there does seem to be some interest, maybe I'll start a forum with a pass-key (cuz I really don't think I want like 100 people at my house). So if anyone's interested, holla back at yer boy and I'll come up with something a little more formal.

And yes, this is one of the things I think about while you're out at work all day.
March 19, 2008 at 2:38pm
March 19, 2008 at 2:38pm
*Bullet* So yesterday was kinda nice. Took Mike to The Deli for the first time (can't take the prick anywhere...he'll still find a way to order some form of chicken fingers...at least he didn't immediately go to the bathroom- the place is too small to have a public restroom, and I'm going to offer this little tale not to embarass him, but when he was little the first thing he did in any restaurant was check out the restrooms...to this day we still can't figure out why). Every now and then when I hang out with him, he seems a little off, like something doesn't seem right. Maybe 3 out of 10 times. He doesn't say much and keeps to himself. Which isn't always bad, but the last time I saw him it was to help him move, and he seemed a lot brighter personality-wise, and you'd think he'd have more to say for not seeing each other in that long. I'm thinking maybe Noon was too early for him. All-in-all it wasn't bad; took him to the library afterwards to show him some cool shit I knew he'd enjoy online (youtube is so freaking addicting, I swear). Scroll down about 50 entries and see if you can find the "Peanut Butter Federline" (yes, that Federline) link cuz I'm too lazy to look for it today and this entry's prolly gonna be long enough. So long it might turn into 2.

*Bullet* Pretty much spent the rest of the day in the house afterwards. Didn't feel like going back to the library or anyplace else. OK that's a lie. I had to stop and buy smokes, because my genius brother didn't bring his ID with him (and let's not mention the fact that he still hasn't passed his road test *2 tries* and basically drove illegally until he picked me up...I swear if that fucker gets caught...) and the granny behind the counter, even though she knows I'm over 18 and have bought smokes off her before, wouldn't sell them to me cuz the little shit didn't even bring his ID. Illegal driving, no forms of ID, driving with an open bottle of Dr. Pepper...the kid's off to a fantastic start. Anyway, that wasn't the point...I was in bed super early last night, sorry baby...I know you told me to call but I think the late nights kinda caught up to me. Probably call tonite, you...

*Bullet* Logged on today thinking I had my usual 2-5 emails to look at, usually comments on the blog, perhaps a review if I'm lucky, or the random love note or death threat. Completely forgot that I had 2 high bids in an auction, and the one bid already paid up her reviews. So big thanks to stacylynn71 for the wonderful reviews...it's almost impossible nowadays to actually get a decent review that provides some insight and encourages dialogue between users. Maybe I'm selfish, but when I review (and I admit I need to do it more), I try to tell the person exactly what I think and provide examples of their work as to why I feel the way I do. And I'm not trying to offend anyone or discourage anyone from reviewing me, but here's been the standard review I've been getting lately (and I've scoured WritingML just to see if there isn't some kind of review form-letter thing floating around) and I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about:

"Dear So-and-so,
Wow I really liked this. It's beautiful.

signed/keep writing/your friend,
random user

PS: Can you check out some of my stuff sometime? That'd be great. Thanks!"

The postscript is longer than the review! It's like "hey, I just loaned you a quarter yesterday, but I need you to pay me back...can I get that in hundreds?" I certainly don't mind reviewing someone if they've reviewed me. But this is the exact situation I do kinda have a problem with. Again, if you're one of these people, I'm sorry...it wasn't meant to call you out. I'm just sayin'...it's just something that gets my panties a little bunched.

I'm gonna cut this entry short (ok, it's not short, but I don't want what I have let to say to get tacked on to the end of this, cuz it's kinda interesting). So get your popcorn, your favorite beverage, lock the kids up, bolt the door...here it goes...
March 17, 2008 at 5:21pm
March 17, 2008 at 5:21pm
Happy St. Patrick's Day.

Thanks for not beating me up too bad for my saturday night escapades. I actually did get a lil verbal reprimanding over the phone sunday night, but that was atoned for later *Smile* in a great way. Thanks baby...hope you slept well.

Who knew that cell phones actually hang themselves up on you once your conversation hits the 4-hour mark? Your homework is to try that sometime.

Go out and buy the latest Public Enemy cd. It bangs. It's easily their best in the last 10-15 years. No lie.

Hope all y'all have a great time tonight if you're planning on celebrating. Somebody drop back a Guinness for me!

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