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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
My sig from Tanin, Writing Warrior.

I figured it was about time I started keeping track of silly thoughts or strange things I see from time to time. Sometimes it's vulgar. Sometimes it's sad. And even on some rare occasions, it's a riot! *Smirk*

I think a therapist would have a field day with this...oh wait...I already tried that, to no avail. I guess the rest is up to you. So feel free to stick your takes in The Drop-Off at any time, and don't hold back. Give it to me!

Studyees, you get prime real estate in The Library, so make it count.

Peace out NOW!

Signature for Between the Lines members.

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March 16, 2008 at 2:35pm
March 16, 2008 at 2:35pm
So I'm gonna start off with an apology of sorts, because I'm probably inadvertantly going to offend every female that views this entry.

Went to the Ball last night. Big ups to my man Terry at the New York Store for hooking me up with a sweet sportcoat and some nice threads that made me look awesome. Even my cigarettes matched the ensemble. People didn't recognize me at first; I looked that good. Didn't have a bad time; didn't have a lights-out time either. I think I pissed a few people off because I practically spent the entire night text-messaging. Oh well.

So there's a lady that's affiliated with us, really nice lady. Few years older than me; married (like that's ever stopped me before) and I knew she had a son around my brother's age (18). And this is what I'll never in all my years understand about women, part 1: she's one of those ladies who'll talk smack about her stand-up, nice guy husband, yet at the end of the night that's who she goes home with or to because she knows she loves him. And I'm not going to lie, when I first met her I had a bit of a crush on her (can I say that without sounding like a creepy teenager even though I'm in my 30's?). When we have functions she personally makes extra peanut butter treats for me to take home cuz she knows I like 'em. I think it's really nice of her that she goes out of her way and thinks of me that way. Like I said, nice lady.

So I'm talking to her last night, and tells me she has a daughter. I never knew! She points her out and asks me if I would ask her to dance. Being the nice guy I am, I say "Ya know, I was going to ask you to ask her to ask me to dance" (because god I'm such a pussy sometimes). She introduces us, and by god she's beautiful. And this is where the collective mass of you females in the audience is going to reach back and crack me solid on the jaw when I say, yeah, very pretty, but maybe a bit thicker for my personal taste. And here's where I get in trouble for talking out of both sides of my mouth (a bad habit well exercised)...I just get finished sending a text to a lovely girl swearing I'm not going to so much even look at another girl, and there I am chatting up this woman's daughter (and conveniently forgetting that a mother's seal of approval is typically the kiss of death when it comes to talking to young females) and laying the groundwork for making a huge ass out of myself (something I take every measure of avoiding but inexplicably doing anyway).

I step out for a smoke and I'm joined by this girl (I don't even remember her name, how callous and shallow am I? We'll call her Nicki cuz that's what seems to stick in my head). At this point I figure out she's got a kid and is probably a lot younger than she looks. I pay her some compliments and ask her if she'd like to dance, to which her reply is she's going to be leaving soon. And I in my infinite grace, wisdom and charm am too much of an idiot to get the hint, and compound the problem by attempting to dance right then and there with her. Coincidently, she was not impressed. And that's part 2 of why I will never understand the female culture and perspective. I just wanted some fun. Wasn't looking for lofty expectations, love, or even sex. Just a good time out in public. I should know better; I'm not much for getting along with others in public sometimes.

So I fell for the bullshit about her leaving at midnight. And in the course of our brief conversation, she somehow managed to assume I was all of 19 years old!! What the fuck?!?! Age NEVER came up in any way, shape or form...she just flatfuck guessed I was 19! Flattering I suppose, but I'm nowhere near 19 and I wouldn't even lie about that if I knew it was going to get her out of her dress. I find this out because I bump back into her mother and I mention that I didn't think her daughter was impressed with me. Her mom says "I think it's because she said you're 19. She came up to me and said 'mom, what are you doing trying to set me up with a 19-year-old?'" And I of course responded with my typical, over-the-top shocked and appalled reaction. And that was pretty much the end of that conversation.

The ironic part of the evening? After my landlord ditched me for a ride home, I caught a ride with Nicki's mom, her husband and her friend. Don't know how Nicki got home. Kinda sorta don't care either.
March 15, 2008 at 3:05pm
March 15, 2008 at 3:05pm
Can't seem to stop listening to this song over and over...so freaking amazing...


And this song just bangs ridiculously, gotta respect the PE...


Hold up...I just found a sweeter remix...


I think I've just seen a sure sign of the apocalypse...


I'm not gonna post the Beastie Boys/AC DC mash up, but it's pretty sweet. "Shake Your Rump" will always have a special place in my heart. But the Beastie Boys/Beatles mash up pretty much sucks, and that's unfortunate.
March 15, 2008 at 2:41pm
March 15, 2008 at 2:41pm
*Bullet* Made an executive decision. I'm going to the Policeman's Ball. Might even buy a nice shirt for it. Partying with the important people; gotta look the part I suppose.

*Bullet* My appetite seems to be way down again. I want to eat but I'm hardly ever hungry. I keep bringing home half-eaten sandwiches from The Deli. I don't feel any kind of sick or depressed or anything. I'm just not hungry.

*Bullet* Posted a few new (as in brand spanking new) items in the "Slurred Emotions" folder. I've not been so excited about my writing for this long a period of time in a really long time and I have no idea why. It may not even be that good but I don't care, I like it.
March 14, 2008 at 1:49pm
March 14, 2008 at 1:49pm
While wondering how my $6.75 fish fry "special" turned into almost $11...

*Bullet* It's ok to be cynical. Sometimes it's ok to be a tad bit negative. Keeps a healthy balance. Makes me wonder if some things in life are indeed too good to be true.

"He who expects little is seldom disappointed." Word.

*Bullet* My phone would be awesome if it'd just do all the stupid fancy things it's supposed to. I could probably teach the son of a bitchin' thing how to fly a plane but trying to get into text messaging I think requires some kind of 4-year degree, immunization, shenanigans and a note from my doctor. What does the "T" in T-Mobile stand for? Too fucking complicated??

*Bullet* Still haven't made up my mind if I want to go to the Policeman's Ball tomorrow. I probably should go, if for anything a little networking. And the meal. The ticket's already paid for. I really don't feel like dressing up though. That could be the potential deal-breaker.

*Bullet* Made potential Easter dinner plans. If I'm around.

*Bullet* Made a trip to the unemployment office today. Pretty much a waste of time.Talk about a place that would be suited for offering a free meal. Or something. They actually have the nerve to give out a "How are we doing and how can we better serve you" survey, which I thought to be ridiculous and amusing. Sample question: Did we satisfy your needs today? Of course I checked no; I didn't exactly walk out of there with a job offer, did I? That's gotta rate pretty high up on the unintentional comedy factor.

I'm out...gotta figure out what I'm gonna get in the way of a tattoo...maybe this weekend... peace out.
March 13, 2008 at 4:18pm
March 13, 2008 at 4:18pm
March 13, 2008 at 1:25pm
March 13, 2008 at 1:25pm
I'm a torn and twisted man. Details at 11.

Was never a big fan of Thursday. I mean I was, but I couldn't get into them. Got their Live cd yesterday and it pretty much reinvented my faith in them.

I'm in love. Oh yeah, it's love.

I'm missing my brother bigtime. I'm missing a lot of people. Dave, you're in there too, regardless of aborted phone calls and stuff.

Got a new phone yesterday too. Not used to the whole Windows thing. It hasn't yet lived up to its capabilities. Finally got it to connect to AOL IM this morning. Will it actually play the ringtones I want it to, or allow me to access my hotmail account like it promises, or even my WDC email (wishful thinking, I know)? At least I don't have to keep buying prepaid cards. I'll figure this thing out eventually.

Happy birthday dad. Love you.

Gonna try to figure out my new memory card reader and see if I can upload some new pics. And see if I can take a trip. Cuz I'm kinda ready to get out and see new parts of the globe. And love someone (she knows who she is).
March 11, 2008 at 3:48pm
March 11, 2008 at 3:48pm
Depew Village Board, 10 March 2008

Once again it bears repeating, for those late to the party:

If this doesn't affect you, please skip.

Shook hands with Kevin Gaughan last night and asked him a few questions regarding his plans for the area, and what the average citizen can do, especially in a village like mine where government has already begun to undertake sweeping changes. The basic "How do I contribute?" or "What can I do?" More on this to come later, as I get more answers.

Family Ties

Saw Pop Diesel yesterday...he's lookin' good. Hard to believe he's gonna be 56 this week. He actually had a little fire from his 30's left over yesterday, which was oddly refreshing. Sometimes it feels like we missed a decade or two somewhere. I've come to realize the person in my family I'd most want to be if I wasn't me is my aunt.


Had a whole buncha things I wanted to add today, but I kinda don't want to. I'm not bummed or anything, I'm just kinda there. G wanted me to be entertainging and make her laugh today. So here's some entertainment:

Pay close attention and you'll uncover the namesake of this blog:

And to you dirty fucking Poets (careful...there's nudity if you're not paying attention)...

As for funny...maybe later y'all. *Heart*

Oh, by the way...

Thanks Spitzer. Any jackass can get caught with a prostitute. Way to rep NY state. Of course, if I married someone as not pretty as that horse you call a wife, I'd be paying prostitutes too. I just wouldn't get caught. Those people are the ones you should be paying...the ones who take your fall. Instead of making taxpayers and law-abiding citizens twist in the breeze.
March 10, 2008 at 12:34pm
March 10, 2008 at 12:34pm
So I'm in a different library, waiting for my aunt's mother-in-law (sweet lady) to get her taxes checked before I finally cash mine.

I love drama-free weekends.

Worked out for the first time in like 10 years. Saturday's workout consisted of bringing up some weights from the basement. That's enough for me! Sunday, some light (and I stress, light) work with dumbbells (no, not me, sillies!) and some pushups and crunches. And I'm still fucking sore. Way to go using muscles I haven't used in years.

Even cooked this wknd! Made spaghetti sauce for the first time (almost hommemade...I cheated and used the last few teaspoons of what was left in the Ragu jar, plus a little salsa to spice it up). It was ok but not that great. Gave some to my dad, I hope he likes it. Hope he doesn't mind I used ground turkey instead of ground beef. Oh, what'll he care! It's free (albeit not great) spaghetti sauce! I also made these crazy peanut butter treats. Basically I melted half a jar of peanut butter over a third of a box of Count Chocula and stuck it in the freezer. Not too bad. Mmmmm peanut butter...Yeah I know G, it's gross, but it's oh-so-damn-tasty!!

That's it so far for this morning...I'll prolly be back later after I get some cash in my pocket finally. My left pocket feels naked (that's the cue for all you pick-pocketers out there...my identity is worth shit, and that's in the right pocket...you want the left where the cash is).

It's not warm enough to melt this snow, but it's sunny. I'll take it. Beggars can't be choosy.
March 9, 2008 at 3:10pm
March 9, 2008 at 3:10pm
Seen while reading the classified section (ok, doing the crossword puzzle in the classified section and it caught my eye) of the local community newspaper, in reference to Disney dogs:

"Why does Goofy stand and walk on 2 feet, while Pluto walks on all fours? They're both dogs!"

For that matter, why does Goofy talk (albeit almost incoherently), while Pluto just slobbers?


"Tell All Your Friends" is still Taking Back Sunday's best album. This is their 2nd best song:

To my surprise, I actually found a halfway decent version of my favorite TBS song:

If I'm in the wrong mood, the original version of this song will bring me to tears.
March 8, 2008 at 4:10pm
March 8, 2008 at 4:10pm
OK so I'm not in a body cast but I'm still sore...and how could I have forgotten strawberry Kool Aid?

And why does anything lemon-lime flavored not really taste like lemon or lime (I'm talking about you, 7-up, but just about everything lemon-lime is included)?

Was gonna spend the day updating and adding some old stuff, which I kinda did. Started revamping a whole folder, which is gonna need more work. But here's the start:

The Computer Age  (13+)
Bringing back some old favorites from 2001-2003.
#1334789 by Fivesixer

Plenty more in store for later on...stay warm kids and have a great day.
March 7, 2008 at 2:46pm
March 7, 2008 at 2:46pm
Almost a day of celebration! In a day full of no news...

*Bullet* Tomorrow's entry will likely be brought to you in a full body cast. With the way it's storming out, I almost didn't leave the house. Three months ago I most likely wouldn't have, for anything. So against better wisdom today, I did. And I know better than to step out in this weather and walk across the train tracks that are flush to the pavement. Slick as hell. Now my street is not a busy street, but only I would slip in oncoming traffic. My once-impeccable balance deserted me (probably somewhere in the yards and parks of Cheektowaga on football fields), my gravitational pull made a quick left, and I went straight down on my entire right side. Needless to say, I think I dislocated every right-sided joint. It wasn't as nearly cartoonish or comical as the last time I pulled that, in the Advantage Co. parking lot: I get out of my car, meet up with a co-worker and make my way through the lot. As another co-worker parks, I, with one hand full of coffee and pop-tarts and the other hand full of handshakes, catch a patch of black ice, both feet shoot directly out underneath me, and my legs and arms flail. Priv gets out of his car and goes "Hey Nubby, where'd Bert go? I thought I just saw him right next to you." Through Nub's laughter, Priv apparently didn't see me launch my coffee 30 ft. in the air and come to a smashing ending next to me on the ground. All Nub can do is point and laugh, and Chachi can't even get out of his damn car, it was that funny. Meanwhile, I'm in pain with a twisted ankle and a bruised hip. Definitely a classy adventure. At least today my headphones and cigarette stayed intact, although the skip protection on my discman suffered greatly. My jeans, however, are still very wet.

*Bullet* Earlier, I made a pitcher of Kool-Aid for the first time in forever; grape to be exact. Don't judge me! So what if I'm 32; am I not supposed to enjoy a little sugary, artificially fruity goodness once in awhile? All you parents out there with kids under the age of 8 know what I'm talkin' bout -you know you drink it. Don't deny it. And I'm sorry, Kool-Aid to me is either grape, orange, lemonade, or maybe strawberry-kiwi (I disqualify cherry, cuz quite frankly, it sucks). And don't bullshit me with the fancy-flavored names: Arctic Fruity Blue (blue? blue what? what in the blue fuck??), Iced Summer Dumb, Sweet Whatever Junk, Mystery Change-o-Color, Guess-the-Confection, etc. Gimme the straight dope.

*Bullet* On a happier note: many thanks to those near, far and in-between who pushed this not-so-fancy place within WDC to over 500 views in just under two months. It may not seem like a lot, but it is to me. Raise your plastic, talking-bowl-of-punch-shaped cups in a toast...OH YEAH!! Cheers to 500 more!

*Bullet* Still no tax return. Still no phone. Still plenty of snow with still plenty more to come. At least some things in March are given. Have a snowball on me.
March 6, 2008 at 2:51pm
March 6, 2008 at 2:51pm
I rarely ever remember my dreams. And for some reason my sleep's been really spotty lately...lotta tossing and turning, sleeping anywhere from 20-45 minutes at a time, and waking up early and alternating 15 minutes of sleep with 5 minutes of tossing. And dreams...I haven't been having the regular, motion-picture dreams with plots and beginnings and ends (or near-ends when you wake up before peril). I've been dreaming in skits. Like 5 minute, bad Saturday Night Live sketches with no tangible punchline. And sometimes I even wake up in the morning believing them (the "found money" one is especially reccurring, especially when I'm short on funds...I wake up believing I actually found a $100 on the street, when sadly, I did not). Some examples:

*Bullet* I took a cd jewel box off my nightstand, took it apart, and fell asleep while reading the lyrics. When I woke I was looking all over for the jewel box, which did not exist.

*Bullet* The hot water faucet in the kitchen is broken again, only this time I can't make the water stop running.

*Bullet* Fighting in my bedroom with my brother over some Freddy Krueger-lookin' sweater that I'm sure neither of us owns, nor would we fight over (unless we were forcing it on the other).

*Bullet* Dave smoking at the dining room table and ashing everywhere except the ashtray, and me getting pissed at his clumsyness.

*Bullet* Somehow I managed to cut myself and draw blood, a lot of blood, but I don't remember where or how.

*Bullet* Flying, possibly in a helicopter, lowly over the top of a forest.

*Bullet* Squirrels running through my backyard, up the trees and atop the fence.

*Bullet* My ex was in one of 'em, yelling at me for no good reason.

*Bullet* The dreams that featured my brother are usually never of him as an adult; they're always of him as a kid, somewhere between 4 and 6 years old, but he possesses strong adult mannerisms in my dreams.

*Bullet* Half asleep, I was convinced that someone was pounding on my door, so I got up to check it...no one there. And twice I swore I heard my phone ring and 2 minutes later I reached for it, thinking I missed a call, even though I have no minutes left on my phone. Then spent awake-time thinking I lost my phone (twice) somewhere in my bed, when it was on my nightstand the whole time.

And that's just the ones I could remember. Over the last 3 nights there's been so many. Strange. Sure beats the "horror-naps" I used to get a few years back...I was a horrible napper. I'd fall half asleep, and all of the sudden:

*Bullet* I'd jump awake thinking there were thousands of spiders crawling all over me.

*Bullet* I'd swear I hear people pounding on the door (the side and/or upstairs entrance door.

*Bullet* I'm either falling off a cliff or under a truck, and when I come too I feel like I just hit the couch after being 6 inches above it.

*Bullet* I swear I hear my name being called from the outside.

*Bullet* I feel someone imaginary standing over me and trickling some sort of liquid on my arms and/or legs.

I know, how crazy is all of that? Otherwise, it's been a slow couple of days around here. Might break off for a bit to get some food and check the real-life mailbox (I'm not getting antsy or anything, am I) *Rolleyes*? I'm not even sure if I trust the Postal System anymore...it's been awhile since I've gotten even any bills. The last piece of relevant mail that wasn't address to this dude "Occupant" (and I dunno who he is, but he hasn't lived here in freakin years) was a Finish Line catalog the other day; my sis hasn't worked there in years and it's been even longer since I shopped there. Oh well.
March 5, 2008 at 12:49pm
March 5, 2008 at 12:49pm
"Back in your old neighborhood
the cigarettes taste so good
but you're so misunderstood...
you're so misunderstood.
There's something there that you can't find.
Yer honest when you're tellin' a lie
You hurt her but you don't know why.
You love her but you don't know why.
Short on long term goals.
There's a party there that we oughta go to.
You still love rock and roll.
You still love rock and roll."

The Federal Government apparenttly likes to penalize taxpayers who get their taxes done and sent in long before the due date, because I've never had to wait this long for a tax return. And the State Government...forget it. They've given me one unemployment check so far for the 4 weeks I claimed so far (granted that includes the one week waiting period, but still). I've been paying into these systems for years...there should not be a breakdown.

"It's only a quarter to three,
reflecting off your cd
You're looking at a picture of me.
You're staring at a picture of me.
Take the guitar player for a ride;
he ain't never been satisfied.
He thinks he owes you some kind of debt.
It'll be years before he gets over it."

Further complicating my situation is that my cell is prepaid, and I was expecting one check or the other (or both) by today. But I wasn't careful with my minutes, so I can't call the unemployment office to get a word on what the holdup is. Or hear from any of the resumes I put out. Or to let my landlord know I'm at least still alive. I guess I shouldn't have ignored his call last night. I will, however, say every single minute I used last nite was well spent...you know who you are *Kiss*.

"There's a fortune inside your head.
All you touch turns to lead.
You think you might just crawl back in bed,
with a fortune inside your head.
You know you're just a mama's boy,
positively unemployed.
So misunderstood.
So misunderstood."

So I'm sorry for my phone running out last night *Sad*. I'll make it up to you, I promise. And I totally forgot I have a dinner/dance thing coming up next weekend, the local Policeman's Ball, that I should find a date to I suppose. Already have the ticket (admit couple). Got a guest or 2 in mind. Any other ideas besides the cute 20-yr-old Rite-Aid chick w/the 18-yr-old high school boyfriend? And stupid me, entered something in a poetry review forum, but because it was listed as lyrics, they wouldn't review it. And I'm not angry because the person sent back a nice email saying why, but this same person had a contest that I entered, and I'm guessing I'm not going to be eligible for that now either because that was considered "lyrics" too. Kinda a bummed day all around.

"I know you've got a God-shaped hole;
you're bleeding out your heart full of soul.
You're so misunderstood.
You're so misunderstood.
You're so misunderstood.
You're so misunderstood."

          Wilco, "Misunderstood"

Live video here:
March 4, 2008 at 1:41pm
March 4, 2008 at 1:41pm
While indulging my hidden Bob Dylan side...

*Bullet* Was excited to come home and see Kåre Enga in Montana 's Gzaibun 1 in my mailbox last night, and I must say it's fantastic! I stongly recommend everyone check out his blog (way more interesting than mine) and learn how to get a copy of this for yourself. Not only this, but he's from the same spot in Kansas as one of my favorite bands (The Get Up Kids) and has local connections to my area of Western New York. Oh, and he's got fantastic handwriting! (I notice those kinds of things.)

*Bullet* I love waking up and not knowing what day it is. I had no clue it was even remotely close to Tuesday until I heard the garbage trucks outside.

*Bullet* I struggle with comparisons...sometimes I don't understand them. People used to compare my earlier work to Dylan, Kerouac and Ginsberg, long before I'd even read or listened to them. I never felt I was influenced by them in any way, but I knew of their reputations and felt it an incredible pressure to try to live up to. I'd like to think my writing (at least since my time here at WDC) has matured or grown; I'd say it's more touched on by Thom Yorke, Eddie Vedder, Richard Bratigan, Gord Downie, Jeff Tweedy, Isaac Brock, Slug from Atmosphere, and I'm sure I'm leaving out a bunch of others.

*Bullet* My bro gave me his guitar over the weekend, an old acoustic. It'll give me something to do, since I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar (**does a high Hawksley Workman leg kick**) and have no clue how to. In a recent job interview, they asked me what I thought was my "dream job". I answered "Rock Star". Hey, at least I was honest...what was I supposed to say, President?

*Bullet* Forgot to turn the heat down when I left the house yesterday during our heat wave; what I should've done was cracked a window, which I did when I came home. Managed to fall asleep with the window open; woke up to fresh snow on the ground. *Rolleyes* Will spring ever come?
March 3, 2008 at 1:29pm
March 3, 2008 at 1:29pm
*Bullet* I need to stop checking out the hot chicks with boyfriends, and the hot moms with rings on their ring fingers (everywhere I go). It may one day catch up to me.

*Bullet* "No food, drink or smoking in the the library." And I'm dying for a smoke and the Mountain Dew in my backpack. Geez they ban everything here...pretty soon they won't let you have sex here. Oh wait...I think they frown upon that too.

*Bullet* Oddest thing I've seen on the side of the road lately: an entire bag of Green Giant frozen green beans.

*Bullet* I have so many things I could be doing. But I'm not. I should have no reason to be bored. But I am.

*Bullet* Props to Violet The Nun-MY POEMS R GONE for becoming Preferred...very exciting! Yellow looks good on you. Don't forget to hang your fun quote on the Billboard.

*Bullet* Cleaned off the computer desk yesterday...love it when I find things I saved and had no clue why I saved them. And six months from now, I'll be wondering why I threw then out. Did manage to find some notes and lines I scribbled to myself for later use. Not that I need to be inspired right now, but I can sorta feel a lull coming on, and a little jumpstart won't hurt.

Fuck it, I'm out to catch that smoke.
March 3, 2008 at 11:23am
March 3, 2008 at 11:23am
Awww yeah too warm for a jacket and pants today...mid fifties, sun shining, snow melting, it's awesome. Can't get used to it yet, the snow's gonna come back, ,but I'm loving every second of it.

Dee, you read this spot and you're in Texas, right? Check out this article and tell me what's up with this. Texas wants people to pay $300 to erect memorial roadsigns honoring drunk-driving victims. It seems steep and insane, like we're treating the problem instead of working on preventative tactics.
You have to scroll down the page to get to the article titled "The Debate Over Memorial Signs", or go in the sunday newspaper's Parade magazine.

Hope everyone's having a sunny day. I sure as hell am!
March 2, 2008 at 2:30pm
March 2, 2008 at 2:30pm
...is it really stealing at all? And who invents these? This was stolen from Gaby ~ Finding my way back . Enjoy!

1. What is a difference between the last two people you kissed?
12 years. And the last one was horrible.

2. Do you believe that there is always room in your heart for your first loves?
Sure. If I had a heart.

3. Where is the next place you will travel to?
Home. Oh you want a real answer? Not sure but I'd like to go somewhere nice really soon.

4. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
She had a pulse. And she was cute.

5. Have you ever worn the opposite sex's underwear?
I pray every day that someone burned those negatives.

6. Have you cried today at all?
Nope. I'm manly today.

7. What were you doing at eight o'clock this morning?
Tossing and turning and...you don't wanna pull that thread, do ya? *Wink*

8. When was the last time you cried?
late September, '07

9. Do you say "sexy" a lot?

10. When was the last time you had a sleepover?
What am I, fucking 11 years old? Dave spent the night in October.

11. Do you have any gay friends?
A bi friend, but I don't talk to him all that much anymore. Not cuz he's bi or occasionally hits on me either.

12. What is something you currently want?
My tax return.

13. When did you last throw up?
Stomach virus about 2 weeks ago...an entire can of Chef Boyardee does not taste as good coming up as it does going down.

14. Do you want to get married and have children one day?
If I can find a suitable female. I've seen a lot...until they open their mouths and kill the deal.

15. Do you still think about your exes?
Unfortunately I tend to get sentimental for all the wrong reasons.

16. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
15? Something mroe than a peck on the lips.

17. Missing question.

18. Ever made out in a pool?
Of course! Where haven't I made out?

19. What is your current profile song?
Myspace is so gay. Besides, one song would not define me in any way.

20. Have you ever gambled in a casino?
Yup. I usually break even.

21. Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
Depends on my mental state. I prefer girls with long hair and sexy (damn, there's that word), natural curls.

22. What is your favorite place you have traveled?
Carribean Cruise. Also, Dave and I had a blasty on our Pittsburg road trip...we are so going back to Eat-N-Park!

23. Do you like ice cream?
I suppose. Ben and Jerry's Chubby Hubby.

24. What is your favorite color?

25. What was the last thing you bought?
A box of tissues, some gum, an energy drink, a newspaper, a Bob Dylan double cd (it was only $4.99!), and some picture hangers from the hot chick at Rite-Aid.

26. Where do you keep your money?
In my pocket, if I have any.

27. What was the weather like today?
Mid thirties, sunny, and I agree, this question is not relevant.

28. Where are your parents?
Good question.

29. What do you want for Christmas?
A stripper.

30. Last vacation destination you went to?
Carribean Cruise.

31. Do you want to cut your hair?
No I wanna be a fucking caveman *Wink*. I'll cut it when the time's right.

32. Do you like to eat ice?
And this matters why?

33. What is your favorite place to shop?
Depends on what I'm looking for. Can we get just a tad more specific?

34. When do you go to sleep?
When the funny man in the white coat tells me to..

35. Who was the last person of the opposite sex that you talked to?
My aunt.

36. Would you ever consider moving to another state to be with the one you love?
If she's worth it, definitely.

37. Do you like sushi?
Not really, though I will eat California Rolls.

38. Do you lie?
If I answered this question it'd be a lie.

39. Do you have empty bottles of alcohol hidden somewhere?
Not that I can remember.

40. Are you over the age of twenty-five?
It depends...am I gonna get arrested?

41. Are you typically a jealous person?
I can be.

42. Own bright colored underwear?
I own more boxers than necessary.

43. Who is the last person to text you?

44. What was the best movie you have seen in the past two weeks?
Haven't watched a movie from start to finish in about 2 months.

45. Are you going to have a good night?
If by "good" you mean "boring", then hell yeah!

46. Do you have strange dreams?
Yes, but I seldomn remember them.

47. When was the last time you did the dishes?
Last week (I'm single and in my early thirties...everything's paper plates and plastic utensils).

48. Do you trust all of your friends?
Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and trust noone.

49. What are you listening to?
Wilco's "Kicking Television: Live in Chicago, disc 1"

50. Have you ever had your heart broken?
As often as I've broken hearts.
March 1, 2008 at 5:31pm
March 1, 2008 at 5:31pm
That's right folks, we're here on location in the Riverside/Black Rock section of Buffalo, on my aunt's computer. Been a busy couple days moving everyone around. The next time I have to help someone move, it better be because they're dead.

I read a quote someplace the other day, I don't remember where, but it stuck in my head: "What makes us different is what makes us beautiful." Discuss amongst yourselves.

Overheard during friday night's Sabres' game: 400 Lancaster high school students were watching the game in their auditorium in support of a student inflicted with cancer. Proceeds of the event will go to Sabres goalie Ryan Miller's Steadfast Foundation. For more info, please go here:

I'm spent after helping my bro and stepmom move into their new place Friday (almost 11 hours of controlled chaos). Luckily moving dad earlier today was so much easier. Scary moment turned priceless: Uncle Steve wiping out while carrying his end of a tool chest. The mass of slushy snow stuck to his touque took forever to go away...it was like a football player who gets tackled into the turf and has that gigantic lump of sod stuck in his face mask. Son of scary moment turned priceless: Mike's friend slipping at the bottom of the basement stairs while trying to back up them with his end of the stove. Yours truly is on the other end, and the stove slides down my legs. If dude falls while we're at the top of the stairs, I'm fucked under the appliance. Instead, homeboy is laying on the stairs, laughing his ass off with everyone else. We're a sick bunch sometimes.

A big ole apology to the lovely Gaby ~ Finding my way back for running out of minutes on my prepaid cell phone. I was (and still am) looking forward to that interview! "Poetic Soul" sounds like a sweet title, and I promise you it's coming really soon (tonight maybe?). She's a great girl by the way, regarless of what she (or anyone else) says about her! *Wink* And go enter her contest and give me some competition... "Gangsta's Paradise Contest Oh wait, it looks like all of you did!

To the idiots riding in the back of the empty rental truck: Yes, I cranked the music, and I drove it like I stole it. Hence y'all bouncing around like M&M's spilling on a tiled floor. Quote from Mike: "Dude, yo- I like smashed my face on the side of the truckm I was like 'what the fuck!?!' It was pretty sweet." Insert here: Dane Cook referencing his purchase of a cement mixer as his new, bad-ass vehicle- "Sometimes I put my buddies in the back of that big thing that turns, and they have a blasty back there. I even give 'em treats- I throw Jolly Ranchers in there. Don't worry, I padded it." Please wait later on in your life for the great Jolly Ranchers post in this here spot (hint: watermelon gives me headaches).

Biggest casualty of all throughout the moving festivities: not the 2 dresser drawers that cracked when they fell, my bad (Uncle Kenny'll glue them back into shape). Not the people left at Mike and Audi's when this dude tried hooking up the stove while the gas was still on (and while I can write poems that reduce people to tears, hook up incredible home theater systems, and simultaneously praise and insult someone in the same sentence, do not trust me to know which valve in the basement cuts the gas to the kitchen...that and repairing cars are just not my thing). No, the biggest casualty of the day was my blue pack of Marlboro 72's, foolishly left in the front pocket of my jeans. Crushed. Thankfully, they're still smokeable, although they look terrible and tend to send flaming shards of ashes and loose tobacco everywhere (a la the terrible Old Navy jeans incident, which happened not once, but twice...and then I went out and bought another pair to replace them). The only prob is when I wear the famous pajama pants that I cut into shorts, the only thing that will go up in smoke will be the hair on my legs. *Shock*

That's about all I got today from Buffa-snow, NY. On to check out a few things, make my way around the room for some hellos, and go home and pass out.
February 28, 2008 at 12:10pm
February 28, 2008 at 12:10pm
and anyone in his life would mistake it as love

it feels like love no matter what you call it

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