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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
My sig from Tanin, Writing Warrior.

I figured it was about time I started keeping track of silly thoughts or strange things I see from time to time. Sometimes it's vulgar. Sometimes it's sad. And even on some rare occasions, it's a riot! *Smirk*

I think a therapist would have a field day with this...oh wait...I already tried that, to no avail. I guess the rest is up to you. So feel free to stick your takes in The Drop-Off at any time, and don't hold back. Give it to me!

Studyees, you get prime real estate in The Library, so make it count.

Peace out NOW!

Signature for Between the Lines members.

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April 18, 2008 at 4:17pm
April 18, 2008 at 4:17pm
So I'm at the library, and they're having a craft/used book/bake sale. Paperbacks at a price of 5 for $2! Picked up some Thoreau, The Sound And The Fury by Faulkner, and some other collections. And a little stuffed monkey beanie baby thing, cuz monkeys are dope. And who's collecting the money? My old high school librarian *Shock*. She actually remembered me too. I was nervous the minute I walked in and saw her...I was sure she was gonna yell at me to take off my hat as if I were a senior again. *Rolleyes* "You look different," she says. No shit, the last time she saw me was 1993.

I wasn't even gonna come to the library today. I initially planned on blogging from The Deli. It's gorgeous out, there's virtually no wind and it's in the low 70's. Perfect for lunch outside with the newspaper, maybe take a few pictures and figure out how to load them from the card in my cell phone to the computer here. Which, I might add, the library has rolled out (finally) brand new computers, complete w/a DVD/CDrw drive (unlike the old days of last week, which were floppy only). They're so much easier to use too...no having to sign in at the desk or keep renewing your time.

And all of that niceness outside didn't stop me from stabbing myself in the chin with the toothpick in my sandwich. Some of you may wonder why I didn't take the toothpick out first. These sandwiches are so big and packed, they need to be held together. I bled for more than 5 minutes. It was so worth it. *Delight*

April 17, 2008 at 5:03pm
April 17, 2008 at 5:03pm
Just a quick note, a little "stoppin' by to say hi" kinda thing.

A lot of you have been around here in blog land a lot longer than I have, so it's not really a big deal. I just think it's pretty cool. I hit 1000 views today.

I pretty much have an idea who reads this, and I know there's probably others that I'm not aware of who read this. It's kinda staggering if I step back and think about it...this little spot has been a destination for folks 1000 times. Some by accident, usually intentionally; some by snooping and some by word of mouth.

You've laughed. You've thought. You've danced. Maybe you shook your head in disgust. You've felt.

I've encountered a number of wonderful, talented and diverse people just through this blog and lots of others. I honestly didn't think it would happen. So all I really have to say today, to everyone's who's casually dropped in or taken up permanent residency in the comment section, is a sincere thanks. I mean it. I only write this. You guys make it what it is. *Heart*

April 16, 2008 at 3:58pm
April 16, 2008 at 3:58pm

That's all I got for now. If I start going off I'm gonna be here all day.

This up-one-day, down-the-next is bullshit; I don't need my blog to start sounding like therapy. Not gonna do it today.

The people I need to get a hold of, I can't. And the ones I can get a hold of, I can't seem to get my point across to.

I need to resist the urge to self-destruct. It's not gonna take a therapist to figure that out. I need to be more organized and responsible. I know this. I'm cranky, and you fine people don't deserve that. I already have the answers. I just have to match them up with the right questions. Which is proving to be a lot more difficult than it looks.

Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
April 15, 2008 at 5:16pm
April 15, 2008 at 5:16pm
This'll be the end of my little Deftones trilogy, I promise. It's a beautiful if not sad song, and sounds best at a ridiculously loud volume.

Yup, spring must be here. The weather's consistently nice, birds chirp outside my window in the morning, kids are floating stuff in the creek, all the asshole drivers are out in full force and the shopping carts have returned to Penora Street.

Everyday from now 'til the next snowfall, there will probably be at least one shopping cart somewhere on my block. The supermarket is a 15 minute walk away. I"ll admit my neighborhood certainly isn't the most affluent in the area, but c'mon. At least have the decency to park the cart in your driveway if you're going to steal it from the grocery store!

I almost got hit by a car today, which was awesome *Rolleyes*. Car coming as the light turns red. Thinking I'm in the clear, I get off the corner. I look, and this car has blown the red light. I make my way back to the curb, like a baserunner heading back to first on a pickoff attempt. I don't hurry. No need to. I get back to the corner and turn around, and this woman makes the most unnecessary swerve to avoid me. She practically switched lanes and came to a stop, while I'm safe and sound. It's like she tried to make the pickoff attempt anyway, while I'm standing on the bag with my back to the mound and I'm making postgame plans with the first base coach. No sooner than five minutes down the road there's a large traffic holdup in front of McDonalds, and I hear the screeching of tires. I get all excited (I blame Dane Cook and his hilarious car crash/struck by a vehicle jokes) because I'm about to see a Mustang rear-end some shitty pick-up truck. Alas, it was not to be *Frown*. Damn anti-lock brakes.

The annual Clean Up Depew day cannot come fast enough (Apr. 26th for those of you keeping score at home). Since the snow's melted, there's all sorts of shit everywhere. Fast food wrappers, bottles, storm debris, ladies' underwear (because there's a large segment of the community that believes they're strictly here for the DFF...drink, fight and fu-uhhhhh, fornicate. Yup.) and all sorts of assorted junk. Everywhere. Of course the hypocrite in me will be the first to toss his cigarette butt on your lawn, but I'll hang on to my empty pop bottle until I get to a trash can.

I don't read horoscopes usually. Not anymore. Lately mine are the "don't get out of bed" type anyway. So I'm flipping through Kung Fu magazine (cuz Kung Fu is just awesome, even if I don't practice any form of mixed martial arts) and they've got a Kung Fu horoscope! No shit! So I say to myself, "self, why not give it a spin and see what the Eastern world has in store for you":

*Bullet* Hare, 1975 (wood)
         4/5-5/6 Unsteadiness makes decisions difficult. Business waffles. Consult friends and relatives, but be selective about advice.

(WTF?? I'm guessing they're not talking about Aunt Jemima.}

*Bullet* Hare, 1975 (wood)
         5/6-6/5 Travel disquiets the body and mind. You don't know where to place your chess piece. Calm your mind and wait your turn.

(WTF?? I don't even know how to play chess!)

Then they add in a quote from a famous "hare". "Compassion is no substitute for justice" -Rush Limbaugh. WTF!! I hate you, Rush Limbaugh! There! There's your justice, you freakin' pill-popping lard ass!

I'm going to go get my groove on...deal with some emails and whatnot...you folks are crazy sometimes...no new email for hours, so I take a quick shower and get dressed, come back and there's 4 emails. Nuts, I tell ya. Did you all form a little bloc and hit me all at once *Rolleyes*? Just playin, much love to all y'all today.
April 14, 2008 at 4:17pm
April 14, 2008 at 4:17pm
In order to rehabilitate my mood I offer the following. Puts me in a little better place; maybe providing me a small sense of entitlement I may have lacked earlier in life.


As promised, part 2 of yesterday's high-jinks...happy thrashing! I'll get to your emails in a little bit, if not after this then definitely this evening...

OK, here are the questions:

What time is it? Time to look at the clock on the bottom right corner of your monitor...no seriously, 4:04 PM
What are you afraid of? Ummm, not much...though after my recent episode, large unleashed dogs on dark lonesome streets
Most recent movie you have seen in the theater? haha Clerks 2 (I hear you snickering...)
Seen a ghost? I think so. Either that or I had some wicked hallucinations when I was little.
Ever Been to Alaska? no thank you
Loved someone so much it made you cry? yup
Been in a serious car accident? Twice. Both could've been horrific
Favorite day of the week? any day there's a few bucks in my pocket
Favorite restaurant? lately, the Broadway deli. Hooray for salami!
Favorite sport to watch? hockey and football.
Favorite Chocolate bar? anything Reese's
Favorite Shake flavor at a fast food restaurant? couldn't tell ya the last time I had a shake...I'll go with chocolate. Or strawberry...but it has to have fresh strawberries.
Favorite food at a restaurant? Depends on the restaurant. And what I'm in the mood to regret ordering 3 hours later.
What color is your bedroom carpet? brown
What is your favorite alcoholic drink? Long Island Iced Tea from Applebee's (well is fine)
Favorite nonalcoholic drink? Mountain Dew
Tattoos? Not yet
Body piercing? 2 in the right lobe, 3 in the left lobe and 1 in the left cartilage. But I only wear the cartilage and a hoop in each ear.
What is your favorite vacation spot? a cruise somewhere warm
Ever steal any traffic signs? Yeah, a Metro Bus sign, #6 Sycamore
Favorite Salad Dressing? Lite ranch or lite Italian. Gotta keep my girlish figure.
Favorite number? 41 or 32. Or 1.
Favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving
Favorite sound? A lover's breath. Or whatever my Harmon Kardon is blasting through my Infinitis.
What do you do to relax? Write. Take a nice long steaming hot shower. Not at the same time.
How many times did you fail your driver's test? Never. I'm sweet.
What do you do when you are bored? fanatisize about how much fun it might be if I wasn't so damn bored.
Favorite TV shows? Friends, Family Guy, Beverly Hills 90210.
How many pets do you have? People who drive like idiots. Ohhh I thought it said pet peeves. Then, none.
What would you like to accomplish before you die? Marry a beautiful girl so my kids turn out somewhat normal, and get a book or two published. Though I'll settle for having my name in the paper in someplace other than the police blotter, and marriage can wait as long as I still have some good-looking neighbors.
April 13, 2008 at 8:59pm
April 13, 2008 at 8:59pm
"I miss the comfort in being sad."
         -Kurt Cobain

It hit me on my way home...I'm not happy unless I'm sad. I'm evil like that. I chuckled.

I realized I have too much time on my hands. Need to ramp up the job search. I'm open to relocating.

I tend to sabotage relationships. That sucks, but that's me.

I know, I'm a keeper. Whatever.

I'm just like that. Just seems to be what I do. It's not my intent, especially from the onset. I hate that.

I hate it more than I love the Mets. I hate it more than I hate the Yankees.
April 13, 2008 at 2:30pm
April 13, 2008 at 2:30pm
I can't find any of the music I wanted to post. Bummer. You get this instead. Sums me up pretty good lately.


Told Julie D - PUBLISHED! I was gonna snag this on a slow day. Today's that day. Happy thrashing!

Place an X by all the things you've done, or remove the X from the ones
you have not, and send it to all of your friends (including me.)

This is for your entire life:
(X) Smoked a cigarette
(X) Drank so much you threw up.
(X) Crashed in a friend's car (yeah, shoulda died or wound up seriously injured, but thankfully didn't)
( ) Stolen a car
(X) Been in love
(X) Been dumped
(X) Been Laid off/fired
(X) Quit your job
(X) Been in a fist fight (never lost)
(X) Snuck out of your parent's house (never had to, really)
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back (hasn't everyone?)
( ) Gone on a blind date
(X) Skipped school
( ) Seen someone die
(X) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost...
(X) Been on the opposite side of the country
(X) Gone to Washington, DC
(X) Swam in the ocean
(X) Felt like dying
( ) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Played cops and robbers....
( ) Recently colored with crayons
(X) Sang karaoke *Delight*
(X) Paid for a meal with only coins
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't (and actually didn't hate myself in the morning)
(X) Made prank phone calls ("Hello Arby's? I'd like to speak to the Oven Mitt..." "Hello Burger King, is the King there?"
( ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue (unfortunately)
(X) Made a snow angel
(X) Danced in the rain
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about (I actually don't remember doing it with a loved one...friends maybe, but not loved ones)
(X) Blown Bubbles
(X) Made a bonfire
(X) Crashed a party (and stole a sheet pizza)
(X) Gone roller skating
(X) Gone ice skating

I'll save the second part for later.
April 12, 2008 at 8:40pm
April 12, 2008 at 8:40pm
Tried blogging twice last night after a nap. Horrible results. Fingers hitting every button except the ones I wanted to hit. Accidently deleted entries both times.

From what I remember:
*Bullet* I've decided...my first tattoo will be the Chinese symbol for balance. As soon as I cash the tax check. And find the proper symbol(s).

I don't remember the rest. Nap-blogging isn't recommended.

After not talking to Dave in awhile, did I mention he called me 2x in a day thursday? Nice, but basically an extension of the previous conversation, the 2nd one. Seems Flavor Dave's gonna be hittin' the wake circuit a bit. Friends of friends of mine's relatives. That saddens me for them, but I don't know them well enough to properly put the "fun" in funeral.

Pretty quiet and chill 'round here. And chilly. Quiet except for me blasting my stereo. I promise some tunes tomorrow, if it's not too rainy. Was in the mood for stuff I hadn't heard in awhile, and more stuff no one's ever heard, 'cept maybe Ash. 2 bands I hafta ask ya about girl, when yer up to it. Email me or whatever. One I'll definitely post tomorrow; one's Canadian and both are broken up. And I've seen both live. And it does no one any good if I talk about music and can't post clips, so I'll stop.

Thanks for last night G...you're a sweetheart and I needed every second of it. *Kiss*

Hope the weekend finds you all well!
April 11, 2008 at 3:19pm
April 11, 2008 at 3:19pm
Maybe rain works me up.

I'm in a lousy mood. And I have no reason to be.

Jay Mohr hosting the Jim Rome show is keeping my spirits..at least they're not talking sports with some overpaid underacheiver.

War on my debit card, banks and the stupid pharmacies that only allow you to take out $40 at a time. How am I supposed to pay rent like that?

No music today (not copping that from Ash and I have proof) cuz I'm not even in the mood to consider what I wanna listen to as I contemplate how I'm gonna give the landlord the share of rent I promised him and how many places I'm gonna have to go and buy Mountain Dews at just to use their stupid ATMs. And I'm not gonna make the library.

The banking industry? Bounce a check accidently and you're fucked. I have a state tax return check that nobody wants to cash.

I need to get off my lazy ass, get that acoustic guitar restrung, and learn how to play it. Just so I can make a punked-out cover of Dusty Springfield's "You don't have to say you love me".

I need another form of happiness.

The sun's poking out. Time to make a go at things. The mood still sucks. Can't write shit lately either. I cursed myself by sorta writing about writer's block. Find "Inexact Sciences" in my port cuz I'm unprepared to properly post it here right now. And I just got a text. Yippee *Rolleyes*. I'm out. Good day y'all.
April 10, 2008 at 3:37pm
April 10, 2008 at 3:37pm
I stole this from In Your Dirtiest Pants cuz I'm bored and not much has been going on lately, plus it looked like fun so why not...

iTunes shuffle quiz:

The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say...
Song: I Took Your Name
Artist: REM
Comment: I'm good at saying dumb things, so why not?

Your favorite thing to say when drunk is...
Song: Honey Pie
Artist: The Beatles
Comment: Hmmm...no comment *Wink*

Your message to the world...
Song: Save The Planet
Artist: The Tragically Hip
Comment: Holy crap this is interesting...

Your deepest secret...
Song: God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
Artist: Coldplay
Comment: Shhh don't tell anyone.

Your innermost desire...
Song: Intro/Riot
Artist: Dane Cook
Comment: Word, true dat.

Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include...
Song: Darwin
Artist: Third Eye Blind
Comment: Thank God my chances of marriage are slim.

On your deathbed, you'll whisper...
Song: Relive The Magic...Bring The Magic Home
Artist: Reggie and the Full Effect
Comment: Interesting.

Your friends say behind your back...
Song: Happiness Is A Warm Gun
Artist: The Beatles
Comment: That's why my back is always facing the wall.

You say behind your friends' back...
Song: I Am Citizen Insane
Artist: Radiohead
Comment: Yup

When you wake up in the morning, you mutter...
Song: Blame It On The Tetons
Artist: Modest Mouse
Comment: More like blame it on the sleeping meds.

If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell...
Song: So Fast, So Numb
Artist: REM
Comment: I'd find myself lost all right.

Right now, your feelings are...
Song: Who Stole The Soul?
Artist: Public Enemy
Comment: Ummm, ok.

The day you fall in love will be the day that...
Song: The Way Out Is Through
Artist: Nine Inch Nails
Comment: Great...the day I fall in love's gonna be an instrumental.

You scream during sex...
Song: Midnight In A Perfect World
Artist: DJ Shadow
Comment: Ummmm....really I'm more interesting than that. *Wink*

What do people assume when they first look at you?
Track: 2+2=5
Artist: Radiohead
Comment: Oh what little do they know...

What will be a big challenge in life for you?
Track: Lovelife
Artist: Atmosphere
Comment: Even my iPod hates me.

What's your career path?
Track: Triple Stage Darkness
Artist: 3rd Bass
Comment: I don't know what that is but it sounds kinda cool and I'm probably well-qualified.

Are you a good boyfriend/girlfriend?
Song: Death Of A Party
Artist: Blur
Comment: OK now my iPod's just being cruel.

Do you have a secret admirer?
Song: Murder Suicide Meteor Slave
Artist: Jeff Buckley
Comment: I'm thinking maybe I should just cancel this entry.

Will you ever become manically depressed in your life?
Song: Giant
Artist: Matthew Good Band
Comment: I'm taking that as a yes.

How will you die?
Song: I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light
Artist: Brand New
Comment: Hopefully that'll be fun.

What's for dinner tonight?
Song: Sell My Clothes, I'm Off To Heaven
Artist: Saves The Day
Comment: I guess there is no dinner today *Frown*

What's your excuse for reposting this?
Song: Less Than You Think
Artist: Wilco
Comment: Yeah so take that!

Your life's soundtrack:
Song: Stain
Artist: Nirvana
Comment: Why iPod why??

Your farewell message to the readers of this:
Song: At Least That's What You Said
Artist: Wilco
Comment: wow.
April 9, 2008 at 3:21pm
April 9, 2008 at 3:21pm

It's a shitty day.

Woke up and it was the warmest morning we've had all year. And it was pouring. So much for that.

Sometimes I have days full of false starts. I leave the house and forget something I need, like my keys or my phone or a notebook or smokes. Or the phone rings. Or I forget to lock the door. Something stupid of course. Today I got halfway down the street and realized the shorts I was wearing had a terrible spot on them and I'd have to go back home and change. Couldn't bother to notice that when I was putting them on I guess. *Rolleyes*

1pm. Phone beeps; a new email. I figure what the hell, before I leave (again) I'll check it. I swear if I was ever gonna regret this feature on my phone, today's the day for that.

The last remaining local chain of independent record stores is closing the location closest to my house. Lost their lease. The other locations are just too far out of the way. The thought of Best Buy being the place I do most of my shopping for music absolutely sickens me. The sterile cookie-cutter environment is not for me, and FYE just tries too freakin' hard to be mall-punk cool that people like me don't feel right in there (besides the fact that a few years back they were swallowing up smaller chains left and right). Last year Sit-n-Spin moved out of the neighborhood; today Record Theater. I'll miss the courteous if not-so-bright staff (Mark Norris and the Backpeddlers sounds nothing like Girlpope or Blur) and the down-home, indie feel of the shop, plus the ginormous selection of used cd's at great prices.

News like this can seriously wreck me for a week. I don't know how I'm gonna tell Dave...we spent hours and hours trolling the racks, burning many an afternoon there. Seriously. Don't fuck with my little world.

Oh, and I get home last night and apparently some of the neighborhood kids were tossing a football and broke my bedroom window. So there's a note on my door from the neighbor saying "I'm sorry" and to "get ahold of me". Fair enough. I'm actually not upset about this; it's only a storm window and I'm pretty sure there's extras in the basement, and the top half was falling apart anyway (finally realized why there was such a draft in my room this winter last week). I'm debating whether or not to call the landlord first; I don't much think he'll have anything to say about it if I can fix it by replacing it with other storm windows, but if there's money involved he may want to replace the whole window (because last year he replaced the back window and two windows on the side of the house with more energy-efficient ones). And the neighbor's probably starting to get pissed that I haven't called him yet. Better get on that.

Plus, hockey playoffs start tonight. Two whole months of reminders that the Sabres weren't good enough. Two whole months of wondering how management is gonna eff us blindsidedly this off-season. Two whole months to relive shootout losses and blown third period leads. Two whole months left of hockey that I'll be mostly indifferent to. So I'm not ashamed to walk around with my Maple Leafs cap on. I really think San Jose's gonna take it all. But does anyone in California really care about hockey?


(I realize I posted these lyrics a few months ago, but that was before I was smart enough to realize I could go youtube on your asses.)
April 8, 2008 at 3:54pm
April 8, 2008 at 3:54pm
*Bullet* The library has got to be the most poorly organized place in the planet. I understand that they're at the mercy of the county budget, but that's no excuse for poor customer service. Some of the ladies are really nice. There's one that looks like a complete bitch and is usually not accommodating. I swear she loves to stick it to me whenever she can. And you never really know what you're going to get from the dude running the joint. Sometimes he's nice, but usually he just looks like he'd rather be in any of a million different places. But the customer service is the biggest complaint. There can be 6 people waiting to check out, return or use a computer, one person to take care of them, and 3 more in the room behind the counter shooting the shit. I realize that some of these folks are volunteers as well, but they're not there to trade recipes and show off pics of the grandkids. There's a lot more standing around than there is checking out. And it's not like they don't know there's people waiting.

*Bullet* Funny and ironic about the library, part one: There's signs up all over saying "No food or beverages allowed in the library." And next to those signs are slingers hung advertizing next week's Bake Sale.

*Bullet* Funny and ironic about the library, part two: There's a little 2-sided display table set up showing off recent biographies, with a heading that says "the life fantastic" (and just like the header, I omitted capitals). Included in this display is My Life In & Out Of The Rough by troubled golfer John Daly. *Confused*

Hope everyone's having a tasty day!

April 7, 2008 at 10:14pm
April 7, 2008 at 10:14pm
I'm not gonna lie.

Listening to The Get Up Kids can make me cry. The lyrics...just take me to places I never hoped to go. And I'm not the crying type.

And I put in the wrong cd tonight as I read the newspaper. I wanted the Red Letter Day/Woodson ep's, not Four Minute Mile.

But I hear some of those songs and think about my brother, and my dad also.

Then come tears.

They used to come for a different reason re:TGUK. But tonight is too much.

So this one's for you kid...
April 7, 2008 at 3:41pm
April 7, 2008 at 3:41pm
Watching Grunge leg-drop New Jack through a press table...

*Bullet* I get into moods where I can listen to this song like 20 times straight and not get sick of it. I think it reminds me that I'm a living, caring person.


*Bullet* Which can tend to lead me to this mood...


*Bullet* But usually this happens...


Because you know you love drunken puppets.

*Bullet* Otherwise not a lot else going on today. Ate lunch, I'm stuffed; Dave called, said he's been having problems getting a hold of me, which is odd. His fault. We hadn't talked in maybe a week, but there's nothing to report anyway, which makes not talking in a week not so bad.

*Bullet* If you wanna kill a good half-hour to hour, go to youtube and type idiot kid owned into the search bar. I guarantee that'll provide some laughs.

*Bullet* Beautiful and sunny yet again! Which is great, cuz they're talking about snow again by the end of the week. When does it end??

April 6, 2008 at 5:55pm
April 6, 2008 at 5:55pm
Some notes while pondering how I'm gonna finance the gear necessary to turn T.S. Eliot's Prufrock into the next big-beat old school hip-hop masterpiece:

*Bullet* No, the title of this entry is not me telling a dumb hot chick to get out of my life. Apparently The B-52's have a new cd out. Remember them? Didn't think so. Who wants to sing "Love Shack" w/me at karaoke? I've got bass. It's like "High School Musical" circa 1989.

*Bullet* Ran into some folks yesterday, which was nice. Easier than dodging those you don't wanna see. And the ones you really hope to bump into but are too lazy to call? They're never to be found. At least one of the village trustees who isn't my landlord cares about my job search. In some circles I enjoy rock star type first-name status. They mention it and they know who you're talking about. A blessing and a curse.

*Bullet* Since youtube locks up my phone, I've been lax on the music clips. I suppose I can hit the library tomorrow and add one. I've been in Weezer mode today; listened to Rivers Cuomo again, and Weezer's "El Scorcho" is the greatest goofy love song I've ever heard. I love that song. *Bigsmile* Worth the download. My not-so-beautiful voice will sing it on command.

*Bullet* Whoa! My lil bro gave me a pair of A&F shorts, and not only are they button-fly, they have a crazy inside button on the fly that makes it difficult to pee (and I hate button-fly to begin with, but the shorts look good). Why do they call the zipper a "fly" to begin with? Ain't nothin fly about it y'all. That's my word.
April 5, 2008 at 6:57pm
April 5, 2008 at 6:57pm
So here's my story. Maybe 10 years ago Dave, Verno, Dave's co-worker Mark and myself hopped into Mark's tiny Chevy Beretta and made a 4 hour drive to Barrie, Ontario to see Pearl Jam outside at Molson Ampitheatre. End of August. Hot as all get-out.

We got there early enough for a few cocktails and split up to catch the openers; Dave and, I think, Verno went to see Cracker while Mark and I saw Cheap Trick. We reconvened and staked out a cozy spot about 40 feet from the stage and were set as PJ took the stage.

It was the best concert I never saw.

About 3 notes into the first song, "Corduroy", there's a massive surge from the back. Somehow only Mark and I got caught up in it, and right before the monster riff to officially open the song kicks in, we're 5 feet from the stage. Caught in the midst of the biggest mosh pit I've ever seen. And I've been to a lot of concerts.

For awhile, I'm having the time of my life while trying not to lose sight of Mark. Dave's usually the one who rushes to the front; even he knew better on this occasion.

After 3 songs, we decide it's time to get the fuck outta dodge. One problem: we're in too deep, and one step back seems to get us shoved another foot forward.

Five songs in, I'm tired. I'm bruised. I'm filthy from all the dust being kicked up. A chick is crowd surfing in my direction. She's flailing away, does a 180 on her back, and kicks me in the head. My glasses go flying and my favorite hat gets swallowed by a sea of sweaty fans. The glasses I could replace (and I had an old pair at home). The hat? 'Twas my favorite: plain black Nike cap with a white swoosh on the front, and sun-faded brown from being left in the back of my car.

Now I've got a headache, and I really can't see crap without my glasses. A few songs later I finally get a chance to break out. I wander through the masses, hoping at least maybe my boys will spot me. Ahhh, no. I settle into a semi-open spot and attempt to enjoy what I can out of this. At least they sounded great.

Encore. "Yellow Ledbetter". I can make out the words. Ached to share the moment with my brothers. We were tight and diverse, and PJ was the glue that kept us together and got us through many times, good and bad.

That's it. Show's over. I don't see the faces in front of me, let alone those of my people. I hop the fence, cut through the trashed beer garden, and join the herd to the exit.

I pass through the gate and I get my arm grabbed violently and I'm pulled aside (and I can't fight it; the aches and pains have begun to take hold of me). It's Dave! I'm saved! No more of this being lost on foreign soil crap. They even bought me a poster while they were waiting to find me.

The story doesn't end there. We get to the car and pile in and...wait. It's the most ridiculous parking environment ever. Took us 2 hours just to finally get on the road.

Around 3am we get stuck in a traffic jam in downtown Toronto, so we hit some little greasy diner to put some food in our pot-bellies. And everyone realizes how filthy I am. I've got dirt caked everywhere. I know, gross. At least we could smoke cigarettes up in there.

I'm looking at the menu, which is of course 2 inches from my face, and they all start laughing at me. So I smile...not realizing my teeth have dust caked on them. That good clean Canadian soil y'all. I went to blow my nose, and that hurt! More good clean Canadian soil. Never saw black snot before.

Finally, we made it home around 6am. A four hour drive there, an eight hour drive back. Tried to sleep on the way home but that wasn't happening. Not in that tiny backseat. Couldn't even sleep when I got home; had to drag my sore, beaten ass into the shower first.

But the whole experience was sooooo worth it. When I went back there a few years later w/my ex-roommate to see Radiohead, I made sure to stay clear of the mob til the show got underway. Still had the same issues getting home though. But learned there is a Tim Hortons at every exit of the highway in Canada (the QEW maybe?).

So have fun at your PJ show, Julie D - PUBLISHED! . And I did finally see PJ again, with glasses. They made it to Buffalo's HSBC Arena maybe 5 years ago. It was a blasty, but that's a whole 'nother story for another time.
April 4, 2008 at 11:01pm
April 4, 2008 at 11:01pm
So I'm at Rite-Aid today, waiting to buy my Mountain Dew and use them as an ATM (and eff them for being out of The Buffalo News while I siphon funds to pay the rent).

Hitting on the cute cashier is the 2nd last thing on my mind.

I'm at the checkout, looking at the magazines (and no, I'm not pulling a Dane Cook and wondering about so much gum and what I want to chew...I'm alll set).

No, I'm pitying the magazine people. No one cares that Britney Spears lost 15 lbs or got her head on straight, or Angelina Jolie posed for racy pics when she was 16. Who really cares? People Magazine? Mother Eff that. Sorry to use such harsh letterisms.


And I can say that, because even if I had a bucket of blow under one arm and a latte on the other, with a promise of 20Mil hangin on they heads, I know they'd never sleep with me. And I'm cool with that.

As a public we like to see the stars falter. That's why those rags are so popular. No one cares how it happened, nor for the rehab. It's all exploitation. In that as much, it does suck to be them. But does the average person, who'll probably never have a grasp at that fame, really invest in hope besides the $3.99 for the rag just to touch the piece of fame they'll never be able to equate themselves to?

Maybe I'm just ready for a new type of pop culture.

In other fits of my neediness:
*Bullet* I can't decide if I wanna pee or not. Damn Mountain Dew.

*Bullet* Some have expressed random thoughts of worrysome about me, personally. No need to worry. I'm cool. I always get weird at the worst times.

*Bullet* Where the fuck are my manners? Many many thanks to G for the most appreciated and thoughtful MB i've ever received. *Heart*

*Bullet* No naked blogging today. Sorry to disappoint some of you. Im still jealous that Kare can write in the tub. Check his blog, it's on my right, your left. Dude says it all while I'm just shampooing.

*Bullet* A preview! Coming tomorrow, my trip to Canada for a Pearl Jam show.

Hope your night is managable!
April 4, 2008 at 2:57pm
April 4, 2008 at 2:57pm

A little something fun to get the weekend started. It's friday. Let the freak flags fly!
April 3, 2008 at 11:33pm
April 3, 2008 at 11:33pm
So the Sabres wont make the playoffs. That sucks. My spring gets cut short. Can't really get into baseball til the midseason. Can't watch it. Too boring. But I will wonder what my Mets are up to.

Ashley, I promise you a funner song tomorrow. Something I hope you'll at least chuckle at.

And G, you're killin me. Lets just do this, cuz I'm gettin sleepy and I think it can happen. Somehow, some way.

And JD, where you been girl?

"God's rain water flows thru the same gutters that we walk today, gotta stay brave brother. Keep your lip stiff, keep your fist clenched. At times you gotta kick your way outta this bitch."
-Brother Ali

A good tune. I need some good new music.
April 3, 2008 at 3:02pm
April 3, 2008 at 3:02pm
I felt like I was cheating on The Deli as I walked past it, just having lunch at The Dutch Mill.

Should've skipped the apple pie ala mode. My stomach's turning like a bad dream.

Anyway, here's the video link I promised earlier this week. The most beautiful sad song I've heard in awhile.


And since Thom Yorke mumbles the lyrics:

"Videotape" by Radiohead

When I'm at the pearly gates
This will be on my videotape, my videotape
Mephistopheles is just beneath
and he's reaching up to grab me

This is one for the good days
and I have it all here
In red, blue, green
Red, blue, green

You are my center
When I spin away
Out of control on videotape
On videotape
On videotape
On videotape

This is my way of saying goodbye
Because I can't do it face to face
I'm talking to you after it's too late
From my videotape

No matter what happens now
You shouldn't be afraid
Because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen.

***And since that gets pretty depressing, here's a fun lil cover song that Thom Yorke once called "the sexiest song ever written." I dedicate it to all you fine folks. On to your emails...


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