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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
My sig from Tanin, Writing Warrior.

I figured it was about time I started keeping track of silly thoughts or strange things I see from time to time. Sometimes it's vulgar. Sometimes it's sad. And even on some rare occasions, it's a riot! *Smirk*

I think a therapist would have a field day with this...oh wait...I already tried that, to no avail. I guess the rest is up to you. So feel free to stick your takes in The Drop-Off at any time, and don't hold back. Give it to me!

Studyees, you get prime real estate in The Library, so make it count.

Peace out NOW!

Signature for Between the Lines members.

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May 20, 2009 at 12:00am
May 20, 2009 at 12:00am
Good evening Studyees...it's been too long. I have to admit I've been cheating on you with a younger, sexier Facebook. There, I admitted it, and admitting is the first step toward getting into heaven. Now if I could only work on those other admission requirements...anyways...

So more than a few weeks ago, I threw quite the shitfit when J asked me to come early to pick her up at work and apply for a position with a company I'll just refer to as "The Wall" (not-so-subtle attempt at sublety) on their fancy computer system. While I huffed and puffed and treated it like shit, she hustled all of her inter-company contacts to find out who needs what where in their world. Then some of those people got fired for doing things with minors. And I was left in applicant purgatory, bitching about "how effing great an idea was", "what a waste of my time", and "I don't want to work for a company that drags its feet in wanting to snap up an applicant this qualified". Which I must say, led to one or two very lonely nights on my side of the bed.

Then it turns out that a store near us is actually interested in my services. Well then, I guess people actually are hiring in these troubled economic times. She-the-woman-I-love-so-much called the manager of that location at the precise moment he was perusing my app/resume and he was going to call me. She said he seemed excited about me, and I should call him to set up an interview. So I did.

This dude has a funny name that I can't seem to remember, and maybe that's because I keep referring to him by names I can remember. Names like Abe Vigoda and Gore Vidal. And when I called him, he didn't seem so excited. Just name your time, he says, and come in. That simple. I fear that. I do not know why. Is he so busy that he can't be polite on the phone? Oh well, I suppose I should stop bitching, since it is a full-time job. But really? With a big corporation with its hands in so many pockets??

He noted to J that I worked as a management person for another pharmacy and wanted to know why I didn't want to go into management training. That right there is another red flag in my blue-state brain. She told him because of our car situation it wouldn't be prudent right now, not knowing where I'd be sent and stuff. When she told me this, I snapped "Or maybe I don't want to be a manager and don't want the stress and bs of it all again!" To which I was snapped back with some kind of "job-friendly, professional" talk about how she "said the right things to make it look better" and "get me in".

Oh yeah, when she talked to Mr. Vegomite she also referred to me as her "Fiancee".

I'll wait a minute to type the next few lines once my balls recede themselves from my throat.

I understand why she did it...because she doesn't want herself to be looked at as some slut who wants to get her new piece some stable work. But damn, that's some pressure, and now it may turn into a lie that I have to uphold. Not that I have doubts about the status of our relationship, but I've been employed in pharmacy retail before where I had to color my personal doings a different shade because I was dating someone in the store/company and duck the gossip-mongers. And it appears I will have to do it again now, for the time being, just for the sake of a steady job.

If only Borders had a sweet opening, I'd be all set. Instead, I'm trying to make a dollar out of maybe 12-16 hours a week and busting ass at a job that I not only absolutely love, but am actually pretty good at. I won't bore you Stoggers with details and stats, but let's just say I'm good.

The bright side is that the job I'm interviewing for tomorrow is their "Photo Manager" position, which should be a cakewalk for me, given my experience running a photo lab for Eckerd back in the day. I like that kind of work...you get a customer base, your day is kind of set and metered, you have minimal responsibilities, you get a decent pay for decent work...but I have my insecurities about the whole situation.

So wish me luck tomorrow afternoon. I guess. I know I'll be wearing a tie and it'll be the first time since Easter that I've shaved. That'll be one fun process.

Other fun tidbits:

*Bullet* I finally retired the old black Nike sandals I bought maybe 12 years ago, and got a new pair. But they're brown. Oh well. They'll still match my summer motif of clothing.

*Bullet* I must buy a good cd soon. The next one I load on my iPod will put me over 7000 songs. Maybe I should just find the few cds I can't find between two apartments and just do it that way. Or I could buy the new Dane Cook cd that I was supposed to buy me yesterday. Or, who cares?? Feel me on 7000 songs. Six-hundred-something albums. Most with cover art. And one partially neglected significant other.

*Bullet* My lil bro is now on Facebook! More time for me to waste!

*Bullet* We had good news over the weekend regarding geting a place to live. J's sis and bro-in-law offered to co-sign or help us out. Only thing is, we have to find a place, and Bro-in-law wants us to get a duplex so he can put us in charge of things (tenants, rent, maintainence, and such). Basically, he wants to invest and make a profit while we do the work. Which isn't totally a bad thing, since he'd be willing to work with us on the big things that could potentially go awry (like a furnace, or windows, or siding, or roof, or other big things). Of course, he was also drunk off his ass after the horse race this weekend, and wanted to show me the new issue of Playboy. His wife was non-plussed, and no need for me to shop around when I've got the good stuff at home. *Wink*

So that's the basic rundown for ya, homies. I'm out and about. Leave me a good take in The Drop-Off and I'll feel ya back. Peace and love. GOODNIGHT NOW!!
May 12, 2009 at 1:56am
May 12, 2009 at 1:56am
A good good evening to you, Studyees. Now that the smoke has cleared on today, allow me to reflect a little on what has become a most cranky Monday....I'll start with a song that hasn't been able to be purged from my brain lately and always seems to come on when it's about the time I turn the radio up after conversations...


9:30am: Wake up on the day J and I both do not have to work. I remember Alex came in early and said he wasn't feeling well and might not go to school. J's discretion leaves it up to him. His room is dark when I greet the day, his books are on the table, and yes, he is the next victim of my sickness last week. I smoke a cigarette in partial agony of what else may lead to today.

10:25am: Decide to get McDonalds (holla back at your boy for Breakfast Burritos!!) while J, still asleep (because she informed me that she is sleeping in today last night) mumbles something like "You can't make yourself breakfast here?" No, I can't...we don't have those perfect little sausage balls that McDonalds has. Plus I need a newspaper and anything I might need whilst spending the afternoon at my house while she has lunch with a friend of hers at 12:30pm. I ask you, loyal Studyees, to keep that last sentence in mind, as it is important to the story.

11:05am: Arrive back at 40 Broe, reprogram the remotes so I can watch ESPN while eating my fantastimatic breakfast and bitch at the internet while it keeps dropping out in-between trying to get my Facebook action on for the day and reading the ESPN.com columns they don't broadcast on-air. I'm a details guy...I need the behind-the-scenes stuff and the insight.

11:15am: Alex comes down from upstairs. In his jeans from last night and wrapped in a blanket. Shirtless. Ladies, slow your roll; he's 13. Girls, hit me up; he's 13! We hang for a few, he tells me there's stuff to make breakfast in the house (as if I didn't know; I do my share of grocery-buying), and he says I should friend his dad's girlfriend's kid on Facebook. I do out of respect to Alex. Like this kid, who I just met on Saturday, will know who in the blue fuck I am.

11:19am: Sleeping Jessicutey arrives from her sleep and just about loses her shit because "the house looks like a mess and nobody cleans up after themselves and *insert audible banging and clanging and general frustration here* and ALEX, get this, this and this outta here, I've told you how many times, and, *insert indescribable audible disgust here*".

11:22am: I'm done with my 3/4 of my 2nd breakfast burrito. Alex is down to one egg and wants to make some french toast, and asks Jess if she thinks it'd be ok if he asks me to go to the store to get some eggs. Momma's boy, totally, but that's another story for another time. He asks, I oblige. As I toss my tasty remains into the recipticle meant for trash, she's done bangin' for the most part in the kitchen and says she's gettin' in the shower. I say I'm gettin' some eggs. She's on schedule, by the time she showers, applies all her cosmetics and creams and beautifics and blow-dries, plus whatever I decide I want to do....I'm either dropping her off for lunch at Tully's to meet her friend and go to the mall, or having her drop me off at 542 so I can read the paper and be left at peace to my own devices. As she's getting out of the shower I tell of my options and she snaps at me "It's our day off and we always spend our days off together!" I nearly had to hold myself back from reminding her that the thing she was getting ready for first and foremost was her lunchdate with her girlfriend.and that I had nothing planned for today. I almost died at this freakish contradiction.

11:50am: What is to be a short trip to get some eggs is made five minutes longer by the conversation with an old friend in line behind me, who wouldn't have recognized me if I hadn't said hello. Meanwhile, Alex is about to make himself french toast and Jess is half-naked weeping on the bed. I've pretty much made up my mind that maybe I should just head back to 542 and she can come get me when she hits me with the bawling "I'm sorry, I wasn't meaning to be mad at you, blah blah blah...do you still love me...ummm, Alex wants to go to Best Buy with you if you drop me off at Tully's, is that ok?"

Holdupwaitaminute... Alex can't go to school cuz he's got whatever we had last week, but he's up and making himself breakfast and now he wants to go to the mall and Best Buy with me? Are you effing moffing kidding me? When I was a kid, if I pulled that kinda knowledge, I'd be getting driven back to school in a heartbeat. But no, Jess isn't that kind of parent (her own words). So me and Boy Drama Queen are headed for a trip to the lame mall. At least it could be the cool mall, but no.

12:15pm: Jess is ready to go and has just about enough time to get to Tully's, while Alex is asking if he can watch a dvd of some movie that he's already seen. She confirms that he can come with me, sealing my fate. I step out to have a smoke because Boy Drama Queen gets overly-dramatic when anyone smokes within 30 yards of him. He also struggles to get ready. Pay attention to this detail also, Stoggers...

12:20pm: After J has scolded Alex because she's got somewhere to be at a certain time, we get in the car and she tells me she has to get her friend a card. Preparedness does not run in the family.

12:33pm: J's friend texts her asking where she is. J's friend is punctual. I enjoy being punctual. We're almost 10 minutes away. But some people are too punctual...which isn't a bad thing when said friend texts an hour earlier if you're going to be on time and you confirm you will be...and then you aren't. It makes me feel like less of a slavedriver when trying to keep her punctual. She rarely is.

12:51pm: Drop her off, and Alex and I head over to Best Buy where I spend a whole lot of time not finding what I want, which is a hard case for my iPod. Then I start looking for things...reaching...sandals (specific ones), an Orange NY Mets hat, speakers for my HK receiver that I brought over weeks ago, Shit that I can't find in this crappy mall.

2:31pm: She texts me that she's done, and where she should meet me, so I tell her the Electronics dep't of Sears, which happens to be the closest entrance to the mall by the restaurant she's in. And up to this point, Alex hasn't really been sick, or annoying. But I'm done with this mall, that we've lapped front to back twice.

2:50pm: After not being impressed by anything inside Payless Shoes the first time we went in there about an hour or so earlier, I remarked to Alex that his mom would want to go in there. By the time we got there, her take on the day and mine had already silently clashed. When we passed Payless and she wanted to go there, I looked at Alex and said "I told you so!" She flipped her shit. Threw a big baby fit. She wanted to do more shopping, but I was done; and then she wanted to do more farther away from home.

See, her mom and I had conspired on a gift for her for Mothers Day. We were going to get her a Patio-type of set of furniture. Mom M wired me the some money and I told J about it and the day turned from my shopping trip to hers, which always happens. Always. Her reciepts can prove it.

I will not bore you with the rest of the story. I ended up with a few cds and a dvd that made me happy, we found a patio set that we like for the patio we don't have, smart remarks were shared all over, and Alex had a good time, for which he thanked me for. Plus I found an orange NY Mets hat, so bonus for me.

I have to try to get to bed reasonably, but I'll leave you with my favorite track from a cd I thought I had but I didn't until tonight. And since it's not a big deal that I didn't know the Beastie Boys reissued "Check Your Head" complete with a bonus cd behind my back, I'll be happy with getting this cd used and firing off this video of a mellow, much-enjoyable song.


Kinda fitting. Peace out homies. Good good night NOW!!
May 9, 2009 at 12:36am
May 9, 2009 at 12:36am
A good weekend to you all, Studyees. It is with little shame that I face you, my friends of the internet-folk, bearing the news I must share:

I am a technology slut.

Oh, don't you Stoggers hate on this kid for the dilemma I am experiencing and forcing myself to share with you all.

It started with the Blackberry and all the fun shit I could do (and the annoying crap it couldn't wouldn't do). It progressed into the Toshiba laptop and the many many man hours spent trying to upload my massive cd collection on its 250 gigabyte hard drive. And today, I have reached another milestone...I traded in my old, non-functioning iPod for a fancier, sexier model with more storage (at a 10% discount, of course).

I can see the reactions in your collective psyches now, Studyees, and it looks sorta like this: *Rolleyes*.

For the record, I have used up about 60-70 gbs with just music so far on my laptop, and I'm maybe 3/4 done with my cds.

Around 4-ish, I started downloading the new version of iTunes software to this pig. That took about a half hour. Once that was complete, I went outside in the beautiful weather to show Alex how to play basketball like a man and not a scrawny 13-year-old, thinking his mom would be proud. Man's game, boy!! Yeah, I'm kinda too old for vigorous physical activity. Fuck that, not this body. Alas...

So in my pain I opened up iTunes, fully aware that all the hard work I've done previously in uploading my beats, rhymes and life may have gone for naught since Windows Media Player may not store my shit the way I like it and iTunes may not transfer my files properly, meaning I'll hafta delete all my music and start over again, only this time ripping straight to iTunes instead of Windows Media. Ohhhhh did that thought pierce me like a hot needle through the numbed earlobe you tried to jab yourself with when you were in junior high and your folks were against you getting an earring but you wanted one anyway 'cuz you wanted to be different. Not sayin' I did this, I just know...yeah anyway...

In my utter delight Stoggers, iTunes has taken the liberty of converting my tracks to conform with its system of doing things. Which should be good, right? Right...until we assume it was probably around 5:00 this afternoon that it started this chicanery. Quick time check in The Library now: 12:10am. And the conversion? Yeah...into the K's of my collection as of now. Which means maybe by 7:15 in the morning of Saturday (tomorrow in my sleep-fucked world) when I wake up to get Jessica to work by 8, iTunes may have saved me a shit-ton of extra work, and I can actually plug my new 120gb iPod Classsic into the computer and have my music back on the get-go where it should be. Thanks be to Jeebus I haven't added my Oasis cd's yet, but I'm kicking myself in the ass for alreading uploading my Pearl Jam, Wilco, Tragically Hip and Radiohead cd's.

So hoo-hah on my dome. *Rolleyes*

Let's take a look at some other technological advances I've made in the past few months that I've been neglecting on keeping you up on...

*Bullet* I now use conditioner on a regular basis. Herbal Essence, I believe. Or Fructis. I can't remember. Whatever the pretty lady I wake up next to every day buys for me. Of course, when your hair is about as long as hers, it's a smart idea to condition. And when it (the hair) is as fine as mine, you also...

*Bullet* Are using a thickening serum infused with caffeine. It smells minty! Dunno if it makes a difference, but it has encouraged me to start blow-drying my hair. Mad long, yo. Mad long.

*Bullet* Razor? What the frig is a razor?? And it's getting close on the one-year anniversary of my last haircut. How do I know this? Besides the obvious? My Supercuts "Get 12, your 13th is free!" card's last date is from last May. (I know it's not technological; it's just a fun fact.)

*Bullet* My sis is coming back to town for a visit! She must be healing well. Although I had to find that out from a comment she left on a friend's Facebook status. Which means technology has taken over the age-old art of the bro/sis relationship. Unreal.

*Bullet* I have more ex-girlfriends as friends on Facebook now than I knew what Facebook was a year ago.

*Bullet* That last point...I don't know which part of it is sadder.

*Bullet* **This spot left intentionally blank**

So there's the update. Your boy here is moving up in the world, one tiny electrode stored in some bit of memory at a time. Studyees, I'm making it my goal in life once I get past this technological nightmare-in-training to subside to return to reading and commenting and saying hi and lovin' up on your blogs more often. That's my word.

Unless I can convince Jess to upgrade the DirecTv package to include TiVo. Or I buy more dvds of "The Office" and "Family Guy".

So that's all for today, Studyees. Get yourselves a nice night of sleep and go out and enjoy the weekend, wherever it may take all y'all. I'll be back soon...GOODNIGHT NOW!!

(Ooooohhhh, iTunes is knee-deep into the L's! Now I'm so much more ashamed that I let Limp Bizkit into my life. Hold me. Please. Somebody.)
May 6, 2009 at 11:54am
May 6, 2009 at 11:54am
Welcome, and a stellar Wednesday to you, Studyees. I come bearing good news.... unless you are In Your Dirtiest Pants .

First off, me and the lady are doing much better. I can smoke an entire cigarette without the agony of feeling like my chest is caving in. Thank you for all of the well-wishes. Being sick does, in fact, suck.

Nextly Stoggers, this absolutely amazing band only comes to the Buffalo area once in a great while. After reading this article: http://www.buffalonews.com/entertainment/entertainmentnews/story/662504.html I gee'd out and secured myself some tickets. After, of course, texting In Your Dirtiest Pants about my good fortune, and texting my love in life the same fortune and getting the ok to drop almost a c-note on tickets. Enjoy...


Whilst assassining down the avenues on the way to library (because I have yet to hook up my new printer to the Toshiba Beast of a kicktail laptop), I learned that this phenomenal performer, once hailed as the "next Bob Dylan", would be opening. In Your Dirtiest Pants is now entirely jealous...


Conor Oberst opening for Wilco, in Buffalo...Lewiston, actually....amazing. Worth the drive. We'll be at Artpark in June anyway seeing the Tragically Hip, which I can't wait to see again even though I'm non-plussed by their new cd. I will not post a Hip link again until I see them.

Meanwhile, I had been wondering what now to post about before today's wonderful turn of events...and then I heard this song early this morning and I know it may please some of you, so have at it Studyees, and feel me for all that is right and good in the music of WNY and the world...when all else is failing and corrupt, there is still tuneage.

{link:.... ACK!!! forget youtube for now, since it isn't responding to my demands. Go look up "Glynis" by The Smashing Pumpkins yourselves. I have other things to do, like make cds for people and take a nap and all that junk, plus buy dinner stuff again. Good freakin' day y'all!!

**Extra Super-Special Post-Nap Update...**

I got Youtube to work, and found that my attempts at posting worked thrice. So here...
{link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic07ejc5DPE} . Take that!!
May 5, 2009 at 12:19pm
May 5, 2009 at 12:19pm
Hello and a fine Tuesday to you Studyees. A choke and a poke are what all I have to bring to the table today.

I have been sicker than I've ever been sick since last monday. No, it is NOT swine flu...just a piglet version. And yes, I did get Jess sick on it also. Ohhh, the perks of sharing the same interests, tastes (or lack thereof) and bed....wonderful. When The 'Lo hits 70 degrees and the fans are brought out and the windows are left open and all of the sudden I can't breathe...for like a week...yeah...that's what she gets.

I must say, Stoggers, I've been trying to put this new beast to work. It holds more songs than you know, and it isn't even close to being sated. Or something. It is affecting my relationship. I have a new toy, a jealousness happened, some sex was had, and lots more kissiing and apologizing was undertaken. Love works in mysterious ways.

Told said love interest that she should make a list for me to get after my shift at the bookstore on Sunday. Oh I got it all, and more, did I. The Office Season One DVD, the kick in the ass for not coming home in a timely fashion after buying groceries including cat food..

And (cough cough) fucking Chinese food. Man, I'm down with that, even when I say I want Orange Chicken extra crispy, with extra crispy noodles. I never order Orange Chicken.

The Chicky-fry-Rice was diesel nation, but the fact that hot sexy fancy lady was sick off of my germs and my attitude for being sick does not sit well.

I had a point somewhere up in this piece of internet boredom, Stoggers...

I knew I meant to catch up...

Link me on this... it is so not explicit as it seems, and rather jack-tastic, thanks to Mike the lil bro.


Effing eff yourselfs on that. And as for me...GOODDAY Y'ALL!!

April 28, 2009 at 9:57am
April 28, 2009 at 9:57am
Kids of The Library, I'm gonna keep this brief because your hero over here woke up with the worst sore throat he's had in years. I suppose it's what I get for it being in the mid-70's yesterday and busting my ass doing all types of spring cleaning and housework, grilling, and staying up far too late attempting to rip all of my cds onto my laptop (a daunting task, all 6 or 700 of them...it's going to be a lenghthy project). In honor of my strange spring cold phenonmenon, I would like to share with you my morning thus far.

I still buy the newspaper. Save me, you techy-savvy purveyors of all that is right and good with the internet, from your 21st century do-goodery by claiming I'm old-fashioned. My aunt recently told my girlfriend I started reading the newspaper when I was a mere three years old. Either that's a testament to the strength of our relationship, or further prrof of the nerdiness I was destined to encounter in the first grade. Not a point of contention, but I'lll leave it up to The Studyees to discuss amongst themselves.

Anyway, usually when I drop Jess off at work, I follow her in and get a copy of The Buffalo News (or for the locals who've been there, The Buffalo Evening News...The Courrier Express ceased publication when I was still a kid, and now The Buffalo News is a morning paper). That is, you'll remember, how Jess and I met. I hold back on getting a soda with my paper now because usually I have a mug of coffee in the car with me, and we usually keep St. Dew well-stocked in the fridge.

So I wake up today, throat swollen and feeling like crap, and my princess is running typically late. Threw on some shorts and a t, poured the coffee and was ready to transport her to the job she's trying to hook me up with. More about that another time...like I said, I have a lot of catching up to do. Get in the car, drive, and get stuck in unusually absurd traffic.

This is Western New York...there is no traffic...especially on the roads we roam.

Then it hits me...it's Kids' Day.

Fuck. Not only is princess going to be late for work, and she's already bitching because I went to bed at 2am and thinks my immune system is shot, but now I have to deal with this...

"Kids' Day" is a Buffalo News promotion once a year, usually in April (as I'm duh-ing myself), where they jack up the price for the paper a little bit and donate the proceeds to charities. Sounds like a nice thing, so I usually....holdupwaitaminute...

Yeah, it's nice and all, but they usually recruit volunteers to hawk these special joints, old-school style, like they used to sell newspapers back in the day or in the old movies ("Extra Extra!! Read all about it!!"). Nice. Fucking NICE. These volunteers are damn newspaper kamikazes in the busiest intersections. It doesn't take long for the local news radio station to report that a Kids' Day hawker was struck by a car. And people, when they see this, tend to drive like they're getting something for free when they see these people. Nice gesture and all, but do you really have to tie up traffic to think that you're "doing your part"? Is the beginning of a turning lane really the best place for this type of transaction?

Example: Traffic is backed up on our regular route, so in order to get around it I wind up in the turning lane for another street because I think there's been an accident. Then I realize all the cars parked on the side of the road are there because they're trying to do a service for a charity. Mind you, this is a single-lane road. Stoggers, me of little patience with a shotgun passenger on the verge of being late for work again and having altered our route, also has to deal with said passenger's comments...

"Yer hot! *Heart*"

Please, woman. It's too early and I look too nasty from all the crap I did yesterday around the house. Again, another thing for another time. Let's just say I'm 93% of the best boyfriend ever.

Meanwhile, some jackass is scampering between me and a large truck of some sort...can't remember if it was cement, oil or gas. But it was one of those big trucks...the kind you don't want to be running aside of in traffic.

As I get to her destination, I notice two spry females shilling these now God-forsaken newspapers. Jess asks if I'm coming in and I usually do, but today I don't. At least I'll give it up to charity and try not to get somebody killed by trying to buy a Kids' Day edition in the parking lot.

I'm about to get vulgar. Cover your eyes.

The little Catholic School c*** in her Catholic School sweats couldn't be more disinterested in selling me a newspaper. A fucking charity edition of the local paper. In a Walgreens parking lot. I handed her my $1 through the passenger window, and she dropped the paper in like some sort of "I don't give a fuck"-ness was trapped in her Catholic School brain. What a little bitch! Listen...if you don't want to do it, stay home. Or if you're doing it just to do it and get out of school for a morning or a day, sod off and stick to your hymnals. But for the love of God, if I hand you a dollar bill, you hand me a newspaper...you're a volunteer, for chrissakes, so at least act like you love it and not drop my beloved newspaper into my passenger side window and do business like that. I get better service at Burger King (and let's not go there right now).

So there I am, Studyees. Loonies walking the streets today in the name of charity. I hope the extra 25 cents I spent on the paper really does go to help a crippled kid, and maybe I saved some crazy stuck-up chick from a gnarly fate while trying to be a do-gooder. So here's what I have to offer...I probably posted this before but it bears repeating...


I will not deny my fascination with Legos as a kid, and don't ever let your inner kid die. That is it for now Stoggers, as I have a shit-ton more cds to rip on this beast as the Blackberry blows up with Facebook nonsense. GOODDAY NOW!! *Heart*
April 27, 2009 at 12:03am
April 27, 2009 at 12:03am
Call it what you want, Studyees...but I am back. Back like a tramp, I tell you.

The anger, the vitriol, the love, the hate, the amazement, the weirdness...it is all back, lovemongers of this here Crapchester of the Buffalonia...it is back, in capital C-A-P-S back, y'all.

Forget the text I sent out last week or so...and forget the catch-up game...I sucked up to Facebook enough til it crashed on the silly Blackberry, which left me with one friend ironically. I found this out long after I got my NEW LAPTOP AND ROUTER.

Now if I can get used to typing on it...ughh...and get caught up with all the emails I've totally slacked on...and get my gazillion cds loaded so I can get the CWC the attention she is craving after a night that needs no evidence...I know, say no more...but there is a lot more to come. Viva Lo Fivesixereste!! Namaste, or GOODNIGHT NOW!!
March 31, 2009 at 10:34am
March 31, 2009 at 10:34am
Grrrr... Had it with this bullshit technology. Make it work or don't. I am fucking through with formats, computers, phones, etc. Tried on the new format for my new phone, and it does not work for me. Entertain yourself with what I wrote, and hope that if I can't figure it out then this shit better sort itself out, because I'm...
Ladies and gentlemen of The Library, welcome. I present to you what has proven to be the fruit of a difficult undertaking...the first blog entry from my new phone. Bear with me as I try to work out the kinks and shit.

On my old phone, the text-entry area was the entire screen. Now, it's a box within the site that shows everything in that box as one long sentence. And I would've been here sooner, but WDC takes a lot longer to load on the highly-finangled communication device I now on, courtesy of T-Mobile, Blackberry and your favorite Walgreens Senior Beauty Advisor, Jessica.

Studyees, you know I have no patience. This site needs to be revamped, or at least be made Blackberry-friendly. I do not ask for much, but I am asking now. I have to magnify and change my view every time I want to switch pages. It has become so much more time consuming. So much more that now Jess is getting internet back at her place, I'll stop shitting, get off the pot, finish my taxes and actually use my return to get the laptop I've so been longing for. She's gotten me clothes and a new phone, but she's gotten herself clothes, a new dishwasher, new furnishings, bills caught up, a lost paycheck restored, a brother back from overseas, and just yesterday a basketball net for the boys while I got a few pairs of socks. And who is supposed to put that net together?? Mmmhmmm that's right. Me, today, Mr. Handyless. I'll probably end up building some sort of fancy miniature rocket launcher out of this
March 24, 2009 at 10:27am
March 24, 2009 at 10:27am
Good day Studyees. I'm going to keep this short because I'm trying to do this on a phone that slipped out of my pocket at the same time I closed the car door during another trip to Target.

My experience with customer cervix was hellish to say the least. "Can you hold for three minutes or two?" after every question I asked was not what I wanted to hear. I did not think I was rude when at one point I responded with "I will wait six minutes or five just to talk to somebody who can understand me." Feel me on that.

I've been pretty pissed about all of this. Then I decided to try again with *611, and I got some satisfaction. God bless the CWC with the tax money who loves me unconditionally...I finagled them for free shipping and a nice deal on a new Blackberry flip, and if I don't like it I can shell out a little more for the Samsung Behold and all of its touch-screen beauty.

Meanwhile, I am tapping on a phone where I hope I can smash the best buttons to get my point somewhat across, as one-fourth of this screen is not agreeable now and and making calls is a chore.

I have been enlightened also lately, but I have to take a nap since I can't put another thought together. A good day is me leaving the house with good intentions during the PPV-version of Twilight. I deal with it all day at work when I work, so I have no room for it now. May you all be happy, and Goodday Now to you all and my first phone that had nice internet.
March 16, 2009 at 3:06am
March 16, 2009 at 3:06am
A late good evening Stoggers. I hope you've all had a good weekend. I have, amidst the height of what I like to call "Fundrazor Season". And it's ON, in full E-F-F-E-C-T.

Tried to blog the other day about using my phone to try to re-up my membo on this here site. Then I got sick of whining about my POS handset.

Then I remembered Ann Coulter, and how she has a new book out, and how much of a whore for the Republicans she is. "Hi! Here's me and blonde in my black dress (again)! Guys fall for that, so I'm credible! NOW KNEEL TO ME!!!"

I see her titles and actually find myself wondering who put her up to it.

Then I realize there has to be some fairness and balance, because the media owns EVERYTHING in life...checks and balances have long since given way to sex for a paycheck, or death in your industry.

Obama was the sexy candidate. The day Hilrod Clinton became sexy would be the day I chopped my malenatomy off. The GOP almost got it right...sexual appeal can sell. They can't argue that a "lack of experience" doesn't work either, as Sarah Palin made her case but clearly choked and almost set her cause back by allegations against
her, her State (Alaska), and parental ability.

I'm rambling, but I know that of what I speak. I will be borrowing that Corpra-Whore Coulter's new book out from work soon
March 10, 2009 at 10:48am
March 10, 2009 at 10:48am
A damn good morning to you all, Studyees. A quick rundown on topics before I go back to sleep...

* Talked to Dave and got his ok about my stepmom's fundraiser, which I still feel ill at ease about.

* Talked to Sean, who was recently diagnosed with MS and is having a fundraiser thrown for him...he wanted info on my stepmom's shindig, but I called to see how he's doing and how I can help. Lotta history, both good and bad, between us. It seems like everyone is having a fundraiser these days. Maybe I'm yawning on society, because we all have it tough, but maybe we don't know tough until it stamps its initials in our faceplate.

* T.O. signs with the Bills. I have been enveloped by the coverage and the people talking to me about it. The Original #81 is a whole 'nother topic and locker room cancer and qb killer that I don't know if I really want to get my popcorn ready for.

* Josh is out of J's house and at his dad's, and ready to go back to school. They had a nice Sunday together mostly, but I am still on the creeps with him. Anyone who details threats with a hunting knife at that age is off-limits to me and the ones I love. As a sidenote, while Jess was out with Josh, she bought me two pairs of jeans and a t-shirt with Lennon "We all shine on". I have my denim buying issues, as my longtime Studyees will note, and I did not need another tee, but that woman financed my lower southside pantsial complaints and I almost couldn't be happier.

* I cannot even confirm how good I slept last night. It felt like a first. And there is no way, how, or plausible explanation...besides J's "I tried to nudge you" and "When I got up to pee you didn't move at all". Sounds to me like a jealous day or six when she wants to be woken up early but can't be, regardless of my attempts. Tomorrow will be another story, as I have to work.

And with that faithful Stoggers, I am about to take a nap. With my phone on my chest, because I'm supposed to be marinating Tilapia and wronging all of the other rights in the world. Dreaming unsightful things. And best yet, bet, dreaming of you, Stogtastic Nation.
March 3, 2009 at 1:34pm
March 3, 2009 at 1:34pm

I came from your mighty and poor.
I huddled in search
of weapons of mass destruction
with the self-imposed refuse of society,
yearning to breathe life
into us and a rigid shoreline
while sacrificing
what led me here first.
Brazen not am I,
for I wish to recapture
just less of what I lost
in a tired economy
just less of what I lost
in attempting to defend it.

I wish not to glow world-wide
on my family's behalf.
I only hope to remain
a man, a woman,
a father, a son,
a mother, a daughter,
a life with return.
Just is not just
justice undone.

A mightier woman seeks my peace.
I ask and she answers,
"Please, bring them back.

Emma Lazarus will be posthumously inducted to the National Women's Hall of Fame this October in Seneca Falls, NY (near Rochester). She is noted for writing what has been inscribed on The Statue Of Liberty.

Hello and happy Tuesday Studyees, and here's what's up:

* I wrote something today. See above.

* Josh comes home today. I was really hoping he'd wreck his dad's house like he wrecked Jess' first, but since his dad sees no problem in holes being punched in walls when one doesn't get their way, then no problem. In my non-perfect eyes, nothing has been solved. I still have a slight fear, until I talk to him.

* A once-close friend/rival was just diagnosed with MS. Why does disease need to follow me, and not take me for what little I have? Why not wipe out the prime candidates first, like me?

* J got herhotnessself a nice winter jacket. I need pants. The premise of "let's go to Sears to look at jeans" turned into a fashion show of clearance coats. And shoes. And I am not impressed.

Have many more things itchin' on my skullcap, but my sis is livin' and I have a guest, so I best be jettison. GOODDAY NOW!!
March 1, 2009 at 3:26pm
March 1, 2009 at 3:26pm
Ahhh yes, it's back temporarily for the time being, given that it's a quiet day in the '086 area with nobody around.


A fitting song for a typical day.

Going to pick up the younger son, hit some Taco Bell and the alleys for some not-so-diesel-looking attempts at bowling. Y'all enjoy your sundays... *Wink*
February 27, 2009 at 2:34am
February 27, 2009 at 2:34am
Crisis of confidence tonight, Studyees. And the threat looms large.

Enough of the BS cliches and metaphors and whatnot. Your boy here is a target. Seriously.

And I don't mean that in a playing way. This is fucking serious...and what scares me is that it really hasn't hit me yet.

I, out of respect for those involved, will spare details. But a certain spawn with behavioral health problems of a certain girlfriend had his usual monthly counselling appointments, and said spawn flipped his shit before his last meeting and caused damage to his school.

Then he threatened detailed harm (including premeditated death) towards his mother and her boyfriend.

He has since been removed from his loving mother's care. A parent can only do so much. School can only do so much. The gov't will only do so much. The mom can only do so much while providing the best she can. The boyfriend bleeds for him and his younger brother, but between tolerance and the love of a brother, hearts break. Hearts break.

I can only say so much. To them.

As much as I loathe them at times, I tend to miss the kids when they're not around. I lost my patience a long time ago, but I found my compassion and place in this.

As much as I'd like to think help is on the way, it's not. The "outdoorsman-I-don't-give-a-shit" father now gets to deal with the demon of his seed. He shouldn't and doesn't get to turn a black eye on this; maybe his son will make him see what we've lived. And the school, after today, is almost done with him.

While it's refreshing to know I won't have a hunting knife turned on me, I must be cautious. I don't know what can happen.
February 23, 2009 at 2:24am
February 23, 2009 at 2:24am
Sup Studyees. A welcome end to the weekend to you all. I come to you with one simple request:

Somebody let a brotha know when "award-type shows" are gonna be on tv.


I caught most of the music awards a few weeks back, but wasn't home and comfortable enough to feel like phoning in my opinions as a guest.

Tonight there was some movie awards show on in the other room, but having missed most of it, I just entertained my significant other (and as a sidenote, I hate that term...she is my "best part of me that I'm not afraid to let people see, because the best parts of me are generally best kept to myself otherwise) by cracking jokes over what I was hearing.

My point is, Stoggers, I would love to sit down and waste my time at the altar of the tube creating a live blog entry detailing my opinions on what I'm seeing. In real time. I thought the Grammys were hilarious, and I had a comment for everything that day, so why not?

Bring on the award shows!

And Mel Gibson looks like an evil bastard on Jimmy Kimmel's Post-whatevertonitewasshow.

Is there a ceremony-type show for books? Yeah they get awards and shit, but do they get tv love? Decked out in fancy suits and Sophia Loren-level bad hairdos? Authors hyperventilating over winning "Best Book" like whoever that chick was near the end of tonight's festivities was, that prompted me from the next room to say "Get her an oxygen mask!"?

Media is screwed up. And there is only one person to fix it. In my humble ways, that would be me.

Take me to a non-closing bank on that.

In other news...

* I used to bowl. As in throw a big black ball down a long wooden lane, trying to knock over them white pins with the skinny red necks. Jess and I took Josh bowling today. I sucked ass. I used to be better. But I really was a waste of money, save for the fun. Oh, and by saying I was "better", that meant I was barely competant.

* My Valentines gift from the sexiest cashier on planet Walgreens was tickets to see Rain, a Beatles Tribute band. Let me tell you, the experience was awesome beyond awesome. I got what people felt seeing them live at Ed Sullivan and Shea Stadium. I felt that. It affected me. There were moments that I welled up nearly in tears during the show in disbelief of what I was seeing and hearing. It definitely was amazing...between the visuals and the music. It wasn't perfect note-for-note and the Lennon guy kinda blew, but overall, it was a very good experience.

* I'm forgetting things again. In Your Dirtiest Pants fronted on me with a nice thing on Facebook, and I might try to pass it off on here as a blog entry one day.

* Back on the award show kick, how about one for those who love the blog preference? I already nominate myself for Best Blog of 2008 for my compelling tale of romancing a Walgreens cashier to fruition as the one relationship for the rest of our lives. If such an award existed I know I would lose to Kåre Enga in Montana , based on his versatility as a writer and observer. Dude has mad skills. And while I'm in the blog vein, there was an unofficial Blogville newsletter that seems to have disbanded while floating under the radar of the "official" WDC newsletters. There are too many good blogs that just don't get the love, and any one of the many that I list in my section of blogs are a good place to start, so give it up to them.

I'm sure I had more to add, but this week has been mad weird and I have already bid J goodnight, so may I do you all the same... GOODNIGHT NOW!
February 17, 2009 at 10:03am
February 17, 2009 at 10:03am
Studyees, please observe a moment of silence.

Western New York is a resilient community. It is many things, but all in all, we are bonded by our snow, culture, sports teams, and now, tragedy.

Last Thursday, in the quiet community of Clarence, NY, Continental flight 3407 suffered many ice-related mishaps and crashed into a home, killing all 49 passengers and crew, plus one person in the house itself. The other two people in the house managed to escape their blazing domicile.

We forge on, trying to live our day-to-days, but very few have not been affected by this unfortunate turn of events.

I personally did not know anyone that perished in this accident, which happened less than 20 minutes from my place in Depew and Jess' place in Lancaster. But the husband of Jess' son's homeroom and English teacher last year was on that flight.

Kåre Enga in Montana knew someone on that same flight; a cantor at a Jewish center. Also on that flight was a woman who lost someone during 9/11, had met Pres. Obama and was an advocate for victims of that tragedy.

Alex (J's youngest son) flew out last Tuesday to see his grandparents in Florida. J was that mom, scared to let her baby go on his own. She feared the worst, and I calmed her down and said he'd be ok. And he was, annoying us with pics of sunshine while we slept through morning snow/rain mixes and dreaded waking up and having to travel through that muck. And while she was not in a panic dropping him off at the airport, I can only imagine her fear as the weather is scheduled to turn ugly tomorrow upon his arrival.

But he doesn't know what has happened here.

Meanwhile, while it is good to see the whole community come together, it is sad that it takes a tragedy for it to actually happen.

I encourage you all to check out www.Buffalonews.com to gather all the info you can about this terrible happening. Also go to www.wgrz.com for what seems to be the most comprehensive local media coverage.

The tail of the plane is still stuck in the house it took out. These people, and the surrounding families, as well as those smacked in the face with tragedy, need help. In something that seems so unlikely and something no one can prepare for, please, consider them in your thoughts. This event will not wreck this WNY Community, but make it stronger.

It was less than 20 minutes away from me. The probability that it could happen is so low...but it happened.

*Bullet* Oh and on a personal note, my sis had her cancerous thyroid removed, and is attacking that bastard with humor. She sent me a pic entitled "Smile!" which was just a shot of her neck with the sewn-up incision (in the shape of a smile), and that freaked me out. She seems to be doing well, but it added to my fears and my anxieties and didn't help me focus on my priorities one bit. I appreciated it, but with so much other stuff going on that Valentine's day, and my being helpless and not being a part of anything my "family" is doing after the fire that sorta crippled my bro and stepmom's lives, I am so outside of their box that my compassion seems pointless. I've become an afterthought. Sickening the way I had to hear about it. But that's for me to bury and use to make a better life for me.
February 13, 2009 at 2:08am
February 13, 2009 at 2:08am
In honor of Valentine's Day this saturday and partly inspired by a book I haven't read yet titled 11,002 Things To Be Miserable About, I present to you, loyal Studyees, an incomplete list of things that piss me off:

1. Going to work on my day off.
2. Being friended on Facebook by people I don't know.
3. Being friended on Facebook by people I don't want to know, and going through the feeling of maybe wanting to block them.
4. The constant reminders from WDC to extend my upgrade.
5. My landlord not being patient enough with me to wait for my phone call every weekend I get paid, asking me when we can "get together and settle up".
6. Things I have no control over.
7. My "control freak" tendancies.
8. People who say "Have a nice day!" like they don't mean it.
9. Having plans scheduled for me that include me but are clearly made without my consent.
10. Surprises.
11. Grammatical errors in supposedly "professional" signs.
12. Knowing the cop that gave me a speeding ticket.
13. Knowing the judge (and working for the party trying to get him re-elected) presiding over my speeding ticket ordeal.
14. Anything that becomes an ordeal.
15. Name-dropping.
16. Nervous breakdowns.
17. Forgetting my lighter.
18. Not having to poop at work until I'm the only one in the store.
19. Losing interest in an interesting book.
20. Not being around another interesting book.
21. Not getting as good a discount on a new phone as I'd get if I suck it up another year.
22. Getting the time and urge to watch a movie I really want to watch, and falling asleep.
23. Mushrooms in/on any meal.
24. Thinking I have time to myself when I don't.
25. Getting woken up by a knock on the door and answering it when no one's there.
26. Having to shovel snow and/or brush off a car.
27. Typing out long emails or blog entries only to get fucked over by my phone.
28. Not getting any (even junk) mail for more than three days.
29. That every letter on my phone's keyboard is paired up with another, with the exception of m and l.
30. Precipitation of any kind.
31. Waking up with a cat's ass pointed in my general direction.
32. Not being able to fall asleep when I have to wake up the next day at an early hour.
33. Lighting a cigarette and being called away from it for more than 15 seconds.
34. My hatred of little things.
35. Skips and scratches on my favorite cd's.
36. Being single when I'm alone and not being single when I'm in love.
37. Having to ponder the future. Almost constantly.
38. Cancer.
39. Common colds.
40. PMS.
41. Not being always entirely able to do the things I love the most, for either fun and/or profit.
42. Not having a computer.
43. Having no closure in the theft of my laptop.
44. Know-it-all Republicans.
45. Know-it-all Democrats.
46. Know-it-alls who don't know what they're talking about.
47. Jesus freaks.
48. The dryer, which buzzes every ten minutes after it's done.
49. Overly cheery people.
50. People who have no reason to be pissier than me.
51. That guy.
52. Not being that guy when I have every right to be that guy.
53. Clogged drains.
54. Carrots showing up randomly when they're not welcome in Italian dishes.
55. Lousy microwaves.
56. Not having time to get a newspaper on the way to work.
57. That I work in a bookstore that doesn't sell newspapers.
58. The price of the local newspaper is going up a quarter to 75 cents, and the newspaper isn't reporting it.
59. When I walk down the block to get a newspaper from the honor box and the tie on my glove gets caught in the box.
60. When that same honor box eats my change, and the only change I have is an exact four dimes and two nickels, while lacking the will to drive to the closest convenience store to break a $20 for a fifty cent daily.
61. The internet.
62. Tabloids.
63. Jennifer Aniston, because she has never met me and keeps getting her tiny heart broken by plastic celebrity losers.
64. That I may one day complete my collection of Friends on DVD, just because I'm sure she gets a cut of the profit.
65. Any movie with Aniston in it, because it probably sucks. Besides the greatest movie of all time, Office Space.
66. Ringtones that friends and/or bros make for you because you can't get them through any other service, because they sound like static crapped through a headphone into another headphone, and it sucks when you can't annoy someone else with your lousy ringtone if they can't understand it.
67. People with pointless, radio-ready ringtones on their cell phones. Like that chick. And that guy. And him...and her...and them...and probably me and you.
68. M&M dispensers that dispense only the standard-size M&Ms. I like peanut butter M&Ms...make one that can jam those through the pipeline.
69. The tv show Ghosthunters. C'mon. Please.
70. Almost-divorcees who can't end the relationship.
71. People who talk after the conversation is over.
72. People who try to continue a dead conversation after I've walked away.
73. My knees.
74. Broken things that I can't fix nor have the money to replace.
75. Paying rent on a place I'm hardly at, not staying at a big enough place for all of us, and not being able to find a place suitable to all of our needs.
76. Not being tired enough to go to bed with Jess.
77. Not being able to fall asleep when I think I am tired enough to go to bed with Jess.
78. Jess being asleep when I finally go to bed, and waking up when her damn alarm keeps going off. Over and over and over.
79. Oversleeping at the expense of a shower.
80. Pooping at the expense of a shower.
81. My slippers sliding off my feet as I make my way up the stairs.
82. Milk.
83. Justin Timberlake.
84. Girls with shorter hair than me.
85. Girls with unnecessarily long hair.
86. Big, puffy jackets. Especially the ones that make driving restrictive, or make fat girls look even fatter.
87. The New York Yankees.
88. Soda 12-packs with the cardboard "refridgerator dispenser" packaging that rips wrong after taking out one can.
89. Fucking up a very easy Sudoku puzzle.
90. Non-clicky pens and pens with blue ink.
91. A football landing in a puddle during a good round of catch.
92. Bills due and owing people money.
93. Pepsi.
94. ESPN when they don't show enough hockey highlights.
95. People who pronounce the word coupon like "q-pon".
96. People who expect to be treated like a customer but have no idea how retail works.
97. Corporations that have no idea how to treat a customer, especially after grooming a particular behavior for so long.
98. Losing the point of a really good train of thought due to baseless interruption.
99. Being wrong and having nothing to show for it.
100. Not having seen a good concert in a long time.
101. Not being able to find the cd that I really want to listen to.
102. Having to be quiet.
103. Radio stations playing early hits from still-relevant bands when they have new music out, while claiming they're playing new music but only playing new music that sucks.
104. The fact that I can have a damn good excuse for everything on this surface-scratching-only list.

That was too much work for one night, Stoggers. And mind you, about 98% of it was a product of about one week, just spit out of the top of my head. So if I don't get to you first, enjoy your February 14th. Peace and GOODNIGHT NOW!! *Heart*
February 6, 2009 at 2:20am
February 6, 2009 at 2:20am
'Sup Studyees.

I want to read, but all the books I want to read are at my place. And I want to write, but it is very hard for me to write about "happy times" when for so long it was so easy to spew my bitterness against a page of white lined blue.

Even the last thing I wrote, the other day, was tinged by angst. But it had been so long and it felt so good... And I will port it soon. Not that anyone reads/rates/reviews anymore.

I even talked to J about it. God do I love that woman. She will support my every notion, crazy or not, and lend her thoughts lovingly. She tries with all of her best intentions, but to be me isn't easy when all I want to do is crank out something good like I used to be able to do (at least up to my standards...and not much makes me feel that way anymore).

Anyways, Stoggers, gotta be a GOODNIGHT NOW! Hafta check in with Pop Diesel really soon. He's been calling me and I haven't been making time for him when I should be. I miss that dude. Y'all take care. And that hot-ass girl of my dreams is waiting for me upstairs. I best be off. Peace.
January 26, 2009 at 4:26pm
January 26, 2009 at 4:26pm
I caved in.

I'm on Facebook.

I have no shittin' idea how it works, but add me.

And when I have no time for it, I'll just blame everybody else but me.

Now please excuse me...I have to go make my girlfriend's kids my signature dish for dinner, and forget this ever happened. Face- what? Thought so.
January 24, 2009 at 10:48am
January 24, 2009 at 10:48am

This is not fun.

It's too early to call the people I owe callbacks to (Dad and Nicole). Too early to run J's errands, cuz shit isn't open yet for the processing of transactions and me slapping up some pictures.

I have a lunch date at noon with my boy Scottie K, and I have to get back with my bro Mike regarding the petition I dropped off for the March election. The politician in me sucks.

I'm bored outta my skull, and in three hours I will not have time for anyone unless I am engaging them in some way. I should be making time for you, but I get bored easily Studyees, and time on my phone right now is killing me.

I want to go back to sleep. But I can't. Or I won't. I'll have all weekend plus Monday for that.

I don't know who knows what anymore in my life, outside of what they see and assume. And asumptions are as common as assholes...everybody's got one. At least.

Quick note to self: Call Dave either later today or tomorrow...I miss early Saturday breakfasts with that cat, and today would've been perfect. Word.

Peace to my sister. God do I miss her, and she got hit with a bad dose of life recently. She emailed me from Tampa to tell me the news, which is good cuz I don't handle things well. Jess doesn't interpret well on top of it. I hear the word "cancer" and I freak maximus. I immediately fear that someone so strong and vibrant can be taken away from me, even if I was double the douchebag to her.

I may as well chew and ingest an entire cigarette right now, Stoggers.

I'm second-guessing the way even common words look to me right now. Her email sent me to a not-so-rosy place, and fuck the fact that I set my phone to sync to my hotmail account between the elevens AM & PM.

If that shit you have to take gives you super powers Chrissy, then find a way to save me from myself. You used to be really good at it.

Hell, what is a thyroid anyway? What is its purpose, and if it can be removed in a way that a normal life can be regained, is it that important? Is it like a spleen or a hernia? I have my research cut out for me.

She better be ok and come up roses. She has no idea what she means to me. And sometimes I lose that idea, but dammit is she ever the shit.

Studyees, look to the left and to the right. Hug the one you're with, or have some faith. It's an ingredient in what gets us by. GOOD DAY NOW!

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