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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1376358
Things that I think every mom wants thier kids to know
This is something that I have been wanting to do for some time. I am not sure how to put all of this together and make it worth reading. Everyone says, " My life is an open book." I'm trying to put my life into a book that might be opened.
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July 22, 2008 at 9:22am
July 22, 2008 at 9:22am
Sorry I haven't been too good about keeping up with my blog but things have been pretty crazy lately. We have had three vehicle accidents in the family and 3 personal injuries in the family. By family, I mean extended family. You know, everyone that has married in, been adopted because you have known them thier whole lives and family members and thier kids and grandkids and kids friends 4 ever. Just about everyone you know. First, my brother from another mother had a wreck on his motorcycle, fractured his collar bone in 3 places and broke 2 ribs. The next day, my brother in law hit his neighbors truck. Major damage to the neighbors truck but not himself. Just damaged his wallet in the long run. The next day, my youngest son and his brother from another mother were T-boned and the car was totalled but they were ok. The following weekend, my 2nd daughter and her family went to the beach for the day. They were there for about 30 minutes when her youngest daughter was stung by a jelly fish. That kind of ruined the rest of the day for them and her daughter will probably never enjoy going to the beach form now until......

Then this past Friday, my 2nd daughter's oldest daughter had fixed her self one of those cup of noodles soups. She put it in the microwave and cooked it for 3 minutes, just like the directions said. She went outside with the cup of soup and was taking the lid off the rest of the way. Some of the water on the lid ran down her arm, so, she sat the cup in her lap. Next thing we know, she is running around screaming that her legs are burning because she spilled her soup. Her Dad grabbed her and stripped her pants off of her and raced into the bathroom and put her into the tub and put cold water on her thighs, but it was too late. She ended up with 2nd almost 3rd degree burns on her thighs. They rushed to the doctor, who bandaged her up. Yes, I said bandaged. The reason, because she was running around for almost a minute before she told her Dad that she spilled her soup in her lap. So, when he ripped the pants off of her, the skin came off too. She has places on the inside of her thighs about 2 inches wide and about 4-6 inches long, where there is no skin. It is on both thighs and one spot just above her pelvic bones that is a 3-4 inch oval. That one still has the skin on it. I went with them to the doctor yesterday, so the bandages could be changed. It was the first time that I saw what they looked like and let me tell you, it broke my heart. I went mainly for moral support but ended up being the one thing she wanted to hold on to while they took the bandages off. It was a long slow process because the bandages were stuck to the spots. All of her nerves were screaming because of the exposure to the air. It was the hardest thing that I have had to participate in , as far as kids are concerned. At least recently anyway. I had to go to my daughters house last night and help her change the bandages. My daughters husband is working out of town all week long. He hasn't helped her at all since this happened. When it happened last Friday, he stayed home with the youngest daughter, then when they went back to the doctor on Saturday, he stayed home just because, then on Sunday, when they went back to the doctor for the bandages to be changed, he went out to the country to help his parents finish building the shed at the new house. So, my daughter has been dealing with this all by herself with a little help from me. I'll probably be going over to her house every night to help change the bandages. Basically, I'm there for my grand daughter to have someone to hold on to while her mom removes the bandages, puts special cream on the burns and then re-bandages them. It is really traumatic for my daughter, my grand daughter and her sister. Her sister is only 6 and a very emotional child to begin with. But, because it involves her sister, it is just devastating for her to see her sister in so much pain and she can't help her feel better. But, guess that is enough for now. I'll be back in a day or two with an update for everyone.
July 15, 2008 at 9:39am
July 15, 2008 at 9:39am
I'm pretty sure that everyone has had a weekend like this past weekend but it was just too much! First, I talked to my sister and found out that my brother from another mother was in a motorcycle accident on Saturday. He broke two ribs and fractured his collar bone in 3 places. The wreck took a chunk out of his helmet, which probably saved his life! I told her to tell him to save that helmet forever! Then, her husband got in an accident. He side swiped a neighbors truck with his truck. He has one of those really big dually type trucks. He wasn't hurt but the other guys truck was. Then, on Sunday, I was coming back from doing some errands and had stopped at the little store to buy some cigarettes. Yea, I know, I should quit. Anyway, I went to put the truck into park and it would only go into neutral and back into drive. I tried several times and then just put it into drive and called my son. I asked if he was home and told him that I was coming over because there was something wrong with the truck. When I got there, I had to honk the horn because I couldn't get out of the truck because I couldn't put it into park. Well, he had me put the emergency brake on and put the truck into neutral. Then he got into the truck and tried to get it to go into gear, no luck. So, since it has a neutral kill switch, he turned the truck off and crawled up under the truck and shifted the cable into park, then got back into the truck and started it and tried to shift it into gear. No problem but when he tried to put it back into park, big problem! So, he ended up driving the truck up into his driveway, then he put the emergency brake back on, put the truck into neutral, crawled up under it and shifted it into park, got back into the truck and turned it off. Then he took the covering off the steering column and discovered that the shifter cable broke. So, my truck is sitting at his house and I am without a vehicle, again! The real kicker of that situation, it happened on my mom's birthday! I told my son that she is testing him to see if he wil take care of the truck for me as well as my brother did for her. I think he will pass the test and hopefully, there won't be anymore surprises with the truck.

Then, yesterday, I rode with my daughter to the medicaid place, because she just can't remember directions unless it is a well travelled place that she is going to regularly. Just as we are pulling into the driveway and she is parking the car, my cell phone rings. It is my youngest son. He asks me where I am and I tell him, then he tells me that he has just been in a wreck. He was a passenger, not the driver. But, when the lady that ran the stop sign and hit them, the air bag hit him in the face on the left side and shoved his head on the right side into the passenger window. I have to convince him to go to the doctor today. He doesn't want to go, but there is the possibility of whiplash and maybe a concussion( very mild). He doesn't think he should go, but his friend had insurance and the lady that hit them had insurance, I think anyway. Regardless, I want him to go just to be on the safe side and the bills will get paid by the insurance companies, not by him. But, getting him to go to the doctor is easier said than done. Well, I gotta go. I'm going to wake him up and see how he feels this morning. I imagine he will be pretty sore. Sure hope he is ok.
July 11, 2008 at 10:52am
July 11, 2008 at 10:52am
I have been trying to get a project going for a little while now and it just seems as though I'm just wasting my time. I know that I'm not and that my project is worthwhile. It's just getting other people to listen to the idea and add to the project. You know, it is really hard to keep going when you are the only one that believes it is possible. But, I am not quitting! I am going to keep plodding along and hopefully, somewhere down the road, I will achieve what I have set out to achieve. Maybe, one day, you will read the book that no one believed in but me! So, until then, Have a good weekend!
July 10, 2008 at 2:06pm
July 10, 2008 at 2:06pm
A while back I wrote on this blog about getting letters from daughter's to thier mothers or about thier mothers. Unfortunately, no one has responded to this idea, including my own sisters or my daughters. I really thought it was a good idea because there aren't any books like the one that I would like to try to write. It doesn't seem like it would be too hard for women to write a letter to thier mom telling them thank you for some of the things that they have learned from them or just telling them how special they are to them. I just don't understand why I haven't gotten any responses from anyone. I mean, they can even be sent snail mail. I have volunteered to give my address or even give my email address. I just need thier address for verification purposes, you know. Just to prove that I didn't write the letters myself. I would never use them in the book, if it ever gets that far. At this point, it isn't going to go anywhere and someone will read this, steal my idea and make a frigging fortune off of something that I started! I just don't understand how it can be soooooo hard. It is your mom for crying out loud. Granted some haven't had the best mom and some haven't had a mom at all, but they have a view point or an idea of what they would say to her(mom). Especially in a letter, it is so much easier than face to face, don't you think? Maybe I should put a copy of the letter that I wrote to my mom and to my stepmom on this blog. Maybe that would spark an interest or at least get some kind of response from someone some where, who knows? Not I said the wanna be author. My daughter said that I should advertise on Craigslist and someone else suggested MySpace, but I'm not sure about those places and I don't know if I want a myspace account. I would probably get a lot of responses from people, but I don't think they would be what I am looking for or they would be worded to mean or something. I don't know. I'm just aggrivated and totally bummed out by the lack of caring from people in general these days. I wasn't raised to be that cold-hearted and I didn't raise my kids to be that way either. But, it seems as if the world has turned into a very cold and calculating place these days. Everybody is in it for the money or whats in it for themselves and if there isn't any money involved or nothing to benefit them, they don't give a damn! It just really bugs me and I guess I'll get over it eventually. Guess I'll talk to everybody tomorrow or in the next few days. Who knows, maybe I'll just give up on the idea all together?
July 7, 2008 at 10:14am
July 7, 2008 at 10:14am
Like the title for my entry says, "IT'S MONDAY AGAIN!". Sometimes I would like the weekend to last just a few more days. I know it isn't possible but it would be nice. But, it's back to reality and the daily grind. Actually, my days are really boring. I do the usual housework and some laundry, then there really isn't anything else to do axcept watch tv or listen to the radio. The problem with the radio, the station that I like to listen to, my radio won't pick up in the house. How retarded is that? My husband went back to work this morning, but, my son didn't have to work today. I have been telling my son that we need to go get his glasses fixed but he doesn't want to spend the money. They broke in the center and I can't fix them this time. Wow, it just hit me, I know how to make him get his glasses! He can't take his driving test without them. If he doesn't get his glasses, he can't go take the written test for his permit or take the driving test for his license because they give you an eye exam! Sometimes I amaze myself. He has been saving his money for his road trip, but, that might have been cancelled.

I asked him last night if he talked to his friend girl( the one he was going to meet) and he said that he finally talked to her. Well, they texted each other. She said that her phone had a dead battery and that she was texting him from her friend's phone, but it showed up as her # not her friend's #. I think that he has realized that this road trip might not be a good idea. That would be a blessing in disguise from my point of view. I have had misgivings about the whole thing to begin with. I know it is just me bieng a mom and not too saavy about the whole internet thing, but, it seems to me that anyone can say they are any age, any gender, anything, just too lure you into something that could be potentially hazardous to your health or sanity or well being in general. Maybe I'm just paranoid or old fashioned. But, I had a friend who met someone online and she went to meet him in Florida. They met for the first time, she wouldn't give any up so he said he would take her back home, after he got really mad. He left her in a motel room in Georgia and she got stuck in Georgia. That was about 3 years ago and she is still there! She doesn't make enough money to leave.

I know how that is, my husband doesn't make enough money for us to save the money to move back home to Texas. It just seems that the harder I try to save, the more difficult the universe makes it for me to save. Something always happens to make me have to use the money that I have been trying to save. I swear, this state is sucking the life out of my husband and myself. I can't stand it here anymore. When we first moved to Mississippi, I thought it was a nice place to live and raise my kids. At the time, it was, but now, I just can't find anything good about living here. It is time to go back where I belong. Just don't know how I am going to make it happen right now. I will be back home before too much longer though. Somehow, someway, it will happen! I'm done for today.
July 5, 2008 at 11:37am
July 5, 2008 at 11:37am
Yesterday was a great day for me. I went to my oldest sons house for bar-b-que and fireworks. I didn't have to do anything except show up for the fun. It was great! Naturally, I brought a surprise, cupcakes. Nobody expected them. My son gave me props for being the best at making cupcakes, cookies, pies and cakes. Things that I always made for them when they were little. Gave me a good feeling inside. He also informed me that if you tape a whole bunch of sparklers together with metal tape, raise one in the center, place them in a mailbox, lite the center one and run, it will totally destroy the mailbox. I love it when they tell on themselves. He said that was something he did many years ago and I just found out about it last night. Amazing! I have learned that no matter how much I thought I knew about my kids and what they were doing when they were young, I really didn't know crap! That just blows me away.

My husband, the stuck in the mud man, stayed home, as usual. Sometimes he is such a party pooper. He missed out on some awesome fireworks and really good ribs. My son and his other half(?) had a cooking contest, so I had two different sets of ribs. One was a little spicey but the other was not. Both were really good, but my sons tasted better to me. I'm not too fond of spicey food. Needless to say, I told them that they tied.

As for my youngest son and his internet friend girl, he has not been able to talk to her in almost a week. Apparently, her mother has taken the computer away from her and now her cell phone. The reason, she is home schooled and doesn't want to do the school work any more. So, her punishment is to lose the computer and cell phone. I don't understand that because she is supposed to be 18 years old. So, for now, it appears that the road trip my son had planned is off. He tried to call her yesterday. The first call, someone hung up the phone, the second call, he could hear someone on the other end but no one would say anything for a few minutes and then they hung up. He is very upset and worried about his friend girl because apparently her mother has been abusive to her in the past. Apparently she still is, at least that is how it seems. Anyway, I'll add some more tomorrow. My husband will be getting up soon and he doesn't like me blogging!
July 3, 2008 at 10:32am
July 3, 2008 at 10:32am
OK, my youngest son has met someone on yahoo answers and he has been emailing and texting and talking on the phone to this girl. He is supposed to be taking a road trip to her hometown to meet her in person. He is 19 years old and she has said that she is 18 years old and living at home with her mom and stepdad. Since he is 19 years old, I can't stop him from going but I did tell him that I am worried about this. I don't want him to get there and find out that she is really only 14 or 15 and then he ends up on Dateline or some show like that. I have asked him to give me her email address, so that I can talk to her. I also asked him to tell her to tell her mother that he is supposed to come visit for about a week. He says he told her but she hasn't told her mother and that makes me suspicious. He said she probably won't tell her mother because she doesn't like her mother. That doesn't really sound like someone who is 18 years old, it sounds like someone younger. I have been signed in to yahoo messenger and waited for a few days for her to contact me but nothing yet. That is why I asked for her email address. I haven't checked my contacts yet to see if my son put it in there but I'm sure he will. Atleast I hope he will. I know that not all kids have the kind of relationship that I have with my kids. Most of the kids now days have some kind of problem talking to thier parent(s). None of my kids have that problem. They will all talk to me , long before they talk to thier dad and then we decide what and when to tell him. There are some things that you have to give him in small doses, otherwise he will over react and create a situation where there isn't one or shouldn't be one. For example, if he knew that I had this blog and wrote things here that he considers personal, he would have this computer in a million different pieces or he would have the internet turned off or something just as ridiculous. You see what I mean by over reacting. So, he doesn't know that my son met this girl online and that they have not ever met each other in person before. If he did, the sky would fall and the world as we know it would implode. So, he is under the impression that she is a friend that he hasn't seen in sometime and he wants to go visit.

The closer it gets to the day for him to leave, the more worried I get for him. I don't know if it is just because I don't want the baby to leave the nest or if it is something more serious. Everybody has seen the tv shows where the internet predator goes on a road trip and ends up getting busted for being a child predator. Who knows how long they talk to these guys before they make the infamous road trip. Could my son be walking into something like that? If so, he would have the stigma of being labelled a child predator for the rest of his life and that would ruin his life. Believe me, he is the last person on this earth that would be something like that. If he had his way, all child molesters, child rapists and pedophiles would be taken out back and shot after hours of cruel and unusual torture. No, he is not a mean spirited person or evil or anything like that. He just feels very strongly about the innocence of children and protecting them from bad people. I think he should become a psychologist but he plans on becoming a fire fighter. He can't apply until he is 21 so, he has two more years before he can apply. But, if this girl isn't of legal age and he goes to see her, his plans for becoming a fire fighter are going to go up in smoke(pun intended!). I have told him how I feel about this trip and he knows that I am just looking out for him, that is my job. But, how do I find out if the girl really is 18 years old without calling and talking to her mother? I don't want to do that but if that is the only way to find out, I may have to do just that. If I'm lucky, it won't cause problems between my son and I. I'm pretty sure he will understand after he gets over being mad at me for not trusting his instincts. I have tried to teach all of my kids to trust thier instincts but sometimes they don't listen to that inner voice and then I have to step in and be the bad guy for a few days until they get back on track. So far, they have done pretty good. At least most of them and the one or two that didn't listen, learned the hard way and now they are back on track. But, they had to learn the hard way because I couldn't help them or they wouldn't listen to reason. So, I let them fall on thier face! They learned but it was a hard lesson for them and it hurt me something terrible to let them fall.

Guess that is enough for now. I don't know if I will get to log on during this holiday weekend, so I hope everyone has a great 4th of July celebration!!!!
July 1, 2008 at 5:00pm
July 1, 2008 at 5:00pm
Today I took my son to the dr for a really bad bruise that he got just above his hip bone. Luckily it turned out to be just a very bad bruise that went through to his insides. They took blood and a urine sample to make sure he did not injure his kidney or liver. I'm sure they are fine. It cost him a pretty penny and so did the script they gave him. It was $165.00 for the Dr and $26.00 for the generic prescription. No $4.00 knock-offs for him from Walmart. He was not happy about spending his money but the knot he had was worrying him so he paid for it. Besides, he is 19 yrs. old. Anyway, when we finally got done at the dr office, we still couldn't leave because of the presidential motorcade. He came to a fund raising dinner for some senator and we just happened to be at the MEA that was by the airport. I couldn't beleive ther were that many cops. I didn't know we had that many. They're never around here when we have neighborhood shoot-outs and drive-bys. Yes, I live in that kind of neighborhood and yes, it sucks, royally. But anyway, I just wanted to do a quick update. BYE!!
June 27, 2008 at 11:12pm
June 27, 2008 at 11:12pm
Today I did the same thing I do everyday, washing dishes, vacuuming, laundry, you know, the same old same old. It gets to be very tedious, especially after 30 years of doing the same old, same old. Sometimes I think that I should have done things differently but then I think, if I had done something differently, I wouldn;t have the kids that I have or the grandkids that I have. So, it is a good thing that I was a stay at home mom for all of those years. But, now, my youngest son has found a girl friend and she lives in another state. He is going there to visit her in a few weeks and possibly not come back. I don't know if I'm ready for that. I don't know if I can handle being home alone all the time. Yes, I still have my husband but we don't talk the way that we used to talk. We talk on different levels now. We talk about the same things but totally differently. I can't think of any thing that we have seen eye to eye on in a very long time. My oldest daughter lives in Florida but she can't afford the constant phone calls and i really can't either. My 2nd daughter just lives down the street but her husband has her pinned under his thumb, so she can't come over very much and she has enough problems without me adding something so seemingly trivial as having an empty nest. My oldest son lives a little further away than my 2nd daughter, but he works around 50 to 60 hours a week and he has a son that he is helping to take care of, so he is pretty busy most of the time. His son's momma lives with him also and she helps with bills and taking care of thier son, but we don't really get along that well. Both of us fake it really well most of the time. My 2nd son(4th child) is living in Florida with his older sister. He is a book all by himself but things are starting to get better and easier for him, finally. I was really worried about him for a while. It seems as if he might be getting his life back on track. That would be a small miracle from my point of view. Now, my baby is all grown and about to have his first full fledged romance. I know it is a good thing, atleast it seems to be. He is head over heels for this girl. She makes him happy and that makes me happy, but, then it makes me very sad also. If she is the one for him, then he will be moving to Ohio and I will have a truly empty nest. What am I supposed to do now? I know that I should be trying to get on the same wave length as my husband, at least on some things, but shouldn't he have to do the same?
It just seems as if it has to be his way or no way these days. He has suddenly gotten very paranoid of me leaving the house by myself, even if it is to go buy groceries or pay bills. I actually asked him the other day if he had a premonition or bad dream about something happening to me because he has become so obsessed with me leaving the house. I know that part of it is the fact that we haven't been able to save any money to move back to Texas. He knows how bad I want to do that. I mean, I lost 15 years with my mom because I lived here and not there. I lost that time with my brothers and sisters also and I miss my family something terrible. I can't go visit because I just might not come back and he knows this. But, I would never leave him or move without him and he knows that too. Maybe I am being selfish, but, if I had the money, I would have all of my kids and thier kids living on a huge family compound or in one enormous house all together. Of course that would drive my husband CRAZY!!!! Maybe I am going crazy and just haven't realized it yet. If I am, I hope that I never find out!!
June 23, 2008 at 11:33pm
June 23, 2008 at 11:33pm
I decided to add a quick entry today. My day started out just fine, I got my truck back yesterday, after having the fuel pump replaced and I was going to be mobile again. I got ready to go to Walmart this am and couldn't go out of my house. The reason, my neighbor's dog! They have 2 female pitbulls. This is about the 4th time that one of them has gotten out of the backyard and come after me. When my son came over 2 weeks ago, she got out and missed biting him by about 2-3 inches. He was going to kick the crap out of the dog but, she ran back into the backyard and the owners son put her back on the chain. I have no problem with people having pits, just keep them in your own yard especially if they bite! When I confronted the neighbor about her dog getting out the last time, she said she was going to get a different collar and chain for her so she couldn't get out again. Obviously she didn't. So today, I did the one thing that I did not want to do, I called Animal Control and reported the dog and had them send someone out to get the dog or fine the owners. I couldn't leave my house. Not even to go to the mail box and get the mail. It is totally ridicules for me to be trapped in my own house because of the neighbor's dog and thier total lack of responsibility where the safety of the dog and neighborhood children are concerned! It really upset me to be unable to leave my house because of that damn dog! I have had dogs all of my life and none of them were raised to be that aggressive. I just don't know what else to do. Does anyone out there have any ideas?

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