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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1376358
Things that I think every mom wants thier kids to know
This is something that I have been wanting to do for some time. I am not sure how to put all of this together and make it worth reading. Everyone says, " My life is an open book." I'm trying to put my life into a book that might be opened.
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March 25, 2008 at 9:46am
March 25, 2008 at 9:46am
OK, I'm not having a very good morning. It got down to freezing last night and the heater decided to quit working. I have little electric heaters but they just don't work good enough to keep this house anywhere near warm. I have the oven on but that just seems to accentuate the cold right now. Later, it will probably feel warmer but right now, I'M FREEZING!!!!!!!!

Enough of that, today I'm hoping to get started cleaning out the room that we use for storage. It is full of stuff that I need to get rid of but just haven't gotten off of my lazy butt to do it. Yes, I am a procrastinator and a darn good one too. I hate housework and cleaning out storage rooms and doing dishes and folding clothes and dusting and all of that other stuff that goes in the realm of house work. Man can work from sun to sun but woman's work is never done! That is an absolute fact people. I have been cleaning my room since I was little and I am still cleaning my room. You think about it. I'll give you a minute..................................................................................................................................................................................OK, times up. When you were little, your mom or dad would tell you to go clean your room and you did. We were told the same thing, but my brothers got married and they don't have to clean thier room anymore, their wives do it. I, on the other hand, am a wife, therefore, the job of cleaning the room falls to me. It just isn't fair. I would rather be outside doing the guy things than I would be inside doing the girl things. I do enjoy cooking and baking but I don't like to clean up the mess I make. I do clean up the mess though. If I don't do it, it doesn't get done.

As for doing the guy things, I have to fight with my youngest son over the lawn mower. He thinks that I am too old to be out there pushing it. I usually try to cut the grass when he isn't home. But, here lately, I have had to wait on him to be home because the lawn mower won't start and I need his help to get it started. We have sort of worked out an agreement, I get to cut the front yard, which is smaller than the backyard and he does the backyard. I can deal with that. At least I get to cut some of the yard. He gets really mad when I do the yard and he isn't home. After thinking about it, it is a good thing that he gets mad when I do the yard without him, it shows that he cares and that is a good thing.

I think that I have raised my boys to have less caveman mentality than most men of my era. No offense meant to any of my generation, but, come on, most of the guys back then had the caveman mentality and still do. You know the old saying, you can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy. It is the same thing here. Once the caveman attitude is in there, you can't get it out. I married one, so I know what I am talking about. Yes, his attitude about women in general can be very annoying at times. I have to remind him to keep his comments to himself occasionally. After years of hearing those type of comments, it gets very, very, very old. Sometimes I just don't feel like hearing them. Sometimes I can tune him out but that isn't easy to do these days.

I can say that my sons don't let that attitude out when I am around and they are very respectful of women and their feelings on certain subjects. They tend to think before they say something rude, crude or socially unacceptable. Unlike a lot of the guys now days. They know how to talk to a female without the sexual insinuations(?). That is a very good thing, because they will pass that on to their kids. I like to think that anyway. Guess that is all I have for today, who knows. Maybe I will ad some more in a little while, maybe not.
March 24, 2008 at 9:22am
March 24, 2008 at 9:22am
Hope that everyone that celebrates Easter had a good one! Mine was pretty uneventful. I went to my son's house and had a ham dinner, then a few hours later went to my daughter's house and had a ham dinner. Like I said, pretty uneventful. My husband was in a pretty crappy mood, so he stayed home and played video games all day. Actually, he played until about 9 last night. I don't know how people can play a video game for that long. I can play for a few hours but then I have to quit. It gets boring or something. It isn't like reading or writing. I can do those things for hours on end. Of course I'm sure that you can tell that because of the rambling nature of my blog. I did learn how to use the photo printer that I got for christmas. I had to go buy a USB cable to connect it to my computer and then I printed some pictures for my son's current ex significant other. I printed some for my son also. I have told my kids, if you want me to print pics for you, you have to buy ink and paper for the printer because it isn't cheap. I talked to one of my sisters and found out that my other sister isn't going to go back home for at least another week.
They found out that the valve in his heart that was repaired when he was 16 is leaking. He was supposed to be having surgery for pancreatic cancer today, but since that valve is leaking, the surgery has been postponed until the first week of April. Also found out that the surgery that he is having has a 2 week recovery time in the hospital. So, when my sister goes home, she isn't staying with her husband at thier house, she will be staying with her daughter at her house. It is confusing at best.
Hopefully, when they do the surgery, they can remove all of the cancer and only part of the pancreas. But the risk is that they can't remove it or if they disturb it while trying to remove it, it will spread and then that is that. Pancreatic cancer has a 90% mortality rate. He has heart problems on top of that, so the risk is significant.
It really sucks that we are becoming cancer survivor experts. Not that we have survived it but we survived watching others lose thier battle with it and we know what is going to happen when it goes untreated or when the chemo does no good. It happened to my Aunt, my step dad, my mom and now it might happen to my sister's husband. Even though they are seperated, she would not wish this on her worst enemy and I am sure it is tearing her apart right now. I know that she loved him at one point in thier relationship and that he destroyed that love. I know, that sounds like I am choosing sides, but I am not. After all of the years that she has put up with taking the blame for everything from him, after raising his 2 sons and her 2 daughters, now he wants to give everything to his sons, not thier kids. He just didn't appreciate what he had when he had it. Now, he might lose everything, literally. I sure hope that the surgery is ok and that he is ok also. I hate that my sister might have to go through this again. It was too hard for her to deal with when it was my step dad and when it was my mom, it was on the verge of being too much for her. She shouldn't have to go through this again. It isn't fair to her.
I know that life isn't fair, so no one needs to tell me that, it just shouldn't be piled on her like that. I think it might break her if something happens to him, even though they are supposed to be getting divorced some time in the near future. It was supposed to be in the near future but now I don't know. I'm going to call her in a little while and see how she is doing. Guess that is all for today. I didn't have any major revelations and I don't have any little morality statements , just the facts as I see them. This blog doesn't seem to be going the way I thought that I wanted it to go, but, that is normal. At least for me. Until tomorrow.....
March 21, 2008 at 9:54am
March 21, 2008 at 9:54am
O.K., I'm back from talking to my daughter and now I'm really MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is such an egotistical, arrogant, ignorant, cold-hearted, self centered, emotionally challenged S.O.B. that I could just scream!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
He makes me so mad. First, we live in Mississippi and in this state, the boys are adults at 18, but, the girls are not adults until they are 21. So, when my daughter and her worse half wanted to get married because she was pregnant, she had to have permission. He had to have permission because he was 17 at the time and she was 18. After about 3 wks of them telling me that this is what they wanted, I finally gave in and signed the papers. (sign the papers old woman, sign the papers!) What a mistake that turned out to be. Hindsight really is 20/20 and boy does it SUCK!!!! Why couldn't I have foresight? Maybe some of the sh%t that my daughter is going through could have been avoided, maybe not. He is such a d%ck to her. She has a dog that had puppies just 6 weeks and 1 day ago. He is trying to tell her that the puppies were born in January and they have been there for months and they are costing him too much money for food. He told her this morning that she has to take them to a shelter today. She called me to ask me if I would take her to take them and I told her NO! I will not take them today. They just turned 6 wks old and the girls are out of school for spring break and easter. I will not do that to my granddaughters. If we still have to take them, then I will do it when the girls go back to school. The shelter is a no kill shelter, the only one in the whole state, how pathetic is that? It is one thing for the girls to know that they were taken to a shelter, but to make them go through something like that is just not right. They are 10 and 6 and I refuse to do that to them! He has been arguing with my daughter all morning and calling her names and screaming at her about the animals and I have no doubt that he has had a few choice words about the girls too. I think the time has come for me to say something to him. I haven't yet because I don't want to make things harder for my daughter, but he has berated her for so long that she just doesn't stick up for herself anymore. I just can't let it continue any longer. He gripes at her for not having a job, but when she gets one he turns into a stalker. He follows her to work and calls her at work, starts arguements with her at work, gets banned from her job, leaves the girls home alone to go to her work and make sure she is there and not off with someone else, anybody else, male or female. Yes, he has accused her of having a girlfriend and she doesn't even go that direction. No offense to those that do, but she does not. He has gotten her fired from almost every job she has had. If he can't get her fired, he does things to force her to quit and then he bitches at her for not having a job. He won't let her have any friends that he doesn't approve of and he doesn't approve of any of them. She has one friend, who is in the same boat, sort of and now he doesn't like her either.
I have apologized to my daughter so many times for signing that peice of paper. She is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Somehow, I don't think it would be that much different if they didn't get married. I feel so guilty for helping to put her in this situation and I am trying to help her get out of it. Anybody got any suggestions? I've got to go again. Have to put money on my husbands cell phone. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to suggestions.
March 21, 2008 at 8:43am
March 21, 2008 at 8:43am
Yesterday I was surprised when I went to check the mail. I have posted 2 of my poems on poetry.com and before you tell me that they are a waste of time, I already know this from my daughter. But, I did it anyway. I now have both poems that are going to be published in thier anthology book and they are both going to be put on cd's. So, that's the bragging part. Even though I don't get anything from them for being published, I can honestly say that I am a published author. Hooray for me!! The real b#%ch is that I don't get a free book. I can get one at a discount price, if I pre-order it before it gets published but it isn't that much of a discount. I like the fact that a lot of people can potentially read my poems but I don't know anyone that will pay $70.00 for a book of poetry to sit on thier coffee table. It is an accomplishment though and I know that my mom would be very proud and she would have ordered one of the books just because I had a poem in it. So, I am ordering one of the books because I am in it and because my daughter is in it also. She has been published in thier books more than once. I was unable to buy any of them and I really can't afford to buy this one but, both of us are in it and that may not happen again. So, I have to buy this one.
On another note, but still in the bragging mode, I have been offered a possibility of having a display set up for some of the jewelry that I have made. I haven't been doing it for very long, so I'm a little apprehensive about doing this. It isn't with a major retailer or anything like that. It is a small, locally owned convenience store/gas station. They do have a lot of business and a variety of people, but, I'm just not to sure about doing something like that. Yes, I have sold some of the jewelry that I have made and Yes, I have confidence in my abilities but it is a big step and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. Of course, if I keep second guessing myself, I'll never get anything done and accomplish nothing in the process. All of this I know but still the doubt is there. Could I really sell my jewelry in an established retail business? Is it good enough to be out there? Would I be able to keep up with the demand, if there was one? Is this something that I really want to do or should I just keep it as a hobby and just make a few dollars here and there?
I have a lot more questions like that running through my head right now and I don't have any answers for them. Don't worry, I am praying for help with this decision, but, will I know it when I see or hear it? I could have already been given the answer just by being offered the display space. I have been wondering what I am going to do now that my kids are all grown. Could this be what I have been looking for or is it just a dream without reality? I just don't know.
The complaining part is about to begin, so if anyone doesn't want to hear any whining, you better stop reading now. O.K., I'm going to make another cup of coffee and then ....
LET THE COMPLAINING BEGIN! I've made my coffee, now , where to start?
As those of you that have been reading this blog of mine, I lost my mom last year. I have lived in another state for the last 16 years and the guilt of that decision is something that I am still dealing with today. I lost 15 years of being with my mom because cricumstances forced me to move here with my husband and children. At the time, it was the right thing to do and the right place to be for my kids and for us financially. We have done better here than we would have done there. However, the realization that I have lost all of that time with my mom and with my brothers and sisters has been a very bitter pill to swallow. Those years are forever gone and that really hurts my soul. I know that mom understood but I didn't realize how much it hurt her until my oldest daughter moved a few states away. Now, I am in the same position as my mom was when I moved states away. I don't get to see my granddaughters and I don't get to see my daughter. But, things are better for her and the girls there than they would have been here. It is ironic in a weird sort of way. My daughter just called, so I'll have to finish this in a little while.
March 20, 2008 at 8:58am
March 20, 2008 at 8:58am
Yesterday started out just fine. The rain was just about gone, but it was getting cold again. I was going to have the time to get some stuff done around the house. I haven't had a lot of time to do house work because I have been the family taxi. I can't take everyone that needs to go somewhere all at the same time. I have a truck, so, only 2 other people can ride. That means that if my daughter needs a ride, I have to wait until her husband gets home to watch the kids or one of them has to stay home with my son.Needless to say, that causes problems with my granddaughters because both of them want to ride with grandma. But, I'm getting off track. I have been driving everyone here and there, so the house has been getting neglected and I thought I would be able to get caught up on some of it yesterday. NOT!
Around 11:00 a.m., I got a phone call from one of my sisters. She informed me that our sisters husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He is going to have surgery this coming Monday. So far, it is localized. It hasn't spread to any other organs but with cancer, it can spread like wild fire once it is exposed to the air. Especially if it is small cell cancer. Like I said, he is supposed to have surgery this coming Monday. They don't know if they can remove it or if they will have to remove his pancreas. Right now it is blocking access to his kidneys and that is not a good thing. So, I called my other sister. She is very upset that this has happened. At this point in time, they are currently seperated and a divorce is imminent. They just fell out of love with each other. Truthfully, he killed the love that she had for him. After all of the years of his constant name calling, bitching, griping, complaining and blaming, she just couldn't take it anymore. The straw that broke the camels back, so to speak, was that he was too concerned with his many projects to take a few days off from them and come to our mom's funeral. They could afford it. It wasn't like my husband, we just couldn't afford for him to take the time off from work and I understand that. But, they could afford it and it wouldn't have affected thier income in any way. But, he just couldn't make himself take the time to be there for his wife when she needed him the most. That was the beginning of the end for them. After all that she has done for him, working and supporting him and his kids and herself and her kids for all of the years that they have been together, taking care of his kids like they were hers, solving all the little problems that crop up when you have 2 sets of kids, keeping the money coming in and insurance for the family because he was trying to start a real estate monopoly and that wasn't bringing in any money, and all kinds of other stuff. She took care of him for years and years. She raised his sons and her daughters. She did the whole mom thing, cookies, homework, projects, special events, all of that stuff that moms all over the world do for thier families every day.
All he did was work on his projects and spend her money and complain that there wasn't enough of it, call her names, choose his kids version of events over hers, blame her daughters for things his sons did, etc. So, after over 20 years of this, she finally had enough and left him. The kids are grown and have thier own families to take care of these days.
So, since she finally had someplace that she could go and live there, she did. He still calls her to complain about the business, the kids, and any other thing that he feels she might be blamed for, on top of telling her that she is spending too much of his money. Right now, he sends her 500.00 a month. With that she is supposed to pay the bills at moms place(which is her place now), buy groceries and put gas in her car, etc.... There is no way she can do that on such a small amount of money. Just the bills use up most of the money that he gives her. There isn't any extra money for groceries or for gas in the car and the car needs to go into the shop because the fuel injectors need to be replaced.
On top of dealing with all of that and him being sick, the boys are treating her like crap. They have forgotten about all of the times that she interveened(?) and saved them from the wrath of dad. They have forgotten about all of the things she did for them when they were little and as they got older. They forgot that she still loves them like her own and that she didn't leave them, she left her husband, not her children. The boys are treating her just like thier dad did. They are calling her names, cussing her out and blaming her for thier dad getting sick. They honestly believe that if she had not left thier dad that he would not be sick now. After all that she has been through this past year and all of the bullsh%* that she has had to deal with over the years and now they want to do the same thing to her that he did. It is just too much!! I don't know what else to say. That just floors me. The sheer audacity of those boys to treat someone who gave so much of herself to them and now she is no better than a stranger on the street asking for a hand out. I just don't understand it! How can they be so cold hearted? How can they say such mean things about her to her daughters and expect them to understand? Her girls would never do that to them. As far as they are concerned, the boys are thier brothers and they would never treat them like they are treating her. It just hurts my heart and there isn't anything I can do to help her or them. All I can do is be there for my sister and listen to her. That just doesn't seem like enough but it is all I can do. Can't offer advice because I haven't been where she is, all I can do is support her and let her know that it is not her fault that he got sick. It would have happened anyway. Life is too short and too precious to waste it on a life of misery. Everyone deserves a little bit of happiness in thier lives and my sister is no exception.
As much as I would like to have more money than I could ever need, it will probably never happen and if it did, all of the problems would not go away. Money doesn't make everything better, it just makes it easier to deal with everything and it makes life easier to live. Guess that is the moral of this blog today. Money just makes life easier to live, it doesn't always make everything better. Sometimes it makes things worse.
March 18, 2008 at 10:04am
March 18, 2008 at 10:04am
Good Morning! Hope everyone is having a good one. Today is going to be a busy day for me. I have to go to wally world (Walmart) or best buy or circuit city and try to find I AM LEGEND with Will Smith. My youngest son really wants that movie. My husband and I really liked the Omega Man, which is the original that I am Legend was made from. Then I have to go to my oldest sons house, let the trucks brakes cool off so he can check them. They are kind of bouncey, sometimes, not all the time. He thinks that the pads are getting too hot and getting bubbles in them because they probably need to be replaced. I am going to have to buy a book for the year/model of the truck that I have. My oldest son is my shade tree mechanic. He is in the process of rebuilding a 1980 camaro. So far, he has completely rebuilt the motor, replaced the shocks and u joints, replaced and repaired several other things, put a new exhaust system, replaced some of the interior seats and he is about to replace the transmission also. He has the best luck finding used parts in almost new condition for a small price. No, he doesn't search junk yards. He is not a mechanic either. He services and installs automatic doors, like the kind at the grocery stores, drug stores and wally world. I'm sure everyone has walked up to a door and it just opens, those are the ones he works on every day. They also install the doors in hospitals and various other types of businesses. My husband does the same thing. I really don't have too much more to say, the weather is going to turn crappy tonight and cold again tomorrow. Sure wish it would make up its mind. This roller coaster ride is going to make me sick. In the 80's during the day and then dropping to the 30's at night. Drives me crazy!! I'm going to send my digital camers back to the manufacturer today. It won't turn on. Hope to have it back pretty soon. I need my camera for pics of the grand kids and nature pics and whatever else I feel needs to be in a picture. Sometimes it is a beautiful sunset, sometimes it is just a unique cloud formation, sometimes it is just a picture of my son and his cat. You just never know what will be picture material.
As for the computer info, my sister never really did tell me why it needs to be turned off once in a while. I would guess that it is like a brain, it needs to sleep to get things back into proper working order. Atleast that makes sense in a human sort of way. Anyway, that's all for today. I'll add some more stuff in a few days. Hopefully nothing spectacularly upsetting will happen. I like the calm but not the storm.
March 17, 2008 at 9:11am
March 17, 2008 at 9:11am
Well, it is Monday and my hubby went back to work today! He has been off since last Thursday and anyone who has been married as long as I have knows exactly what I mean when I say HOORAY!! He took time off from work to go to the dentist and get his dentures. That is a good thing and I am glad that he did this. I am also glad that he went back to work. I love him with all my heart but sometimes he drives me crazy. I just can't get any housework done when he is home. He doesn't want to hear the vacuum and if I am washing dishes, he wants me to quit and come watch tv with him or help him figure out a puzzle on one of the many video games that he plays. It's just his way of staying connected and I understand that and appreciate it also, but sometimes it just makes me crazy!
Anyway, HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY !!!! I hope that you thoroughly enjoy your day today. I'm still in my p.j.'s so I don't have any green on yet, but I will before the day is out.
I sent my sister an email asking her why you have to turn the computer off once in a while to keep the screen from going onto sleep mode and not coming back on. I haven't gotten an answer from her yet, but when I do, I will let everyone know what she said. My youngest son has nicknamed her, Aunt Geek Squad. He did that because anytime we have a question about the computer, we can call her and ask her and she usually has the answer that we need. When I told her what he nicknamed her, she just laughed and laughed. She knows it was done out of love and not malice. I have the best family in the world and I can't wait to move back to my home state, TEXAS.
It was really strange going back home when my mom was sick. I was dreading it and looking forward to it all at the same time.When my sister came from Illinois and picked me up, it was such a mixed bag of emotions. I was so happy to see her and ready to go see the rest of my family. But at the same time, I was sad because I had to leave my family here and I was going home to help take care of mom because she was sick.
When we got there and went to the doctor with mom, we all found out at the same time. My mom had the whole family there, except our baby brother, he just couldn't face the fact that mom was sick. That's o.k., we all understood exactly how he felt but we went with mom anyway. Just imagine, my mom, all 3 of us girls and one brother, in one of those little cubicle rooms, waiting on the doctor to come in and tell us what mom was up against. Turned out it wasn't something she could fight successfully with chemo. All the chemo would have done is rob her of the six weeks she had left. So, she opted not to take the chemo because it wouldn't have done any good at all. She had Neuro-endocrine carcinoma and it was all through out her body. This particular type of cancer isn't affected by chemo-therapy. All we could do was sit and watch her slowly get worse, give her meds for the pain and make her milkshakes when she wanted them. It got to the point where that is about all she would eat or drink. She could handle soup, icecream and fruit. That was about all she would eat. Once in a while, she would make a bowl of cereal, eat about 4 or 5 bites and then give the rest to her dogs and some for the cat also. It was a very sad thing to have to witness. I wish that it had never happened and I'm sure that everyone reading this wishes the same thing. But, it is a fact of life and I can't change it, so, I am learning to live with it the best way that I can. It has been rough, but, I will be o.k. because that is the way my mom raised me and my brothers and sisters. So, having said that, I will stop for now and call my sister back. She is home today and I would like to talk to her for a while. Until next time, BYE!
March 15, 2008 at 1:14pm
March 15, 2008 at 1:14pm
Well, it is Saturday and there is nothing new going on here. One good thing happened today, I didn't wake up until almost 11 this morning. Guess I was really tired. Don't know why though. Haven't done anything overly tiring, just the same old same old. Drudgery, it is such a wonderful thing. Spring has finally showed up and it is warm enough to open up the house and let the breeze in. As for plans for today, they include mopping, dishes, laundry and maybe using the vacuum (maybe not). I really hate being stuck in the house on such a beautiful day. If I had a patio set, I would be outside right now and not on the computer until later tonight. Probably after hubby went to bed. He really hates the computer. Me, I LOVE IT!!! He thinks that email is a waste of time. Doesn't realize that the world is heading in that direction and being able to use the computer is almost mandatory these days. Anyway, I'm going to get off the computer before he wakes up. Besides, I've got mandatory stuff to do of my own, ie. dishes, laundry, etc. Probably won't add anything new until monday. Have to call my sister and ask her why you have to turn the computer off once in a while to keep it from being weird. Soon as I have an answer, I'll post it in my blog. Hope everyone has a good day!
March 14, 2008 at 12:53am
March 14, 2008 at 12:53am
Just a quick note, my computer monitor decided to turn itself off and not come back on. It has been off since yesteday. I finally found out why, because I don't turn the computer off. I just let it go into sleep mode. I didn't know it needed to be turned off once in a while. I know now, so it will go off atleast once every 2 weeks or so. My husband went to the dentist and got dentures to day. He will be home until Monday. I am hoping to renew my upgraded portfolio tomorrow. He has some stuff to do in the a.m., and then I will be able to log on and get stuff done. I finally got the plumbing fixed, or so I thought. It is now flooding part of the flower bed. I don't have a clean-out, just a pvc pipe with a hole in it and nothing covering the hole. So, when it rains, the flower bed dirt goes into the pipe and clogs it back up. I have such a smart and caring maintenance man for this property, maybe I should call the owner and tell him the truth about the house that I have been living in for the past 15 years. Yes, I could have bought this place, but it just isn't worth the amount of money that they are asking for the house. Anyway, it is late and I am going to bed now. Goodnight to all!
March 12, 2008 at 9:18am
March 12, 2008 at 9:18am
Well, my last entry was about the plumbing problem I was having and waiting on the landlord to send someone to fix it. They finally showed up yesterday and I thought it was fixed but it seems that everything drains like it is supposed to except for the bathroom sink. How crappy is that, no wait, that comment should be about the toilet, not the sink. Guess I'll try some more Drano or Liquid Plumber. The plunger does no good.
There really isn't anything exciting going on right now. My husband is going through a mid-life something or other. Can't all it a crisis because it isn't. He is fixing to be 53 and that is taking a toll on him . He is having trouble dealing with getting older. Some people just can't accept the fact that they get older and thiernot able to act like they are 25. Your body hurts in places that you didn't know could hurt and sometimes the smallest things just totally wear you out. He said yesterday, that he feels like he is totally stressed out and he keeps feeling like he is forgetting things that he has known for 20 years. I sure hope that this isn't the beginning signs of something more serious. I have been forgetting things for years but then again, I am a natural blonde!
Guess I should do some research about Alzheimer's or maybe I should buy him a nintendo ds with the brain age game. That is supposed to help improve your memory, atleast that is what the commercial says. Maybe if he would do something else besides just work and watch tv news programs, tattoo shows, and shows about cars that are soo out of our price range, then he might not be feeling so forgetful. He does play some video games. He likes games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Shadow Man and then he likes games about cars and racing, i.e., Midnight Club, Need for Speed, etc. That is a day in the life of my husband and that is all there is to that. There is nothing else. He has no other hobbies, he doesn't read books, he doesn't draw anymore, he doesn't color or paint, he doesn't laugh at the little things in life that I find so funny. He plays those games, he watches those shows and that is that!
I have tried to get him to do something else, anything else, but with no luck what so ever. So, I am at a loss here. Maybe, if by some miracle, we should win the lottery anytime soon, he will be able to find something that he wants to do. I'll guarantee that it will have something to do with buying outrageously expensive cars from the car auctions that they have in Arizona once or twice a year. After he does that, he will not have anything left for him to do and then I will have to start worrying all over again! I have been married to him since, forever and it really bothers me that he isn't happy anymore. Iknow, I know, it isn't up to me to make him happy. He has to do that himself, i understand that, but, it shouldn't be that hard for him to find something that keeps his brain working. He won't have anyhting to do with the computer and gets very irate when I send emails to family and friends. I have tried to explain to him that it is just like sending a letter only quicker. He says that I should just pick up the phone and call. All of my brother's and sister's are at work and have things to do when they get home from work. If I send an email, I am still connecting with them without interrupting thier schedule with thier families and thier lifestyle. He still gets mad, so I do things on the computer when he isn't home. That way, he doesn't get upset and complain about me spemnding too much time on the computer and none on him. That really sounds very childish, now that it is written down. Oh well, guess that is enough for now. Housework calls, YUCK!

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