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Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1376358
Things that I think every mom wants thier kids to know
This is something that I have been wanting to do for some time. I am not sure how to put all of this together and make it worth reading. Everyone says, " My life is an open book." I'm trying to put my life into a book that might be opened.
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April 23, 2008 at 10:10am
April 23, 2008 at 10:10am
OK, I wake up yesterday morning and it feels like I have someone standing on my chest. I have been coughing my head off and sneezing for days on end. My whole body hurts, like I have exercised too much or like I just moved all the furniture in the house. It seems like the allergies get worse every year. Maybe the pollen and pet dander are just stronger or maybe my immune system is just tired from fighting after living in this house with all of its problems for so long. That's probably the reason I feel like I have been hit by a truck. I would like to go to the doctor and get some antibiotics but I don't have insurance or medicaid/medicare. I don't have an extra arm or leg to give up either. So, I am suffering through it and trying to build up my body to fight on. I have to go buy some orange juice today. Maybe I'll go to a health food store and buy some aloe vera juice. I have been told and I have read about the healthful properties of aloe vera juice. From what I have read, it can't hurt.

My brother called yesterday with news about my favorite aunt's obit. I went to the website and found her guest book and signed it. I haven't seen her for many years, but I still remember the last time that I spent time with her. It was at a family reunion at a little place out in the middle of nowhere. It had an old church and a hall that was like a big barn with tables and chairs. There is obviously some german heritage on my mom's side of the family because there was polka music playing and lots of sausages. Yes, that is a stereo-type statement, but, it is true. All of us kids were running around and playing chase, the grown-ups were dancing and drinking beer and my grandpa was playing the accordian right along with the polka music that was playing. It was great! I remember having a lot of fun that day! I was looking forward to seeing her at the family reunion this year but it is not going to happen now. I will see her in the future though.

That's really all that has been going on these past few days. We are still giving the cat his medicine. The bite wound is almost completely healed now. So, he is going back outside again. But, we are still keeping him in at night. That isn't easy to do considering he is a big orange tomcat. Yes, he has been fixed but he still prefers to be outside at night, even if it rains. He is the only cat I know that will stay out in the rain when he has a safe dry place to be inside. Of course I have the only cat I know that likes to be vacuumed too. All of my animals have quirks or issues as my daughter says. Speaking of my daughter, she had to take my granddaughter to the doctor yesterday. They gave her some antibiotics because her throat is a little red and irritated from her allergies. It's just that time of the year for this family. Sometimes that really sucks royally too. Guess that is all for today. I'm going to mop the house and try to get some of the dog and cat hair into the vacuum.
April 21, 2008 at 1:10pm
April 21, 2008 at 1:10pm
Just a quick update. I have to take my sons girlfriend to the CARA place in about 30 minutes. She has to take three puppies to them. They can't keep them and it is a no kill shelter. It is the only one in this state. I am donating a lot of old newspaper to them. They need donations of all kinds but I can't afford to buy food for them. Anyway, my brother-in-law got out of the hospital this past Saturday. So, my sister will be going back to her house this coming weekend. My brother called last night and told me that one of my Aunt's passed away yesterday. Made my mind go to a sad place for a while. I haven't seen her in forever but she was one of my favorite aunts. I won't be able to go to the funeral, it is too far away and gas is a precious commodity these days. I'll be back tomorrow with some more news and bs about my life's ups and downs.
April 20, 2008 at 11:27pm
April 20, 2008 at 11:27pm
I bought my lottery tickets and won $7.00 so far. Maybe on the next drawing I'll get really lucky and win the big bucks! Then my husband could go his own merry way and discover that everything he thinks he's missing, he already had right here at home.. I'll add some more tomorrow.
April 18, 2008 at 11:46pm
April 18, 2008 at 11:46pm
When we got home from the vet and took Marvin out of his carrier, he was pretty mellow until he realized that he wasn't going outside. Then he started running around the house like a chicken with his head cut off. We left and went to the store. When we got back, about 30 minutes later, that darn cat had pulled the staples out. We found both of them laying together on the floor. Called the vet and she said not to worry about it, but keep an eye on it and make sure that it is continuing to heal. So far so good. The hole that he had was about the size of a quarter and now it is a little bigger than a dime. So, it is healing. He is taking an antibiotic also. Nothing else new to talk about right now. Maybe on Monday when I have a little more time. Hope that everyone has a great weekend. I'm going to buy some lottery tickets.
April 17, 2008 at 10:28am
April 17, 2008 at 10:28am
How do you attain happiness? If I knew the answer to that question I would be sitting on top of the world. I know that I am happy, most of the time. I know that you can't be happy all the time but should your happiness require the input of other people? If the other people aren't happy, then how can their input help to make you happy? You can't make them happy if your miserable, can you? What is happiness to you could be purgatory for someone else. How is that possible? I am content with the life that I have but not some of the things in it. Does that mean that I am not happy but dillusional? I have been married forever and a day. I have 5 great kids and 6 amazing grandchildren. My husband has allowed me the freedom of staying home and raising our kids, working when necessary(he wasn't), staying home when he was working. I have not had a job outside the home in almost 30 years. All of my kids are grown now and I have no job skills. At least not any for todays job market. My husband has been talking about leaving for a while now but he won't because I can't support myself because I chose to stay home and raise the kids, instead of putting them in a day care for someone else to raise. Does that make me a bad person because he is trapped into caring for me for the rest of my life or his? How do you let someone go that you have been with for over half of your life? I was 17 years old when I met him and I'm 49 now. You do the math. There are times that he makes me feel like an anchor around his neck and I am slowly drowning him. I don't mean to be such a burden to him and I don't want to become one to my kids either. Due to circumstances beyond my control at this time, I am unable to work outside the home. I don't have the professional appearance because I don't have the money for new teeth and I am positive that no one will hire me with the way they are now. No, I wasn't on drugs or anything like that. I had too many children to close together and it weakend the enamal, which was weak to begin with. But, I look like I could have been and most people assume that. Should I pray to win the lottery, so that my husband can leave without worry and find the happiness he thinks he has missed out on or should I pray that we never win? On the one hand, I would love to win but I don't want to be left alone in my old age. He deserves to get what he wants, even if it doesn't involve me being in his life anymore. I will always be there for him, even if he finds someone else. We have the kids and that is a permanent connection that can't be broken. At least I think it is.
I know that some people are able to leave their spouse and kids and never look back, my father did that to my mother, so I know that it is possible. My mother's 2nd husband did the same thing and my mother's 3rd husband, well, they got divorced but then he moved back in and they lived together until he died, with her right by his side. He passed away the year after 9-11 and she passed away last year. My father passed away a year after my step-dad. My step-mom is still alive and kicking but she has some major health problems and isn't taking care of herself like she should. My 2 half brothers, on my dad's side, they are a bigger burden to her than I could ever become to my husband. One of them has a job and lives on his own but still gets money and food from her. She is on a fixed income. The other one is a druggie, has no job and still lives with her and he is over 30. Neither one of them help her to take better care of herself so that she will be around longer. That really makes me mad. They should have more respect for her than they do. But, they are grown and I can't do anything about it anyway. So, back to the question at hand. What is happiness and how do you attain it when there isn't any around you? I certainly don't know, not anymore. They say money can make you happy, but I'm not sure that is true either. It just replaces the problems you already have with bigger, more expensive ones. So, what is a person supposed to do? Who knows? Not I!
April 16, 2008 at 3:49pm
April 16, 2008 at 3:49pm
Well, yesterday we took the cat to the vet because we thought he had another wolf worm that hatched out of him. Turns out that we were wrong. He had been fighting a few days/week ago. He had gotten bit and the bite got infected. They had to keep him overnight so they could sedate him and clean-up the wound. They said that if the infection had gone any further, we night have lost him. I'm going to go pick him up today and bring him home. I'm pretty sure that he will have to be in the house for a few days and on meds for atleast 10 days. The vet also said that he was going to lose some tissue from the area and not to be alarmed when we see it. I hope that it isn't a lot. We have had him for quite a while now and it would feel very empty around here without him.

On another note, I talked to one of my sister's yesterday also. She told me that my other sister's soon to be ex- husband got the test results back from the doctor's. He had surgery on the 4th to remove his pancreas and part of his stomach. They did tests on other parts of his body, looking for cancer. He had to have his pancreas removed because of the cancer. Well, they found it in 1 of his lymph nodes, at least that is what they have said so far. It isn't good that they found it in his lymph glands. Usually when you find it there, well, it just isn't good most of the time. I'm hoping and praying for the best outcome possible. I was told that my sister isn't staying there to help him through it. I can sort of understand why but part of me just thinks that isn't right. I know that she doesn't love him anymore, but, they have been together for so many years and he is going to need someone there to help him keep a positive attitude and get through this. If he doesn't have anyone there for him, the chances are that he isn't going to make it. I feel so sorry for my sister and her husband. We had to go through the cancer thing with my mom, just last summer and that was beyond hard. We got through it because we pulled together as a family but the way he was raised, they don't know how to pull together, they just pull apart. That is one of the many reasons my sister can't stay there and watch or help. It just doesn't seem fair for her to have to do this again. I have always been told that He won't give you more than you can handle, but I think this is too much for her right now. It is too soon for her to be able to deal with this.

I was talking to my husband about it this morning before he left for work and I told him that if we ever ended up like my sister and her husband and something like that happened to him, I would never leave him alone like that. I just couldn't do it to him, not after all the years together. I told him that I just had to tell him that, just so he would know. His response was that I better hope we don't win the lottery because if we do, then he won't have to worry about me, financially, and then he will be gone. How is that for being a loving, caring individual! I just looked at him and said, I know. Then he left for work and thatt was that. Kind of put a damper on my day because I now know that if something like that happened to me, I would be alone and that really hurt my soul. I'm done!
April 15, 2008 at 10:48am
April 15, 2008 at 10:48am
Well, today is the dead line for filing taxes. I've already filed mine. I think that all of my kids have done thiers also, but I could be wrong. Since 2 of my kids live out of state, I don't really know what is going on with them unless they call and tell me. That usually means that I hear from them when they have a problem, not just to call and bs. But, that's ok, at least I hear from them regularly. I finally got to see a picture of my sister's new hair. She dyed it an auburn color. It doesn't look bad, but it will take some getting used to because she was a natural blonde, like me. It is a major change. She said that her daughter's thought she needed a new hair color to go with her new life. They might be right, who knows.

We have to take the cat, Marvin, to the vet today. He had another Wolf Worm come out of him and now there is a hole in him as big around as a pencil. He had one last year in October and it got infected. That was totally gross! I had never heard of such a thing before then. It is horse fly larvae. They lay the egg on the host body and it burrows under the skin and grows and feeds on the host body. Depending on where the egg is layed, depends on the damage done. If the animal ingests the larvae, it can become serious and require surgery. Fortunately for me, both times have not been serious enough to require surgery. The first time, we thought that someone had shot him with a BB gun and it was lodged in the back of his head. That was really scary and it made me so mad, until I found out what had really happened. The vet cleaned the hole and gave him some antibiotics and he was fine. It just seems strange to me for him to get a 2nd one. They are normally on wild life and cattle from what I understand. We live in the city. I haven't seen any on the squirrels, but we do have possums and raccoons around the area. Guess he is getting them from them. We have a really great vet. She will see him and let me give her a check to hold until Friday. It isn't very expensive either. The office visit is only $38.00 and the antibiotics are only about $9.00. So, for less than $50.00, he gets treated and healed. Most vets charge and arm and a leg for treatment. If your interested in seeing what a wolf worm looks like, go to wikipedia. I must warn you though, some of the pictures are gross.

On a lighter note, we watched the movie, "The Painted Veil" yesterday. It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be. My daughter liked the movie though. It is very slow to get started but it picks up eventually. It just wasn't my type of movie. I really don't have too much more to say so I guess that it for today. I hope that everyone reading this has a great day. There is always something wonderful to see each and every day, you just have to take the time to look!
April 14, 2008 at 9:53am
April 14, 2008 at 9:53am
It really sucks when you get paid on Friday and by Monday your broke again! My husband got paid on Friday and now we are pinching pennies, as usual! Sure wish the company he worked for would pay him what he is actually worth. He started with this company when they were just getting started. The office used to be in the shed in the backyard, behind the garage. Now, they do millions of dollars worth of business every year, the owner of the company has sold 2, $300,000.00 houses and has built a 3rd one to live in, been through a divorce and gotten remarried and still has money to spend, while we sit around and count pennies just to try and keep the bills paid and food on the table. It just makes me so mad!!! I know that I shouldn't be envious or jealous of his money, but if it wasn't for my husband and his knowledge of the automatic door business, they wouldn't have what they have! It just isn't fair for them to reap all of the benefits and profits. We shouldn't be left out in the cold like that. You would think that they would be appreciative of his knowledge and grateful to him for getting the business off the ground and running smoothly and keeping business coming in for them. No, he isn't a salesman, he is a service technician. His knowledge of automatic doors is extensive. He is the best in 3 states. Unfortunately, they don't pay him that way. I guarantee that if he could start his own door company, he woould put them out of business in 3-5 years. Yes, he is that good. But, anyway, my daughter is coming over to watch, " The Painted Veil", so, guess I should get off the computer and get the stuff done that needs to be done before she gets here. I'll be back later or tomorrow. BYE!
April 11, 2008 at 10:03am
April 11, 2008 at 10:03am
Well, my daughter showed up yesterday to watch a movie and we ended up watching the remake of " The Omen". She has a thing for scary movies. I don't know why, maybe it was because I like to read scary stories and I read one to many while I was pregnant with her, lol! I like to read Stephen King and Dean Koontz books. The books are so much better than the movies anyway. Your imagination always works better than someone else's. But, the remake of "The Omen" wasn't bad. It pretty much followed the original movie with a little more graphic content than the original. On Monday, we are supposed to watch "The Painted Veil". I'm not sure what type of movie that is but it sounds like it might be a romance movie, which she likes to watch now and then. She kept calling it The Painted Veal, to which I responded, I'm not watching a movie about painted meat! lol!!! It got the point across, after that mom comment, she said the name correctly. Sometimes moms have to say the stupidiest things, just to get something to stick in thier kids brains. I'm sure that I have said some doozies over the years. Can't recall any at this point in time, ( senior moment!).

Well, it is Friday, pay day, for more than just my husband. I have bills to pay, groceries to buy and a house to clean before the weekend officially starts. I have to vacuum really good today because I can't do that over the weekend when my husband is home. It drives him up the wall. I might be able to vacuum this weekend though. We have a cat that likes to be vacuumed. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen. If he is in the house when I am vacuuming, he will jump up on the couch and wait for the vacuum to get to the couch. Then, if I ignore him, he will grab the vacuum hose and stick it to his body, grab hold of the couch and just wait for it to move over his body. If it doesn't, he'll attack it until I vacuum him. I wish I had a video camera because it is soo funny. When I finish vacuuming his back and sides, he will grab the hose and stick it to his belly and just wait for the vacuum to do it's job. Once he has been vacuumed enough to satisfy him, he leaves. I have been telling my husband about this and he has been wanting to see it, but hasn't been home when I vacuum. Maybe this weekend, he'll be able to see because it is supposed to rain and get cooler. The cats don't go out in the rain. Not the little ones anyway. Our big orange tabby, Marvin, aka. Mr. Phat Cat, goes out whenever he wants and comes in when he damn well feels like it and not until then.

When we found him, he was just skin and bones. Less than 6 months old and looked pretty pathetic. My husband said don't feed the cat, it will go away and find a new home. Our next door neighbors abandoned it, but, I couldn't not feed the poor little thing. It looked so pathetic. My middle son and his girlfriend (at the time) started buying food for him and feeding him on the front porch. Then they moved out of state and left him here. They had named him Orion, which didn't fit him at all. I renamed him, Starvin' Marvin, which fit him because he looked like he was starving. That was about 5, 6, 7 years ago now. He has gained weight since then and we have had him fixed. My youngest son worked at the vets for 4 days to pay for the surgery and so Marvin belongs to him now. He sleeps in his room, on the bed, right next to my son. He comes when he is called, which is more than I can say for the 2 old dogs that we have. They can't hear very well anymore. 14 and 16 years old, what do you expect? Back to the cat, he is something else. He will stand up next to my son just so he can have his head scratched. It is something to see. My son just tells him , "Come her marvin" and there he is, waiting for him to pet him. When my son sits down, he will tell Marvin, " Come on" and the cat jumps right up there, curls up and goes to sleep. He will give my son hugs too. One paw on each side of his neck and then he will lay his head down. It is just amazing to see how close they are.

Guess I should get off this computer and get busy paying the bills, etc. Hopefully, i will be able to add some more over the weekend but it will probably have to wait until Monday.
April 10, 2008 at 10:08am
April 10, 2008 at 10:08am
So, yesterday I watched a chick flick with my 19 year old son and my almost 30 year old daughter. We watched a movie called,"The Notebook". Boy, was that ever a chick flick. I don't know how many of you watch them but it is up there with ,"The Lake house", "A Walk in the Clouds" and an old favorite,"Pretty Woman". It is hard to believe that my son was the one that wanted to watch the movie. He is the kind of guy that likes first person shooter video games, fighting games and boxing with his brother. He is a total guy but he has a very soft side that few people see. It is just amazing to me that I have raised a "romantic at heart "male child. He will make some lucky girl a great husband some day. I think he will be a good father too. Surprisingly, eh thinks things through before he acts or reacts to various situations. This movie, the notebook, was a really good movie. It is about a guy and girl that meet one summer, she is from money and he has none. Her mom interferes and it goes from there. I would recommend this movie to all the guys that want to score brownie points with thier significant other and to all the women that just need a good cry or just need a good love story for the day, this is the movie to watch. Well, my daughter just showed up to watch a movie, probably a scary movie(normal). I'll talk to everybody later.BYE!

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