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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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October 25, 2008 at 8:06am
October 25, 2008 at 8:06am
The Halloween costumes in the stores work on my nerves.

Yeeessss, I KNOW that the politically correct thing now is to not celebrate Halloween or to call it something else like a Harvest Festival. I understand if you don't like Halloween, and that's OK. To me, Halloween is simple: all the kids in the community looking all cute and getting to play dress up, not to mention the WHAT? *all together now* The FREE CANDY!

I digress. (I've always wanted to write that.) They have jacked the Halloween costumes prices up so far out of sight you need a telescope to see where they stop. Who remembers paying $3.99 for a little mask with an elastic band and a little vinyl smock thingy? Or, better, throwing a sheet over your head and heading out the door? I have an inherent THING about spending a lot of money for ONE day's pleasure. Besides, I have three.

Anna Claire originally wanted to be Hannah Montana. Haha. We are talking at LEAST $35.00 here. Is she ever going to wear it again? Is she going to walk around for a few weeks being Hannah Montana? Heh heh. No, this money will be spent for . . . *all together now* . . .ONE NIGHT of fun.

Stingy. That's me.

Right now we are trying to head down the road of looking around the house for a costume. Emily doesn't like wearing anything that''s flashy, loud, or tacky - hooray! - even for Halloween, so she has already said that she just wants to put on her soccer uniform and be a soccer player for Halloween. We have a little denim vest with leather trim that Anna Claire can wear with a little cowboy *AHEM* cowGIRL hat that she can borrow from her brother. Now all we have to do is figure Matt out something.

They will be just as precious as the people with the store costumes. More precious, in fact. Even if they weren't, nobody will be looking at them in particular or remember later that those little Whatsit children had to wear costumes that they just thought up.

And I won't be out $100 just for something to wear for ONE NIGHT.
October 24, 2008 at 9:02am
October 24, 2008 at 9:02am
Yesterday I went home, put my comfortable clothes on, and got in bed. It was cold and rainy, and I was tired. We had been out every night Monday - Wednesday until 10 p. m. with the revival. Pretty soon Sam came in with the kids. All three kids crawled up there with me. Matt snuggled up to my legs and went to sleep. This was at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.

I have always been a firm believer in letting sleeping children lie. I have an incredible aversion to waking them up. Even in the morning, I don't like waking them up for school. So I decided to take a chance and see if he would sleep until the morning. He did! Now I feel smug. *Smirk* That gives me a good feeling to know that he caught up on his sleep.

Emily had her own sleeping issues. A girl in her class had told her about the plot of a scary movie that she watched. Emily still had it in her mind, so she was scared to go to sleep. I can't imagine what was in the other girl's parent's mind to let that child watch a scary movie, but anyway. We went through the whole thing of "It wasn't real" and "They are just actors dressed up in costumes." But I know that these things can't be logic-ed away. I remember when I was about 13 and staying at home by myself during the summer while my mother went to work. I made the mistake of reading The Amityville Horror. It scared me so bad I couldn't stay at home by myself for a couple of weeks. So, remembering this, I sat with Em until she could go to sleep. I haven't had to do this in years. I hope she's over it by tonight. That just shows how what gets in your mind will affect you.

Anna Claire went to sleep just fine. She's a miniature earth mother. In fact, her nickname is "Little Mommy." She puts her stuffed animals to bed every night. They rotate - she lets them take turns sleeping with her. Last night she had about four lying on her bed, all covered up and snug. When we kiss her goodnight, we have to kiss the stuffed animals too - it would hurt their feelings if we didn't.

Such is life with three kids. *Wink*
October 23, 2008 at 7:09pm
October 23, 2008 at 7:09pm
One time when I worked at the public library, I had a lady to call and ask if we had a book about the anatomy of a horse. Oddly enough, since this was a tiny little library, we did. She came in to check it out, and told me why she wanted it. Her horse was sick and the vet was having trouble fixing whatever was wrong. Therefore, she had talked her chiropractor into coming out and working on the horse, and he wanted something he could study first. Hence, the library book.

Well, I didn't let it show in front of the lady, but I thought this was hysterical. Coincidentally, a friend of ours whose husband was a chiropractor came by the apartment that night. Well, of COURSE I couldn't resist telling this story, expecting her to fall out laughing, just as I had. When I got to the end of my tale, she said, "Oh, sure. Roger's worked on horses before, and we have a lady who brings her cat in all the time."

I was speechless at that, but it made a delightful sequel to the original story. *Laugh*
October 20, 2008 at 10:42pm
October 20, 2008 at 10:42pm
Somebody go look at my poor story. You don't have to read it, just
glance at it. It has 99 views, and I am obsessive enough to want it to roll over. *Rolleyes*

 The day on Idiot Ridge  (13+)
Contest entry.
#1143988 by Mrs. Whatsit

* * *

Usually, I try to keep positive. In here as well as in real life. But I have to admit that I don't much care anymore. It would be easy enough to list the reasons why not, but I realize that most of them would involve my husband. I know the theory behind being in charge of my own happinesss, which I believe wholeheartedly, actually. That's my plan right now, to be in charge of my own happiness, and let what he does be irrelevant. (I always have to think about whether it's irrelevant or irrevelant. Stupid, huh?) But I can't just snap my fingers and have it be done - these things take time.

I have a pretty good life for the most part, and sometimes I feel ridiculous for feeling the way I do. But, to fall back on the current slang, it is what it is.
October 19, 2008 at 8:54am
October 19, 2008 at 8:54am
Revival starts today.

Confession: Revivals drive me crazy. Going to church every night until Wednesday? Please. I personally think this is silly. But I think most of what the church as an instution does is silly.

One good thing - Dinner on the Grounds. Yum! Because those women in our church can flat-out COOK. I'm sure there will be butterbeans. *Laugh* And black-eyed peas, and fried chicken, and banana pudding, and . . . lotsa good stuff.

Did I mention that it has gotten COLD? Thursday, all of a sudden, we woke up, and the cool weather had arrived. That's Mississippi for you - no gradual reducing of the temperature day by day. You just wake up and it's there. When I say cold, I mean relatively cold, for us. A jacket feels really good, but probably some of you would fall out laughing at our idea of cold.

Gotta go figure out what I'm going to take to eat. See ya!
October 18, 2008 at 6:00pm
October 18, 2008 at 6:00pm
*Note* Hooray! I got out of having to visit with my mother this weekend by having been sick. My mother has a deep-seated horror of sick germs. *Smirk*

*Note* I'm fixing to bake cookies with my kids. Too bad y'all can't have any. *Smirk**Smirk*

*Note* We're having Movies Under the Stars tonight. This is where they get a gi-normous inflatable movie screen and set it up at the soccer field. Everybody in the town with kids shows up. All the kids get to do some serious running around and playing with each other. Tonight's feature: Bee Movie.

*Note* Hubby has had eight hundred things on his plate today, including a wedding and tryouts for some honor choir for his music students, so he has been out of my hair today. *Smirk* Since our oldest daughter is old enough to try out, he let her. He said she nailed the audition, but we'll see. That really just means one more thing on our plates, so I don't know how enthusiastic I can get about it.

*Note* Did I mention chocolate chip cookies? *Smirk* *Smirk* *Smirk*
October 16, 2008 at 12:33pm
October 16, 2008 at 12:33pm
I went to WalMart and got some kind of Tylenol sinus something or other that has fixed whatever was wrong with me. Hooray! The downside is that I'm back at work. Ah well, I had to come back at some point. I've been trying to think of a way to stay home and earn money at the same time. Haha, good luck to me, right?

Yeah, don't remind me, I was panting for this job. And it's true, this is heaven on earth compared to what I was doing. Sometimes it's hard though, because I have two jobs - when I turn my key at home, that's my second one. The pay for that job stinks, too. *Rolleyes*

Tomorrow our students get out at noon and we have to go to workshops. Bleck. I'd rather have the students.
October 15, 2008 at 4:46pm
October 15, 2008 at 4:46pm
I'm starting to feel a little better. I went ahead and took today off too. The kids were out of school for some reason, I've forgotten why now, so we have had a lazy day. For lunch we got hamburgers and shakes and brought them home to eat. Nice! Especially since no dishes were used:my dishwasher is acting funky. *Angry*

I'll probably go on back tomorrow, even though I have't gotten completely well. We don't get that many sick days per year, only 10, so I need to save some for later in the year, because I'll wind up taking some for the kids, too.

I had to laugh at David McClain this morning, because I was just asking my husband the other day did he remember when we had to be attached to the wall to talk on the phone. I was teasing him a little bit, because he talks on his cell phone ALL the time, and I was asking him what he did in the days when he couldn't carry a phone with him. Of course, we know the answer, which is not talk until we got to the house, instead of ALL the time, like he does now. His phone was running out of power, and he was going into a bit of a panic, so I had to give him a little reminder that there were days when he didn't walk around with it growing out of his ear, and he managed to survive. *Rolleyes*
October 14, 2008 at 8:31am
October 14, 2008 at 8:31am
I'm still sick. I've come to the conclusion that I have a cold. If I'm having an allergy attack, Benadryl dries it right up. I've taken three since yesterday afternoon and it has helped a little bit, but not much. Bleck.

I got up just as early as ever. Sleeping late seems to be a skill I've lost in my elder years.

I got a new cell phone the other day. I've been due for an upgrade for a while, like several months, but haven't bothered to go get it because I liked my old phone. Saturday I finally broke down and got a new one. My new one has a camera in it. Yippee! We decided to cancel our house phone and just have cell phones, plus we signed up for some fancy new Internet - BSL, or something. I'm slowly being dragged into the 20th 21st whatever century this is .
October 13, 2008 at 9:21am
October 13, 2008 at 9:21am
I am coming down with a cold, or allergies, or a sinus infection. I never DO know which one I have - how do you tell? One set of sniffles is just like another to me. I was headed toward the phone to call in sick when my assistant called me and said that she was taking her daughter to the doctor with a sinus infection. She and I have an agreement to call each other if we are going to be out. Since I don't have but two classes, I came on to work, but as soon as I saw the assistant principal I told her that I was officially calling in sick tomorrow. One of the third grade teachers is out today, so she went ahead and lined her substitute up to come in for me tomorrow. This made me feel smug, that I went ahead and got all that taken care of. *Laugh*

Friday is a 60% day, which means that the students get out at noon. Also, we only have six more weeks until Thanksgiving. Hoorah! I'm looking for that - we get a whole week at this job - at my other job I just got Thursday and Friday.

I guess I need to get something lined up for my students to do. Have a good day.

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