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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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December 8, 2008 at 12:51pm
December 8, 2008 at 12:51pm
My top five books to read
1. Anything from the Anne of Green Gables series by L. M. Montgomery
2. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
3. Among Schoolchildren by Tracy Kidder
4. Leaving Cheyenne by Larry McMurtry (the same guy who wrote Lonesome Dove. I also like Buffalo Girls and The Last Picture Show by him.
5. The Clairvoyant Countess and the sequel, Kaleidescope by Dorothy Gilman, better known for the Mrs. Pollifax series.

My top five singers/bands
1. The Carpenters
2. The Jeff Healey Band
3. John Denver (yep, now you know what a nerd I am)
4. Journey
5. Garth Brooks

My top five movies
1. Footloose - I like the song too.
2. Mary Poppins
3. Gone with the Wind - The book is one of my favorites, too.
4. The Wizard of Oz
5. The Three Musketeers - the one with Keifer Sutherland in it. Yum!

My top 5 treats
1. Chocolate ice cream
2. Macaroni and cheese - homemade, of course.
3. Chocolate covered almonds
4. Rice-a-roni
5. Anything somebody else has cooked.

My top 5 ways philosphies.
1. Live each day as it comes, instead of regretting what has gone, or worrying about what hasn't gotten here.
2. Ignore and avoid people I don't like. This is about 95% of the people there are.
3. Don't start anything, but don't take it when somebody else decides to start with me.
4. Develop my own ideas about things instead of using other peoples' ideas.
5. I have made it my business not to fit in. I have the kind of personality that WON'T fit in, so I have embraced that. The odd thing is, people like me anyway. I find this unusual.

December 7, 2008 at 5:33pm
December 7, 2008 at 5:33pm
My mother and grandmother showed up for church. *Rolleyes* Then we all went to eat together. It was relatively uneventful, as visits with my mother go. My youngest two went home with her. I got out of having to go over there because my oldest has homework to finish up. I am about to have to go pick the two little ones up though. Hopefully I can get in and out pretty quick.

My mother can be the sweetest person you ever saw, then turn around and be the Mom from the Black Lagoon. There is no pattern to it - the Lagoon days just show up out of nowhere. It has been that way ever since my childhood.
December 6, 2008 at 8:45am
December 6, 2008 at 8:45am
I forgot to mention that my mother DID give me a gift card for one of the clothes stores that I like to go to here in town. So I went yesterday after work and got something I have been wanting for a good while: some pajamas. They are bright red with penguins on them. My family all laughed when they saw them and said they were cute. We have an old house and it tends to be cold in the winter, so now I will be toasty warm. I have them on even as I type. I DO look kind of cute in them. *Wink*

Of COURSE my kids got up at 7:00 this morning, but I was about to hop out of bed myself, so it doesn't matter. Emily went to a spend-the-night party, so I'm down to two-thirds of my children.

I did correct the backwards-pants situation yesterday! Thank goodness. I don't know why the propensity lately for backwards clothes in our family lately - just recently I blogged about Matt's shirt being backwards in church. Is that some kind of signal that my life is backwards?

Have you ever had your head talked absolutely OFF when you really don't feel like talking at that moment? Oooohweee, it makes me want to CROAK when that happens. Yesterday one of our classes didn't show up because they were in the middle of a test. This NEVER happens - the teachers are so ready to get rid of their classes they will move Mount Everest to send those little rugrats to the library. So I was all ready to have an enjoyable free hour perusing the Internet, when here came the security guard and the janitor, ready to talk. *Angry* You can't ignore them, either. And guess what they wanted to talk about? The juvie jail where I used to work. *Rolleyes* FINALLY, they had enough and left.

That's ugly isn't it? I like these two men - actually they are two of my favorite people around that school. Usually I find talking to them enjoyable. It was just that I had my mind set an having a solitary hour.
December 5, 2008 at 8:52am
December 5, 2008 at 8:52am
*Note* Emily felt fine yesterday morning. She went to school and did just great. My throat and head continued to hurt, so I dragged some old antibiotics from a former illness out and started taking them. Yeeesss, I know you aren't suppossed to do that. We blew our "doctor visit" money by taking Em to the doctor, and what I'm taking is doing the trick.

*Note* A teacher at school is selling World's Finest Chocolate - the Chocolate-covered Almonds. One of my very favorite treats!

*Note* What I got for my birthday: 1. Hubby gave me a toaster oven I wanted. We have a gas stove, and the broiler is waaayyyy down at the bottom. I wanted something to make cheesetoast in where I didn't have to bend over. 2. Emily, all on her own with some money she earned herself by helping her grandmother out, got me some Christmas Snoopy socks she had seen me admiring. 3. My mother and grandmother gave me some clothes. *Rolleyes* You would think that they'd know by now that I don't like to be given clothes, I like to pick out my own - plus they didn't fit. So I took them back and got the money. *Smirk* 4. Our music minister's wife, Cheryl, gave me some White Diamonds perfume and lotion. Finally, I have found a perfume that I like and doesn't give me a headache! So, a good birthday was had by me.

*Note* Anna Claire is going to be in our little town's Christmas parade - her dance teacher always has her students in it. All of them dress up in some little red sweatpants and matching shirts.

*Note* When I got to work this morning, I went to put something in my pocket, and realized that my pants were on backwards.
December 3, 2008 at 1:05pm
December 3, 2008 at 1:05pm
Sam took Emily to the doctor this morning. She has strep throat. The doc SAID she could go back to school tomorrow - doesn't that seem too soon? It does to me. I'm going to see how she feels in the morning.

Now my throat hurts. Purely psychological! I hope ? ! ?
December 2, 2008 at 11:25am
December 2, 2008 at 11:25am
Emiily is sick. Not sure what is wrong with her - general epizudics, I suppose. Her throat and head have been hurting, but now that has stopped and she feels queasy. I've been letting her sleep in Mama's bed - she woke up a few minutes ago, but drank some water and went right back to sleep. I'm putting off taking her to the doctor, because a lot of times a day of rest helps as much as anything.

Haha - I hate that she's sick, but that gave me a good excuse to call in to work on my birthday. *Smirk* 365 days left of being in my 30's. I'm really 39 this year, no pretending until next year. *Laugh*

For the past week I've seen advertisements that Brittany Spears was going to celebrate her birthday on TV this morning - I made it my business not to have it on that channel. Of all the people to share a birthday with. *Rolleyes*
November 28, 2008 at 9:47am
November 28, 2008 at 9:47am
You're going to think I'm fibbing when I tell you what Emily did.

She put her Christmas list on hubby's laptop and made a Power Point presentation out of it. With sound effects.

November 27, 2008 at 9:38am
November 27, 2008 at 9:38am
I actually slept past 7:00 - all the way to 8:30. Not sure what brought THAT on, but it was nice.

Oh, and hubby actually got up before me and started cooking pancakes. *Puts hand over heart and starts staggering around in best Fred Sanford "I'm coming to join you Elizabeth" imitation*

Si, I actually WOKE UP with two things to be thankful for! *Laugh* Plus I'm fixing to turn the parade on in about twenty minutes and not do a THING but watch - something I haven't done since I was probably about twelve years old.

Y'all have a great Thanksgiving Day. I plan to.
November 26, 2008 at 11:58am
November 26, 2008 at 11:58am
Here's the recipe for Jam Cake in case y'all are interested. I've never seen anybody but my own family make it - I'd be interested to know if anybody else is familiar with it. It was passed down in my family from my great-grandmother, Hilda Coker, from Clarke County, MS.

Bigmama's Jam Cake

2 cups sugar
2 cups blackberry jam
1 cup canola oil or shortening Originally shortening, but my mother started using canola oil because it's healthier, and it's just as good. Either one is fine. Not both!
2 tsp cinammon
1 tsp cloves
2 tsp allspice Cloves and allspice are fairly expensive. We go ahead and invest, though, because we know we will make this cake every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and these spices will keep from year to year. They are VERY important to the recipe and can't be left out.
6 eggs
2 tsp soda dissolved in 1/2 cup buttermilk I never have known why it is important to dissolve the soda in the buttermilk, but I always do it anyway. I'm sure it's important for SOME reason.
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

Cream canola oil/shortening and sugar. Add eggs. Add dry ingredients alternating with butternilk. I NEVER do this - I dump the buttermilk then the dry ingredients. I'm sure my great-grandmother will have something to say to me about this when she sees me after I get to Heaven. Add the jam last. Bake at 325 degrees in a tube/Bundt pan. I bake for about 50 minutes - depends on the stove. Keep checking to see if it looks done, when it pulls away from the side a couple of molecules.
November 25, 2008 at 6:23pm
November 25, 2008 at 6:23pm
I'm doing this a little early, y'all.

What I am thankful for.

1. My kids are all healthy. That's something no amount of money can buy. Also, they still enjoy spending time with Mama. Emily is eleven - that time will soon be coming to an end.

2. Gas prices are going down.

3. Chocolate and caffeine are cheap.

4. My family is not large - just my personal family, and my mother and grandmother. But we are able to spend Thanksgiving together.

5. My job may get on my nerves, but if I didn't have one, it would be tough.

Happy Thanksgiving!

P. S. Y'all wish ShellySunshine a happy birthday!

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