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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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January 26, 2009 at 12:54pm
January 26, 2009 at 12:54pm
Just a quick update:

What I'm reading
Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man by Fannie Flagg, the same person who wrote Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe. If you haven't read these two, march yourself to the library forthwith and do so, immediately. Daisy Fay is hysterical - the book takes the form of her diary, starting when she was eleven. And you may THINK you are familiar with Fried Green Tomatoes just from seeing the movie - oh, no, my friend. The ending is way different, plus there are a lot of events in the book that they left out of the movie. And that's all I'm going to say.

The not-so-good thing about having Christmas Holidays . . .
. . . is that you get paid on the last working day of the month, which in this case is BEFORE Christmas. Then you go all the freakin' way to the end of January without a paycheck. Stink-o-rama.

What I think is pretty ignorant
The whole Caroline Kennedy thing. Personal reasons? What personal reason could have come up just in an instant? Why doesn't she just say that she and Mr. Head Guy couldn't come to an agreement on things instead of beating around the bush?

Emily won third place in the science fair at her school. She did one on How Music affects Dogs. Anna Claire will be having a birthday soon - she will be eight. Matt couldn't go to sleep last night, so he came and sat with me in the kitchen - I was eating a baked potato. He wanted a piece of bread-and-butter, so we sat together and ate. I enjoyed spending time with my little man when he wasn't being silly or goofy. Sometimes as the youngest, he feels the need to prove himself.

Shout out
Goes to the Wharton family - get well soon, Eric. What the heck did you eat while Debi was gone?
January 23, 2009 at 12:57pm
January 23, 2009 at 12:57pm
About an hour ago, a secretary in the school office got on the intercom and called me to the office. I couldn't come to the office right then because I had a class. But instead of doing the intercom where we could have had that conversation, she just called me to the office and stopped. She could have also come to the library door - it's less than ten steps from where she was sitting. She knows I have class at that time - I'm not sure why she chose to call me without giving me the opportunity to respond. There was nothing I could do at that point but sit there and ignore the situation.

A minute or two later she did do the two-way thing on the intercom. She told me that the lead librarian was asking for me on the phone. I told her that I couldn't come to the office because I had a class. She said okay, then said that the lead librarian had told her that she had been trying to get me for two weeks.


Number one, last week when I was off, Mrs. Lead Librarian called over to my husband's school to check on me. He told her I had been sick, and gave her my cell phone number, which was fine. She hasn't called my cell phone.

Number two, if she HAS called up here to work, nobody from the office has called me to the phone.

Number three, she knows my e-mail address. Has she sent me an e-mail? Nope.

So, I really don't see how this is my fault that Madame Lead Librarian can't get in touch with me.

It's things like this that make me feel surrounded by stupidity. It's everywhere.

* * *

We're having the spelling bee today. In about thirty minutes, in fact. They asked me to be a judge. I like being the judge of the spelling bee better than I do being the pronouncer of the words. My southern twang gets in the way. The speech teacher is pronouncing the words, thank goodness.

We are having it outside. There are a set of benches for the children to sit on, and a little stage. We're having a warm day today. Tuesday it was 44 degrees, today it's almost seventy. Yep - that's winter in Mississippi.

January 20, 2009 at 9:51am
January 20, 2009 at 9:51am
In the wee hours of Monday morning, around 2:00, I heard screaming coming from the girls' room. In one instant, every kind of horrid thing possible ran through my mind, including the two MOST horrid things, an intruder and a snake. Hubby and I ran in there, and Anna Claire had woken up with a severe nosebleed, and got in a panic.

I'm glad that's "all" it was. Hubby and I both had nosebleeds growing up, Emily went through a little phase at that age where she had them, and Anna Claire has had them before. The doctor says that some children are just prone to them, sometimes for no reason except that the blood vessels in the nose are closer to the surface than in adults. Normally in the fall and spring, she takes allergy medicine, as does the rest of the family, which helps with the nosebleeds. Normally in the winter we can kind of taper off on that, but maybe we need to go ahead and start back to giving them to her.

Nothing like a screaming child at 2:00 AM to induce panic.

A Big Day . . .
. . . but not the same big day as everybody else's. It's Matt's birthday. He's a big six year old! The whole family went in his bedroom to sing to him as he awoke, and he started smiling before he even opened his eyes. He got a new windsuit to wear to school, and hubby was going to get cupcakes for his class. Big doings!

Something to be glad about
That I'm not in Washington D. C. I wouldn't be in that mob for anything. One of my major dislikes is crowds. They give me the heebie-jeebies.

On a side note, I said to my doctor that I used when I had Emily that something had given me the heebie-jeebies, and he had never heard this expression. Before this, I thought everybody had heard of the heebie-jeebies. Maybe it's a fine old Mississippi white-trash family saying, in which case it's understandable why I had heard it and this particular doctor had not.

My weird action of the week
I couldn't find my bra yesterday. Yes, folks, I only have one. I looked all over the house for it for about thirty minutes. I finally found it . . . guess where? . . . in my lingerie drawer. Go figure.

January 16, 2009 at 12:48pm
January 16, 2009 at 12:48pm
1. I've been sick. I woke up Wednesday absolutely miserable with a cold/sinus infection/allergy/whatever. I was off Wednesday and Thursday. My head hurt. My throat hurt. My face hurt. Even the bottoms of my feet hurt, I'm not sure why.

2. I'm back at work. I'm still not feeling great, but I didn't want to use any more days off. Maybe enough people will catch what I've got to cause an epidemic, so the school will have to be closed. *Smirk*

3. My internet doesn't want to come up on my computer at my house for some reason. Maybe my computer caught my bug. *Rolleyes*

4. Our house has two AC units. On one of them, the heat doesn't work. So half of my house is freezing. When I say freezing, I mean that I have an 80-year-old drafty house with hardwood floors.

5. Sniffle. *Whatsit falls down and wallows in self-pity*
January 13, 2009 at 12:56pm
January 13, 2009 at 12:56pm
1. Does anybody besides me re-read books? I have a few - probably about 30 - favorite books that I go back to periodically when the mood strikes. I wondered who else does this.

2. How about dreaming in color? Who else does that? I was a grown person before I found out some people didn't.

3. Do you have recurring dreams? I keep dreaming of searching through a building and not finding whatever it is I'm looking for. It's a different building every time, and I'm not sure what I'm searching for, just that I can't find it. I've been dreaming this for about twenty years, about every 3-4 weeks. When I was a kid, every few weeks I would dream about falling very fast, then jerk awake before hitting the ground.

4. I managed to become an adult without realizing that my opinions and thoughts are just as valid as everybody else's. In some cases, more so. If you can't tell by that last sentence, I have probably gone too far in the other direction. One of these days I will grow up and realize that it doesn't MATTER where my opinion is in relation to everybody else's. What do you think?

5. I have what could be considered an obsession with responsibility. If I tell somebody I will be there, I'm there, unless I'm sick or somebody in my immediate family croaks. If I say I'll be there at 3:00, I leave 30 minutes early to make sure I get there at 2:55. Most people seem to think this is colossally weird on my part, but it's not something I've been able to lose. What about you?

January 11, 2009 at 4:03pm
January 11, 2009 at 4:03pm
Our house is still not put back together. The family room is set up, and the kids' bedrooms, but that's it. Oh, our room is too, except for the bed. The bedstead was my grandmother's when she was little, so it's at least 80 years old, an old iron one. I slept in it when I was little too. It takes some doing to set it up, and last night we didn't feel like it.

Most of the time all three of our kids spend all night in their own beds. Well, Anna Claire and Emily always do, and Matt does most of the time. Once every couple of weeks he will still come get in bed with us in the wee hours of the morning.

Last night hubby and I decided to spend the night in our recliners, just out of being too tired and lazy to set our bed up - this was at 9:00 P. M., after we had been moving furniture around since 8:00 A. M. About 3:45 this morning, I heard footsteps in my sleep and opened my eyes to see Emily and Matt standing there. Emily said "Matt came and woke me up and said y'all weren't here." He had looked in our bed and panicked when he didn't see us. Can you imagine being 5 years old, waking up in the middle of the night, and thinking your parents aren't home?

Everything worked out fine. Emily went right back to sleep. Matt crawled into the recliner with Sam, who didn't know anything about it until I told him this morning.
January 10, 2009 at 12:34pm
January 10, 2009 at 12:34pm
I know I haven't blogged in a while until yesterday. Nothing has been going on to blog about. To make up, you are going to get a Jumble Blog.

What's going on:
We are getting our carpet pulled up. So far this morning we've pulled all the furniture out of the bedrooms. The carpet people are here now pulling that carpet up now. We will start on the family room in a minute. Moving furniture is a pain in the bo-hunkus. I cleaned the closet out in my bedroom and found all kinds of stuff I had wondered where it went.

Interesting event
Hubby just came down here and said that in the girls' bedroom, the people who lived here before us had painted a rug on the floor, as well as painting around a bed - you can see the rectangle where it was. I haven't been down there to see it. It will probably give me a headache.

Weird thing I have done this week.
Anna Claire is going to a birthday party this evening. The Birthday Girl's name is Trinity. All week I have been saying "Don't let me forget to get Trinket's birthday present," and Anna Claire will scream, "Maaaaammma! It's Trinity, not Trinket!" I've got the whole family calling this poor child Trinket now.

My job
First week back at work since Christmas Holidays. I enjoyed every molecule of my Two Weeks Off, and actually went back to work with some enthusiasm. Even though I WAS looking at my calender to count how many weeks until Spring Break in March.

I hate stupid people. Rude people suck too. Oh, don't let me forget slow drivers. Broccoli - yuck. No particular reason for saying all this, I am just throwing some random opinions in here.

Good event of the week
I went yesterday after work and had a piece of Chocolate Pie at a bakery around the corner from my job.

Current books
Freckles by Gene Stratton Porter
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit
The Thurber Carnival which is the collected short stories of James Thurber.

Now you know what I know.
January 9, 2009 at 12:54pm
January 9, 2009 at 12:54pm
My aunt Sylvia died today.

She was really my stepfather's sister-in-law. Out of that whole clan, she was the sweetest - one of those sweet to the bone ladies. A godly lady too - a truly Christian person, not just somebody putting on.

She got a brain tumor a while back. She went to one of the Cancer Centers of America for a time, and they helped her a lot. She held her own for a season.

I keep remembering all the times she was kind to me as a teenager when it seemed like nobody else in the world cared. To most of that family I was just "Buddy's step-daughter." Sylvia really saw me as a person, even in my worst awkward adolescence.

One time, when I was in college, she and her husband spent the night with my family - they lived in Vicksburg, about an hour away. She had forgotten her Bible, so she borrowed mine. She told me the next day that she enjoyed reading all my little notes in the margins. It made me feel good that somebody would even pay attention to a detail like that, much less comment on it in a positive way.

She passed this morning at 10 minutes until 8:00. It's a sad thing to the ones who are left. I have tears in my eyes now, as I type this.

The good thing is I know she isn't suffering any more.

Rest in peace, Sylvia. Thank you for the gift of you.
December 31, 2008 at 6:12pm
December 31, 2008 at 6:12pm
I always make resolutions that I'm likely to keep.

1. Add more fun to my life.

2. Eat plenty of chocolate.

3. Spend less, preferably not any, time with people I don't like.

4. Refuse to be manipulated.

5. Spend plenty of time reading to my kids, petting my dogs, and telling my husband what to do. *Smirk*

Y'all have a happy one.
December 24, 2008 at 6:31pm
December 24, 2008 at 6:31pm

And the angel said unto them,
"Fear not!
For, behold, I bring you
tidings of great joy,
Which shall be to all people.
"For unto you is born
this day in the city of David
A Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you:
Ye shall find the babe
wrapped in swaddling clothes,
Lying in a manger.

~ St. Luke 2:10-12

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