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Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #1469467
Welcome to Whatsit's Wild World.

Sometimes I think we're all tightrope walkers suspended on a wire two thousand feet in the air, and so long as we never look down we're okay, but some of us lose momentum and look down for a second and are never quite the same again: we know.

~Dorothy Gilman
The Tightrope Walker

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December 21, 2008 at 4:24pm
December 21, 2008 at 4:24pm
I tried to get out of going to church today. It seems that there is a law that you have to be at church on the Sunday before Christmas, and this goes double for preacher's wives.

We went to Cracker Barrel to eat. I bought one of those weasel ball things - it's a ball that has a weasel-looking thing attached to it. The ball has a battery in it that makes it roll around and fling the weasel everywhere. I bought this so we would have something to torment entertain Wimzy with. *Smirk*

I forgot to put all my makeup on this morning. I have done this before. If I get interrupted in the middle of putting on my make-up, I will forget to put the rest of it on. Nobody ever notices, or if they do, they don't say anything. This is better than having my clothes on backwards, which is the other weird thing I do sometimes.
December 20, 2008 at 5:54pm
December 20, 2008 at 5:54pm
1. I went shopping for Christmas presents for the first time today. Yep - I'm a procrastinator. Sam had already bought a few things off the Internet, but I had not bought item number one until a few hours ago. I don't have the Christmas spirit this year.

2. I feel tired and yucky. Plus I'm having a bad hair day. I'm even having a bad toenail day. Not one molecule of my body has any energy.

3. They were selling little baby Jack Russell Terrier puppies in the Wal-Mart parking lot. No bigger than a rat, but SOOOOO cute! If they wouldn't have been asking $175 for them, we would have had another dog.

4. I have not one grocery in my house, except maybe some corn. Oh, and Diet Mountain Dew. I did replenish my supply, but you can't have it for supper. I guess we will be forced to go out to eat. *Smirk*

5. I don't have to go to work Monday - hooray for having Chrstmas Holidays! If I were still at the juvie place, I'd have to go in Monday and Tuesday, and probably Friday.
December 18, 2008 at 10:03pm
December 18, 2008 at 10:03pm
My Christmas wish list:

1. That my kids won't be too screwed up by being raised by me.

2. That one of these years I will get a little bit more peace and quiet than I have now, which at this point is about the last five minutes of the day before I drift off to sleep.

3. Energy that I can take off the shelf at Wal-Mart. Oh wait, that would involve paying for it. Maybe they will start checking it out at the Public Library?

4. That I could throw all my naughty children at work out the window. Just fantasizing about it makes me feel better.

5. Endless Diet Mountain Dew. A girl can dream! *Laugh*

Ah, well, technically I do know the answer to all these.

1. I am doing pretty well raising my kids. The reason I said this one is that I lost my temper this morning for something small, and I am still feeling guilty about it. I did hand out apologies and hugs all round pretty soon afterward.

2. I need to loosen up and make it my BUSINESS to find some peace and quiet. Let's see, what can I pick to go undone while I'm having all this p & q?

3. Eat correctly. Exercise. Take my vitamins. Let's see: *reading back over what I have written* Oh, excuse me for just a moment: Ha ha ha ha ha! *rolling around the floor of my blog laughing*

4. Open the window first. *Smirk*

5. Get my money out.

Heh heh - typing this made me feel better. I am just running on low right now. Bleck. I hate feeling like this.

December 17, 2008 at 5:39pm
December 17, 2008 at 5:39pm
My Goooodddd!

I'm about to do something extremely Politically Incorrect. I'm going to talk bad about my principal's develop-mentally delayed son.

He's a grown man. My principal brings him to work every morning. A bus comes to pick him up, and carries him off to who-knows-where, namely out of everybody's hair, and then brings him back in the evening, usually after the teachers leave.

The office, where his mother the principal is located, is directly across the hall from the library. Therefore, EVERY morning before his bus comes, he will wander in here . He likes to be irritating. He will say "Mrs. Southall (my predecessor) shouldn't have quit. Where's Mrs. Southall?"

My response to this and numerous other irritating questions is usually, "None of your business." He likes this. It makes him feel like he's one of the crowd to be teased.

Tonight we are having a PTA meeting/Christmas program. I am trying to save gas, plus I wanted to get a few things done, so I decided to stay at work until it started. Our church is going Christmas Caroling and hubby is taking the kids to that, so my family is squared away.

So . . . here I am at my desk, peck-peck-pecking away on my computer, and here comes Worrywart. "Where's Mrs. Bass?" he asks, referring to my assistant. I gave my standard response: "None of your business." He goes back out. I thought I was home free. Ha ha.

My husband called. Naturally, here comes Worrywart. Here's what he did while I was on the phone:

1. He took my door that I had shut on purpose and propped it back open. I had to put my husband on hold and get up so I could shut it back, because we have a lot of listening ears around here.

2. It wasn't thirty seconds until he was back. This time he went over to my thermostat and messed with it. He knows I can't stand this, I have asked him numerous times not to do it. He went back out the door. And slammed it.

3. Back again, messing with my papers and a book on my desk. I turn around with the phone still up to my ear and give him the evil eye. Finally, he went back out the door.

4. Back again, still messing with my desk. Then back out the door.

So, now I'm off the phone, right? Here he comes again. Messes with my desk. Asks where Mrs. Bass is. Goes back out the door. Back again. Stares at me. Goes back out. Comes back in. I told him I was trying to get something finished, and could he please not come in and out any more. Even as I type, he keeps opening my door and shutting it. He doesn't come in, he just opens and shuts the door.

He is driving me wild.
December 16, 2008 at 8:57am
December 16, 2008 at 8:57am
I finally found one good thing about always being broke - I never had any money to send to that fellow in Palm Beach. He got away with it for a good many years, didn't he? They should turn him loose into a roomful of the people he took money from.

I wonder how many other governors have ever taken money to allow somebody into a vacant Senate seat? I have a feeling that he's not the only one that has done it - he just happened to have been indiscreet enough to be caught. Good luck to whoever winds up in that Senate seat - they will have to start life under a black cloud.

Of all the weird experiences I've had throughout my life, none of them has ever involved having shoes thrown at me. The media has had a big time showing that over and over again, haven't they?

I get up every day and go to work. I give the best eight hours that I can for that day, then go home and take care of my kids for the night. I make it my business to live the best life that I can - I don't get into other folks' business, I am as honest as possible, and I live and let live.

It's a mystery to me why everybody in the world isn't as well-behaved as I am. *Laugh*
December 15, 2008 at 12:54pm
December 15, 2008 at 12:54pm
*Note* Yesterday our church had the Christmas Cantata. Narrator # 2 found out five minutes before the service was to start that her grandfather passed away, so she had to leave. Guess who got stuck with being Narrator # 2. *Rolleyes* I had never laid my eyeballs on the part a single time. Good thing I'm used to impromptu reading out loud at work.

*Note* Anna Claire was in ANOTHER Christmas parade Saturday night. Her dance teacher must like being in parades, either that or it's a good way to advertise. That was the last parade, hopefully.

*Note* Last night at church, our music minister, Wayne, invited everybody to come look at his Christmas decorations. They live not very far from the church, so we ran by there - we were just going to drive by and keep going. When we got there, the lights weren't even on, so of course I got started talking bad about Wayne for inviting everybody over, and he didn't even have it plugged in. *Smirk* Then we saw Wayne's nephew, Jason, run out and start turning everything on, so we pulled up in the driveway, and started talking to Wayne and his wife, Cheryl. After a few minutes, we had some excitement: Santa drove up in a red pick-up truck! Cheryl told me that was their neighbor who evidently has a thing for being Santa Claus. Emily, of course, at eleven was cool, calm, and collected. Matt was enthusiastic, too, giving Santa high fives. The surprise was that our little fireball, Anna Claire, hid behind her daddy and me. Usually, she's our little socialite.

*Note* Nada said that she saw Santa out in California, too. That feller gets around, doesn't he? *Laugh*

*Note* We are having our staff Christmas Dinner this afternoon. Any meal where I don't have to cook it, pay for it, or clean up is fine with me!
December 13, 2008 at 12:59pm
December 13, 2008 at 12:59pm
Thursday about 10:00 it started snowing. All the teachers were looking out their classroom windows and griping. Around 11:00, the busses showed up, and most of the car riders' parents showed up. I looked up the school closings on the internet and saw where my kids' school was closing, so I left. However, it turns out my mother picked them up, so it worked out.

Yesterday, my kids' school was still closed. My school was open, but my kids couldn't stay at home by themselves, now could they? *Smirk*

I got Matt's room cleaned up. Actually, me and all three kids got it cleaned up. That's my contribution to society for the week.

My mom took Anna Claire and Matt to a dog show they are having at the fairgrounds. An actual dog show, just like on TV - in Mississippi! I couldn't believe it. *Laugh* Mississippi isn't noticably like the rest of the country, and it always surprises me to hear about things happening here that other places have. Listen to me talking about my state. I get mad if somebody else puts us down, but it's all right for me to do it. Right?

I got up and made cookies this morning. I have to say "made" cookies, not "baked." These are Peanut Butter - Chocolate - Oatmeal cookies. You put all the ingredients in a saucepan to boil, then drop by spoonfuls on wax paper. Yum yum!

It's nice and cold today. I always enjoy our cold weather, because we don't have much of it.

This morning Matt wanted to prove to me that he could count to 200. He started to count out loud. I was trying to think about something else at the time, so I told him that I didn't have a particle of doubt that he could count to 200, so he could count to himself, in his mind. He said, "I can't count in my mind, because then I can't hear myself." *Rolleyes*

One five-year-old boy for sale, cheap. *Laugh*

December 11, 2008 at 8:38am
December 11, 2008 at 8:38am
1. No snow. Just rain, rain, and more rain.

2. So, guess what? Yep - schools are open.

3. *doing my best Lucille-Ball-saying-Waaaaah imitation*

4.They should have known there would be some pissed-off people coming to work today.

5. *Cry*
December 10, 2008 at 7:47pm
December 10, 2008 at 7:47pm
It's precipitating!

Precipitation + freezing weather = closed schools!


Yep, we're supposed to get snow! Usually, even if we get snow, it doesn't stick, but melts when it hits the ground. The news said that this time it may stick on the "predominately grassy areas."

I don't care where in the heck it sticks, I'll be looking at the little scrolling part at the bottom of the screen in the morning to see that they have closed our schools up. Nothing like a free day off work courtesy of the Snow God.

*runs of to burn incense, or something*

You can tell we don't have snow very often by the very fact that I'm excited about it. Mississippi has only had two really big snows that I can remember. One was when I was about 8, and the other when I was about 13. When I was a senior in high school, in 1987, it had been warm at Christmastime, then when April rolled around there was about two inches of snow on the ground. I don't know why they didn't shut the schools down that time, but I remember standing in front of the school with my friends all throwing snowballs at each other. It's the only time I remember THAT happening.

We had about two molecules of snow last year - on a SATURDAY. Which I was happy about, because I was still at the juvie jail, and we still had to drive down there if it was bad weather. It melted by noon, anyway.

Hehee! Did I mention that they may close up the schools? My worst-behaved class is tomorrow too. Hooray!
December 9, 2008 at 8:48am
December 9, 2008 at 8:48am
*Note* Bad weather today in Mississippi. That was one good thing - maybe the only one - about working at the juvie jail. If really bad weather came up, they would let the boys out of school and the teachers would have a free day. That worked because all the boys lived on campus. And they were ALWAYS having bad weather, especially in the summertime. That little town is in some kind of geographical anomaly, weather-wise. It was like a little black hole down there, in more ways than one.

*Note* Friday, my husband went to pick Matt and Anna Claire up from school. Matt said he had eaten a gingerbread man at school. Anna Claire's question: "Was he alive?" *Rolleyes* She can have her little ditzy moments. But then, she has the kindest heart out of the three.

*Note* At work, my library is right across from the office, in the front hallway. In the entrance, they have set up a singing Christmas tree. Or I should say, a PINGING Christmas tree. It pings out these electronic-sounding Christmas Carols ALL DAY. When you think of how tired you are of Christmas, think about me having to listen to this ALL DAY. Right now, it's pinging out "The Twelve Days of Christmas." Oh, joy.

*Note* Is there anything worse than being out of caffeine? I drank my last Diet Mountain Dew this morning.

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