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Rated: 18+ · Book · Opinion · #2086593
Daily scribbles on writing and living. How to get rid of cobwebs in my brain. CLOSED.

I am over the moon with joy this morning, as I got an anonymous gift from a co-writer on WdC. I can set up a blog for the coming three months since someone paid for an upgrade. If you ever read this Anonymous One, thank you so much!

Many thanks to "Request An Upgrade From RAOK [E] I got an upgrade for two more months. That will enable me to write and review some more in order to earn my keep after that. *BigSmile*

cartoon on writing a blog Logo Blog@Work Logo Blog@Work Green Tara

I have to think about this for a moment. Don't want to rush it, don't want to solely vent or underestimate the value of a daily blog for my writing. So I will carefully try to explore what it will bring me.

“All my life, my heart has sought a thing I cannot name. Remembered line from a long-forgotten poem”
― Hunter S. Thompson, Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga

When I was a teenager, my little brother stole my journal out of my bedroom and read it. I was so disappointed and mad about his action, I destroyed my writing and have been struggling with the concept of conveying my inner thoughts ever since.

So, I will send my daily scribbles to the world. On How to get rid of cobwebs in my brain. To let in some air and rejoice.

For another clumsy attempt at writing, check out "All fingers and thumbs [18+].
I am a Rising Star from *StarY* Rising Star *StarY* Program 2016-2017.

Virginia Woolf quote

Comments, scribbles, and notes welcome!

Blog City image smallBCOF InsigniaBanner or header for 30DBC Welcome...Click here to join me!WakeUpAndLive

Thanks, 🌕 HuntersMoon for the teal awardicon.

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September 8, 2016 at 7:37am
September 8, 2016 at 7:37am
The Wildcard Round! Today's winner, picked later this week from all eligible entries via Virtual Dice, will receive a Birthday MB! Tell us about the best birthday you've ever had. (30-Day BC)

I can remember we had this prompt not so long ago. *BigSmile*, but I can’t find that entry, so here goes: my best birthday ever was when my aunt gave me a car for my birthday, I think it was fifteen years ago or something like that. At the time I didn’t have money to buy another car so I was without one for two years. She saw a second hand black Opel Corsa with an open roof at the equivalent of EBay, and she thought of me. So sweet! It was the best present ever. I contacted the owner who lived nearby and we closed the deal. I drove this car for at least two years and then I had to replace it by another car, a Volkswagen Jetta. All my cars I ever owned were second hand, I never wanted a new car although I am sure the money played an important role too. But I like second hand cars; I am always looking for bargains.

My aunt is the oldest sister of my late mother. She is way in her eighties now and I see her not that often, but I am very fond of her and will always cherish the thought that she gave me this wonderful present.

My birthdays didn’t add up to much most years, due to the fact that it’s in high summer and most people are on holiday every year around that time. So the last couple of years I don’t throw parties or anything, I just take a few people out for dinner in a restaurant and that’s it. But that particular birthday fifteen years ago is stuck in my memory.

Prompt: It's a privilege to bear witness to someone's story when they may not have had the chance to tell it before. Lindy Alexander. What are your thoughts on this? (BC)

Not every story is worth listening to, but when someone has never told a story because of shyness or because it is too painful to tell and they someday tell the story, then it is a privilege to hear it. I’ve heard lots of life stories when I was a counselor, I think I have forgotten most of them. Some stories and people stay with you over the years though; they have something special that you won’t forget.

I find some painful stories or poems very revealing here on WdC, and this is when I feel privileged to read the story. Just yesterday I read a poem that literally stopped my breath for a second. I thought it was very courageous to write poems about painful subjects. Of course there is this therapeutic component as well. And it can be proof that the painful event is part of one’s life story and the writer dealt with it somehow.

In many places the kids have gone back to school. If not, they will soon. What did you dream of back then? What did you want to be when your grew up, and how often did this change? Let me know. (BcoFs)

I wanted to be a writer or an actress when I was in kindergarten, later I wanted to be an anthropologist or a psychologist in high school. I became a psychologist, and am an aspiring writer and a poet now, so I am fortunate in that regard.

Day FORTY SEVEN "Give It 100!
September 7, 2016 at 5:13am
September 7, 2016 at 5:13am
Prompt. Imagine yourself starring in your favorite cartoon. What role would you play and how would the episode turn out? (30-Day BC)

Willy and Wanda (American title) or Spike and Suzy (British title; Dutch: Suske en Wiske, French: Bob et Bobette) or Luke and Lucy (on the web) is a Belgian comics series created by the comics author Willy Vandersteen. The books revolve around the adventures of the eponymous Willy and Wanda, two children (pre-adolescent or adolescent depending on the album), along with their friends and family. The stories combine elements of comedy, fantasy, and science fiction, such as talking animals, time travel and ghosts.

I would play the character of Wanda (or Suzy, or Wiske) the little girl with her doll Muffin. Wanda lives together with Willy and her aunt Sidonia, and is typically (certainly in the older stories) dressed in a white skirt with a red stripe, and a red ribbon in her fair hair. In the first stories, she looks like a preschooler of about 6 years old, but soon afterwards she evolves into a young teenager of about 12-13.

She is strong-headed, impulsive, curious and slightly foolish. Aspects of her character that come naturally with a young teenager who enters puberty, and a great plot device since her repeated stubbornness and inobedience is the source of many an adventure. Since her emotions and human shortcomings often overpower her rationality, she is sensitive to paranormal and mystical happenings that are routinely dismissed by the others. Her relationship with Willy (both are considered orphans) is mostly one between siblings, although at times it looks like there are more feelings under the surface, as she can get quite jealous and querulous when Willy gets female attention.

Over the course of the series, characters are added and changed, and stories become more didactic. http://suskeenwiske.ophetwww.net/intro/engintro.php

Willy and Wanda have their own statue in the Antwerp Zoo in Antwerp.

I would love to be in an episode where Willy and Wanda travel by the time machine invented by Doctor Barnabas and save the lives of their comrades.

Prompt: They say you can't go home again. Do you agree or disagree? (BC)

Strange prompt. Who is saying that I can’t go home, and in what context? If I am walking down the street towards my apartment and the police is saying I cannot enter because they are doing a raid by my upstairs neighbors then I have to agree. Something bad is going on and I have to wait till it is over. But if someone random is saying I can’t go home, I would just dismiss it as nonsense.

Prompt words: research, civilization, hill, drunk, expansion, aftertaste. (BCoFs)

Sitting on my own personal hill and without doing much research on it I would say civilization is all about expansion. I don’t like it one bit but I would not get drunk over it and I would have a bad aftertaste nonetheless. The world is heading towards doom and I don’t agree.

Day FORTY SIX "Give It 100!
September 6, 2016 at 3:36am
September 6, 2016 at 3:36am
Talk Tuesday! There has been some backlash in the press recently about a staple of men's fashion: the cargo shorts. Some think this style of clothing is an abomination and no longer appropriate for a man to wear, while its defenders claim their roomy comfort and the functionality of multiple pockets remain a practical and timeless feature. What's your opinion?(30-Day BC)

Wow, I am a big fan of these cargo shorts for men and women. I like to watch men’s legs in these profoundly adventurous looking pieces of clothing. I love cargo shorts. They remind me of endless traveling, backpacking or hiking the slopes. They ooze nonchalance and naturalness and they have the words ‘summer is here with good weather’ all written down.

Imagine living in a world where smells were visible. Which smell would cause you the most concern? Let your imagination take you away! {BCoFs)

I think I would be most concerned by smelly feet. They have penetrating odors which sometimes extend socks and shoes. If that smell was visible it would be in the color black and a lot of people, including myself, would walk in permanent black clouds around our shoes. Washing your feet frequently, pampering them with perfumed talcum powder and wearing fresh socks will do the trick though.

Talking about characterization, does each of us have the potential of becoming a monster in the right circumstances? Just how does an ordinary person become a monster? Can you think of a few scenarios? (BC)

Yes, each of us has the potential to grow into a monster. I think monsters are made that way; although genetics can have a factor in this because some evil people are described as being born evil. But given the circumstances everybody can become Hitler, or Stalin or Mussolini. Power can do that to you, or in the case of an abuser abuse in early childhood can cause severe damage.

There is this experiment with people who have to obey the orders of the man in the white coat and inflict harm to others by giving them power surges of electricity. Result shows people are giving increasing pain to others, just by providing reasons why this is necessary. Everybody is capable of doing this I am afraid.

When Muslim youth is getting brainwashed into the ideology by ISIS, it can turn them into monsters that kill, maim and go to war. Apparently this process can show its effect within weeks.

Day FORTY FIVE "Give It 100!
September 5, 2016 at 10:54am
September 5, 2016 at 10:54am
16 word true story. "Say It In Sixteen! [E] For week 6 I write in AUG, SEPT, OCT.

A poet first, then I morphed into a writer. Dabbler’s dream came true amalgamating with WdC.

Word Count: 16
September 6, 11:50 am WdC time.
September 5, 2016 at 9:14am
September 5, 2016 at 9:14am
Motivational Monday! Today is Labor Day in the US, and here are eight quotes regarding labor and work...pick one and tell us what it means to you (or feel free to use a different quote if you'd like). (30-Day BC).

Prompt: Monday, September 5, is labor day. The day we remember the worker. Write something related to labor (of any type) or work related. (BCoFs)

“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence.” Martin Luther King Jr.

It reminds me of the hard work this whole writer’s community, myself included, is doing, every single day. There is this beautiful virtual world with thousands of participants working on stories, poems, novels, games and contests to create art and to be extremely busy in the process. I think it uplifts humanity in a way beyond belief. Participating here with everything out in the open for everybody to see and to comment on is of a painstaking honesty I admire. Therefore it is everybody’s duty to do his or her best. And that shows I think. I have never come across a club where I felt this much at home. Thanks to the Story Master and Story Mistress and those other team members and the club members themselves as well. Everybody can have a place here and is one small part in the cogwheel. I love that.

Prompt: What do you do to adapt to change as a writer? Did any life changes have demanded or can demand such an adaptation? (BC)

Change is a difficult concept for me as a newbie and a beginner. I only can do my best and try to learn as much as I can doing it. So I need time to develop my own style. I didn’t develop a unique writing style as of yet, I am still searching. Life changes are ofcorse leading in possible changes in writing; you are what life is giving you. You have to do with what life is throwing at you and how you as a person react to that.

Day FORTY FOUR "Give It 100!
September 4, 2016 at 3:35am
September 4, 2016 at 3:35am
The Sunday News! This week, Hurricane Hermine hit parts of Florida before beginning to make its way up the east coast of the US. What's the worst inclement weather situation you can recall being a part of?(30 day BC).

When I was eleven or twelve years old my parents took me and my brother and sister to Belgium for the summer holiday. We were camping in a tent put up by my uncle and his family. They left; we went, taking over their spot and gear. It was fun; we played cards a lot and played with the other children on the camping site.

One period of very heavy rain almost spoiled the vacation. I recall it raining so badly and the winds so strong we had to hold on to the poles and the canvas otherwise the tent, which was attached to a container on wheels which was the sleeping compartment of my parents, would flip over. The weather was really, really bad for a few hours. I remember us being excited though, with red faces in our bright yellow rain clothes in the pouring rain. For kids it’s always an adventure when something out of the ordinary happens. We had a very good holiday in Opklapbeek.

The camping site had a grass field where we would play soccer with the rest of the camping guests. One day somebody lost his contact lens while playing soccer. Believe it or not, we all went looking for it in the grass and we found that contact lens again. I don’t know how we managed that without trampling the grass and the lens in the process but we did. It was one of the better memories.

Day FORTY THREE "Give It 100!
September 3, 2016 at 1:36am
September 3, 2016 at 1:36am
Ian McEwan assumed a fetal position in his most recent publication Nutshell. He was discussing with his very pregnant daughter-in-law about the baby when it came to mind this opening line-- "So here I am, upside down in a woman." I'd like you to begin your entry with the same opening line.and take it anyway you want... have fun! (BC)

So here I am, upside down in a woman, Ian said in his latest novel which is narrated by a disconcertingly precocious unborn child who has caught on to his mother and uncle’s diabolical scheme to murder his father. Ian Russell McEwan is an English novelist and screenwriter. In 2008, The Times featured him on their list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945". McEwan began his career writing sparse, Gothic short stories. (Wikipedia)

I have to admit I never heard of this writer before although he had a familiar face when googling him. I’ve must have seen him around. What a great plot to have worked out, I wished I had come up with the idea, very clever.

Creation Saturday! Pick an apocalyptic event, and tell us how you plan on surviving it. (30-Day BC)

Nuclear War. The Cold War against the forces of Communism resulted in both sides building up arsenals of doomsday bombs that could destroy the Earth a dozen times over. The modern threat of nuclear war is a little different. With rogue players like Iran and North Korea working to develop atomic bombs, all it will take is two nations escalating to kick off the apocalypse. As few as 100 bombs detonated in a short period of time could cue “nuclear winter,” a massive climatic effect that would bring Earth temperatures down to their lowest point in thousands of years. This would devastate food production, causing widespread famine and death. (Wikipedia)

With this coming election in the States and the slight possibility of Donald Trump entering the scene and holding the power to actually hit that button, I am very much afraid of escalation into a nuclear war. There is no real possibility to avoid the catastrophe since there are no bomb shelters in my town, except under the garage in the city center, but that one is for the royal family and bobos no doubt.

So when shit happens, it happens. You can only hope that it will be over quick and not that there will be a post nuclear era where zombie-like-creatures-used-to-be-men fight for what is left and remaining in the world, like food and water.

You arrived on the thirteenth floor of the office building downtown for a job interview. This interview was important to you and you checked the address again. The entire floor was dark except for a light that peered out from under a door at the end of the hall. Slowly the door creaked opened and a low eerie voice invited you in. What did you do?(BCoFs)

Since I would suspect that all this is part of the interview on how to deal with strange situations, I would cautiously enter. I would find it highly strange to see a midget (one of the little people) behind a desk in an otherwise empty room. I would first shake hands ofcorse. I would hold my posture and ask for a chair to sit on. Since that is not available I would ask permission to sit in the window. Then I would wait to see what’s coming. I would love to have a coffee and a smoke but I would patiently wait till the midget is talking and explaining what is about to happen. Since there is not a word for ten minutes, I would leave the room. So much for this job interview.

Day FORTY TWO "Give It 100!
September 2, 2016 at 6:31am
September 2, 2016 at 6:31am
Balloons 2

Fun Fact Friday! As you're all obviously aware, yesterday WDC turned 16 (which is ancient in internet years!). Now's your chance to plug some of the birthday events you're hosting and/or taking part in.(30-Day BC)

"Wdc 16th Birthday Masquerade Party [13+]. It starts at September 4th. I play Miss Marple, the literary character of Agatha Christie. This year the setting is Coney Island Amusement Park, where Jenko and Schmidt (two undercover cops from the movie 21 Jump Street) are send to manage the grounds for five days.

There are five groups (Annie(Wilkes)'s Book Club, (Alex) Forrest's Anger and Rage Management Survivors, Society of Amateur and Professional Sleuths, Individuals Against Groups and Organizations, Learning to Love and Live with Your Powers Supernatural Support Group) and some individuals roaming the park. I already know someone will be murdered. How will it happen? Will it be scary? Who will the victim be? Will it be someone I know? Most importantly, will I be able to solve the mystery and take home the top prize? MBs and GPs will be given for various reasons. Be creative. There are already seven suspects, twenty three guests and two special guests. I am very much intrigued since it is my first Masquerade Party.

"Invalid Item . I try to enter each day for 16 days and submit poetry based on prompts. Prizes: GPs and MBs. Spot prizes will be given out randomly over the course of 16 days. All entrants of the day are placed in a draw by Virtual Dice to win raffle tickets, MBs, reviews, certificates, awardicons or something from the WdC’s shop. The more you enter daily the better your chances.

16 is the hot topic for WDC. Let's talk about your AHA moment when you were 16, 32, 48, or 64? Were there any parallels that come to mind? Inquiring minds want to know.(BCoFs)

At Sixteen: I ran away from home to live by myself. My moment of truth came when I had an ugly fight with my mom over a trivial thing. I decided to choose for myself and left.

At thirty two: My moment of truth came when I left my then boyfriend because he was fooling around with another girl. I decided to choose for myself and left the relationship.

At forty eight: My moment of truth came when I moved to another place. I was so excited to finally have a bigger place for myself. I had previously rented a small 2 bed room apartment and was not happy there. When I moved I was over the moon because it had 4 rooms.

The parallels are obvious. I encountered turning points in my life at that time. I made decisions and acted accordingly. It did so to improve my wellbeing and living arrangements at the time. *Smile*

16 is the hot topic for WDC. Let's talk about the number...where were you, 16 minutes, 16 hours ago, 16 days ago, 16 months ago, 16 years ago? Are there any similarities?(BC)

16 minutes ago I was walking my dog. 16 hours ago I was watching a soccer game while at the same time creating a poem about my dad for the Poetry slam.

16 days ago I was busy for hours on end per day at WdC writing, and reviewing.

16 months ago I was starting my holiday period of 2015 thinking I had time to write, but I suffered on and off from writer’s block from then on. That only went away when entering the WdC community.

16 years ago I was suffering from a nervous breakdown, having a dark period in my life due to exposure to violence at the working place.

I cannot see any similarities between the periods at this point.

Day FORTY ONE "Give It 100!
September 1, 2016 at 7:58am
September 1, 2016 at 7:58am
Prompt: How do you feel about themed blogging? Do you feel you learned a lot and would do it again? Those of you that haven't done it, what do you think, would you try it?(30-Day BC)

The only experience with themed blogging for a whole month for me was this last trip through Europe. That was great because we all had these different countries in Europe to blog about. It turned out a real nice travel blog. I surely would do that again on special occasions like a holiday period. For the rest, I like those separate daily prompts. It gives a lot of freedom to talk about anything that comes to mind. Those daily prompts work best for a free stream of consciousness.

Prompt: "Paper has more patience then people." Anne Frank. What are your thoughts on this? (BC)

On SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1942 Anne Frank wrote in her diary: "’Paper is more patience than man.’ I thought of this saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or go out. I finally stayed where I was, brooding. Yes, paper does have more patience, and since I'm not planning to let anyone else read this stiff-backed notebook grandly referred to as a "diary," unless I should ever find a real friend, it probably won't make a bit of difference.”

For Ann to confide in a diary was the most special since she didn’t have any friends she could talk to and trust. The people in her immediate surroundings where not that interested in the musings of a thirteen year old. They had other things on their mind like surviving war. So she turned her diary into a special friend she could tell everything to. Little did she know that after her death millions of people would read what she had to say about surviving the war in the Netherlands, up until the point where she got arrested with her family by the Nazis and deported to a concentration camp. For more background: read "Diaries

What is the rule you find the hardest to follow? I can be any type of rule. Tell me what it is and why. (BcoFs)

Since I am living on my own there are not many rules I live by other than the ‘normal’ rules of society. I am a reasonably obedient citizen so I would not know which rule is the hardest to follow but one. In today’s society it is barely accepted that people smoke. In fact, the rule of the era is that you don’t smoke. I have trouble with that. I smoke my whole life, and although it’s bad for my health and everything I keep on doing it. Smoking in public is harder to do these days. There are designated areas on railway stations and such and you can’t smoke in public buildings or restaurants and pubs any more. So I smoke outside in the open air or in my own home, preferably on the balcony.

Day FORTY "Give It 100!
August 31, 2016 at 12:52pm
August 31, 2016 at 12:52pm
A little memento from Sally to cherish the memory of Backbacking through Europe AUG 2016 with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+].

** Image ID #2095000 Unavailable **
August 31, 2016 at 1:27am
August 31, 2016 at 1:27am
Prompt: WDC is 16 years old! Thank you Story Master and Story Mistress! With that in mind, how did you celebrate your 16th Birthday? (BC)

At first my mind went blank with this prompt, as I was not able to recollect any significant memory. But while sitting on the time frame I came up with memory flashes of that period. I think I was at sailing camp around my sixteenth birth day. In one of the northern parts of my country. It was a week of theory and practice sailing every day in a small sailing boat called ‘16 square’, a very small boat where I learned about navigating the sails, adjusting the gear etc. I totally aced the theory exam, but I flunked out with the practical part as I was not able to learn tacking from one part of the boat to the other trying not to get hit by the mast.

But the main memory comes from falling in love with one of the other attendents for sailing camp. I think his name was Johan and he was a few years older than me, a very interesting, lonely boy, always on his own with a book. I never spoke to him at all but was looking at him from a safe distance and growing very fond of him, in other words I had a crush. I recall that when I was home I rang up the camp with a lame excuse I had borrowed a book from Johan and could I please have his phone number, so I rang him up. Strangely enough he was interested and since he had family in the nearby city of The Hague he would come over and visit me, which he did. Safely to say we had a very nice day talking but we never hit it off. When I was in his home town a few months later and had made arrangements to meet him again he never showed. I forgot all about him rapidly.

Create a character that might live in a park or recreation area near you. Why do they live there and how do they interact with visitors?(BcoFs)

People who live in a trailer park are called campers, dwellers or nomads. They live mostly by themselves in groups of family and have a rather bad reputation. In earlier days they were famous for collecting metal and junk, living near such a collector’s place. Now the only time they are in the news is when the police is doing a raid inside the camps, for drugs, illegal money and that sort of thing. I know nothing about them so I would have to do a lot of research first before creating a tattooed Jay from the camp. They are nomadic people descending from the gypsies and roaming the earth by wheels. Since there is no place for nomads in modern society they only live in trailers as a reminiscent of those travelling times. I think you can visit only by invitation; otherwise it’s a no-go area.

Day THIRTY NINE "Give It 100!
August 30, 2016 at 7:48am
August 30, 2016 at 7:48am
Day THIRTY of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

With 2016 marking 400 years since Shakespeare’s death, there’s no time like the present to revisit all of the theater favorites or follow in the footsteps of the iconic playwright. From standing on Juliet’s balcony in Verona to exploring Hamlet’s castle in Denmark, there are plenty of ways to celebrate Shakespeare all around the world, but the No. 1 destination is, of course, his home country of England. The country is celebrating the legacy of its national poet with a host of special events, plays, film screenings and exhibitions, and even if you missed the anniversary itself (April 23), there are plenty of ways to add a Shakespearean
twist to your visit.

Visit famous Stratford-upon-Avon landmarks and walk in William Shakespeare’s footsteps with this ‘All Five Houses’ tour ticket. Step back in time to the 16th century, when one of England’s most famous scribes was alive. Visit Shakespeare’s family homes and gardens at your leisure, where a broad range of exciting activities bring the bard’s story to life. Listen as the guides shed light on his life and times, watch live performances, test your Shakespearean knowledge, meet farm animals at Mary Arden's Farm and enjoy a fun-filled day for all the family. Highlights: Family-friendly Romantic experience, perfect for couples; Step back in time on a history tour; Perfect for all ages and skill levels.

*** ***

Since there isn’t much time left and this is the last day of our visit in London I sneak out early this morning to see a rehearsal of Much Ado About Nothing of the Shakespeare Company in Oxford Street. It’s the only way to see a play because they show tonight when I am heading home. I love theatre and I love rehearsals. That reminds me of my own time at the stage when I was in higschool plays and later in life taking acting classes in Amsterdam just to improve my writing theater plays. I am sitting in front next to the script girl.

Against my will I am sent to bid you come in to dinner.

Fair Beatrice, I thank you for your pains.

I took no more pains for those thanks than you take
pains to thank me: if it had been painful, I would
not have come.

You take pleasure then in the message?

Yea, just so much as you may take upon a knife's
point ... You have no stomach,
signior: fare you well.


Ha! 'Against my will I am sent to bid you come in
to dinner;' there's a double meaning in that...”

At eleven I join the group for the rest of the day full of Shakespeare. A fun bus tour to Stratford-upon-Avon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D57ji9MnM2U. We are free for a walking tour where the great bard has walked. I visit his home church where he was baptized and buried and where a statue of him is looking down from above. It’s all very impressive because the great master has lived and worked here. I visit the house that he bought in 1610. I also see his house of his birthplace, now a library. It all breaths history. After that fierce stroll I join the others in one of the pubs for a drink and a late lunch, before we are heading back to London again.

There waits us a 3,5 hour dinner tour. Lyn's a Witchy Woman says: appease your appetite with the English classic of a bacon sandwich at St John Bread and Wine restaurant; delight in the complex flavors of Beigel Bake's delectable salt beef bagels; and savor creamy artisan cheese during a tasting session. Stroll the renowned Brick Lane to sample spicy curries and try the traditional British dish, fish and chips, at Poppies restaurant.

It’s all very British and yummy. It’s also the last hours before we part from each other. So I say goodbye to each and every one of you. We see eachother back at Writing Dot Com. It’s been lovely to meet you all. I will cherish this trip for the rest of the year. Great thanks to our hosts too. *BigSmile*

Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow. William Shakespeare.

Prompt: Can writing aspire to be a form of activism? Do you think authors and poets have a duty to address political, economic and social issues?(BC)

Yes, authors and poets have a duty to address political, economic and social issues through their writing. They form the world’s consciousness. Social and political change is often met by the power of the pen. Writing about issues that really matter evokes people to take a stand and is thereby capable of changing the status quo. Mark Twain and Martin Luther King helped putting an end to slavery. Women’s' rights leader Mary Wollstonecraft wrote about women’s suffrage and was important in the discourse on women’s rights. Since writers and poets take on the world as their backyard they form opinions and can easily vent those through their work. They also have an audience.

Prompt: “I started writing, just casually writing, the ironies in my life—the strange accidents that turned the corner of where my life was going to.” Gene Wilder
Write about what you think of this quote or write a tribute to Gene Wilder. (BcoFs)

When starting a journal later in life it is often triggered by the turning points in your life, the phenomenons that stood out, were rare or strange but had the power to change life’s path. It is by monitoring those events you get a lot of insights in your own behavior and what life has in store for you. You can learn, marvel or moan about it since there is a line visible after so many years in to writing. I think that is the purpose and the beauty of starting and keeping a journal.

This is a beautiful quote by the actor Gene Wilder whom I only know of featuring in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. I understand by the prompt of the day he is deceased. He was 83 years old.

Day THIRTY EIGHT "Give It 100!
August 29, 2016 at 5:31am
August 29, 2016 at 5:31am
Day TWENTY NINE of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

We're booked on one of the hop on, hop off buses in London’s day three today. Freedom in one of Europe’s best capital cities. I always consider Great Britain as part of Europe but ofcorse technically it’s not. And since the Brexit things haven’t improved, but I won’t get into politics now, it’s still holiday adventure!


Since I love London that much I stay on the bus at the top and enjoy this ride through all London’s finest districts. So I take the Red route: Stop 1: Green Park Underground. Stop 2: Hyde Park Corner. Stop 3: Queen Mother Gates. Stop 4: Marble Arch. Stop 7: Regent Street. Stop 8: Piccadilly Circus. Stop 9: Haymarket. Stop 10: Trafalgar Square. Stop 11: Craig's Court. Stop 12: Whitehall. Stop 13: Westminster Bridge. Stop 14: London Eye. Stop 15: Covent Garden. Stop 17: St. Paul's. Stop 18: London Bridge. Stop 19: Tower of London. Stop 20: Embankment Pier. Stop 21: Westminster Pier. Stop 22: Westminster Bridge. Stop 23: Lambeth Palace. Stop 24: Parliament Square. Stop 25: Westminster Abbey. Stop 26: Buckingham Palace. Stop 27: Royal Mews. Stop 28: Victoria. Stop 29: Victoria Station. Stop 31: Mayfair.

I only want to visit the British Museum and go after bookshops today. I loved seeing the famous Stone of Rosetta with its hieroglyphs and all that’s been offered. Great sculptures and what a display on Oriental antiquities. Wow, what a great museum, and it’s for free. As a Duchy I always like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfqrkjKtCJ8

I visit Foyles, a great bookshop. A large, multi-genre bookstore spread over 5 floors, also selling CD/DVDs, plus jazz café at 107 Charing Cross Rd. I am busy this afternoon enjoying myself reading.

For my second hand taste I go to Worlds End Bookshop, a compact, atmospheric shop buying and selling secondhand books, collector's editions and rarities at 357 King's Rd. I love these small quaint shops, they are often the best.

In the evening we go for the pubs. I meet up with SB Musing , Kit and Princess Megan Rose 22 Years and the rest of the gang. I think we got drunk!*BigSmile*

Prompt How would you create a passive-aggressive character in your stories? What, in your opinion, makes people passive-aggressive?(BC)

Passive-aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, stubbornness, sullen behavior, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible.(Wikipedia)

I would enter them in my stories by letting them think or say certain things in a covert or hidden way. Not open or honest but sneaky and dishonest. I think those (creepy) people have a tendency to dominate others in a very sneaky, manipulative way. They do it in such a way that it is very difficult to pin-point their behavior or let them be accountable for their behavior since its indirect expression and they can always deny it or say they meant something completely different. Those people can get under your skin easily. I am very allergic to those people in real life. I only would use it in my stories for characters that are difficult or nasty.

Prompt: Something had changed because he/she could feel a subtle difference when he/she walked into the room. What had changed?(BCoFs)

They had been talking about him behind his back, since he could smell the difference when entering the room again. His hairs in his neck suddenly stood out, he could feel the cold entering the room as if someone had just opened a window cooling down the once so warm and cozy atmosphere before he left for a toilet break. People he just talked to turned away and he could sense their disapproval pouring out over him. What the hell happened? Then he saw her standing in the corner talking to his best friend. And he understood at once. She was telling everybody what a bastard he had been for giving her the cold shoulder after ten years of marriage. There was no place for him at this party anymore, so he left instantly and in a hurry. He didn’t even bother to finish his drink.

Day THIRTY SEVEN "Give It 100!
August 28, 2016 at 4:26am
August 28, 2016 at 4:26am
TWENTY EIGHT day of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Windsor Castle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u_Djya9FFY It’s 17 (62,5) degrees and cloudy. Very English weather but perfect for this touring day. What a great castle, divided into three wards, and what a great place this is. I wonder off with a headphone and enjoy the information given. On a Sunday there is no changing of the guards and the Henry VIII chapel is closed, but there is a choir service which I attend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc0xdpFSkKE They are so stunning, those male voices in that best of scenery. I feel overwhelmed.

Stonehenge, another place I’ve always wanted to visit. It’s full of mystery and foreboding. Celebrating the sun and the moon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6oxmxPKoSE You can almost feel its power structure in the realm of the seasons. It’s very impressive to be here.

Bath, home of Jane Austen. I have read Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Emma in earlier days and I’ve seen the movies. Great features of a very interesting era in England’s history. We follow Princess Megan Rose 22 Years about, since she is the Austen expert in our little group of travelers.

Then off for a pub’s lunch (I have steak and kidney pie since that is soooo English) and we have a planned meet with Falwty Towers in the evening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcliR8kAbzc

I love those episodes. They are hilarious. The plot, the characters and the dialogs, superb and always funny. I’ve loved John Cleese from the moment he entered surrealistic comedy in the 1970ties with Monty Python, the comedy troupe responsible for the sketch show Monty Python's Flying Circus and the four Monty Python films: And Now for Something Completely Different, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life. I also read his book: How to survive your family. On his website it says: John Cleese, actor, author and tall person. He is still sooo funny. *BigSmile*

Those Monty Python texts, total genius *Rolling* *Rolling*:

French Soldier: I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

French Soldier: You don't frighten us, English pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, you sons of a silly person. I blow my nose at you, so-called "Arthur King," you and all your silly English K-nig-hts.

Day THIRTY SIX "Give It 100!

August 27, 2016 at 4:09am
August 27, 2016 at 4:09am
TWENTY SEVENTH day of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

HO, wait a minute Lyn's a Witchy Woman . Did you say train ride? That means UNDERNEATH the CANAL!! I so wanted to do that once in my life and now it is happening. I think this is one of the biggest endeavors in Europe, let’s face it…building a tunnel in the ocean, for crying out loud, how cool is that?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKVVPVwALbY .

LONDON here we are!! We're beginning our day at Buckingham Palace. We delve into London’s rich royal heritage during a 2.5-hour visit to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the Guard Ceremony. I have seen those guards at several points in the city, and they don’t blink an eye although tourists will try to take pictures and try to make them do or say anything. But they are trained not to react to anything. I love those guys in their great suits. It’s all very ceremonial.

We get acquainted with an iconic London monument on a 4-hour tour of Westminster Abbey from 1066. I loved Poet’s corner where lots of famous poets are buried. Tennyson, Henry James, Charles Dickens. Wow. All those graves in that most beautiful of all churches. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afzg6fvI55c

Then it’s time for the Houses of Parliament. I love that too since I used to watch sometimes how the British run their government. With “Mister Speaker” and “Hear, hear!” It’s all very, very British and ceremonial at the same time. Oh, how I love those Brits. *SuitHeart*

Then, Oh BOY, a musical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EoXr07bmAs I be dazzled by the exuberant 'Kinky Boots' musical at the Adelphi Theatre in London. It’s all spandex and shoes in that one. Great atmosphere! I liked our night in town.

It’s great to be back in London. It’s been too long ago since I was last visiting.

Unreal City,
Under the brown fog of a winter dawn.
A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,
I had not thought death had undone so many.
Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,
And each man fixed his eyes before his feet.
Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,
To where St Mary Woolnoth kept the hours
With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine.
T.S. Elliot

Prompt: What is your favorite fantasy and why? What about it makes it so magical to you? (BcoFs)

I think the most favorite fantasy I have ever read was by J.R.R. Tolkien: the classic high-fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion, a connected body of tales, poems, fictional histories, invented languages, and literary essays. I loved how he did his world building with a totally new world of hobbits and creatures. It’s been fascinating and I read those books at a very young age. I like the books better than the movies, although those are great too, because you can fantasies for yourself. He is truly the ‘father’ of fantasy literature.

Prompt: "The oak sleeps in the acorn, the bird waits in the egg and the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel." What is your take on this beautiful reflection? (BC)

It’s a beautiful short prose poem. I love the dream-like atmosphere in this short fantasy tale, where you can envision the tree, the bird and the angel in the early morning with a hazy day ahead of us and the wonderful new wonders of the day yet to arrive. The promise of a new dawn!

The oak sleeps in the acorn
the bird waits in the egg and
the highest vision of the soul,
a waking angel.

Day THIRTY FIVE "Give It 100!
August 26, 2016 at 4:39am
August 26, 2016 at 4:39am
TWENTY SIXTH day of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Happy Birthday Lyn's a Witchy Woman *ConfettiR* *ConfettiR*.

Today it’s the Montmartre of Woody Allen. The back streets and the back allies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLYXH6fE_rU I love strolling through this city.

The neighborhood of movie makers and film settings, I know Princess Megan Rose 22 Years will love this. So is the rest of the group. We are all very much into movies although not many of us have a taste for the French movie scene. Unknown makes unloved. In the evening we will be in a horror flick.

SB Musing , Kit and SandraLynn Team Florent! dressed up real beautiful in gowns with feathers and big hats. They wear a lot of makeup that is run down to make it look like a mess. Then they recite the first stanza of the poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe:

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more."

Suddenly there IS a knock at the door. We are all a bit giggly. “Who is there”, Jellyfish asks in a rather funny voice, I guess she is a little scared since the moon is lurking through the windows of our hotel. We all huddle up in one corner of the room.

The door squeaks open with a glide and in the doorway there is this dark dressed figure, unrecognizable since he is wearing a mask. “I am coming to get some writers back to the catacombs of Paris. Is there a writer in the room?” “No”, screams Spacecat fiercely, “no such thing as a writer here, we are all neuro scientists from a Boston convention having fun in Paris. Please go away.”

“Common guys”, the dark figure is visibly disappointed by the answer and takes of her mask. Is it PandaPaws Licensed VetTech who we have not seen for a while?

Everybody is happy to see her again and we celebrate into the wee hours of the night. After all, Lyn's a Witchy Woman has turned sixty today!

Craft a piece of writing about the first time you met your best friend. (BC)

K. is the other woman in the life of my sister. Let me explain this rather funny relation. My sister was married and had two kids. He cheated on her, left her for K. and they had another kid together. The relationship between my sister and K. was reasonably good since there were three kids to consider. K. was left too for another and in the meantime I became friends with K. who lived in my new hometown. So now K. and I are close friends for almost ten years. We go to the movies every other fortnight and we have plans to visit New York City in spring of 2017.

She/ He was late, again. She was always late. As the door opened, I had to wonder what type of excuse she/he would come in with this time... tell us all about. (BCoFs)

He was late, again. He was always late. As the door opened, I had to wonder what type of excuse he would come in with this time. But he took the words right out of my mouth. “Look here”, he said trying to avoid my glare. “I was with another tonight, so there you know. It’s been going on for some time now and I didn’t want you to be upset about it. It’s probably nothing, but I like her. I like her a lot”. ”And what about us?” I said, trembling. “I don’t know”, he answered. “Do you want a divorce?” “So now this is my problem is it? I don’t know if I want a divorce. Are you going to move out?” “No, I don’t have the intention of doing so, unless ofcorse you kick me out. Do you?” “What?” “Kick me out?” “I don’t know, I have to swallow this. Do you love her?” “I am in love, I think, a little bit. But I don’t want to lose you. Can’t we just see what happens?” “Let’s leave it for now, I have to think. We talk about it tomorrow”.

Day THIRTY FOUR "Give It 100!
August 25, 2016 at 9:02am
August 25, 2016 at 9:02am
Day TWENTY FIVE of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

WOW, another day in Paris. We go by chopper AND have a champagne breakfast, totally luxurious. Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte is beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLRorfkaVpw.

Lyn's a Witchy Woman says “Challenge your romantic illusions of gay Paris on a terrifying 2-hour tour of the city’s most sinister spots. Delve into the eerie mysteries of the City of Light, strolling the serpentine streets in search of spectres and spooks; stray from the beaten path with a masterful story teller, discovering unfamiliar facts about the captivating capital as you venture to sites of reputed haunting. Gain fascinating insight into the horrible history of the city when you visit mystery-shrouded sites like the Place de la Vert Gallant and the Palais du Justice. Highlights Night walking tour of Paris' ghosts, mysteries and legends Discover the dark and violent history that lurks beneath the city's sparkling facade Hear fascinating ghost stories See the Hotel de Concierge, where Marie Antoinette was once imprisoned See the old Place du Greve, where many were tortured and killed.”

King Charles IX of France, under the sway of his mother, Catherine de Medici, orders the assassination of Huguenot Protestant leaders in Paris, setting off an orgy of killing that results in the massacre of tens of thousands of Huguenots all across France. Gruesome tale. It is known as 1572 Saint Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.

Ah..Catherine de Medici, part of the infamous Medici family. I’ve read about her in the past. The Medici family, also known as the House of Medici, first attained wealth and political power in Florence in the 13th century through its success in commerce and banking. Beginning in 1434 with the rise to power of Cosimo de’ Medici (or Cosimo the Elder), the family’s support of the arts and humanities made Florence into the cradle of the Renaissance, a cultural flowering rivaled only by that of ancient Greece. The Medicis produced four popes (Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV and Leon XI), and their genes have been mixed into many of Europe’s royal families. The last Medici ruler died without a male heir in 1737, ending the family dynasty after almost three centuries. (Found on the Web)

Then a 1.5-hour tour of the Paris Catacombs. It’s cold, and chilly but so fascinating. We almost lose part of the group in that underground world. But luckily we are all back together for a meal and some party time. Sweet dreams all.

Prompt: Day 900. Can you believe it? What are your favorite things to blog about? Is it more fun to blog about real life or make up things from prompts? Is Blogging a habit or a big part of your life? If you stopped blogging, would you miss it? Let's make it to a 1000. We can do it. (BC)

As I am still an absolute beginner at blogging I feel I am only learning. The last two and a half months into blogging and I love it! It’s a big part of my life now. I recently set up another three blogs apart from this one. One on the writing process "All fingers and thumbs [18+] and two poetry blogs:
"Invalid Item and "In every nook and cranny [18+]. Since I am also taking poetry class from "The Poet's Place [E] I need more space to write about poetry. Hence the two extra blogs. I will not write in those every day though, but it’s good to have a place where I can go to and chill and vent and create before putting anything up as an item in my portfolio.

Why do you think people volunteer to do things and then blow it off? (BCoFs)

Volunteering has a bad connotation to it which is totally unwarranted. People think volunteering is different from getting paid for the job. It is not. All the qualifications in order for actual work have to be applied to volunteering. You have to do it like in the contract, verbally or written it’s binding nonetheless, you have to be in or on time and you have to behave in a proper way towards the organization you’re in, that is, loyalty is required. You can just as easily get sacked for a volunteer job. The very fact that you don’t get paid has nothing to do with it.

People seem to think volunteering is free, it is not. It is of free will, something totally different. Because people are thinking it’s ‘just ’a volunteering job they sometimes treat the work at hand in a sloppy, careless fashion.

You should think twice before offering to be a volunteer, it can be just as demanding as an actual job.

Day THIRTY THREE "Give It 100!
August 24, 2016 at 2:55am
August 24, 2016 at 2:55am
Day TWENTY FOUR of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Another day waking up in beau Paris. One of the times I went to Paris was with a new boyfriend. We were very much in love and explored the streets and each other. Fond memories of this beautiful city of Love.

Today we take the train. 19 degrees (66) in Versailles, so the most perfect weather for a bike ride. The group is complete and Princess Megan Rose 22 Years follows at a distance with her new companion. We have this wonderful picnic in the back of the gardens. The grass is lush, the weather is great, the food is excellent, the company hilarious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjRPG7sRHQw

The palace of Versailles is the kingdom of Louis XIV. What a great tour through the history of France. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=194CDlsFpQA. It was astonishing.

In the evening, we visit the Eiffel tower. I actually am going to visit this world wonder. All the other visits the tower was too crowded and I didn’t want to spend hours waiting in line. This time we are lucky and we go right up to the first, second and third level. What views! 20,000 light balls lit the tower by night. Wow, that is one hack of an energy bill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uL3vavzHlqw

(To answer Lyn's a Witchy Woman about which red light district I loved the most I would say Amsterdam. Hamburg was tacky.)

Prompt: "The Young and the Restless" has just celebrated its 11,000th episode.
With that in mind, what are some of your favorite episodes of your life? You can talk about your bad ones as well. I look forward to reading your entry. (BC)

My time with J. was definitely one of my favorite episodes of my life. He was my theater play write teacher and a children’s actor by profession. There was 15 years between us. He was funny, good looking and an idiosyncratic artist at best. We went to bars, spent time at New Year’s Eve, where I wore a black dress for the first and last time in my life, and I got to mingle in the actor’s scene of The Hague at that time. He had a little boat so we went sailing in spring in the middle of The Netherlands. It was all very relaxed and interesting and we laughed a lot together. At one time, he even proposed to me. I declined and in less than a year, I ended the relationship, but I will always remember him.

Prompt: "But why did you go there in the first place?" (BCoFs)

Looking back at it, I went to that theater play writing class because I wanted to learn about writing screenplays. It was a three months course in an older part of The Hague. During that period, I wrote my only lunch play of 30 minutes called: ‘The fall of the Bandiagara’ about a mountaineer meeting the Dogon people of Mali, losing his girlfriend in an accident. It actually was staged in a small theater with a local acting group. I saw the play myself. It was very exciting to watch other people perform on one of your works. Unfortunately, the play went missing during one of my moves to another place. I don’t have a copy any more.

Day THIRTY TWO "Give It 100!
August 23, 2016 at 3:42am
August 23, 2016 at 3:42am
Day TWENTY THREE of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

I still mourn for Paris in memory of the attacks. Only one third of the hotels is booked, but as an expert explained: Paris is as safe as past 911 in New York and I believe him. Still there is this feeling of apprehension I can’t get rid of.

The streets are always emptier in Paris in August. It’s when Parisians clear out of the city for their long French vacations. But this year, certain neighborhoods popular with tourists are even emptier than usual.

“You almost feel like you’re in an episode of 'Walking Dead,'” said Emanuel Afonso, who sells hats, scarves and other accessories at a shop near Notre Dame.

While much of that is the normal eeriness of Paris in August, it’s widely believed that the series of terror attacks around France and neighboring European countries has scared away visitors. Even with the Euro 2016 soccer tournament that brought a lot of out-of-towners in July, Afonso estimates business at the hat shop has fallen 20 to 30 percent for the year.

Across the street from Notre Dame, four soldiers in camouflage walk past several parked police cars. They’re just a fraction of the security forces patrolling sensitive public spaces.

“I would say ‘bravo tourists.’ In a way you’re showing that we need to continue to live. And that’s a good lesson.” (The Internet)

So off to the Louvre. I have been to Paris several times in the past but never entered the Louvre because it was always too crowded. Now I am feeling lucky to finally visit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmKeRxv-xwM
It’s marvelous, especially all the sculptures. I loved those. And I did see the Mona Lisa from a distance. She actually smiled. *BigSmile*.

In the evening, we have the Moulin Rouge experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lzY7ukFG4Q Big shows, lots of people and champagne. You have to go through it once in a lifetime I guess.

I join the others for a drink back at the hotel. What are they up to now?!

Prompt: Do you think being grateful for what we have and accepting things as they are can be in conflict with our ambition and our working toward making things better?(BC)

Accepting the here and now and being grateful for what you have does not imply you have to accept the future. But it forces you to distinguish between a) what is the reality now, b) what are your plans for the future and c) what you can actually do in the next moment to progress towards your goals.

I try to live as much in the moment as I can. The past has had its difficulties and still have repercussions for me in the present. But I try to be grateful for the blessings I receive.

“What day is it?"
It's today," squeaked Piglet.
My favorite day," said Pooh.”
― A.A. Milne

Prompt: Use the following words in a story or poem: doll, acquit, quirky, eagle, repel, massive, ice cream, arrange.

I just did *BigSmile*

I arrange for this quirky story to unfold. While eating a massive ice cream today I fetch my doll and walk towards the eagle. I acquit the bird for all future wrongdoing and repel this piece of writing. Don’t have much inspiration as you can read.

Day THIRTY ONE "Give It 100!
August 22, 2016 at 1:23am
August 22, 2016 at 1:23am
TWENTY SECOND day of backpacking across Europe with "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS [13+]

Hotel Sebastians Set in Amsterdam: http://www.hotelsebastians.nl/en/photos/ . Another excellent choice of Lyn's a Witchy Woman . Since I am only a 40 minutes train ride from my home town, I am going to enjoy this stay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G-lqrzTv-U.

I go to the Van Gogh museum for a quick art fix and the Eye Museum after wards to watch a movie.

This summer EYE Film museum presents a retrospective of the work of the most successful director of all time, Steven Spielberg. The program includes twenty image-defining films made by Spielberg in the course of his momentous career, from the early thriller Duel (1971) to the dramatized portrait of President Lincoln (2012), and his new film The BFG. It also features a selection of twelve films reflecting Spielberg’s influence as a producer.

Since I am a movie buff I watch The BFG at 13:30 hours. Critics Consensus: The BFG minimizes the darker elements of Roald Dahl's classic in favor of a resolutely good-natured, visually stunning, and largely successful family-friendly adventure. I am going to enjoy this *BigSmile*

Then I go join SB Musing and the group, since Kit knows Amsterdam too. We're doing an evening canal tour and are going clubbing. A late nighter again.

August 22 is Be An Angel Day. This day encourages acts of kindness and helping others. In celebration of Be An Angle Day write a story, poem, or article about someone being an angel by doing a random act of kindness or helping someone.(BCoFs)

Because I am one of the Newbies Academy Members Show Case for the month of August, these ladies were among many pampering me with reviews and kindness. Marci chose to be my mentor and graced me with an example of her work as a web artist: she created a new signature that will be the face of my port for a long time to come. Brandi send me a c-note with Winnie-the- Pooh and a lovely thought .

I love the Pooh Bear. The drawings are so simple and beautiful, it’s a delight to watch.

They both gave meaning to the quote: “You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” ― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh.

It’s been a lovely month so far. And it isn’t over yet! *BigSmile*

Prompt: Do you find science fiction stories to be thought experiments since they seem to ask questions on the probabilities and complications about the ethics of any science or philosophy?{BC)

Not every Sfi stories has this profound motto hidden somewhere, but there are some that ask questions on the probabilities and complications about the ethics of any science or philosophy. I mention literature like Brave New World and Clockwork Orange and movies like Star Trek. They are very thought provoking and I love them for it.

Day THIRTY "Give It 100!

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