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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2094067
Challenges and activities
A blog on my personal writing process. Just random thoughts, notes, and other stuff. Don’t know yet what that will be like. Am exploring possibilities and pulse towards an unknown future. Let’s find out! Here are challenges and activities stored.

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"Game of Thrones 2017
"The Soundtrack of Your Life 2020
"Resurrection Jukebox 2020
"NaNoWriMo Write-A-Thon 2020/21
"The Fiction Writer's Toolbox 2020
"October Novel Prep Challenge 2021(The Shanhaijing Prophecy)
Neil Gaiman's Masterclass 2019  
"a very Wodehouse challenge2024
Template Worldbuilding  2024

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September 28, 2018 at 12:17pm
September 28, 2018 at 12:17pm
Existential humbug
flourishing nowadays:
Breath in and out;
Live in the moment;
and Floss! Floss!

Syllables: 24
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Prompt: Existential

September 22, 2018 at 4:47am
September 22, 2018 at 4:47am
Sleeping Beauty snores!
Lulleby, lullaby
Endles times ostentatiously
E-iii, e-iii, w-haa, w-hoo
Pretty in pink she lay
Intensely poisened by the Queen
Not her mother but her step
Gruesome, over beauty

Breath in, breath out
End on and on
A- ii - aa - ii
Uhwwa - uhwwa
Till one moment in time
Yonder Prince dares to kiss

Lines: 14
Form: Acrostic Poem
"Invalid Item

September 20, 2018 at 2:49pm
September 20, 2018 at 2:49pm
Loneliness is longing. Your shadow makes my heart ache. I can hug nor love you. A deathly embrace with nothing. Hole in my core.

139 characters.
"Invalid Item

Won FIRST PLACE!!! YAY! *Bigsmile*
Featured in "Short Stories Newsletter (November 21, 2018)

Merit Badge in Tweet Me A Story
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Congratulations on 1st place in Round 79 of  [Link To Item #2040737] !
August 28, 2017 at 11:18am
August 28, 2017 at 11:18am
I bought a new guitar.

Not that I can play the instrument, but I had an old one laying in the attic and I wanted to restring it so I went to the music store. There they told me the guitar was too old to restring,

I had to buy a new one. So I did.

I made a promise to myself to actually take lessons this time to learn how to play.

So, I found a teacher online.

The website was well developed, he had a good teaching record of kids, adults and even older folks who he taught the pleasures of the acoustic guitar. And he was living close by, in my neighborhood. He was teaching from his home.

The first meet was very agreeable, he looked like a nice guy, his story was good and he would be a coach in teaching me to play. So, I went along, paid for the upcoming month and waited until the date arrived that I had my first lesson.

In the meantime, I thought it necessary to listen to guitar music on Youtube, and learn how to tune the strings by myself, with the help of a little tuning apparatus. The first three times all went well, but the fourth time of tuning the guitar I broke a string. I was petrified. Perhaps not a big deal to others, but I thought I ruined the guitar. Luckily the shop put on a new string and that was that.

But something changed from that point on.

I became afraid to even pick up the guitar, let alone tune it. I even began to fear the lessons.

The day after tomorrow my first lesson starts, I don’t want to go.

There’s something not right about the place, but I have to go. It’s silly I know, but I am afraid and anxious. But, I paid for the first four lessons, didn’t I?

So, after my lunch today I am going to pick up that guitar and play a little with it. Perhaps, I even learn to like it! I hope my fear will go away.

I hope my teacher will be patient with me.

Weekly writing Challenge week 5. Prompt 2: There's something not right about the place, but you have to go there... ~ Story

August 23, 2017 at 8:54am
August 23, 2017 at 8:54am

The sound of chirping

Listening to the
whoohoo, whoohoo of the pigeon
chatter, cluck, clack of the chicken
cock-a-doodle-doo of the cock
cuckoo, cuckoo

hoot, hoot, hoot of the owl,

twitter, tweet,

high up in the tree
or on the land
they stand

shriek, trill, quack

an everlasting dawn chorus
the song of birds

WC:58 / Lines:18
SP spin # 3. Write a poem with the title "Bird's Song"

August 22, 2017 at 4:56am
August 22, 2017 at 4:56am
In my youth, I was very skeptical of the United States of America. In the 60s, 70s, and 80s of the last century, it was common to be a lefty in my country. And so I was, very anti-establishment, ultra left in my political views, member of The World Shop, a left movement dedicated to change the world for the better and raise awareness on poverty, ban the bomb manifestations and anti-apartheid to name a few topics. America was Reagan and Nixon and we, the youth of the Netherlands, were not in favor of that country. At least in my circles.

My aunt had immigrated to the States and had invited me numerous times to come over and visit, but there was no way I would do that, so I declined every time. Till 2004 when I was in my second wind and the world no longer was divided into left and right, at least in my country The Netherlands.

I was curious to what end The States had reformed over the years, and I was interested in the people and in its Nature.

So, I visited in the Fall of 2004 for the first time.

It was an eye-opener. I had never encountered such an interesting and beautiful country as the US and I immediately fell in love with the people who were friendly and respectful, and its Nature.

The strangest thing happened: I experienced something in the air I had never experienced before: the feeling of utter freedom, of joy over ‘the sky is the limit’ of great hope and potential. It was the beginning of a change in my attitude towards the USA. I was smitten and head over heels.

For four weeks I traveled through Colorado, visited Denver and stayed one week longer to participate in a sculpture’s workshop, crafting black stone from Zimbabwe from an African artist. I had the time of my life.

When I went home I made a promise to myself to come back as soon as possible, perhaps even at Christmas time that same year, to really experience the life of an ordinary citizen, to find out if living in the States was something for me. So, I did. I was there Christmas time 2004, celebrating with my family in Aurora, Colorado, and I even managed to do some volunteering in a homeless shelter in Denver. It was a great experience and I was convinced I would go back to the States to work and live there.

Alas, suffice to say Life got in the way and my plans stranded. I never went back.

Till last year, when a friend of mine wanted to visit New York City and had no one to travel with her. She obviously didn’t want to go on holiday all by herself and so she invited me to come with her as her companion on a week’s trip to the city that never sleeps. On her expense!

I immediately said yes, how could I refuse? A dream come true, I was going to visit this beautiful country once more and even better I would have the opportunity to pay my respects and to mourn over the deaths of so many: 9/11. I would finally have a chance to visit Ground Zero since that horrible event 16 years ago was still imprinted in my mind.

But again: Life got in the way. In the form of a new President, Donald Trump. And since he is my very own nightmare as the man in power of the most important job in the world, it was imperative I could not visit The States while he was in power. I felt that strong about him.

So, finally, after long deliberation, I declined the trip with my friend.

I won’t return to this land of the brave till President Trump is out of office!

Is it a fluke on my part? Am I overreacting to this new situation with Trump at the wheel? Perhaps, but the man scares me to death. He is my worst nightmare and I think a danger to the equilibrium of the world. For all I know, he can easily disrupt the slight veil of peace that is still predominant in the Western World. But with his erratic behavior, I am not at all sure what will become of the relationship between different countries.

He is making me very nervous indeed.

Of course, I am in no position to pass judgment, I only know what the newspapers are telling me, what the local television and CNN is broadcasting and we all know they are not really in favor of the man. But I try to stay informed and I am as good an informed global citizen with an opinion as anybody else. So I am as much entitled as anybody.

I regret not visiting New York this year, and I hope to have the opportunity to come back real soon. Because that would mean somebody else is ruling the most important country of the Western World.

I am hoping for the best.

Till then I am just reading newspapers, watching television and praying President Trump is not doing something terrible like disrupting world peace, among other things.

And till then I am dreaming of visiting the States once more while reading the bible of the global traveler: Lonely Planet, edition USA.

I look at its maps, read the descriptions of the various chapters of the different states and capitals, cities and towns. I watch CNN and marvel on the poetry of the American language, its art, and writers, its science and culture.

And of course I enjoy participating at this wonderful American, yet internationally oriented website of Writing.com.

And sometimes, when I lay awake at night I regret my decision not to visit New York City.

But there is no way back, my friend already went on another holiday with somebody else. I’ve had my chance.

So, I wait and pray nothing bad will happen in the global dynamics of this world. And I pray I will have my chance to visit once more one of the most beautiful countries of this globe: the USA.


House of Black and White: Dark Story prompts. # 12. "I won't return to this land until..."
August 20, 2017 at 1:58pm
August 20, 2017 at 1:58pm
“Helga, I have to talk to you, it’s urgent.”
“Where are you?”
“I am in the ladies room of the restaurant.”
“You had a date?”
“Yes I had, I mean I have…it’s still going on, he’s waiting with the desert.”
“That’s terrific, how is he?”
“It was wonderful, we met near the church, we talked all afternoon, we had drinks and everything was fine. He is a great guy, I was feeling so lucky. All of a sudden things were great. He is the best date I have ever had.”
“So, why are you calling me for?”
“Oh, Helga…it’s so weird, but I think something is wrong.”
“What’s wrong, what are you talking about?”
“I think he is not human at all, I think he’s from out of space or something!”
“I think he’s an alien, Helga, what do I do?”
“How do you mean, he’s an alien, what’s that nonsense.”
“He keeps forgetting things, the slightest things, car keys, his I-phone, parts of the conversation, within minutes it’s gone, as if it didn’t exist.”
“That’s weird, dear, but very human, perhaps he’s suffering from Alzheimer’s disease?”
“No, Helga, I am telling you, he’s an alien, I caught him looking funny at me over the soup in the restaurant, and then it hit me…he’s not human at all.”
“What did you do?”
“I looked at his I-phone when he got to the toilet and there were these strange messages on the phone record.”
“What strange messages.”
“Like, that he’s is boarding the mother ship at 11 p.m. after his date with that – quote- human girl. I am telling you, he’s an alien who came to talk to humans for information. He is probably going to fly away in his UFO later tonight.”
“That’s spooky, what do you do?”
“I don’t know, what shall I do. He did nothing to me, it’s not that I can call the police or anything. Why does this always happens to me…he was just perfect an hour ago, now look what’s happened, I am on a date with an alien.”
“Stay calm, dear, we figure this out.”
“I am panicking, real hard. I cannot stay in here forever, at one point I have to go back in there.”
“Why what?”
“Why do you have to go back there. Can’t you just sneak out the back and run?”
“I am not sure, can I?”
“If this was your average Joe and you were freaking out on your first date, what did you do?”
“I’d run!”
“I am running, like hell. I am out of here. Thanks, Helga, talk to you later.”
“Call me when you get home.”
“I will, bye.”

WC: 447

Prompt 2: You're on your first date with someone and it's astonishing how compatible you are! There's just one problem... as the evening progresses, you're increasingly convinced that they're an alien. Now what? ~ Story
August 18, 2017 at 4:54am
August 18, 2017 at 4:54am
This is my journal. I will write my story so I cannot forget what my goal was from the start. Things have changed considerably, but I am still positive everything will work out for the better.

Keep alert, keep alive, keep focused! I keep repeating this mantra to myself all day for several days now.

I was closing in on my goal, which was marrying a real Thai Princess.

I am but an ordinary Dutch guy, but my aim in life is to have a real good life where I don’t have to work that hard to accomplish things. So, marrying a real princess and becoming part of a royal Asian family comes pretty close.

But let me start at the beginning.

I went to Thailand as an exchange student and a model, like a lot of guys. To learn about other cultures, make money and have a real good time.

I wasn’t doing all that bad, really, when I read about this Thai sultanate with an eligible daughter. That’s when it hit me. If I could only meet this young woman and become friends with her, I might have a chance to win her over and be a prince in my own right.

Some would consider this scheming and foul play because they have this preconception of romantic love that is only working if you meet by chance, but I say no…a prearranged marriage is also something they did for centuries and it worked as good or as bad as the so called free marriages. Why not plan this one out and see what the result is?
So I waited for a chance to meet this girl who was a student herself.

Because of my good looks, I am a visitor at a lot of parties in high society Thailand and one night it was bingo. Somebody introduced me to Layla, the Thai princess who was living anonymously and quietly in the city of Bangkok.

I immediately recognized her and staged my introduction in such a way that it looked like I didn’t know who she was. From then on it was easy, because she was a lovely and interesting young woman. I didn’t have to fake anything, I really liked her from the start.

We began meeting every weekend and soon we kissed, fondled and became boyfriend and girlfriend. She was very open about her family and where she came from. It was understood from the start that if things worked out well for us, we would have to marry because living together was not done in her circles. I obliged of course, as a Dutch guy with a good Dutch upbringing, I only was happy that everything worked according to plan.

So we had this really exceptional royal wedding. There were a lot of guests from abroad, an international wedding. We were dressed in traditional clothing. We looked real good!

We were happy.

So far so good.

But then I made my first mistake. I became greedy.

I wanted more money and more wealth that belongs to the really rich. A sultanate has its own benefits which come with the title and the grounds, but it's more the name and the history than anything else.

We weren’t poor, but we were not filthy rich either. And I wanted filthy rich!

So, I had to adjust the plan. Not only did I marry my princess, I wanted to have my own money as well.

And the drug scene could do the trick, I thought.

So I began to import and export high-quality cocaine from Thailand to the Netherlands. Amsterdam is a haven for drug users and a good route to the rest of Europe.

I set up a business like an ordinary business with a plan, worksheets, and my own accountant, leaving nothing to chance.

So I gathered.

Till one day the police dragged me out of my bed and put me into a Thai jail cell. The charges were unusual high: they wanted to make an example out of me. Fifty years imprisonment is what I am facing.

So now I am sitting in my cell, murmuring my mantra over and over, again: Keep alert, keep alive, keep focused!

The only good thing is that my wife is visiting every day. I hope she will continue to do so, without her I am lost.

Phase three of my plan will be to escape this prison and flee to the Netherlands. I have friends there who will hide me for a couple of months in order to go to a country I cannot get expedited from.

I am still working on that one.

Because of my high status, I am reasonably comfortable here. I meditate a lot, do my usual push-ups to keep fit and have enough money to bribe the guards and to keep other inmates at a distance.

But the thing I miss most is my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. As a prince I could import it from Europe, as an inmate I lack it. It’s what makes my stay here uncomfortable.

But I don’t think you would understand that.

Am I losing it?

I feel more uncomfortable lately, the other inmates look at me funny. It’s been a while since my wife has visited me. I am feeling all alone and I don’t know how to execute my plan to escape. I am at a loss here.

The second mistake is I told an inmate that I am a Prince. He was very interested of course. Perhaps I shouldn’t have told him. Perhaps I have endangered myself. There is a lot of poverty in here, they don’t like royalty much.

The lights are out, I cannot write anymore.


In a cell in the county jail of Bangkok, Thailand, they found the body of Prince M.K. from the Netherlands. The Prince who was jailed because of his involvement in manufacturing and selling hard drugs was sentenced to fifty years imprisonment.
He was stabbed to death. An inquiry is on the way. The Sultanate is not available for comment.

Prompt: Facebook message: Dutch guy marries Thai Princess.

August 15, 2017 at 5:37am
August 15, 2017 at 5:37am
Not to boast or anything, but I am a very popular guy at my school and beyond. It’s not so much that I care or do a lot to accomplish popularity but I am. People find me a nice and friendly guy, which I think I am, and they like me for it.

As I am a poet and very busy on social media like Facebook and Twitter I have 500 followers, which is a lot in my book. I also have a lot of close friends at school, I am a lucky guy I guess.

This time I was in the library all afternoon and a girl caught my eye. She was tanned, with beautiful long black hair and a really nice face. I was watching her, wondering why I hadn’t noticed her before.

She looked kind of sad, which caught my attention.

So, when she left her books and stuff at the desk to leave for a short break to go to the toilet, I silently went over to her desk to figure out what’s she’d be doing, which books she was interested in, mainly to satisfy my curiosity.

There was an open journal on the table. It said: Today was my birthday. No one showed up.

I looked at it again, it shook me to the core.

I slowly found the first page of her journal that gave away her name and address: Joyce Birkensale, Road 1455, New Haven.

Because I saw her coming back and I didn’t want to intrude I quickly made myself scarce.

That evening I was still thinking about this mysterious girl in the library when suddenly I came up with a plan. Why not invite everybody I knew to give her a birthday party at her house? I had plenty of friends and followers on social media that could do the trick.

So I posted this message: Everybody, Joyce is having a birthday party at Road 1455, New Haven. Bring your own booze and birthday presents at 20.00 p.m.

I went early to see where she lived and I was glad to find out there was a good sized garden in front of the house if by any chance lots of people showed up there was plenty of room for them to hang out.

She was obviously a girl from a wealthy family, but with no friends at all, how sad.

At 7.55 the road became crowded. From everywhere people showed up, by foot or by car and parked near the house.

When they saw me standing in front of a tree near the mansion everybody waved and greeted me.

“Hey what’s up bro, who’s this girl..how old is she anyway?”
“Nice touch, we hope to have a lovely party…”

With two bottles of champagne and almost forty people behind me, I rang the doorbell, praying by God she was home.

When the door opened, I was yet again surprised by her looks, she was stunning.

She looked surprised.

“Hey there, Joyce,” I said with a blush on my face, “I am Ken and I brought some people over to celebrate your birthday. Hope you don’t mind?”

She looked at me with great surprise in her eyes, her face glowing.

Suddenly a woman's voice from the back of the house: “Who’s at the door, Joyce?”

She stuttered: “It’s ... It’s Ken, mother, he brought some friends over for my birthday.”

“That’s wonderful, dear, please let them in.”

I gestured to the people behind me and answered quickly to Joyce: “We are with too many, we will stay in your front garden. I brought some balloons, shall we put them on the bushes and hang them in the trees to brighten up the place?”

A big smile broke through and her face was even more lovely. “I would like to,” she said with a grin.

The next ten minutes we were busy decorating the place, while the guests sat onto the grass.

There was talking, chattering and laughter. Within minutes there was a lively party going on.

My friends Pete and Chris and Steve showed up with their instruments and soon there was music as well.

“How did you know?” Joyce asked me

“I saw your journal entry in the library,” I explained. “I couldn’t resist to throw you a party. Everybody should have one at their birthday. How old are you anyway?”

“Twenty-one,” she said with a soft smile.

“Well, Joyce, may this be the first of many to come,” I said in a jokingly manner, but I meant every word. She was lovely, and I wanted to know her better.

We set up a small table at the entrance of the garden, where people could put their presents. Soon there were stacks of books, dvds and bunches of flowers.

Joyce looked at it with tears in her eyes.

“I have only been here for three weeks,” she told me in a small voice. “We’ve moved here from Singapore. I had to leave all my friends behind because of my father’s work back in the States.”

"That must have been hard for you, you must have been lonely out here," I answered.

“It was, and yes, I am.” She responded. “But this is great. I love big parties. Tell me who your friends are, please?”

So, I introduced her to the rest of the gang.

Everybody had a good time and a few hours later I saw Joyce had made a lot of new friends.

“Come and sit with me for a while, I insisted. I want to know you better."

For the next hour, we talked to each other while the moon was hovering over us in the big black sky.

I was feeling wonderfully excited about this girl, and I made a promise to myself to keep an eye on her from now on.

It was the beginning of a new found love that lasted. That next year she and I were on holiday at her birthday. We visited some of her friends in Singapore.

After that, we stayed together and she never had a lonely birthday ever again.

WC: 1020

House of B & W: #39. An open journal sits on the desk... Today was my birthday. No one showed up.
August 15, 2017 at 2:47am
August 15, 2017 at 2:47am
I had some friends in my life, I had them all:

Carla with her golden hair, from high school
And Bianca, who lost her firstborn
And the one who’s name I forgot

Some friends in my life, I had them all
But I lost their friendship during the years
It made me sad, it was not meant to last

Friendship is precious, is keeping an eye out for each other in time of need
Is laughing, is talking, is healing

It made me sad, it was not meant to last

Carla with her golden hair, from high school
And Bianca, who lost her firstborn
And the one who’s name I forgot

I remember those times with the three of them
But in my dark days, I needed them in my life
To laugh, to talk, to heal

It made me sad, it was not meant to last
Carla, Bianca and the one who’s name I forgot

I sometimes sit and think back:
They deserted me, I left them
It was not meant to last

Friendship, those bitter-sweet memories
When I was young

It made me sad, it was not meant to last
Their love gave me strength
And when it died I was lost for a while

It made me sad, it was not meant to last

(And I remember her name: the tall Alice)


August 8, 2017 at 2:26am
August 8, 2017 at 2:26am
I was doing research in the National Library on great-great-granddad who was a Javanese Prince living on the Isle of Sumatra, Indonesia. Since the Dutch had ruled over The Dutch Indies, now known as Indonesia, for 400 years, they spoke and wrote a mixture of Dutch and Indonesian, also formerly known as the Malaysian language.

In a corner of the library there it was: the personal diary of Prince Ismael, born 1760-died 1810 in Padang. In translation I found:

Dear Siona, Madras and Ignatia,
I sent you this letter by special courier so nobody but you three concubines will receive word from me. I am dying, suffering from a disease to the lungs. I don’t have much longer, dear threesome, but I wanted you to know that I loved all three of you like I loved my official wife with whom I have had three kids. They will be my official legacy to this world, but I will never forget that you also carried and raised children of mine. Between the three of you, there are nine, four boys and five girls. I always will see them as my own flesh and blood and I have made arrangements as to secure their lives when I am gone. Please, tell them about their father and that he was proud of each of them by the spirits of the holy universe. All kids are equal to me, let them think no less of themselves when they grow old.

You, dear ladies, have made my life a blessed one and I will take this knowledge with me.

Always, truly yours, Ismael.

3 ex. sent by courier, date: 1810, February 7th.

I was really excited because that meant that there were three more families to research on. I now had a family tree, multiplied by three. Lots of work to be done in the near future. Family, here I come. I hope you’re ready!

WC: 320

August 5, 2017 at 4:55am
August 5, 2017 at 4:55am
Extra, extra: Dutch scandal. Poison fipronil found in lots of eggs. Result: Tens of thousands chickens killed, millions eggs thrown away.

138 characters
Round 54.

[For: WOT single player #29. Pick a contest (other than the official contest), enter, post your entry in here as well.]
August 2, 2017 at 5:06am
August 2, 2017 at 5:06am
I thought we were dreaming, but we were not. I opened my eyes one morning and there we were: my lover, my dog and myself stranded on a small deserted island. And a knife, let’s not forget!

The first day we were shocked, I remember I cried a little bit. But it just was the harsh truth: we were all alone on a tropical island.

The weather was excellent. The Sunshine, bright and warm. A sea breeze to comfort us.

First things first, so we navigated around, trying to make a map in our mind of what we saw, remembering the location of the beach, the trees, the cave where we could hide in case of bad weather. The overgrown pool with fresh non-salted water.

It was a green and lush island. Sandy beach with rocky shores, plants, and trees everywhere.

Then we had to fish for food. So we pulled off long leaves of a tree, put it around some twigs and searched for maggots we used as bait. Lo, and behold, the fish took it in, and within two hours we had caught a few fat fish. Luckily, we remembered how to start a fire from wood scrubs and leaves and some stones. Hurray for that survival video I remembered seeing a few weeks back!

We ate and even my dog liked what he tasted, his tail, down all day because of the strange environment, went up and soon he was his own happy self again. He crawled in a corner of the cave, rolled over and fell asleep that first night. Close together and exhausted, we did the same.

The moon shone bright, no cloud in the sky. No sounds of animals or birds.

The next morning we rose by daylight. We explored our surroundings. The island was small, no more than one square kilometer. With bark, tree parts and leaves we made the cave as comfortable as possible. With the fresh water and some plants we made tea in a copper kettle we found at the beach, washed ashore at some shipwreck. Ours? I couldn’t remember being on a boat, but we must have been, how else could we have arrived here?

It was no use trying to remember where we came from, we had to survive on our own, so we sat down and talked to each other about our new predicament.

“What will we do, love?”

“Let’s try to remember as much about living rough and surviving in the middle of nowhere as possible. What do we need first?”

“Fire, food, drinks and a place to sleep, we have all that. What else?”

“We can try to knit a big cushion of some sort with leaves and branches so we can sleep more comfortable?”

“Let’s do that for today. One day at the time. No need to rush now is there.”

So we came up with things to do, activities to occupy ourselves with, each day for a month. We tried to make a calendar with some small stones we put in a grid at the beach. One pebble per day.

We worked hard, we played with the dog, and we enjoyed the weather, the beach, the ocean and each other. Life was good and soon we were totally absorbed by our new life and daily rhythm.

Then one day things started to change.

At night we heard strange noises. Like footsteps and the sound of vehicles. But once awake we tried to locate where it came from, but we never saw anything. In the morning everything was quiet again. It lasted for a week. Then we noticed small changes on the island. Leaves were torn, trees were cut down, stones were moved we were sure it didn’t come from us.

So we did a surveillance during the night.

At first, nothing happened. But just when we decided to move back to our cave we heard a noise from afar, closing in. As we looked at the night sky we saw a big army helicopter landing a few feet from our cave.

Twelve men and women started to descend and within minutes they brought gear, chairs, and equipment onto the ground.

Two big industrial lamps were shining on a spot on the shore.

One man sat in a chair on the beach with a megaphone and shouted: “Desert island, take seven, part two…ACTION!”

We looked at each other, startled, but exhilarated. They came to make a movie. We were saved!
That’s when we ran toward the crowd, shouting, yelling, screaming. Our hands up in the air.

The director looked at us, not even surprised, and shouted:” CUT. Can you send the dog first, then you two move into the scene? It will look better that way! AND ACTION!”

With great difficulty we moved back, and came into the scene a second time, the dog running in front of us.

As we approached, we heard clapping of the movie crew, The director stood from his seat in the sand and congratulated us, patting us on the back.

“You are doing great. This will be a blockbuster in the movie theaters.“

We landed on the beach, sat down on our knees and laughed our heads off. One lady came to put on some blankets on our shoulders and brought us a cup of coffee. The first in a long, long while.

Oh, how I missed that smell, that taste.

We ate bread with peanut butter, and the dog got regular dog food instead of fish. He seemed as happy as us.

In the morning we brought them to our cave and the life we made for ourselves during our weeks in exile. They shot their photo’s, and their film footage as we showed them around.

That evening we were back in the civilized world. The headlines of next day’s newspaper: Couple and dog safely home after crash on dessert island.

The movie became a hit. We survived our ordeal, a happy ending!

WC: 998

July 27, 2017 at 5:32am
July 27, 2017 at 5:32am
House Florent Image for G.o.T.

My first Game of Thrones! I am looking forward to this writer's marathon of writing, reviewing and challenges in competing with other teams on daily deadlines this coming August. I am an absolute beginner so I am anxiously awaiting what is happening and what we have to do.

I will use this blog for my writing this August.

Go, go Sly Foxes!!
October 27, 2016 at 4:35pm
October 27, 2016 at 4:35pm
In order to get some extra space in my port I have to clean my portfolio. 35 items can be deleted: 9 images and 26 statics. I use Writing.com for every little snippet of writing so I am bound to have a lot of crap in my port as well. At this rate, I reach the 250 maximum within the year. So I decided to do a little autumn cleaning. After that, I can start with my house since it is a bit of a mess right now.

I have been so busy these past five months and it’s time to take a good look at what I got and make adjustments. But then again, maybe I wait til December. *BigSmile*

October 24, 2016 at 2:15pm
October 24, 2016 at 2:15pm
I have been nominated for "The Quills [ASR] for Best New Portfolio AND Best Poetry collection and Best Inspirational for my blog "Poet @ Work 2 [18+]. I am so thrilled and honored! *BigSmile*

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill Awards

October 22, 2016 at 3:12pm
October 22, 2016 at 3:12pm
Why do I write? On motivation.

Acme asked me why do you write? So, here is my answer referring to my second blog entry almost 5 months ago "Prompt to write. I write because I must!

It is a need inside me that’s been there for a very long time but had never fully blossomed until I got inspired at WdC almost five months ago. My Muse was hiding and the mere use of this foreign language English/American and the inspiration of WdC and its writer’s community brought it all back.

I write because that’s who I am. It gives me a new identity after losing my identity as a Theoretical Psychologist more than ten years ago. It gives me power, strength and the desire to better myself. It fills a deeply felt need to be part of the group of people I mostly admire: writers, poets, artists.

It gives me the will and stamina to want to come out of bed every morning and greet the day. What new worlds are there to create? I love it that there is first a blank page and me hovering nervously over it, afraid it won’t work today… and then as by a miracle, the words come out and merge into a blog, a poem, a short story.

To me, this is sheer heaven and I am still a little bit afraid it’s not going to last. But I build my confidence day by day. Interacting with fellow writers helps, entering and winning contests helps. Bragging about it in the Newsfeed helps. I am feeling so good on this site and I am so thankful I found Writing.com. Without it, my life would be so much less enjoyable.

For the first time in a long time, I am having fun, a word that almost had lost its meaning to me. So, although it scares me, I want to exit my comfort zone and learn to be a better writer. And I want and need to allow myself the fun that goes with it. So there you go. My reasons for writing. *Cool*

Text on wood

October 18, 2016 at 7:02pm
October 18, 2016 at 7:02pm
From Oct 21st, 2016 until June 2017 I will be participating in The *StarY* Rising Star *StarY* Program 2016-2017. For all stuff related See "Invalid Item . I also set up a blog "Invalid Item to keep track of my whereabouts into a new journey into writing. I am very excited as to where this will lead to.

September 19, 2016 at 4:50am
September 19, 2016 at 4:50am
How to start a scary story.
1. Choose an interesting "what if."
2. Think about all the scary things that could happen in that situation. Then think about all the ways a person could get out of that terrifying situation.
3. Who is the main character? Is it you or a fictional person?
4. Choose a scary setting. Decide where and when your story takes place.
5. How did the main character end up in the scary situation?
6. Choose a bad guy or villain. Describe this character and how he or she will provoke fear in the story.
7. Develop the plot: • What will happen? • What problems will the main character have to face?
• How will the problems be resolved? • What other characters might be involved? • What is the danger?
8. Make up a surprise ending . Good stories shock you!

The basis for writing Horror. (http://writeonsisters.com/)

The base rule of scary movies/stories: Keep it simple.
Smaller Character Goals.
Uncomplicated Plot.
One-Step Character Change.

The 4 Emotive Tools you need to employ while writing horror…
1. Unease: This sets the scene for any scary story. Nothing bad has happened to the hero yet, but the audience should get the feeling that something bad might happen. Essentially, this is atmosphere. You’re getting the reader in the mood!
2. Dread: This is a step up from unease because it is connected to an action. Dread is when something happens that in itself isn’t scary yet, but could be.
3. Terror: This is the bad thing happening! Terror is the scream! It’s the payoff of all that tense unease and rising dread.
4. Horror: This arises from contemplation. Whereas terror is in the now, horror looks back at what happened. It is what we remember when we leave the movie theatre or finish the book.

4 Basic Elements of Comedy and Horror
1. Relatability. In order for your audience to laugh or scream, they need to relate.
2. Anticipation. Now that you have a situation that your audience can relate to, which will make them laugh or scream, build up the anticipation.
3. Danger. In comedy, the danger usually isn’t life-threatening, but the character must still be terrified of whatever it is (poodle, mother-in-law, unemployment, etc). In horror, the danger is literally trying to kill the hero.
4. Surprise. This seems like an obvious one for horror; surprise is its game.

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