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Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #2264475
Random Writing, Blogs and Adventures
A mix of Random writing in an attempt to organize my thoughts, storyboard ideas and conserve portfolio space in the process.
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June 27, 2022 at 12:55pm
June 27, 2022 at 12:55pm

Speed Chess

A minute for the game...
You have to make your move.
There's hardly time to think.
Just quickly find your groove.

Thinking on your feet
will be put to test.
You'll have to decide fast
and chose the move that's best.

Make sure to hit the clock
or else the game is done.
If you can't counter quick
the game cannot be won.

Author Note: I was inspired to write this poem while I was working on my last blogging entry "Blitz Chess which gives a little bit more context of how this version of the game is played. *ChessRookB*
June 27, 2022 at 12:50pm
June 27, 2022 at 12:50pm
By popular request (though if I am being really honest It was bound to happen eventually)... Today's post is a Chess Themed Post!!!!!


A Game of Blitz

Speed Chess aka Blitz Chess is a version of chess where everything is sped up. It is played like normal chess except the time each player is allowed is extremely limited. In a normal chess tournament players' clocks are given a time limit of 30 minutes to several hours of playing time. For Blitz each player's clock is set to 5 minutes or in extreme cases 1 minute. The clock count down whenever it is a player's turn and is paused once a player makes their move. When a player's time expires, they lose the match. As a result, the pace of the game is frantic as players struggle to hold onto the time they have remaining. Every second becomes precious as they quickly help determine the difference between winning and losing.

I'm the type of person that likes to plan and strategize carefully so I struggle at Speed Chess quite a bit. However there are certain strategies that players can use to survive a Blitz Chess game:

1) You have to think at lightning speed so often you are making the best move you can think of in the moment. You are going to be using your intuition a lot.

2) Get into the habit of pausing your clock as soon as you make your move. The quicker you do this the more time you can save.

3) There needs to be at least a little bit of thought involved. You might be tempted to just move any piece you see and hope you can beat your opponent on time. However, experienced chess players will destroy you with that strategy and you could wind up checkmated even before your clock runs out.

4) Since there is very limited time to think, make sure to use the time your opponent is making their move to analyze the board and strategize as much as possible. It will help speed up your game when your turn comes.

If you are able to think on your feet and have the chess skills for an intense fast paced challenge... give Blitz chess a shot!

June 12, 2022 at 3:31am
June 12, 2022 at 3:31am
I'll Reach Week 5
(An I Will Survive Song Parody)

I write has reached week ten and I am way behind.
With 5 entries still not even present in my mind.
I still have so much to do
producing writing that is new
but with some drive
I can make it to week 5.

Oh yeah that's right
cause I'm not done.
With 4 entries in the hole
I am just starting to have fun.

You thought I might have to call it at week two
with so much work
but I am certainly not through.
Oh yessiree...
I will not quit.
If I can do two entries every day than this will not be it.

8 entries in a single week might seem like lots of stress
but remember you are dealing with a master of speed chess.*ChessRookW*

I'll reach week 5.
I'll reach week 5.
As long as I am halfway there I'll keep that dream alive.

There's a merit badge at stake
and it is no piece of cake.
But I'll still thrive
I'll reach week five Hey hey!!

Author's note: A Special Thank you to Gloria Gaynor whose song was the obvious inspiration for this. *Bigsmile*

June 6, 2022 at 12:18am
June 6, 2022 at 12:18am
The Mexican Pizza is back at Taco Bell after being taken off the menu for over 2 years. Well more precisely...it was back. The item sold out within two weeks of being released. I did get a chance to try it before it was gone however... so let's do a review on the latest release.

Just to provide a little bit of background, Taco bell is my favorite fast food restaurant and the Mexican Pizza is actually the first item I ever tried from there. I first remember hearing about Taco Bell from a series of television commercials. The company had hired Little Richard to advertise for them. I remember the ads would involve him singing "Run for the Border" as a tagline. At the time I wasn't that impressed and only wound up trying the restaurant because it was the most convenient place available during one of the road trips I was traveling on. Back in the early 90's, I used be a pretty picky eater and wasn't that adventurous with my food choices. The Mexican Pizza was the item that made the most sense for me because in my mind the name sounded more familiar to my ears than any other choice on the menu. I remember there was a little bit of disappointment that what I received wasn't anything like Pizza but had to admit it was still pretty good. It wound up being my go to order on the rare occasions I would wind up eating there. I think I only wound up eating there two or 3 times in my teens.

It was years later in college that Taco Bell became my favorite fast food restaurant. I had wound up trying one of their burritos and really liked it. Their menu matched my Palette well because I really liked Spicy and Savory foods and the restaurant meals provided a great blend of spices to them with the options of increasing the heat even further with Fire sauce. There was a convenient location near my dorm on campus and I wound up eating there one to two times every week alternating between a beef burrito or a set of gorditas as my order. I remember the Mexican Pizza being available as an option but it was more expensive than the other two options and not quite as tasty. I think I had it once or twice during that time period just to mix things up.

Flash forward to 2020... Taco Bell announced they were removing the item from the menu citing its cost didn't offer a big enough return for them to keep it around. Nothing creates more interest than the idea that something will no longer be available. A lot of people found themselves lamenting its loss (myself included). When I heard the news I took the opportunity to try the Mexican Pizza one last time for old time's sake. Truth be told, though I was little sad I had to admit to myself that I was ok with letting it go. It wasn't something that I ordered often and the restaurant had far tastier items on the menu to choose from. Other Taco Bell lovers were not as accepting and there was even a petition created to bring back the Pizza.

After 2 years Taco Bell acquiesced to fan demand announcing they would bring back the Mexican Pizza to its menu for good. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and like many other Taco Bell lovers I was among the restaurant's visitors ordering the item the weekend of its release. It is a good thing I went when I did because as it turns out Taco Bell greatly underestimated the demand for the item and it sold out very fast.

So how was it? It was good. If you see the comments on Twitter, fans are a little harsh saying that Taco Bell tweaked the recipe with cheaper ingredients. The shell the newest version of the pizza was created with was criticized as not being like the original. To be honest having tried the item before and after it was taken off the menu... I didn't notice a huge difference. The ingredients and tastes were more or less the same. The item is created with two tortilla shells layered with meat in between (or potatoes/beans if you are ordering a vegetarian version) topped with a Mexican 3 cheese blend and garnished with tomatoes. All the flavors of the ingredients are more or less there and blended nicely. I chose to increase the Spiciness adding a packet of Taco Bell's diablo sauce on top for even greater taste. That said, the Mexican Pizza probably still wouldn't be my order of choice. My go to Taco Bell order these days is the Crunchwrap Supreme which is in many ways similar to the Mexican Pizza but with added ingredients that are wrapped and toasted in an additional fajita shell. With the Crunchwrap Supreme available, the Mexican Pizza pales in comparison. Despite that I still recommend the Mexican Pizza as a good item and I don't think any newcomers looking to sample it would be unhappy with it. Twitter nitpicking aside, most fans of the item would enjoy it too. After over 25 years I feel like I've come full circle with a similar opinion to when I tried the Pizza the first time in my life... It may not be the best but it is a tasty choice.

While currently sold out... the Taco Bell restaurant chain is working to get the Mexican Pizza back on its menu soon. There will still be an opportunity to get one in the future for those that are looking to try it. ^_^

Taco Bell's Mexican Pizza

May 31, 2022 at 1:48pm
May 31, 2022 at 1:48pm
I've been off the grid for a bit. A busy work schedule and a bout of Covid* at the beginning of the month took me out of commission for most of May. As a result my opportunities for Extra Curricular writing plummeted a bit but I'm gotten my second wind and I'm ready for a new wave... sort of. ^_^;

Getting back into writing is taking quite a bit of energy. It feels a little bit like trying to work out when you haven't done it for awhile. Even simple tasks (this journal entry for example) feel draining.

But as the new month starts, some fresh opportunities come with it and I'm genuinely excited about trying them.

I signed up for "Ultimate Trinket Adventure [Mainland] ... a fun WDC Activity full of writing challenges and trinket hunting which is bound to keep me busy well into June.

I also taking part in "The Whatever Contest -- Closed for Now with the goal of sending out 12 badges and likewise extending those entries to "The Contest Challenge.

By coincidence I also noticed in the newsfeed that today was the last day to sign up for the second session of "I Write: Enter the Second Decade. I participated in the first round of this and was hoping to return for the second part but haven't gotten a chance to join in yet. It seems like this is already 5 weeks in so it is a bit of a climb but I would like to take part in it so I'll probably be doing a bit scrambling as I head into summer.

*Rolls up sleeves." There's a lot to do but I'm ready to go for it. Doing my best to dive in and catch up!

*Just to clarify I was fully vaccinated and boosted so it wasn't as bad as it might have been. I had a fever for a few days and it took me about a week or two to recover my full energy. There was also a lingering cough, sore throat and stuffy nose that bothered me for a bit. It is also no mystery where I got it from. Despite my usual caution and tendency to stay indoors for the most part... I ventured into the heart of New York City on a rainy day when Omicron was on the rise.
May 1, 2022 at 7:08pm
May 1, 2022 at 7:08pm
My Hometown and the city I have lived most of my life is New York City. This is probably a pretty well-known fact but to avoid taking readers who haven't visited New York before for granted, the city is divided up into 5 boroughs: Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island and the Bronx. I grew up in the latter part of the city. If you notice... "The" Bronx is the only borough in New York where an article precedes it.

The Bronx gets its name from the Bronx river which itself is named for a Dutch settler Jonas Bronc due to the fact that it is short for the Bronx River. Interestingly enough I found that story out after checking Wikipedia and it wasn't the origin story I had originally heard for the way the Bronx got its name. As I remember it my 7th grade social studies teacher had told me that the Bronx received its name from a famous family that lived in the borough who were known to throw lavish parties. People invited to the parties would often ask each other if they were planning to attend. "Are you going to the Bronc's this weekend?". The phrase lead to the definite article being part of the name of the borough. As fun as the origin story my Social Studies teacher gave is, I wasn't able any confirmation or mention of that story online. I am am left wondering where it came from.

Author's note: Originally I started writing this entry as part of a challenge for "Invalid Item. I didn't get a chance to finish it but wound up going back and completing it for "I Write: Enter the Second Decade.
March 17, 2022 at 1:51pm
March 17, 2022 at 1:51pm
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: Since we now know Andre was a pretty successful musician it begs the question;

How did Andre get into the bar business, how did he acquire the Banana Bar?


This final entry for March Musical Monkey Madness tells the story of how Andre became the owner of the Banana Bar.

Andre had a very successful music career. The nice thing about the Florida Keys is that they never really broke up as a band. Andre and other band members got along with one another and still perform together to this day. Mara and Andre continue to be really good friends and frequently entertain audiences with their hit.

The reason Andre wanted to open a bar was mainly because it helps him unwind and relax. He loves the tropical climate and loves Banana shakes so he is really happy to be able to make people relax in the same way. Having a Bar by the beach ensures he can enjoy a tropical vacation and a few drinks whenever he needs to take a break and relax.

In a lot of ways Andre's life mirrors his teacher's monkey counterpart the Jungle Book's King Louis who also wound up opening a tropical bar as well in the Spin Off Tale Spin. It makes sense... in a lot of ways Andre was that inspired the later depiction of Louis. His bar has been incredibly success and a lot of people go there to spend time with him. In case you are wondering... Yes Andre does perform on his trumpet for the Patrons there from time to time. The ultimate treat and something the patrons going there look forward to seeing. Andre sticks to his own schedule for doing that though. A big advantage in being the Bar's owner is that he can perform whenever he feels like it.

Word Count: 315 Words
March 16, 2022 at 9:23pm
March 16, 2022 at 9:23pm
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: The collaboration between your Muse and Andre was a big success.

Tell us about the world tour they embarked on to promote/perform their big hit.


As most of you probably know... The Florida Keys were a huge success. They wound up touring all over the entire world and they probably the first band starring live monkeys that most people can think of.

What's that you say? The Champ-anzees, the Prime-8s, and Gorillas in the Mist are way more famous??

Andre refuses to dignify that with a response.

After Mara and Andre's duets started. She wound up accompanying them on their tours doing her popular duet singles with Andre during their concerts. She wasn't present at all their concerts so it always wound up being a surprise whether the duet would be performed or not. However it was always a treat when she would appear onstage.

Crowds were always on the lookout for and would go into a raucous applause when the announcement "Ladies and Gentleman Miss Mara Yamanaka" is heard.

And they applaud especially loud after Andre and Mara perform their duet.

The Florida Keys sold out their performances throughout their tour.

Some highlights from the tour:

New York, USA - The Keys sold out Madison Square Garden.

Munich, Germany - The Keys won a Battle of the Bands taking out in the International Brass Competition.

Rome, Italy - Caesar rocked out hard in this one for his Italian fans. Hail Caesar!!

Borneo, Malaysia - DK lead the group in a Jungle Concert.

New Orleans, USA - Andre took home the Golden Trumpet for the Group in a Jazz Competition.

Glasgow, Scotland - A little bit of a Low light. Caesar got a little too wild and trashed his hotel room. The Keys are not welcome in Glasgow anymore but they still have a huge Scottish audience.

Beijing, China - The Keys performed a cover of Pink Floyds the Wall outside the Great Wall of China.

Tokyo, Japan - Mara has a lot of Japanese fans and they came to support her in droves.

Las Vegas, USA- What happens in Vegas...

Bangkok, Thailand - Ditto for Bangkok.

Oslo, Norway - Johnny's soulful rendition of "I'm still standing" was best received here.

Florida, USA - The Keys appropriately concluded their tour at this location. There were given a Hometown welcome.

Word Count: 391
March 16, 2022 at 7:16pm
March 16, 2022 at 7:16pm
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: Many artists are one-hit wonders.... Did this fate befall your Muse and Andre? Why or Why not?


Ah the question a lot of people ask about Musicians... was Andre a One Hit Wonder? In a word...No.

To be fair... Andre, The Florida Keys and Mara tended to perform covers rather than their own material. Their success is based on their band skills, showmanship and in Mara's and Johnny's cases vocal range rather than their composing ability. As a Keys member Andre shares the honor of have 5 of the bands original songs top the charts. Their Rock Number "Monkeys with a Fiddle" topped the chart and was the number one most requested Song on MTV* for 68 weeks. Andre and Mara did release a few more Hit Duets also that sold really well in addition to the hit showcased in the previous entry. I think a lot of what made their singles so popular is the chemistry between these performers. It hard not smile when watching them.

Between his success as a band member, his duets with Mara, and his Solo performances as a Trumpeter, Andre did amazingly well. However it wasn't just him. Mara did well in her own right and had a great career as a solo as well. So did the rest of Florida Keys. All of the Band's Members of went on to have successful careers both in and out of Music. DK as you know was quite successful going into the family business staring in his own Gaming Series "Donkey Kong Country". Johnny had a successful film career. As for Caesar...you might even say he took the world by Storm himself. *Monkey*

*Probably not that MTV you are thinking of unless the one you are picturing stands for Monkey Television.

Word Count: 305
March 8, 2022 at 4:53pm
March 8, 2022 at 4:53pm
Author's Note: This was written March Musical Monkey Madness see: "Note: March Musical Monkey Madness Blogging Prompt..."

Prompt: Andre often listens to one song over and over. (Think about a toddler and "Baby Shark")

What song and why?


Probably the The one song that Andre loves to play is the popular Jazz song "Sing Sing Sing"

Sing Sing Sing

(Of course it's a Louis Prima rendition *Smile*)

The fans of Andre's music love this and its almost always request by his fans. He is very very good at this piece. However what a lot his fans don't know is that the reason Andre is so good at this one is that he practices it a lot and I mean a LOT.

If you every see Andre's rehearsals. You bound to have heard this one several times. He plays it at least 20 times a day and it is one of his signature band songs. I am sure there might be some people that would be annoyed by hearing this one a few times too many but all things considered... its not the worst earworm to have to listen to. It is definitely an energetic piece.

I suppose you can't blame Andre's neighbors though for calling the police after the third rendition involving this at 3 in the morning. Invest in sound proofing Andre... you can afford it!!

Sidenote: The first time I ever heard this song myself was from a in a Chips Ahoy commercial. My younger brother would later go on to play this one in his high school band. I always thought it was pretty catchy. I suppose it helped that my brother never wound up practicing at home inside confining his practicing to school. I imagine that I probably would have gotten annoyed with him pretty quickly if I had to listen that often. As it was I love seeing him perform this.

Word Count 309

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