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Rated: E · Book · Entertainment · #2268464
Entries to Express It In Eight from September 2020 to the present .
The number of poems enforces the use of blog format with ten poems per page.
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December 10, 2022 at 10:36am
December 10, 2022 at 10:36am

To wake every morning
to a brand new day,
to be without mourning
over things passed away,
to see in old friends
the best and the true,
is to live in the end
just how God meant you to.

Line count: 8
Rhymed abab
For Express It In Eight, 12.10.22
Prompt: “Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality.” – Nikos Kazantzakis (author of
Zorba the Greek).

December 9, 2022 at 11:47am
December 9, 2022 at 11:47am
Time 2

She has the proverbial hour glass figure
(I do not tell you this so you may snigger)
concave and convex combined in perfect form
(a happy coincidence far from the norm)
yet the sands of time so inevitable
(whose results you would think inequitable)
wreak the same havoc in each of us and all
(shame on us now if our expectations fall).

Liner count: 8
Rhymed aabb 11 syllables per line
For Express It In Eight, 12.09.22
Prompt: Hour glass.

December 8, 2022 at 10:25am
December 8, 2022 at 10:25am

“Ouch” is not universal,
in places not even rehearsal -
I know for a fact
and state without tact,
in Afrikaans when pain makes ‘em shout,
the word “aynah” lets it all out,
and this has the same effect
whatever the word you select.

Line count: 8
Rhymed aabb
For Express It In Eight, 12.08.22
Prompt: Ouch.

December 7, 2022 at 11:12am
December 7, 2022 at 11:12am
Strange grouping of alien creatures.


In the Green Room,
the Legs Contest was in full flow.
I did well for Presentation,
scoring highly for Colourful Costume,
but came last for Number of Feet.
My partner felt this was unfair
and swore that the judges
had only one eye between them.

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 12.07.22
Prompt: As per illustration.
December 6, 2022 at 10:28am
December 6, 2022 at 10:28am

I’m looking though you
like a book picked at random
a telescope aimed at the blue
or a narrow gorge in tandem.

Like reading through glass
or a rabbit in flashlight
lesson in one-oh-one class
or a pool limpid and bright.

Line count: 8
Rhymed abab
For Express It In Right, 12.06.22
Prompt: Write a transparent poem.

December 5, 2022 at 9:50am
December 5, 2022 at 9:50am

The forest waits, breathless in the cold,
as the night freezes in silence,
and frost paints your breath still,
a lighter cloud against the darkness,
hanging like a veil in the sharp,
stinging atmosphere.

Far away, beyond the trees,
the moon rises in ghastly pallor
and the long complaint of a howling wolf
greets its frigid majesty.
Your fingers, numb and brittle,
clench in search of shelter.

Line count: 8 + 4.
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 12.05.22
Prompt: Write a 12 line poem that chills to the bone.

December 4, 2022 at 10:53am
December 4, 2022 at 10:53am
Right Now

That most immediate thing,
the innermost ring,
the finite now,
the least that time allows,
this momentary existence
has not the past’s persistence,
nor future’s scope,
yet remains our only hope.

Line count: 8
Rhymed aabb
For Express It In Eight, 12.04.22
Prompt: Focus on “right now.”

December 3, 2022 at 4:33pm
December 3, 2022 at 4:33pm

The giver of stars
whose hand swept the infinite reach
of the dark, deserted universe
to leave it sprinkled with points of light,
each a meltdown of furious reaction
reduced to pinholes
in the dark panoply of space,
our nightly comforter.

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 12.03.22
Prompt: The giver of stars.

December 2, 2022 at 8:07am
December 2, 2022 at 8:07am

We depart, a whole bunch of us,
launched like refugees upon the air,
scattering and tossed in the breeze,
tumbling in the haphazard hand of fate,
drifting apart, spreading out,
wafting with the willful winds,
each seeking a different landfall
and each a dreaded dandelion.

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 12.02.22
Prompt: Write a poem about floating.
December 1, 2022 at 11:14am
December 1, 2022 at 11:14am

Oh, Middelburg, I hold no grudge
and you were no worse
than so many Transvaal dorps,
but to be dropped, hitchhiking,
at one end of your dry, dusty,
limitless street,
meant too long a walk
through the town.

Line count: 8
Free verse
For Express It In Eight, 12.01.22
Prompt: A place I never want to go to again.
Notes: A dorp is Afrikaans for a small town. Middelburg is such a place in the Eastern Transvaal (as it was then called) and consists of a crossroads along which the town has grown up. If you are hitchhiking through to other places (and I can think of no other reason to go to Middelburg) and were dropped at one end of the town, you are faced with an endlessly long walk to the other side of town and the chance of catching the next ride.

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