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Sigil for Game of Thrones 2024

Targaryen Musings

"Game of Thrones -- Notes of SpookyBee House Targaryen from playing Games of Thrones, April 2024.

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!


GERVicious Ghoul 💀
Spooky staiNed

The Game involved visiting places like: The House of Black & White, The North Remembers, The Endless Night, Westeros, King's Landing.

Game of Thrones  (13+)
Returning in April - Prep starts March 1st
#456789 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

The North Remembers  (13+)
Part of GoT
#2126573 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Endless Night  (13+)
Part of GoT
#2126324 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Westeros  (13+)
Part of GoT
#2131124 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

House Of Black & White   (13+)
Part of GoT
#2129989 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

King's Landing  (13+)
Part of GoT
#2160538 by Gaby ~ Way behind!

Challenges included:
Writing - Poems, Flash Fiction, Short stories
Reviewing - 1500 characters not counting WDC ML.
Interactive Chapters
Birthday/Account Anniversaries Activities
Cheer points
and Tedious Citadel Tasks.

All activities are recorded in this Game of Thrones Blog.

House Targaryen came in 2nd Place!
Enjoy the productivity of this blog!
April 25, 2024 at 6:49pm
April 25, 2024 at 6:49pm
Citadel task #23

Make a list of 10 books you’d recommend the community to read:

Word Count: 613

I like to read books for the following: the help me develop spirituality, help me develop as a person, stimulate my critical thinking skills, and sometimes I just need a great escape. I love writing romance, but it’s been a while since I read a romance. I think the last romance books I reader was Bridgerton books 1 and 2, but honestly, I was a tad disappointed in them. I did think book 2 was better than book 1. I enjoy reading Shana Galen as a romance writer, but I think my favorite romance writer was Jillian Hunter and her Boscastle series. But now, there’s my recommend book list. Mind you it’s my “right now” book list. It may change a year from now. We’ll see…


#1 – The Thiaoouba Prophecy – This book was written in the late 1980’s with a postscript in 1993. The author was taken to the planet Thiaoouba. His guide, Thao, shared with him many spiritual insights that we can use today. It’s up to you to believe.

#2 The Thorn Birds
– The book is just as riveting as the 1980’s mini-series. The book showcases a family as they journey from New Zealand to Australia in the early 1900’s. It’s a true testament to the pioneer spirit. However, the number #1 issue it looks at is forbidden love and power of love.

#3 – Child of the Universe. This is another book that shares spiritual insights. The author under goes hypnosis with a QHHT therapist to try an cure a disease in her brain and discovers a life live as a princess of Lemuria. It is an insight to another time and place that existed. It’s up to believe.

#4 Queen of the Tearling – This is a great, entertaining book! I loved the characterization in the book – it reminded me of JK Rowling’s characterizations in the Harry Potter series. You really come to enjoy the good characters and ‘root’ for them and you come to detest the evil characters. Taken deeper, it’s a reflective look at our own society and how corrupt it is. In a way, it’s the opposite of the spiritual books I’ve read, but it’s a book that stimulates the reader’s critical thinking skills, and that’s the appreciation I have for it.

#5 – George Michael and Me.
– This book was written by Andrew Ridgely, the other half of Wham! A 1980’s pop group that I enjoyed listening to very much in the 80’s. It’s written a light, conversational tone, which makes it a very engrossing read. Andrew will share some of favorite memories and offer some insights into George Michael. It’s a pure, fun, fan read.

#6 – The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks – This is a biographical look of Henrietta Lacks, and what she did for modern medicine. Honestly, it’s a fascinating look at how she moved medicine forward, but it also looks at the bioethics at how she and her family was treated.

#7 – Boundarie
s – Because there are people in your life who have no respect for your boundaries. This is a great self-help book that will you realize what boundaries are and how you can set them so the people in your life know when they’ve trespassed over them.

#8 – The Giver
– A metaphor for today. When we become sheep, someone has to keep the bad memories. A dystopian look at the future.

#9 – Double Crossfire – I enjoyed this book for the pure action/adventure entertainment aspect of it. It’s a great escape if you want one.

#10 – The Complete Guide to Money
– This is another self-help book that really educates about money. The smarter you are about money, the better start you get in life.

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April 25, 2024 at 6:46pm
April 25, 2024 at 6:46pm
Citadel Task #44

Word Count: 268

I found WDC in 2005 because I was looking for other writers. BUT I was looking for MORE than just other writers. I was looking for beta readers, support, cheers, and a forum to help develop my writing and make it grow. When Starr Phenix recommended WDC, I had to join.

Why do I like being on WDC? For all of the above. The #1 reason is that Writing.com has helped me develop my writing. I’ve grown as a writer here on the forum. Adverbs? Who needs them? Passive writing? Out the door. I’ve really come to fine tune my writing, balancing storytelling, character development, and plot/pacing points. I can’t thank Writing.com enough for allowing me to grow as a writer on their forum.

Another reason I like being on WDC is the community and community support. I appreciate all the reviews I receive on my writing, and I use the really constructive ones to grow as a writer. I write the Romance/Love Newsletter and I hope I’ve inspired others and passed along good information. I enjoy being a member of the Angel Army. I try to support as best I can. I’ve been a co-owner of the Bard’s Hall with Tangled in a Ghost-Witch Web! and it’s been an active contest for over 15 years now. The Bard’s Hall is my way of giving back to WDC. I *Heart* Tangled in a Ghost-Witch Web!

I like interacting with the community. I started “Steph Bee’s Bee Hive,” to encourage more interaction and support with a focus on non-writing items like word searches, crosswords and quizzes. For me, Writing.com is full of “good vibes” and I appreciate the positive, uplifting environment.

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April 25, 2024 at 12:04pm
April 25, 2024 at 12:04pm
Word Count: 129

The Promise:

I select Princess Morticia Megan Rose to be a Princess of the Realm. I selected Megan because she’s a princess at heart - kind, honest, true, and steadfast. She embodies all the qualities I think a princess should possess. Princess Morticia Megan Rose would be a very gracious princess and would entertain an audience with anyone who asked. In real life, Megan is retired from a nursing job in the mental health field. That takes a lot of inner strength and character. Megan also has published books. No easy feat. Megan often participated in the Bard’s Hall Contest, and I enjoy reading her entries. She is a good writer. We both enjoy stories about royalty. Megan is taking the Games seriously as well, and I know I will have a tough job meeting her standard. Give a bow to Her Grace, Megan, Princess of the Realm.

Ode to Princess Megan

Here she comes, our fair Princess,
She is fearless.
She’s our Princess of the Realm,
Every day at the Helm.

Megan is fair, honest and gold
You can trust she’ll be here.
Every action, every word bold,
To all, an honest cheer.

All in the Games give her respect
She plays hard, she plays true,
In all she does, she is direct
And is rarely blue.

To all who serve her give a bow,
Give a cheer, offer your sword,
All earned, all deserved.

Word Count: 84
Lines Count: 15

Contemplation – Time to give Princess Morticia Megan Rose a shout out on my Newsfeed.
"Note: Hear Ye, Hear Ye -- House Targaryen --- StephBee..." by SpookyBee

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April 25, 2024 at 12:00pm
April 25, 2024 at 12:00pm
Door 15 Part 2 - Crossroads

Word Count: 246

Ah, the Crossroads are here. Do I go to Dragonstone or King’s Landing? Proceed North to the Wall or detour to Winterfell. It’s the point of No Return. I can’t turn around. It’s too far to go back. I’m 14 Doors in. On what? 6 more to go? Mindless Citadel Task still complete. Over 50 + reviews to go. Yet, still I forge on. It's like Daeneyrs leaving Mereen for Westros. That is the point of no return, and she forged on. I continue to write, review, and do mindless citadel tasks until the very last day.

Honest? Well, there’s degrees to honesty isn’t there? Targaryens are pretty honest and up front. Don’t lie to a Targaryen. The Dragons are hungry.

That said, I am personally an honest soul. I’m a 911 dispatcher in real life. I deal in honesty.

Most competent team? You want honesty? The Targaryens are of course. We’re well rounded, consistent, hardworking and have participated in every forum. Two other teams who are hardworking and competent in consistency are the Free Folk and Lannister. They’ll give us Targaryens tough competition.

Which team do I feel a personal kinship with? I’d say Lannister because I know Scaredy Kitti and 🕸️intuey's Spider Web from before the Games. I’m appreciative of the team alliance we have with Martell. Honestly I have total respect for everyone here who has worked heard individually and as part of a team because while it hasn’t been easy, it has been rewarding.

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April 25, 2024 at 11:51am
April 25, 2024 at 11:51am
Door 15 – Inventions – Darla & Javier's Joyride

Word Count: 1490

Darla and Javier pushed the wagon out from the barn. Nearby the horses collected next to the railing, watching them. The wagon had four wooden wheels, a seat for the driver and a room to put cargo, but in the front, where the horses would go, was a metal looking rounded looking thing that made the horses cock their head. They had no idea what to think of the ugly contraption.

They got the wagon out to the dirt road. Darla stood for a moment admiring her handicraft. She rubbed her hands together and put her hands on her hips. “Well, Javier, this is it.”

“I’ll drive,” he said. “You got the coal?”

She dug into the pockets of her riding pants and held up a couple of small lumps of coal. “Check the water.”

He walked over to the brass cylinder and examined the water level line. “It’s full.”

“The Crankshaft? The pistons?”

Javier looked under then over the engine. “Everything is hooked up. It’s now or never.”

Darla drew in a breath to deal with her anxiety. She’d been obsessed with making a steam engine ever since she dreamed about it when she was twelve. That summer she spent the entire time inside, sketching and drafting. Her mother thought she was crazy, but Darla believed in herself, and as long as she did her chores and took care of the horses and fed the pigs, her mother didn’t fuss.

When Darla was done with her sketches, she ran over to her next-door neighbor and found Javier. He was her age. He loved to make things. He was always wood carving or tin smithing. He helped his father with his black smithing business, too. Javier always had a spot of dirt on his face from something, but Darla loved that about him.

It was a nice day to test the steam engine. The sky overhead was cerulean blue with only a couple of lazy white clouds lingering on through.

Darla walked forward and gave Javier the coal. He placed it in the steam engine, struck a match and threw it into the small opening, closing the door. After a few minutes, the whistle blew a small blast of steam out. Javier checked the water line. It was a little lower. He turned to Darla. “We’ve got steam!”

“Let’s go!”

They jumped into the seat on the wagon and Javier fiddled with some regulators. The wagon jerked and lurched and finally began to roll forward.

“Where should we go?” he asked.

“Into town!” she exclaimed.

He eased off something and the wagon continued forward onto the street. He had to pull on something and ease off of another line, but her engine was working!

Glancing back at the horses, one frowned, and one dug his hoof against the ground. She wondered if they were jealous.

Javier drove the contraption down the road, over the bend, and past the oak trees until it rolled into town on the main street.

Windows flew open. People stopped on the street and stared. ‘ooohs’ and ‘aaahs’ filled the air.
“Crazy Darla actually built that wagon she was talking about!” someone muttered.

“Look at Javier drive that thing!”

“Hey Javier can you stop that wagon?” the town constable yelled.

Javier glanced at Darla.

“Let’s hope the brakes work,” she whispered.

Javier pressed a button, and nothing happened. He pressed it harder. The wagon jerked again and slowly came to a stop.

“Open the top and let the steam out so it will idle,” Darla said.

He juggled something else, and the top of the cylinder opened. Puffs of grey smoke escaped.

“Well, what have we here?”

Darla and Javier glanced toward the telegraph business. The Duke of Elmont approached, dressed in white linen shirt, riding pants, and black boots to his knees, his hands on his hips. Two of his footmen walked behind him.

“It’s a steam engine, Your Grace.” Darla replied.

The glared at the cylinder. “How on Earth does it work?”

“Well, you light a make steam, steam turns the positions, that turn the crankshaft and make the wheels turns,” Darla replied.

“Why aren’t you driving it?” the Duke asked. He was about thirty. Darla had to admit he was attractive with his black hair and hazel eyes. He was slim and well built and totally available.

“I promised Javier he could drive it. I designed it,” Darla replied.

“But I built it,” Javier added proudly.

“I simply must show this to my cousin, the Prince,” said the Duke. He walked around the wagon rubbing his chin and admiring the craftsmanship.

“Well, it’s a long way to the capital,” said Javier.

“Nonsense. Only twenty miles,” said the Duke. He put his hands on his hips and looked at them.

“We’ll need more coal. Maybe two pounds,” said Darla. She cupped her check in her hands, trying to do the mental math. “And we might need to fill up once on the water.”

“Ah, so it’s do-able!” the Duke exclaimed.

“We’ve never driven it so far.” Javier pursed his lips. He glanced at Darla. The wagon could make it, she was confident of it, but she had no idea how long it would take.

“I’m confident in you!” He spun around and glared at his footmen. “Jake, you go find two pounds of coal. John, you find a couple of barrels of water and follow behind in the royal carriage. We’ll leave in an hour.”

Darla leaned forward. “That’s quick.”

“He’s a Duke. He can make things happen like that,” whispered Javier back.

“I insist on riding in the seat with you,” the Duke said.

“Sure, there’s plenty of room,” Javier motioned to the space between him and Darla.

The Duke clapped his hand and his footmen ran off.

“Let’s have some lunch while we wait.” The Duke motioned to the nearby tavern.
Javier and Darla jumped down and tied the wagon to the nearest hitching post, joining the Duke for a meal.


After an hour, it was time to go. Both Javier and Darla enjoyed a hearty bowl of stew. The Duke’s footmen had procured coal and water and would follow behind in the coach. After all was settled, Javier topped off the water, and Darla topped off the coal.

The Duke sat between them in the front seat. Javier twisted his gears, pushing and pulling and the wagon jerked off before settling in a comfortable speed.

Darla had never traveled so fast. The wind breeze past her checks, making her a touch cold. She glanced at Javier. He had a wide grin, thrilled at the speed. The Duke shared the grin, and she suspected the men enjoyed how fast the wagon went. After about an hour, they stopped to refill the water and off they were again. The Duke loved how fast it went. Javier hooted and hollered, while Darla held onto the side railing so tight her knuckles turned white.

Finally, they approached the Prince’s castle, Raven’s Gate. The zipped over the bridge and into the main courtyard. Gray smoke puffed into the air. The Duke stood on the bench as the wagon came to a stop in the middle of the courtyard.

“George! George! Come out and see this!”

The servants threw open the windows. The doors opened. From cooks and maids to tin smiths, and black smiths, the servants were speechless.

The prince raced out followed by his father, the King and two of his brothers. “Devon, what in the world is that … thing… you’re on?” George stopped and placed his hands on his hips, staring at Darla and Javier.

Devon the Duke laughed. “It’s a wagon with a …what… do you call it?” He motioned at Darla.

“A steam engine,” Darla crossed her arms.

Javier just grinned from ear-to-ear. “Do you want a ride, Your Grace?”

“It’s my turn to drive,” said Darla, non-plussed.

“Oh, even, better,” Devon exclaimed! “C’Mon, George!”

Javier and Darla switched seats. If they were going to take the Duke and the Prince on a joyride, she was going to do the honors. George climbed into the front seat and Javier and Devon climbed into the back of the wagon.

“Darla, close the top,” Javier said.

“I got this,” she grinned. She tugged on the sticks.

George pointed to something. She tapped his hand. “Don’t touch.” Then she released a switch and the wagon jerked forward. Darla did circles and even a wheelie in the courtyard. Glancing at Javier she could see his teeth threw his gritted expression. Devon and George shouted with excitement. This was the best thing they’d ever ridden in their lives. After Darla was done doing her tricks, they stopped again, in the courtyard and everyone rushed over to check out the wagon.

“How do I order one?” asked the King.

Darla looked at Javier and they smiled.

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