"I should go to school, shouldn't I?" you ask yourself. You realize you could use your new powers to make it so that you don't have to go, but you figure school is a good a place as any to test them out.
As your first order of business, you will yourself to be clean, dressed, and ready for your day. Even thought you know it'll work, you still feel incredibly excited when you find yourself fully dressed and looking presentable. "This is so awesome!" you shout, a stupid grin plastered on your face.
You then step out of your room and almost walk right into your younger sister Ashlie as she runs past.
"Hey! Watch where you're going!" she shouts at you as she steps around you. She continues running down the hall toward the stairs. "And, hurry up or Amanda will leave without you again!" she shouts back at you.
You sigh and follow your sister downstairs and out the front door to join your older sister Amanda in the car. You quickly get in and Amanda pulls the car out. Ever since she got her license, Amanda had been given the job of driving you, Ashlie, and herself to school. Of course, being the overachiever that she is, Amanda gladly accepted the responsibility. At least now that Ashlie is a freshman, you no longer need to stop at the middle school on the way to the high school, so you haven't been late for school as much this year.
You sigh once more once you realize that you didn't get the chance to grab breakfast. Then it occurs to you that you have a power that can take care of that real quick! You will a nice, toasted bagel with cream cheese to appear in your hands and, just as expected, it arrives, perfectly warm, cream cheese spread to perfection. You quickly bring it up to your mouth and take a bite.
"When did you have enough time to make that?" Amanda asks you, noticing the bagel in your hand when she turns her head to check for incoming traffic in the intersection. You realize that your powers seem to alter reality to accept changes by default, probably to keep you from unintentionally causing a panic. You figure that you could probably make everyone, or even a select few, aware of the changes if you really wanted to.
"Magic," you tell your sister, mouth full of food.
"You know I have no idea what you just said, right?" Amanda asks you with a laugh. You ignore her and continue to eat your breakfast.
Once you finish, you begin to wonder if you should try out your powers on the way to school...