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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1910923
Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
Current Activities:
"Blog City Prompt Forum
Blog City image large
"May Merit Badge Mania!"  
I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - HiatusWelcome...

"Click for (an incomplete) Table of Contents"

"BOOK IDEA - The Believers
"1st Weekend Driving LYFT
"Roald Dahl's bday!
"Just a thought. and reminisce London Terror Attacks
"Portfolio edit
"Chapter ?: Waking Up
"Whichever Way the Wind Blows blog
"A Storm Approaches blog
"The last time I... free write.
"Allegiant: Spoiler Alert
"2 -Sunday Movie News Review and The Quills!
"*Snow1*31-Day Winter Blogging Challenge starts Jan. 1!"  
"20: Generation Z Haiku
"God's Not Done With Me Yet: Fact not Excuse
"17: Button Buys
"The Experiment
"Day 6: To V or not to V
"30 Day Blog Contest Catch Up!: Days 1-10
"TCB: C? - Waking Up
"TCB to L.I.F.E
"Riches or Glory?
"Adventures in Officeland!!!
"Away We Go


*WIP = Work In Progress, as in "I'm not done writing this piece yet."
Image credits:
Current: Kinks: Up Do Inspiration  
Last used: Florin-Chris @deviantart  
Previous Pics:
Monkey (my cat) next to Redd's bottle, pc in background
Shadow falling off cliff
Search for "Another Earth".  
or more specifically:
First pic used
It's time to talk.  
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April 12, 2014 at 6:43pm
April 12, 2014 at 6:43pm
Do you feel obligated to finish all the books you start reading? Why?

Good question. I used to and sometimes I still do. I just hate the idea of not knowing how something ended, no matter how horrible it starts. I think I feel like I would be missing out. I also think it's just a little OCD in the works.

Now a days I have a few books I've started and still haven't finished. Some I plan to finish, others I don't, but oddly enough they all 'haunt' me in a way. Meaning I randomly remember books I've started and think about picking them back up.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day I do actually complete all the books I've started. Whether I like them or not.
April 7, 2014 at 9:44am
April 7, 2014 at 9:44am
DAY 35 - April 7, 2014: If you joined the circus, what act would you most want to perform?

Oooooo, good one!

I want to be one of those contortionist/acrobatic flipper people! Flipper as in back flips, not penguin/dolphin.

Course this is assuming I would have more talent than I currently possess.

I'd also like to be a lion tamer and/or work with exotic animals.

Again, this is assuming I wasn't fearful and the animals were bred in captivity.

What other circus acts are there?

If we're being more literal and I have to use my current abilities....I'd probably end up being the bearded lady.....*sigh* reality sucks.

April 4, 2014 at 4:54pm
April 4, 2014 at 4:54pm
Prompt: What five (5) colors best represent your personality?

I like this! Silver, Blue, Red, Orange and Purple

That was a total mind dump/quick association. Just whatever came to mind, they say that's the truth.

Silver and Blue are just two of my favorite colors. I've always preferred Silver jewelry over gold and it says 'Regal' to me, more so than Gold. Gold's too gaudy and boisterous which is not my personality.
Blue is most peoples favorite color. I red somewhere because of the sky (and probably ocean). I would narrow it down to sky blue (ohps, looks what I did there - make it "light" blue) if I had to. I can be very air-heady/imaginative sometimes, so it works.

Red....I tend to avoid red items/accessories just because it's so popular, but it looks great against my skin, so it's a partial fav. O wait, personality. Vivacious, full of life, you know, Red.

Orange and Purple, not sure where those came from. I think my brain spit them out because they also look good on me. But personality wise....orange is a mix of yellow and red. I really like yellow and can be bright and shiny but most of the time I don't like to stand out, so dulling it down with a little red makes sense.

Purple....not sure what the standard 'meaning' of purple is, but I would call it a 'homey' color. It reminds me of mothers and caregiving and just chilling at home, doing chores, snuggling up. I am a Cancer and we are supposedly massive nesters and I do tend to stay in a lot...so yea, that fits.

Now, on to much more serious matters:

APRIL 3, 2014

Why do they call it monkeying around? I asked Google and found more questions than answers. It made me think that maybe the Writing.com Bloggers can shed some light on this gripping question and some of the others posed by Google.
Help a monkey out, by blogging about...What you know about monkeying around.

How To Sleep Around A Noisy Monkey?
That's silly, give him a banana pacifier laced with a sleeping drought of course.

How Do Monkeys Move Around?
Arms and legs.

What Is The Storyline Of Monkeying Around?
One day a mother and father took a daughter and son to the zoo. Son and daughter saw monkeys for the first time. Both children were enthralled by the monkey's energy and how they just kept moving and bounching and screeching and yelling and throwing and all manner of hooplah.

Daughter: Daddy what are they doing?

Father: O don't worry about it dear, they're monkeys; they're just monkeying around.

And thus the phrase was born. Later on in the car her little brother kept moving around, squirming, shouting and otherwise expressing himself after being stuffed to the gills with sugar and sweets from the day out. Finally fed up with his nonsense daughter turned to the son and loudly said:


And thus the phrase lives on.

Why Are Monkeys Still Around?
Because they are the roaches of the mammal world. Plus they're our cousins, we can't let them go extinct!

Why Do Monkeys Roll Around On The Ground?
Because it's fun.

Answer one or more of these questions in your blog entry. Answer with all of the confidence of an expert on the topic.

The next prompt will be posted on April 6, 2014.
April 3, 2014 at 1:09am
April 3, 2014 at 1:09am
My 2nd Journal
June 7th, 2004
Current Mood:amused
Current Music:old time (movie's set in like the 50s)
F.Y.I. All my subjects won't be so...obvious.
It's Monday morning, my cuzins graduation is at 7p.m. We are supposed to be going out to get some breakfast some time soon (yes it's 1:30 in the afternoon but who hasn't eaten a late breakfast once or twice in their day? Anywho, I'm here at my Aunts' with my mom, older cuzin (who's like a sis to me), and her little girl Jermia. U gotta love the kid. She looks just like her mom and everytime I see her I gotta think "man I knew yo' mama when she wasn't even thinkin' about havin' kids and here u are."
Ok I'm back from eating at Bob Evans, they really need to put them back in GA
Anywayz, I love Jermia, she's like a niece to me, but she serves as excellent birth control. Don't get pregnant unless u can handle it.
Sex. Such a funny word. I say to my friends that I can see myself having sex with I guess u can say many of them, but weither or not I would actually do it....that's different.
I could write for a while, but I'm distracted with cable, seeing as though we don't have even basic cable at my house. All my aunts and uncles have cable and the movie channels. Watching "Unstrung Heros" right now.{/i}
April 3, 2014 at 1:02am
April 3, 2014 at 1:02am
I don't have time to follow the prompts, but I miss blogging. So I decided to share my old LJ blogs, starting with the very first one. Without further ado, Ladies and Gents 'enjoy' my very firstest online blog EVAR!


Title: My 1st Entry (clever, I know)

Ok, this is awesome, it's like an online diary. Only difference is I might actually keep up w/ this thing b/c other ppl will be able to see it. I always got bored with writing in journals or diaries when I didn't have too b/c nobody else ever got to see them. That may sound backwards but I think that we all really want ppl to know what it is we're thinking, we are either just afraid or don't think that anybody cares. Well I CARE! If anyone wants me to read theirs just so that they know SOMEBODY reads it, I will.
Anywho,enough of the small talk. First I gotta givea shoutout to my main man Marcus! Sup Marcus!? He inspired me to start this thing, check him out at http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=mep225. My other friend Rachel also has a journal, but I don't know her name.
Where to start? I just graduated highschool...thank you, thank you,...I graduated top 5% of my class and w/ all honors. To the unexperienced, or the ignorant, it may sound like I am full of myself, but I'm really not! For the longest I've tried to not bring up such things. For instance, during the class picture w/ cap and gowns, I wore all my stuff, but took it back off when no one else (save one person) was wearing it. I told my mom that other ppl didn't wear theirs and she said that that was dumb and when their parents saw it that they were gonna be mad, I decided not to tell her that I took mine off, hopefully she'll never see the pic.
One thing u should know about me is that I tend to be paranoid, but with good reason! I am also good at reading ppl, and even though I'm paranoid I'm usually at least a tad bit right about what I think ppl are thinking or feeling and on picture day, when I had all my stuff on I felt some animosity from Rachel and Raeda. Again it may sound like I'm full of myself and think that everyone's jealous of me, but I didn't get that feeling from everyone else. But it's wasn't just then, I get uncomfortable/unwelcome feelings from the two of them quite often, but it doesn't bother me cuz I'm not that sort of person. If I don't say anything, they don't say anything and we get along fine. Ignorance is bliss u know.
I have a weird personality. I make friends, but not best friends. Like Marcus I seem to go from person to person, but not on purpose. We've been hangin out alot lately and not too many ppl are thrilled w/ it, Rachel and my mom included. Because Marcus is "confused but yet sure of himself" I get along with him fine plus he lives right down the street. I don't get along too well with girls because they/we tend to be overly dramatic. Also, I just can't seem to entertain them or be entertained enough by them. Another thing u should know, I always feel like I'm the one responsible to make a conversation interesting. It's so much easier to like hanging w/ someone when u don't really have to worry about that. The easiest way to ensure that is to make sure that u have the same personality and emotions I suppose. Mostly all the girls I hang with have way different personalities then moi, this provides rather dull and uninteresting encounters. Don't get me wrong, not ALL the time, just when it's one-on-one or for an extended period of time. This means that I can kick it w/ a girl for a little while but if I stay in that situation for too long it gets boring and I hate the thought that they are thinking that I'm boring! I'm too busy worried about what they think to be thinking that they're boring. Does that make me a caring or self-indulged person? I think I'm both, but then again most ppl are.
I have succeded in writing alot of nothing, or is it something....I don't know u decide. I just realized that the only person that will probably read this will be Marcus and maybe Rachel (who's name is nightfaerie, she likes faeries).
It's the summer of my freshman year of college ( or is it the summer of my 12th grade yr. in highschool, how does that work? does anybody know? feel free to tell me) and so far absolutely nothing amazing has happened short of me graduating and all. HAHA What I mean is that my grad party was really amazing. I got a good turn-out. It wasn't overwhelming but it wasn't measly either. I got over $2300 but alot of it is gone, or atleast it seems that way. Me and my mom agreed that I could have 5% but I've ended up taking alot more, or so it seems. At one point I had it all figured to a T, but then I realized that my mom was gonna make me pay for things like my food and gas so I started taking more. Also my mom is using most of it as a loan, but I know she'll pay it back, either way I can blame most of it missing on her.
I plan on attending either Spelman or Mercer in the fall. It's all about the money right now. Who ever gives me more money by the end of the month will more then likely be my decision. I really wanted to go to Spelman, it's an all girl all black school (for those of u who don't know, it's right across from Morhouse, an all guy all black school *Bigsmile*), it seems like a really cool place. I bet there's alot of drama, but I'm ready to see what it's really all about.
Right now I'm on my Aunt's pc. She lives in Dublin (better known as Columbus), Ohio. My other aunts' son Javon is graduating Monday. So far it's been a real cool visit. Well it's 2:35 now so I'm too tired to type anymore. I'm starting to make ALOT of errors that I keep having to erase.
This marks the end of a wonderful beginnig (gotta luv that optimism).
March 29, 2014 at 10:25am
March 29, 2014 at 10:25am
Serial Experience!
Part One
Prompt for March 29, 2014
Photo albums. On the first day (today), tell us all about your experience with photo albums (physical or electronic). Do you still have pictures from when you or your children were young? Did your mother ever bring out your baby photo album at an inopportune/embarrassing moment (family reunion, boyfriend/girlfriend visiting, etc.)? Feel free to share some pictures with us if you want to Bigsmile On the second day (tomorrow), let us in on your future photo album plans. Any big trips coming up you hope to document? What is your motivation for recording these important events if there is potential they will only sit in their albums on a shelf for most of their life until they are removed, leafed through, and winced at? As a follow-up question: do you think that hiding behind a camera lens removes the photographer from the experience taking place in front of them?

For the record Emily I love long posts! More to choose from.
March 26, 2014 at 9:51am
March 26, 2014 at 9:51am
BCity - Prompt: Can you be alone with yourself?

Love the way this question's phrased. Knee-jerk response: If you're by yourself you are alone. But I don't think that's what this is asking. Basically, Can you be happy by yourself, without needing extra company?

Absolutely. I think it's an important confidence booster parents should instill in their children. Community is great but part of taking care of yourself is being comfortable with yourself both in the mental and physical sense.

Granted, I'm naturally a loner that has been nurtured to be more outgoing and attend social functions. To this end I feel very balanced and urge everyone to go out to eat and or a movie by themselves at least 3 or 4 times a year.
March 21, 2014 at 11:05am
March 21, 2014 at 11:05am
It's Funny Friday!
Prompt for March 21, 2014
Have you ever been embarrassed in public (and had people laugh at you)? And/or have you ever laughed at someone who had been publicly embarrassed? Tell us the story.

Hmmm, answers to this may not always be funny....but I'll recount an amicable one. Meaning I probably laughed louder than anyone else.

(fell, nearly tripped, never gets old)


Think we've had a similar question before, I'll take the smart gene please for 5,000 Non-Superficial points.

Don't get me wrong, there are perks to being attractive and if I can/could get something for nothing I'll gladly take it from those who have it to spare. But I would not want to have to get by on that alone or predominantly.

Out of the 4 Paralegals (PL) that began this job with me only 2 are left. One found a better job but the first one to go was a beautiful woman that just wasn't at the same place the rest of us were. How did she get the job? I have no idea no will I speculate, BUT it is my educated guess that she had a lot of things handed to her in the past simply because of her looks. Whether or not she was aware of that fact remained to be seen. She was nice enough and had a personality that made you want to help her and watch her succeed.

Me, PL 3, and the BA were talking last Friday morning about givign her the easy work so she could shine in some capacity. Well 15 minutes later the boss comes in and says "She will no longer be joining us......*mind*blown*

I get it, it's just business and he tried to say "It wasn't just that she couldn't keep up." ...riiiight, what else could it POSSIBLY have been then?! But hey, -ish happens. Just glad I was one of the smart people this time around....


What's your favorite movie of 2014 so far?
March 21, 2014 at 11:03am
March 21, 2014 at 11:03am
make up day
March 19, 2014 at 8:57pm
March 19, 2014 at 8:57pm
If you could bring back one show from your childhood, what would it be and who is your favorite character in that show?

Saved By The Bell, came to mind first. I'm not talking re-runs or even following the original cast past college. Nope, I'm talking bout their kids, Modern Family meets The Fosters style.

I want it back just because it was...for lack of a better word, pure and relatively innocent. Nothing quite like an after school special.

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