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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1910923
Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
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"Chapter ?: Waking Up
"Whichever Way the Wind Blows blog
"A Storm Approaches blog
"The last time I... free write.
"Allegiant: Spoiler Alert
"2 -Sunday Movie News Review and The Quills!
"*Snow1*31-Day Winter Blogging Challenge starts Jan. 1!"  
"20: Generation Z Haiku
"God's Not Done With Me Yet: Fact not Excuse
"17: Button Buys
"The Experiment
"Day 6: To V or not to V
"30 Day Blog Contest Catch Up!: Days 1-10
"TCB: C? - Waking Up
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March 19, 2014 at 9:57am
March 19, 2014 at 9:57am
It's War Chest Wednesday!
Prompt for March 19, 2014
Artificial Intelligence: If a "robot" looks, acts, and thinks like a human, but was created not through "natural" processes, should it be considered part of humanity? Give us your thoughts about the future of Artificial Intelligence in science.

By 'natural' I assume you mean, biologically? As in it needs batteries over food/organic matter to survive? Well considering "organic" is now a fad as far as food is concerned and a majority of us can only afford the basics are apparently only consuming organic 'based' products; generations from now may barely be considered fully 'human' ourselves. But I digress.

No, if it's not human, it isn't a part of humanity.

Now, that opens up a bigger picture. What's the latest on that stem cell research anyway?! Will test tube babies be considered humans? They still require the use of sperm and an ovum correct? Other than missing a belly button, they should be just like us. Theoretically....

Talk about the moment when a favorite show of yours jumped the shark.*

*"Jump the shark" is an idiom (named for a scene in Happy Days where the Fonz did just that) that essentially means the point at which a show begins to decline, often after a particularly cheesy, unrealistic, or gimmicky scene that feels like the show just threw it in there to try to keep interest alive. Some examples of "jump the shark" moments include:

Roseanne winning the lottery on ROSEANNE
The reveal that Karen's dead husband Stanley was actually alive on WILL & GRACE
The musical episode of GREY'S ANATOMY
The reveal that Vaughn isn't actually Vaughn in ALIAS
The gigantic red orb hovering over the city in ALIAS

I've often pondered to true definition of this term. I think in a way it has morphed into this amalgam of analysis techniques to say: Ok, that's kewl and all, but they could have introduced it in a much more interesting and convincing way, had they bothered to take the time to do so. IOW: What was the rush?!

It's refreshing to know that the term is so new! I know Happy Days...sorta. Leave it to the Fonz, am I right!?

The most obvious one on my mind is True Blood. The last couple of seasons have been mediocre at best. I haven't been able to get into reading the books to offer an educated comparison, but I've heard they were fairly close for the first couple seasons then the production decided to veer off and that's probably where they went wrong. Now next season is the last one, but I KNOW the books have a ton more to them *tear*.

Plots I thought jumped the True Blood shark:
Season 6
         Bill is seriously a God now? For realz?!
         The whole Tara/Pam dynamic, I get it...but then again I don't.
         Sookie's Dad tried to KILL her!? And now Warlow's a good guy? What?!
         Steve Newlin and Gov. Burrell deserved better....
         O ok, so Warlow was still really bad all along? O ok.....
         Whyyyy kill off all those fairies in fairyland!?!?!!

Season 5
         Roman, Russell, Hoyt and the Fairy Queen deserved better.....
         I appreciate all the asides with/about Terry....but WHY bother if he just dies anyway?! Too depressing

Season 4
         Soooo faeries are 'evil' in that they are forcing mixed breeds to stay in fairyland...but we don't hear more about it after this season.
         Tommy and Jesus deserved better. Least bring back their ghosts more often or something.....
         This whole Alcide/Sookie maybe, probably not ruse got old fast. And proved pointless in later seasons.

Season 3 - 1
I was pretty much satisfied with all those plots. Sure some of the 'big baddie' deaths were a little kooky, but for such a new series, and without reading the books, it worked.

*Spoiler Alert* Note: When I say a character "deserved better" it means, they could have died with way more dignity and in a much more interesting way than they did.

Blog City Prompt was done yesterday. I running list of this month's prompts posted under a dropnote on the forum page would be useful....."18: Kid 4A Day and Popular Cliffhangers
March 18, 2014 at 8:39pm
March 18, 2014 at 8:39pm
If you could be any age for one week, what age would you choose and why?

7, that's what first popped into my head. Supposedly because it's young enough as to be cute and innocent, but old enough to know what's going on around me and be able to pay attention and comprehend to a certain extent. I can be a sort of spy on the wall because adults will easily ignore me.

PROMPT: Tell us about a TV show or book series you like. What makes you keep coming back to watch or read more? Relate this to your knowledge and understanding of cliffhangers - how do you write a good "cliffy?"

This is no secret. Lynsay Sands Argeneau Vamp Series

But, I'll add to that, Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic Series of Series. I can't wait to read about Trisana the Weather Witch going to college!!! I want to follow these 4 nature mages for the rest of their lives, and their students lives!!!

I always come back because there are so many characters. The more characters the better. I think you create a good "cliffy" by giving a character depth, thus ensuring that your audience REALLY wants to know what happens next, no matter how long it takes.

I tend to write cliffhangers often when given a word limit, it just sorta...happens.

TV Shows? I dunno, I hate commercials and waiting and I have no cable so I haven't had to wait much for anything lately....technology has spoiled me.

PROMPT: We already did something popular you don't like... but what about an incredibly popular movie or show that you've never actually seen?

I will ditto Jeff 's Life of Pi and raise you Frozen, the new Disney flick everyone keeps talking about.

But not for long! The DVD came out today and now I'm only 40 of 80 holds in line to see it. I may see it at the dollar movie before that though.
March 16, 2014 at 8:35pm
March 16, 2014 at 8:35pm
Day 13 March 17 Happy St. Patrick's Day
You receive a mysterious email and the subject line reads Everything you know is a lie. You open the email and read further: Act calm as to not alert anyone, but everyone around you is not who they say they are. You need to quietly get out of there and meet me at the spot where you had your first kiss. You know the place. My name is Lyn. Tell me about that special place. Have you been there since? Now,you know Irish are noted for their blarney, so have fun.

It'sWildcard Monday!
Prompt for March 17, 2014
What impact does chocolate have on your writing? It could be consuming before, during, after or that you include it (subtly?) in stories. If not chocolate, then ... but what else is there?

March 16, 2014 at 10:59am
March 16, 2014 at 10:59am
Which deceased actor or actress do you miss the most?

Oi, been thinking about two a lot lately: Heath Ledger and Phil Hartman. Both for very different reasons, both taken from this world by tragedy.
If I HAD to choose one it'd probably be Ledger the most, but only because he was the youngest.
His death still hits me hard because I honestly think he OD'd because he was having nightmares about being The Joker. I think it was an accident and he had been steadily taking more and more sleeping aids to fight the insomnia and dreams. This guy went from family films like 10 Things I Hate About You and A freaking Knight's Tale to hardcore stuff like Brokeback Mountain and The Dark Knight. He did great in all of them but I don't think he was mentally built for those last two roles. I think he got his female co-worker pregnant BECAUSE he was feeling the pressure of playing a gay role and wanted to reassert his masculinity, and it's possible the backlash from that role followed him into the DK Joker role.
*shrug* all of this is pure speculation of course, but give me a better theory. He never had a history of drug abuse or erratic behavior to my knowledge....and these things don't usually happen over night or for no reason......

Quick Sunday Rundown

Heard lots of news actually, mainly remember the horror story of the 18 yr old that bit off 1/3 of his baby's nose because it wouldn't stop crying....I vote immediate castration.

That Malaysian plane's still missing I believe?

In good news:
both from TBS: A Daddy love letter to his daughter - http://thebertshow.com/dad-just-changed-look-superficial-beauty/
and a TBS producer had to pay off a weight loss bet she lost to another producer and it. is. FABULOUS! - http://thebertshow.com/dad-just-changed-look-superficial-beauty/

And of course TWIP!!! - http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/week-in-pictures/week-pictures-march-6-13-n5213...

Favs: 2, 5, 7, 8 (the Valentine killer is sweating it OUT!), 12 (kids always get the green light....), 13 (classic), 14 (MY FAV!!!! I LOVE women boxers!!!!!), 15 (the Malaysia incident...sigh), 16 (sigh, Syrian baby FTemotionalW)

random politcal rant
March 13, 2014 at 8:40pm
March 13, 2014 at 8:40pm
Update on my popular movie holds, cuz I find the whole thing fascinating, in a 'people love the library and that makes me glad' sorta way. From "2 -Sunday Movie News Review and The Quills!

Gravity [Blu-ray] / writers, Alfonso Cuarón, Jonás Cuarón ; producers, Alsonso Cuarón, David Heyman ;
86 of 111 holds

Frozen [Blu-ray] Buena Vista Home Entertaiment RELEASE DATE 3/18/14
50 of 73 holds

The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug (Rental Ready) [Blu-ray]
18 of 32 holds

Anchorman. The legend of Ron Burgundy [DVD] / Dreamworks Pictures presents an Apatow production
9 of 10 holds

Elysium [Blu-ray] / Tristar Pictures presents in association with Media Rights Capital, a QED Interna
16 of 16 holds

Anchorman 2 : the legend continues [sound recording CD]. Ready. Must pick up by 03-22-14 Woodbourne

March 14, 2014: Have you ever seen a ghost? Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

Not definitively. I've had 'feelings' of being watched or thinking I heard something. I totally believe in spirits and think they can manifest in a variety of different ways.

ION, I also believe in ESP and strong mental/emotional connections that manifest at different times and in different ways, like de ja vu, recognizance, all that jazz. For instance, a co-worker and I were talking about how her son sometimes hears her voice even when she's not around and it's because she was just thinking about him in an excited manner and I've had the same thing happen to me. Also, 3 of us believe we have a sort of....knowing? Or connection to peoples....they say 'aura's I don't feel I see things about people but I do consider myself to be very keen and aware of the emotions and intentions of others. It takes me time to master and/or understand these things about strangers, unless I come into close contact w/ a new person for an extended amount of time or unnatural/non-traditional fashion.

I know most of that makes no sense, but wanted to jot it down.
What actor or actress do you like enough to watch in just about anything?

As previously mentioned a few times, Bruce Willis. I like his kewl dude attitude, somehow he manages to be ultra confident without coming across as arrogant and undeserving. He's also mega funny. Wonder what his true flaws are....can't help to imagine that Demi Moore was the lucky one in that coupling, and of course his kids, though it's a bit of a bummer his genes are so strong that the girls look more like him than their mother....just sayin.

In the interest of gender fairness my fav actress at the moment is....I wanna say Sandra Bullock but I got the feeling she's not doing too many more comedies, what she's most entertaining in/at. So I'll throw McCarthy in there for pure comedic sake. O! I am a J Law fan, I saw her in this older drama on Netflix, as awkward as it was she got to play the whole dramatic gambit, including a rape scene, those hard to stomach moments tend to really make/break certain actors.

Happy Pi Day, everyone! 3-14-14
It's Funny Friday!
Prompt for March 14, 2014
Try to come up with five what ifs. Pick your favorite and turn it into something funny -- short story, rant, essay... Your choice.

Pi Day used to be such a big deal in school, I miss that.

What if Pi Day was Nationally Recognized as a big deal?

What if every shop/bakery was obligated to give/sell really cheap pies on Pi Day?

What if there was a race of people that could alter their race at will?

What if there was a global system in place to introduce pen-pals in real life? (Sounds like a chapter for
Global Chat  (ASR)
How would you KIT from across the world? Tell your story.
#1976148 by A*Monaing*Faith

What if the United Nations banded together and made the U.S. get with the program and off more international programs for ALL americans. (I.E. Just because you can't afford it, doesn't mean 'poor' kids can't get a free ride to visit their pen-pal)

Dang, guess the last one isn't all that funny, but there's potential there.....
March 13, 2014 at 8:16pm
March 13, 2014 at 8:16pm
If you could personally witness one event in history, what would you want to see?

Oi, soooo many to choose.....last time was Columbus' arrival in America....so I'll randomly say, some event in London....like the crowning of the first King! Yea, I choose that.

What's the first movie you remember seeing in a theater?

Ummm, I want to say Beauty and the Beast, but that's probably only because it scared me....
I was 5 when it came out and I can't imagine the sense in taking a toddler much younger to the movies....because obviously I don't remember it ;-P

ION: I didn't know Oliver and Co. was so old! (1988) I may have been to that...though I was only 2, I know I've seen it at least!

It's Opinion Thursday!
Prompt for March 13, 2014
Are we doing kids a favor or a disservice by "not allowing them to fail" in high school? (make-up tests until they pass, extra credit, etc.) How does this affect their preparedness for college and beyond?

'Wussification of America' has become a huge topic these past few years and while I completely agree that trying to 'shield' kids from the real world and being obsessed with political correctness is doing more harm than good, I don't think make-up tests and extra credit are examples of this. Standardized testing isn't the only way to learn and given how stringent and unpersonalized education is people need some leeway, myself included.

Now, this crap about no zeros and an auto 50 even if you DON'T turn it in! is just crazy.....So is removing the option of corporal punishments and students having more rights than teachers.

No, giving a hard working kid a second/third chance isn't a disservice, but allowing some snot with a crappy attitude ruin the educational experience for others by disrespecting the teacher and them-self whenever they want, is.

bubblews research:
March 12, 2014 at 2:50am
March 12, 2014 at 2:50am
Talk about a movie or television show that you feel has particularly strong writing. Forget the actors and directors and production value and special effects; what property dazzles you with the dialogue and storytelling?

TBBT due to it's intense physics vernacular and Bones due to it's intense forensic anthropology vernacular on TOP of a very real and meaningful relationship dynamic. Not saying Penny and .....the guy w/ glasses aren't cute, but Bones and 'Angel' Boreanez are more mature and relatable.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898266/ and http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0460627/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

Oi, another variation of this question. Mmmk, I'll bite:

It's War Chest Wednesday!
Prompt for March 12, 2014
You are invited to spend a week's vacation with a famous person, past or present. Who would you want it to be? Why?

The year is 2024. You are invited to a dinner at the White House in your honor. What is your accomplishment?

Seem bland but I'm going with Nobel Prize in Writing and Humanitarian Acts....

I wanna write a pivotal 'game-changing' work of art and do great things with the proceeds.....
March 12, 2014 at 2:47am
March 12, 2014 at 2:47am
It's War Chest Tuesday!
Prompt for March 11, 2014
Have you ever been betrayed by someone you trusted? Tell us about it.

Well, the most dramatic and personal response would probably be my Dad. But don't feel like going there SO I'll say a friend back in high school. Though it wasn't quite purposeful betrayal since I introduced her to my ex....I just didn't expect them to get quite so physical so quickly.......

Are there any long-running shows you've seen every single episode of? No one-season wonders here; let's say a show has to have a run of at least 48 episodes to count. If you haven't seen every episode of a show, tell me about one you'd like to consider watching from beginning to end.

Has TBBT had 48 episodes? I think so. I rented all the series from the library. Like everyone, I heart Sheldon and his lovable bunch of geeks. Wish I were Penny.

Of course it feels like I've seen every episode of Family Guy, shame there's not much more MacFarlane can do with that show, time to move on.

Ummmm.....seen a ton of That 70's show, Desperate Housewives, Walker Texas Ranger, Touched By an Angel, Bones, Fresh Prince, Cosby Show Saved by the bell, Boy meets world, 7th heaven, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The boondocks...that wasn't 48 shows but I woulda watched them all! Plus a ton others from childhood I'm probably forgetting.

O! REality TV, RR/RW on MTV, Hoarders, and Animal Cops to name the top three......

Let's have some fun.. You returned home to find a DEAR JOHN letter oddly enough from your favorite piece of furniture. Inquiring minds want to know what the letter said. We are looking forward to seeing where you go with this.
March 12, 2014 at 2:30am
March 12, 2014 at 2:30am
"I recently rediscovered the usefulness of the library (*Blush*) even after working here all year, and began looking more and more in depth at the covers of books. What book are you reading now? If you aren't currently reading a book, what is the next book you want to read, or what is the last book you finished? What drew you to that book? Look specifically at the cover design, the back cover, and the inside flaps. What makes this book one that would stand out on a library shelf?"

I just gotta say I'm saddened Emily is just now rediscovering my favorite place on earth! but better yet than neva!

I ALWAYS look at book covers. I'd have to say the cover art of a new book by an author I've never heard of is 80% of what makes me pick it up, and that's being modest. I great cover goes a looooooong way. That's how I fell in love with the Kate Daniels and Patricia Biggs series among others.

As of last night/this morning I started reading Kiera Cass' Selection series and I AM IN LOOOOOOVE! "Note: Remember falling in love for the first time? ..."

As I was perusing http://clc.lib.overdrive.com/ the cover gripped my attention and when I saw she was a NYT Best Seller, not to mention the 50 ppl long waiting list, I decided to give it a try. Glad I did. Contemporary covers are the best and most interesting for/to me.

Last book I finished was Lynsay Sands' VMW as previously mentioned in...."5: Book, Play, Talk ? or "1 - I used to think corn was sweet.... ? *shrug* I already knew her so nothing drew me to the book, I heard about her through a college friend. Her covers are pretty awesome though, and o so SAUCEY!!!!!

What's the best adaptation of a book (or book series) you've seen?

I want to say Twilight, but that's mainly because they did the ending in a MUCH more satisfying manner than the author did. I was mad at Meyer for that lame ending. All this boiling tension and both sides just WALK away!?!!?!? really1?!@@!@1.The movie ending was sooooo much better.

Other than that....others are ok....i agree with Annette that HP wasn't bad....but I was pissed at TGOF. They so could have made the Quidditch World Cup scene sooooooooooo much longer! That pretty much scared all the movies for me, but 1/7 ain't bad.....It's this lack of book to movie exaction that makes me want to produce/direct/write books to film SOOOOOOOO BADLY!

Did the Blog City prompt on the wrong day....yeaaaaa "9 - Commuting News is for The Birds
March 9, 2014 at 7:05pm
March 9, 2014 at 7:05pm
Tell us about some of your commuting experiences to work. Is it enjoyable or horrific? If you work from home, what is it like not to commute? How did you turn your home into a work environment?

Funny you should ask this today since my first day at a new job 45 minutes down a busy highway. *sigh* I'm excited but wary all at the same time.....Wary because the past 30 days of unemployment have allowed me to set my own schedule and for the 3 months prior to that I was allowed to work from home 4 days out the week; which was fabulous from a layabout and not waste valuable resources (like gas and daily shower water) standpoint, but deplorable from the social vs. hermit standpoint; one guess which I lean towards.

Pray for me please, the next week or so will be quite the adjustment.

What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

Hitchcock's The Birds.
Unbreakable was gawd-awful too, but The Birds popped in my head before I even finished reading the prompt.
I'll never forget my older cousin and I (who just found out she's preggers after YEARS of trying! SO HAPPY for her!!!!!) staying up LATE one night watching that silly movie. I was still a minor, maybe 9th/10th grade? So perhaps I'd appreciate it more now, but dang I remember being SO disappointed with how it ended. It was hilarious though!

I dunno, haven't seen a ton of Hitchcock but I know several of them are still terrifying even today, so I think it took me by surprise when this one was just laughable, literally. 6/10 in my book.

I just remember Unbreakable as being boring and too slow for an action hero/comic-book flick. I always expect more from Willis and Jackson (they're amazing in Die Hard 2!, though I hadn't even seen that yet). They are two of a rare group that never get old for me, no matter how often they play the same type of character.
The Sunday News!
Prompt for March 9, 2014
Provide your thoughts/opinions on a newspaper/magazine article or a radio/television news story from the past week. And if you feel inclined, let loose and blog about your week. Also, feel free to comment on your favorite blog entries from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, though this is not required.

Again, I'm clueless and my radio crew was on spring break vaca this week sooooo *random MSN search*
I LOVE MSN's Week in Pictures, always have since I first stumbled upon it around a decade ago. Not a fan of the new layout (it used to be a hi-res pop up), it is more streamlined though so pros n cons....

It was hard, but between images 5, 11, 12 and 13 I chose 13- mud wrestling, the animalistic quality of the subjects is stimulating. 5 isn't as stimulating, 12 only has one subject, 11 is too obvious.

The most interesting images for me were:
Australian journalist Peter Greste, third right, of Al-Jazeera and his colleagues stand inside the defendants cage during their trial for allegedly supporting the Muslim Brotherhood at Cairo's Tora prison, on March 5. The high-profile case has sparked a global outcry and is seen as a test of the military-installed government's tolerance of independent media, with activists fearing a return to autocracy three years after the Arab Spring uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak.

6 The Valentine Murderer!
Oscar Pistorius leaves court during a lunch break on the third day of his murder trial in Pretoria, South Africa on March 5. Pistorius is standing trial for the premeditated murder of his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp, in February 2013.

7's nice and artistic, worth mentioning.

People walk along a street heading to Kiev's Independence Square, Ukraine on March 4, the same day that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry visited the city.

11 This is especially gorgeous and interesting since I'm going to my lil cousins ball this month, my first ever; oddly enough, we don't do this in the South (least not in my neck of the GA woods), where I would expect such outdated ceremonies to take place....
Debutants dance during the opening ceremony of the Vienna Opera Ball at the State Opera in Vienna, Austria on Feb. 27.

12 The perceptively odd ones are my favorite!
A man covers his face in oil and soot as he gets ready to participate in a carnival festival in the small village of Luzon, Spain on March 1.

13 Makes sense to me, didn't know mud wrestling was still seriously considered as such a big sport. I personally rank it as the male equivalent of somewhere around the ball park of a wet t-shirt contest....or jello/oil wrestling.
Wrestlers practice as others rest in the mud at the Akharra traditional Indian wrestling center in Mumbai on March 4. Kushti (mud wrestling) is a traditional sport in India, but more and more young athletes are now training to wrestle on mats instead of mud to gain access to top international competitions like the Olympics or the Commonwealth Games.

14 This pic doesn't thrill in comparison, but the description gripped me.
Palestinians look at the body of Palestinian Mousab Al-Zaanin through the window of a hospital morgue in northern Gaza on March 3. An Israeli air strike on Monday killed the Palestinian militant in the Gaza Strip, who Israel's military said had been preparing to launch a rocket across the border. Palestinian sources said the 24-year-old militant was killed, but it was unclear which group he was affiliated with.

Out of the two top voted pics from the previous two weeks, it's no surprise they both involve babies, but the 2nd struck me the hardest:
A boy holds his baby sister who was saved from under rubble, after what activists say was an airstrike by forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Masaken Hanano in Aleppo on Feb. 14.

Once again, I flipping hate war....sure Americans may not have caused this one but we never see the harm our people do innocents also....

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