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by Dave
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1236257
A log of the magnificent journey across the vast sea of my imagination.
A sig awarded for winning "The Anything Goes Poetry Contest"

A log of our magnificent journey.

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September 9, 2022 at 12:37pm
September 9, 2022 at 12:37pm
“Every moment is a fresh beginning.”
~ T.S Eliot

The past is gone and out of sight
in life's complex motif,
as present time has taken flight
without a sign of grief.

Today, my life begins anew
with fresh ingredients
in Mother Nature's potluck stew,
including ripe suspense.

Notes on the Hymnal Stanza form of poetry

Let the creativity flow from your soul! *Cool*
"The Poet's Place
September 2, 2022 at 10:51am
September 2, 2022 at 10:51am
One fine day, as I was searchin' for my Muse,
the Storymaster wrote some code that he could use
to build a sanctuary for writers,
so we could tarry and pull all-nighters,
trying to light the creative fuse.

         May the goblins of gab ignite your conflagration
         with a gallon of pyrotechnic inspiration.
         May the witches brew a ton of titillation
         in the cauldron of your imagination.

The folks at Writer's Cramp will test our wits,
and Stormy Lady's words will give us fits,
but kansaspoet's ghost still lingers here
to make it absolutely clear
that quality counts in a poetry blitz.

         May the goblins of gab ignite your conflagration
         with a gallon of pyrotechnic inspiration.
         May the witches brew a ton of titillation
         in the cauldron of your imagination.

While the werewolves are howling at the moon
and graveyard residents moan their gruesome tune,
we'll write it all for posterity,
each and every monstrosity,
thanks to Storymaster's creative boon.

         May the goblins of gab ignite your conflagration
         with a gallon of pyrotechnic inspiration.
         May the witches brew a ton of titillation
         in the cauldron of your imagination.

August 16, 2022 at 3:12pm
August 16, 2022 at 3:12pm
Brian Booker was going bonkers. At work as a customer service clerk for a shipping company, he was constantly besieged by disgruntled customers complaining about misrouted shipments, misquoted rates, delayed deliveries, and all the other factors that applied under Murphy's Law. At home, his wife was always harping about the "to do" list, which never seemed to get any shorter no matter how hard he worked. In between those two harried worlds of persecution was the hassle of log-jammed traffic--bumper to bumper on the way to work, bumper to bumper on the way home, noise, pollution, impatient people, frayed nerves. He needed a break.

One day, as he was creeping along in traffic on the way home, inspiration struck him like a bolt of lightning. He saw a huge balloon depicting a dinosaur floating over a used car lot with a banner which proclaimed:


A few days alone at a fishing camp on the lake were exactly what he needed. He had vacation time coming at work, and his wife was going to visit her sister for a week. Why not?

He flipped on his turn blinker and pulled over into the car lot, where he was greeted immediately by a salesman wearing a flashy Hawaiian shirt, straw hat, and Bermuda shorts, presenting exactly the kind of casual image that Brian intended for himself.

After checking out several cars under the enthusiastic guidance of the boisterous salesman, Brian finally settled on an old sedan selling for $500.00. The door panels were rusty, and there were a couple of holes in the floorboard. But the engine seemed to be in pretty good shape. Good enough to get from here to there.

He wrote a check, and the salesman gave him a bill of sale. After filling out the paperwork to apply for a new title, registration, and insurance, Brian called a neighbor to help him get the car home.

On Saturday morning, as he was preparing for his fishing getaway, Brian popped the trunk on the sedan to stow his fishing gear. There, lying in the trunk, he discovered a man's body and two suitcases. From recent news coverage, he recognized the body as that of a notorious drug kingpin who had disappeared about a month ago. Opening the suitcases, he found one with bags of white powder and the other full of cash.

He called the police, and they came out to retrieve the body and the suitcase full of dope.

That night, he went to an old dive that he remembered from his bachelor days and found an old acquaintance of questionable repute, from whom he procured a new driver's license and passport.

First thing next morning, he went to the airport and bought a one-way ticket to the Cayman Islands.

470 words
August 11, 2022 at 1:58pm
August 11, 2022 at 1:58pm
Through my lens, a soldier's life is portrayed,
along with all the sacrifices made.
I see such vile atrocities unfold,
recording them for others to behold.

Sensor captures barbaric carnival,
preserved in powerful pictorial.
My photographic memory retains
the gruesome scenes with battle's bloody stains.

When hero's flag-draped casket is conveyed
down ramp from C-17 cargo hold
in solemn military ritual,
I document family's grieving pains.

August 2, 2022 at 6:53pm
August 2, 2022 at 6:53pm
The ghosts of Hemingway and Poe abide here
and cavort with folks like Bonnie and Clyde here.

Habitat for adventurous spirits,
Huckleberry Finn meets Sally Ride here.

Across the ages, tongues of many scholars
speak their piece and become amplified here.

Their voices echo down fertile valleys
from the mountain of books sanctified here.

Insatiable curiosities try
to have their inquiries satisfied here.

History, opinion, and fantasy
are washed in the literary tide here.

Fantasy writers take eager readers
along for a remarkable ride here.

These stacks of books form a mystic labyrinth,
which will lead you to the truth inside here.

Among the congregating kindred souls,
Granddaddy met his lovely bride here.

Notes on the Ghazal form of poetry

July 30, 2022 at 12:35pm
July 30, 2022 at 12:35pm
Mary, Mary, standing there
in your tie dye underwear
demonstrates your fashion flair
on cultural balance sheet.

Squeezing into Spandex pants
for night of trendy dance,
ignoring ignorant rants
from those who cannot compete.

Preparing for party gig,
you must find a way to rig
giant Dolly Parton wig
to make impression complete.

In any case, I'll be here
to reassure you, my dear,
that a stylish pioneer
like you just cannot be beat.

Notes on the Ochtfochlach form of poetry
July 21, 2022 at 4:57pm
July 21, 2022 at 4:57pm
City skyscrapers
obscure majestic sunrise
with all its glory,
and traffic shreds sanity.
I wish we could escape to
open spaces where
majestic mountain skyline
glorifies each day.

Notes on the Oriental Octet form of poetry
July 13, 2022 at 12:06pm
July 13, 2022 at 12:06pm
We send our young away to war
across the sea to distant shore
and test their mettle to the core
with great concern.

Our children lose their innocence
when evil characters commence
subverting moral precedents
with brutal deeds.

They put their lives in jeopardy,
ignoring bloody savagery.
We recognize their bravery
with grand parades.

Notes on the Ovi form of poetry
July 11, 2022 at 2:24pm
July 11, 2022 at 2:24pm

Always helps me get away from the daily stress and served as inspiration for

"Nautical Twilight

The beauty of being me derives
from the tangy taste of a ripe sunrise,
accompanied by the color crescendo
of Beethoven's Fifth rising over
yon horizon to herald
another nautical adventure,
as I sail the sea of life.

Tacking against the wind,
hauling the sheets as timbers gnash and groan
when storms are brewing in the South,
my vessel sways upon the ocean's gray rolling hills.
Heave the lines, heave ho!

When the tempest
of foggy cataracts, thumping transmission,
and debt distress finally subsides,
a lemon drop ray of sunshine peeks through,
and I shift the tiller of my little yawl
to sail a reach before a following sea
with forty feet of waterline making way nicely
on a downhill run to forever.

The albatross and the whale frolic alongside,
as the golden orb continues its stroll across the sky
and begins a descent to make way for the next phase
in a glorious splash of purple, red and gold.

The twilight, like the horizon, is nothing more than
a gateway to the next adventure,
where the moon and the stars commence
their dance upon celestial stage,
while ocean rhythms serenade my soul,

and constellations mark the path
to help me navigate the next leg
of the cosmic journey
that is the beauty of being me.

July 6, 2022 at 10:37am
July 6, 2022 at 10:37am
The medial is numb to shame
with camera and microphone
to snare survivors' moan and groan.
When drama is the horrid game,
the media is numb to shame.

With bloody wounds and broken bone
amid the screaming overtone,
victims are approached all the same.
The media is numb to shame.

With mental wounds as yet unknown,
newsmongers shun the healing zone.
The bitter truth remains the same:
the media is numb to shame.

Notes on the Desdansa form of poetry

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