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30 Day Blogging Challenge

Out of my Mind
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December 15, 2015 at 1:15pm
December 15, 2015 at 1:15pm

1. Do you have any holidays planned? Tell us about them.

2. What's your opinion on the concept of 'paying it forward' rather than paying back the person who did the original kindness? Have you experienced this as either the payer or recipient? Tell us about it.

3. If you had a choice between only celebrating one holiday a year (your choice) or birthdays, which would you choose?

4. Do you believe in karma? Have you ever thought that someone got what they deserved, either good or bad?

5. What is one thing you would suggest to others to help bring peace to our world.

6. How do you feel about sharing your life with strangers via your blog? Does it ever make you uncomfortable? How do you decide what is and is not appropriate to share?

7. What would you give the person you love most if price were no object? Why?

8. Tell us about your first job.

9. When many people are celebrating Christmas this year, what will you be doing?

10. What has been your biggest cooking disaster? Was it a comedy or a tragedy?

11. List all the things you would love to get for Christmas (or birthday or other special occasion). Whether the list is realistic or a wish list, that's up to you.

12. It is said that we should live our lives with no regrets. Do you agree with this, or do you think regrets are necessary for growth?

13. Make a list of things you have accomplished this year. Feel good about what you have done.

14. Which is more valuable to you: time or money?

15. List all the books in your 'To Be Read' pile, and tell us which books you'd like to read next year. Do you have a reading goal? Have you ever considered taking part in a reading challenge?

16. Imagine your life is taught in schools. Write the exam paper.

17. Tell us about a Christmas or holiday memory from your past.

18. Did you ever walk away from a situation where you could have helped, but decided not to? Please elaborate.

19. What are your thoughts on NaNoWriMo (or any of the many variations)?

20. Do you have a tattoo? Describe it and tell us what it means to you. If you don't, tell us what you would get or why you would never get one.

21. What is the best thing about December?

22. What is the worst thing about December?

23. Tell us about a concert or live performance you've been to.

24. Holiday songs. Are you a lover or a hater? Tell us your favourites and the ones you dislike the most.

25. Write about any controversial topic of your choosing.

26. When it comes to holidays and gifts, are you a Grinch or a Scrooge? Or do you tend to throw yourself into the season with abandonment?

27. Share a childhood memory that fits the current season wherever you are.

28. What gives you a sense of joy this time of year?

29. Tell us about a food or drink that brings back memories for you.

30. When it comes to holidays, do you prefer to snuggle up indoors or head out to parties?

31. Do you regularly participate in online shopping deals? Which do you prefer - online or traditional shopping? Do you ever go to markets with stalls rather than shops?

32. Everyone works so hard to have a perfect occasion. Why are the disasters the funniest and most memorable?

33. What are your ten favourite words and why?

34. Recently there's been a lot of negativity towards religion circulating, especially in light of the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. Take a moment to consider the other side of the coin. In your opinion, what are some of the advantages/pros of religion?

35. Do you think the era of the newspaper has ended, or is there still a chance for this industry? What about physical paper books?

36. How many of your childhood family traditions have you/will you pass on to your own children? Have you or your children created any new traditions?

37. Would you break the law to help or save a loved one? To what extent would you go? Explain your decision(s).

38. Describe a typical Christmas (or any national holiday of your choosing) in your part of the world.

39. How would you cope if you could never write again?

40. What sort of shows or movies do you and your family enjoy? Tell us about some of your favourites.
June 1, 2015 at 10:10pm
June 1, 2015 at 10:10pm
This week, June 1 through June 5, will be a round table discussion involving the mystery genre. Pretend we are meeting around a conference table and talking away.

The prompt for June 1, 2015: If you were writing a murder mystery what would you chose as a method of death?

Well I adore the idea of some exotic food, or looking to a more scifi way- through a programmable internal ear implant and the most annoyingly irritating tune repeats and repeats, the vibraionis eventually tuned so as to rupture the internal organs! it has been remotely controlled by the perpetrator making it near impossible for them to be traced.
April 6, 2015 at 8:11pm
April 6, 2015 at 8:11pm
Prompt: We’re visiting one of the many wonderful suggested destinations - either one someone has suggested or a different one. Things do not go as planned. Tell us where we are and what kind of trouble we get into. Make the entry humorous if you can.
April 6, 2015 at 8:09pm
April 6, 2015 at 8:09pm
Prompt: As we plan out various excursions, what is a place you do not want to visit?

I would love to use the shape shift gear on the ship and prepare for a trip to the stars and seek out an unknown galaxy and set down upon a strange planet and experience what's there.
April 6, 2015 at 8:02pm
April 6, 2015 at 8:02pm
Day 4 - What’s for dinner tonight? Expense or difficulty in preparation is no problem.

Well I think I am going to take up the invitation to dinner. I am extremely hungery and very curious to see inside other peoples cabins.

Fresh Lobster is my favourite food. I have been known to travel 100 miles to go to an excellent fresh sea food restaurant, on the sea front, the evening sun setting politely on the horizon, good company and a crisp drink dangling on the palate. I shall adorn my most flowing elegant antique dresses climb on to my high shoes grab a ditty bag and enjoy the company.
April 3, 2015 at 7:23pm
April 3, 2015 at 7:23pm
On this trip you don’t have to do any cooking, cleaning or other chores. Tell us how you envision these tasks being performed.

I think the chores are probably done by Charlie wearing a French maids outfit, n'est pas?
Well he is so fond of French maid outfits I thought it best to put him in one!! Ha ha!

Perhaps we could draw up a rota of doing each others cabins, just to keep it real, in our imaginarium.
April 2, 2015 at 7:29pm
April 2, 2015 at 7:29pm
Day 2

When you enter your assigned room with attached bathroom on the ship, it’s bare. You may decorate and furnish your room any way you like – just say it or wish it. The only limitation is you only have one port window. Tell us what the room looks like after you finish with it.

Welcome to my room . As you can see I have enlarged the porthole for a better view, which brings in extra glistening sunlight and part of the window delves down in to the sea. Ah look there's a manta ray. "Hi Man!" I call him that for short.

This is my massage/sleep wall that envelopes and gently relaxes. This gold button here is to enact atmospheric mode. Thinking setting for example will make gravity fall away and one can hover at any height and meditate freely.

Of course I have more traditional features - please dont touch that bell- my blue memory foam lined hammock, a delight for a good read and rock. Of course I have a herbarium growing, the shelves are high yet adjustable and easy to move. Oh watch out for that giant Aloe, it may react if you stand on it again.

I notice you admiring the elegant Rose wood low tea table. If you would like to take the purple silk cushion and sit I will start the tea ceremony. Ah, here comes Alfie the seagull, what news Alfie.
No, don't touch the bell!

As the jingle sounded the canvas melted and the picture of the room formed a small puddle.
April 1, 2015 at 9:38pm
April 1, 2015 at 9:38pm

Day 1 - If you could travel anywhere, where would you go. What would you expect to see, eat, smell, hear, and feel.

I would go to one of Jupiters moons.
Europa,so mysterious to outsiders but to those of us who visit we enjoy it's passive sea shores, that vibrate with a hum of seven tones that order your molecules in a different way. You turn and twist to light that skims off the underneath water moons, colours of cerices deep purple, and dark gold, cause three dimensional merging with peaks of expansion of understanding.
I take a cautious breath of speckled blue and hear my voice sing B as I turn my back.
The cool water clothing me as I fall trusting I will be caught. I begin and end in it's vastness. I wave to myself against the shore.
Words no longer necessary, thought becomes music and light. Swirls of comfort appease the stressed earth mind.
A true away day.
August 31, 2014 at 12:40am
August 31, 2014 at 12:40am
This is it campers...time to pack it up and break camp. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves! Tell us what you liked about camp, what you got out of it, and what you'd like to see changed by next summer.

Thank you all for joining us this August! Without you there'd be no camp; this couldn't have happened without your support. I'd also like to thank my fellow co-counselor, Lyn Pink Ribbon for Leah , for all her help and backing...she's been an absolute treat to work with. 'Til next summer, you guys...

I have had an excellent time. It was a lot more eventful than I was expecting! I really felt part of a group with a friendly, supportive and quirky feel.  We were all different and brought different skills to the woods with us. I enjoyed the weird sharkhorse- twistidly  scary- and all the other oddities that people added to our trip. 

I enjoyed all the prompts, I particularly liked the mixture of more structure prompts like the ad with the more amorphus ones like, the hole in the tree, lights in the woods and the story around the campfire.

I liked the setting that was given to us, it became very real. I could visualise everthing that was going on. A whole heap of weird visualisations I have to say- that darn coffee! 

I liked the tension built up by something invading the camp and all the varying solutions proffered to solve any problems we came across. I've really enjoyed, and found it interesting to read other peoples blogs.

I have so enjoyed everyones company and will miss our camp. Sniff!

Farewell dear friends, goodbye woods, adieu weird sharkhorse thing (stop eating my rucksack)
Till next year...

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
August 30, 2014 at 12:08am
August 30, 2014 at 12:08am
Our last big campfire together for this year

This is your chance to spin a really wild tale before we part ways, can you top what has happened here this past 3 weeks together?
We are looking forward to what you got for us. By the way Nell, Merle, Joe from the pub and our neighbors are joining us for our farewell roast.
Who's up to the limbo again?
Norb and Lyn

Gather ye round, campers, sharhorses , alien cousins et all. Stare in to the fire, watch its flames, let the  shapes consume your mind and i will tell you a story that will shrivel your spine and torment your bones! Well, it won't be that bad...well maybe...

Last night I saw a shadow moving off in to the woods. I followed stealthily it lead me through deep convoluted thicket. My skin shredded against the thorn like a good Cheddar. (can you buy this cheese over there?) Hence all the scratches, if anyone can find the first aid kit I'd be grateful. Oh no wait I'll just use my dermal regenerator.

The shadow stopped and beckoned me to the edge of the lake and in to a small boat. It drew itself out on to the lake and started to turn. It whirled round and round and round. Down I went down in to the depths of the lake.

 I awoke  in a cave with a light beaming from the distance. I stumbled toward the source. I could see through my blurred vision two figures  a man and a woman. It was   Nell and Merle! And they were.. Oh it was horrible, they were... I can't even say it... but we must get out of here now... They will be coming, coming soon for us - to make us in to pies for the tourists! And we've just helped them campaign for more meat, I mean, guests to arrive.. What's that, in the trees, they're coming.... RUN - we're the roast!

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