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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1789627
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Out of my Mind
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July 14, 2011 at 5:58pm
July 14, 2011 at 5:58pm
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
-Mohandas Gandhi

Do you think this to be true?
What brings you the greatest happiness in your life?
What is one of your happiest moments?

Yes I think this is true. The statement implies the state of mind that is in perfect harmony with itself and everything around it . It is not a selfish happiness but a true one that knows the rightness of its own condition.

Working hard to achieve my goals spiritual and life. Just sitting and being aware of nature, watching a butterfly in my garden or a bee snuffling out pollen.

Finding out who I am and where I am going.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July 14, 2011 at 5:46pm
July 14, 2011 at 5:46pm
Prompt: It's hotter than Hades in August and you're at the beach. You run out into the ocean waves, jump to get over that big one, and on the way back down, something bumps against your leg. What would you do? Would you dive under the water to see what it was? Would you yell for help? Would you swim toward shore in the same direction as the bump? Or something else?

I embrace the hot sunny day and I splash happily in to the blue waves the cold is shocking but welcome. I turn to watch the flight of a seagull, a crashing notice wells in front of me I turn back sharply to the sea a huge wave engulfs my body and a strange substance makes contact with my skin. I struggle physically to stand my ground against the secret under pull of the water. I grip my fear round the neck and shove it under the water my hands grasping viciously for the enemy. I grab the underwater alien as fast as a ninja my mind having no time to pause for thought. The slime starts to permeate my imagination forming the face of a ..... oh a piece of seaweed.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.

July 11, 2011 at 10:28pm
July 11, 2011 at 10:28pm
Day 10 Who are the authors who have inspired you work?

Reading Ouspensky a Russian esoteric philosopher inspired me to look deep in to the human mind. He taught me that everyone is sleeping and even prefer not to awaken as it takes deep effort for the human race to awaken from its slumber. Most people find it easier to stick with their robotic formation of thought and action. Habitual, comfortable. Children are the nearest to the spark of life and are crushed by the adults in their expression and form, but nobody knows any better, as we are all asleep. 'His book The Fourth way' Explores ways of thought and action to jump start the mind in to wakefulness.It made a big impression when I happened upon it at 19. He inspired me to wake up!
It is not for me a any way near definitive look at existence, I don't think that is contained in one book. Maybe the 'tao te ching' by Loa Tzu gets close.

In literature there are so many writers at different times in my life that have been extraordinary in their words and ideas. Shakespeare has to be one . I have worked with a lot of Shakespeare finding the voice and meaning of the characters and situations. I think Macbeth has to be one of his best expositions of the human character. Shakespeare exposes the flaws and tragedy that lies within selfishness, greed and a desire for power. It was a shocking revelation to me the depths to which people will and do go to achieve their secret aims and desires.

Beryl Bainbridge has inspired me with her writing style in her short stories, her perceptive descriptive skills and quirkiness draws you completely in to her narrative.I think I will pop back and add to this later.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July 11, 2011 at 9:29pm
July 11, 2011 at 9:29pm
JULY 11 PROMPT from teffom@writing.com



2. GAS FRACTURING or Fracking

3. A tale of taking down the Christmas Tree in July ..

Mountains reach to touch the sky the blueness of their mentor looms down upon them sometimes threatening, yet always encouraging
The sky bends to lure the mountains upward, to stretch and peak jaggedly making progress, taking up space .
The higher the hill the more powerful the air filling your senses, blasting your synapses to creativity.
Though reflecting the pureness of this intake of breath.
In time their white tipped peaks will pierce the depths of space and time and make their way across the universe.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.

July 9, 2011 at 12:42am
July 9, 2011 at 12:42am
The End of the World
The Battle of darkness and light...
Darkness is not a game, its not a cartoon severed finger or a chain saw massacre. Darkness does not pretend with you, it creeps upon, creeps in. The dead will walk this earth again, it is written. You will think your in a film as you are eaten by the souls exhumed by mans lack of sense to keep his freedom. I speak of your soul, that thing you cannot describe or barely feel is real is being taken now ,darkness creeps. The more you deny its reality and see its place only at the movies the more it comforts you to expect its coming, the dead are stood behind you arms outstretched. They are coming - now. The death of a thousands years is corner bound. He comes as a thief in the night. The great one appears - you'll know then he is real - or is it a film?

Things are never as they seem. Rapture ends the human parade, a small minority saved, not necessarily those who think they will be, many are in for the 1000 yr shock.Perhaps the messiah is here already living in a bed sit noticed by all but known by none. Humble to the point of indistinguishable, he makes his way saving souls where he can, did you not noticed how few die in disasters, compared to how many more could, is it just a happy coincidence?

There is the other side too taking their quota of souls where they can. And what about this god that if he existed would not let people suffer, that argument is too simple. Free will is the reply, we exercise free will, we have made this world ourselves, but it is tied with a kind of mathematical fate. Purpose of mind that's where the devil(negativity) has you, he reigns over your purpose of mind. The Devil is in the detail - of how and what you think.

With our thought we make the world

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July 8, 2011 at 4:42pm
July 8, 2011 at 4:42pm
If you could give yourself a call on a past birthday of yours, what would you tell yourself?

I would phone myself somewhere in my twenties. I would tell myself not to worry so much, to always try to be positive, it really does work. As with our thoughts we make the world. We create a positive or negative outcome depending on how we think about it. I wish I had known this was true sooner in my life. This knowledge has transformed my existence.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July 7, 2011 at 6:28pm
July 7, 2011 at 6:28pm
Music can be inspirational.
Has music ever inspired you to write or to create?
If so, what music inspires you the most? Any particular song(s) or artist(s)?
If not, what inspires you to write?

I am surrounded by musicians in friends and family and have worked with musicians in the past,I have been exposed to many different types of music. These here are only a few that I have found inspirational and found myself listening to over and over again..

Bach's violin concertos are just transcendent. His violin concerto in A minor is such a story of lament and bitter sweet emotion balanced on the trembling delicacy of a string strung across a bridge tempered by a bow and the skilled hand of a musical craftsman. It makes you weep yet as it develops you feel the underlying strength and it brings you with it in to tenderness. Truly Amazing!
His violin concerto in E major is the antithesis of it. Bright blasts of choral violin blasting speedy joy at you. I find it so uplifting. My father introduced me to Bach when I was young and I have loved wrapping my mind in his musical landscape ever since. I find it lifts my spirit and makes me feel creative particularly frees my mind for ideas for writing to emerge.

Another favorite music is reggae music is has been a major soundtrack to my life. Bob Marley particularly -the tones in his voice and the wise words he sings resonate. He had/has a message of love and wisdom for the world. Listening to his music is uplifting and spiritual. Kaya is one of my favorite albums of his.

"Your running and your running and your running away, but you can't run away from yourself."

I have most of Blurs output, an intelligent and meaningful English band who's catalogue, over the years, has maintained its quality and diversity. This also applies to another genius band whose music spans the mind and makes you think and laugh is the group that did the title music to 'Father Ted', 'The Divine Comedy'.

Burt Bacharach is just brilliant to listen to. His melodies are so convoluted and complex they are notoriously difficult to sing. My favorite artist singing his songs is Elvis Costello who does brilliant interpretations that draw you in living the life of the song. It takes you on a journey, sparking empathy, and understanding.

Music is definitely one of the keys to a happy existence, life cannot exist without music it relates directly to the heart soul and brain, it is a sacred language that affects us in all sorts of ways.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July 6, 2011 at 9:23pm
July 6, 2011 at 9:23pm
If life had a "redo" or "rewind" button would you use it? If so, what situation comes to mind? If not, why?

If I could take the knowledge I have now back to when I was in my early twenties, I may rewind, it would be fun to be able to solve the problems I didn't have the knowledge for then. On the other hand I am very happy with my existence now and what I have yet to achieve so perhaps it is best left alone.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July 5, 2011 at 6:01pm
July 5, 2011 at 6:01pm
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.
Abraham Lincoln

I think this is very interesting. Sometimes good is bad and bad is good. For instance if someone has maybe lost everything through a disaster of some type a flood or hurricane, it may be a necessary turning point in their lives.They may have needed to change everything, to let go of the old and embrace the new - therefore the disaster was a good thing for them, a positive thing but came in the guise of something bad.

The universe has a way of making us do things, and it normally comes in disguise.

Something perceived as good could be the worst thing to happen to you, for instance winning a lottery, becoming rich. Everyone imagines that would make their life better but would it really? It could make it a lot worse, great responsibility comes with having money there are all sorts of hidden headaches. Changes of lifestyle that can be very negative. It can be the case that people who you thought of as friends suddenly have a problem with you being rich, you may give up work and lose the structure of the life around you. Many people have been quoted as saying it was the worst thing that could have happened to them. The old adage 'be careful what you wish' for is so true, as what you think is good can turn out bad and what you think is bad can turn out to be good.

The key is to be flexible and take things as they come.You never know how its going to turn out.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
July 4, 2011 at 4:59pm
July 4, 2011 at 4:59pm
Some countries legalise same sex marriage. Which is your stand,
Just go with it or go against?

I believe sincerely in personal freedom. As long as you are not maliciously harming anyone else you should be allowed to do what you like with your own existence. You don't belong to anybody but yourself, or those you chose yourself to belong to.
Freedom should never be relinquished in any aspect of our lives. 'Don't judge others lest you be judged', is difficult to follow, but a very true and useful doctrine.
Live and let live.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.

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