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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1789627
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Out of my Mind
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August 29, 2014 at 11:26pm
August 29, 2014 at 11:26pm
Well, each of you are very talented writers. Norb and I believe you could write an ad campaign convincing people that this camp is a great place to visit. Show us what you got. Maybe we can convince Nell and Merle with our help this place would be worth giving it another try.

Do you like having a good time?
Does your mind need a holiday?
Forget that bad weather 
Get to our Camp together
Grab yourself a lamp
See  the Aliens and shark horses tromp,
Don't be late - showtime awaits,
this camp is for you if you believe that imagination is true...

A mind bending adventure- a once in a lifetime experience- never to be forgotten.
Roll up! Roll up! those night time herbals, (or sip our coffee) take a breath,  relax.. Let your mind drift.... Z z zzz
Fade in campaign music...
Row row row your boat, gently down the stream,
Merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream...

Only here in these magical woods, by the blue fluorescent lake, in the acid rain can we guarantee you the time of your minds...

(and in very small print) Terms and conditions apply, any description does not guarantee satisfaction. The owners are not responsible for any damage or accidents occurring. 
August 27, 2014 at 6:43pm
August 27, 2014 at 6:43pm
In the centre of the camp a huge cup and saucer with huge straws balanced waiting for thirsty campers. A magical concoction, a present  from captain Zorg.The flavours of each sip changes depending on your thought at the time- so keep those thoughts happy guys, not bitter and twisted!

A large animated gummy bear heads for Charlies head - what is it about his hair. Sighs
I will miss picking things out of it. A huge ballon stands in the clearing, 'Happy  Birthday Lyn' emblazoned on the side. So huge a
Balloon, it's a hot air balloon- a little surprise for the birthday girl - Lyn climbs in, up up and away, a moonlight flit never to be forgotten with rolling clouds competing for the stars.The air gentle but chilled sweeping it's hand across your cheek as you breath and float. A magical night the moon looms and you leave the madness behind.

Down on the ground people are all flavoured up and dancing to the woodpeckers beats and the owls melodies, clapping hands flashing enthusiasm, swiftly followed by a fall. Splosh!  as Chalie trips over in to the lake. Prosperous Snow is busy studying a beetle. 

Amy skips and la la las around the tree with the hole. A distant tough grannys shooting practice can be heard and a short yelp from Fivesixer who was having some private time. Luckily only pellets -a nice souvenier of the trip. 

Carly looks toward the sky in deep thought - thinks-I'm going to do it I am going to write a book-'about our camping trip. Her mind takes her off away from the malay to a better day in the future far away, where  anything you want to live becomes.

ElaineElaine and I rifle though some science fiction films delving deep in to moral and meaning. Noyoki dances madly to the sound of a cricket, whilst Charlie rifles through his 30 hour playlist.

Then we're all back back to dancing around the big cup and saucer, A shooting star lights Lyns landing and we all sing happy birthday and give her the bumps, and laugh and sing and breathe the fresh clean air.

A large ripple unnoticed forms, and heads toward the shore...
August 26, 2014 at 12:16am
August 26, 2014 at 12:16am

“I never drink water because of the disgusting things that fish do in it.” W. C. Fields

If only if one of us could have remembered this majestic quote, we may not have drunk the coffee!

I am starting to suspect I am not even on a camp and that the hallucinogenic experience is a little more layered than I thought.
August 24, 2014 at 10:27pm
August 24, 2014 at 10:27pm

I can't do any work today because I have to pick gummy bears out of Charlie's long luscious hair - don't I Charlie...? 

Anyway that's my excuse and I am sticking to it like a gummy bear to a hair.
August 24, 2014 at 4:56am
August 24, 2014 at 4:56am
To Kraigor the Great

My mission has gone well great one. I have been observing these humans now for several days. They are an interesting species. They like to store food in their hair and are attracted to holes.  Unfortunately they dealt well with our sharkhorse experiment.
 I think based on my observations if we place black holes all over their environment  we can have the planet to ourselves in no time.
It's cloudy today. Looking forward to seeing the multitude again soon.

August 22, 2014 at 11:05pm
August 22, 2014 at 11:05pm
After realising I couldn't out run a horse shark thing... disturbing... There are some things you just shouldn't see... 

After getting some Rose coloured glasses I hatched an egg, no, a plan - a lot less painful. I digress. I thought hmm now what does that animal really, really need, something he could not do with out, that I could provide...

' By George I Think I've got it!' I exclaimed, pulling another gummy bear from Charlie's hair (he hasn't read the leaflet yet)

Eureka! They don't call me Finn for nothing, They can relate to me, I put my best Finn forward, which was me, and agreed to be their
August 22, 2014 at 3:31pm
August 22, 2014 at 3:31pm
Once I had pulled a gummy bear off Charlie's ear- (memo to self, get him a leaflet on how to store food) I followed the general drift to the huge hole in the tree.

Lyn still had a beard, she'd obviousy ignored the shaver I had left for her in the tent.(memo to self- shave her in her sleep)

Carly was brave and stepped in to the tree
and dissapeared. We all peered in, the space seemed to go on forever.(memo to self-get a parachute rucksac)

'Carlyyyyy!' shouted Elaine Elaine, who could never remember her name so she always said it twice.(memo to self- give her leaflet on why having one name is easier to remember)

'What is in there?' Called Noyoki. No answer came. Amy launched in to the hole and was gone.

We all looked at each other,then after some time prosporous snow( who seemed to be wearing a false beard for some reason) said, I must go and find them.

And so it went on, one after the other disappeared in to the hole in the tree and I was left alone.

After a while (memo to self-buy a watch) a choir of voices could be heard;

'You won't believe what is in here, its a tree, inside a tree,Inside a tree, inside a tree...

Darn it I finished off the coffee this morning!
Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
August 21, 2014 at 7:53pm
August 21, 2014 at 7:53pm
There were strange sounds and weird lights by the lake that we haven't seen before last night. Tell us what you think happened? Did you notice anything unusual in camp this morning? Here's your chance to let your imagination run wild. Yay, more tall tales!

PS. Has anyone seen Earl Pablo - Blog Camper  ? He seems to be awol.

The mist lay heavy on the lake as Charlie and I stood stone still and looked, heads following in unison a bright light in the sky, and it was heading straight at us! 

A round purple polka dot saucer and cup landed. A small warty midget with a deep gravely voice (or little person, as they prefer to be called, but I find the word midget more descriptive for fiction-no offence intended) climbed out covered in a brown watery substance.

' I am from the future,' said Noyoki I have an important message for the one with the beard they call In, I mean Lyn. It is a message from Earl Pablo. His high squeaky voice filled the air.

'I am in 2075 and I don't like what I see. We are all slaves to the machine... Stop the .... At all costs...'  His squeaky voice kept trailing off, like a bad mountain trekker.

I took off, I couldn't stand that voice any longer. Charlie stood mesmerised, wondering if this experience would help him with his math? I got bk to the camp puffed- like a an e cigarette.

Fivesixer lay in the hammock, in his usual pink tutu, petting a small toad that lived in his beard.

'Where have you been I asked?' 

'Oh around.' suspicious I thought. Was he too from the future? I suddenly realised everyone except myself had beards,was everyone from the future? My mind raced like a clumsy sprinter, I had to find Lyn...

Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
August 20, 2014 at 1:51pm
August 20, 2014 at 1:51pm
its a 2 parts this time
1. Review this well known poem and tell Norb and I if you know who the author is.


I think that I shall never see, a poem as lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed against the earth's sweet flowing breast:
A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.

I have never come across this poem before. Trees rejoice in their environment, sucking the moisture and nutrients from the earth and we humans in turn suck in the oxygen they supply. This poem speaks of mother earth being paramount to survival. The trees in this poem give praise and thanks to god for thier existence, expressed by raising thier branches to the sky. The writer has it wearing clothes, sucking at it's mothers breast it becomes human, one of us a creature of the earth. Through his metaphor we understand the tree more intimately as we see it's life from our point of view. He asks is it worth cutting down a tree for the sake of writing this poem. That is an interesting thought to explore
for the reader.

I love trees I can often be seen hugging a thousand year old man. My poem is based on a huge ancient oak I visit regularly, it has splints supporting it's ancient limbs. I am a tree chatterer(if that's a word!)

2. Find a tree that you love and tell us about it whether in a poem or a story.

Old Man

Lumbering limbs supported by splints of safety
As wide as a house it once made.
Old gnarly toes that downward tread
I lie in its cradle, a branch for my head.

A wind motions it's limbs shifting
Creacking from side to side.
I hug at rough skin as our surfaces collide
I love you old man I press close and sigh.
August 19, 2014 at 10:29pm
August 19, 2014 at 10:29pm
Once there was a feckless scientist who was the subject of constant calumny. This day he had a surfeit of fecund molecules on a Petrie dish. He attenuated the solution so it was axiomatic the molecules would spill and become moribund and sans courant.

It was propitious that the window was open and a small inchocate fly came in. The melange of molecules dispora fell on the fly. 

The insect once vapid experienced the proten effect which was ferbile. The creature was becoming percipient.

It's little human legs grew, he had half a head with one compound eye and huge pincers.  It was no legerdemain moment it was real. The monster headed for the scientist from an antipodal position to where he cowered. His pathetic performance of fear worthy of the Giugnol.

The things assiduous biting wore the scientist down.

The scientist decided he was too antediluvian for this as he took his last gurggle and lay quesient. The fly found the scientists death jocose. Mmmwhaaaaa!

'Oh I nearly eluded eldide' he blurted and died.

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