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by brom21
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July 10, 2018 at 7:29pm
July 10, 2018 at 7:29pm
Today has been good. I went to the store twice: once for pizza and cream the other for Sobes, toothpaste and bacon.
On the way home from the church meeting, Rob took me home. There were tremendous dust clouds that were blowing of the desert ground next to the street. It was so bad; it almost totally obscured the windshield! It was dangerous.
Soon after I got home, it rained like mad. It was loud and there was some lighting and thunder too. The good part, aside that Vegas needs water, is that it made today cooler. The first trip to the storm it was 85 degrees. The second time I went, my phone said it was a 103 degrees. It felt cooler the second trip. LOL.
Jim is off the whole day today. Good for him. He deserves it. He was watching a documentary on the secret government control group known as the Bilderbergers. The name came from their clandestine meetings in secluded very high class hotel with the same name. My mom and I learned of this situation from another documentary years ago.
Last night’s meeting was good. It was more or less about spiritual warfare:
Finally brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may stand against the wiles of the Devil. For we do not wrestle with flesh and blood but principalities, but against the rulers of darkness of this dark age and against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. Eph. 6:10-18.
I only have up to the 13th verse down.
If I keep doing what I’m doing, and rebuking the enemy I’ll be excellent wellbeing! Last night I was prayed over and this was a verse that was mentioned was:
Be anxious for nothing but in all things give prayer and supplication let your requests be known unto God and He will give you the desires of your heart. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Again I forget the reference number. LOL.
God is good.
The dogs are barking. LOL.
I did three reviews today. I think I have exactly 15 anniversary reviews done – or 18 at the most.
I hope to edit my piece today. I’m at the end. It looks good.
My mom is cooking burgers – fresh from ground beef. She makes good burgers with BBQ sauce. I was going to do a pizza but this is better.
Nimue is barking in the master bedroom. LOL.
My mom is having technical problems with her streaming device in the master bedroom TV.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.
July 9, 2018 at 7:29pm
July 9, 2018 at 7:29pm
*Sigh* I did not go to the gym. I finished the last few pages of Face of God. The first chapter of Bill Myer’s Soul Tracker, the author of Face of God, was after the epilogue at the end of the book. I’m saving it though or when I read the actual book. Soul Tracker is the first installment of a trilogy with the same title.
Tonight is the Most Excellent way meeting. My mom is trying to see if someone else can take me. LOL. Last time the teacher took me home. His name is Rob or Bob.
I’m still being faithful to God and not playing games. I still don’t know why but I feel He has told me such.
I was on the phone with Chad. He was telling me how his older brother, Will, is acting incompetently. He is stingy and thoughtless. On Mother’s Day he gave their mom a candy bar. And this guy has more than enough to spare her something more than that. Chad calls him a jerk. He is also very negligent about Chad’s health situation or his social security paper work. I keep telling him to get another representative like a social worker. He says he does not want strangers messing with his finances. What is he afraid of!? The government does that already – to everyone. He will not listen.
My tub is leaking water. I had to take a shower in the master bedroom. There is no door and it is very small. The water stream must be at an angle l so water will not spill out onto the outside tile. It probably needs re-caulking. It’s weird how it just suddenly happened.
Jim started work at about 11 A.M. I’m guessing he’ll be home at about 6 or 7 P.M. He is doing his eight hour shift at Albertson’s.
I am so happy God brought Rob into my life and that he told me about Most Excellent Way. God is working in me. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
My verse of the day:
Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so I would not have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I prepare a place for you, I will receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also. Where I go you know, and the way you know.
Again, I forget the verse number. LOL.
John 15:1-4. …Now are you clean through the word spoken to you. Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except in abide in the vine, no more can you, except you abide in me.
I recalled the first sentence. The rest I wrote from my Bible. LOL. Hey, typing will better reinforce scripture recollection.
I’m happy I’m memorizing verses. The Bible says: I will hide your Word in my heart that I may not sin against you.
The sin I am trying to keep from is fear as of now.
My sister Sarah texted me. She was passing through Amarillo, Texas. She was at a line of Cadillacs stuck vertically in to the ground in the dessert. It reminded me of Stonehenge. LOL.
Well, that’s it for now. Until tomorrow!

July 8, 2018 at 8:05pm
July 8, 2018 at 8:05pm
I feel really calm and relaxed today thanks to Jesus. When just the tiniest fear or anxiety rears its head, I just take it with God’s Word and His Spirit. Life is a calm breath. I also rebuke the enemy. I’m also thinking of scripture:
Not by righteous works which we have done, but by His mercy as he saved us with the washing of regeneration in the renewing of the Holy Ghost which he has shed on us abundantly through Christ Jesus our savior.
There is a bit more of the verses that I have to get down that I linked with that.
Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not true, I would not have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And If I prepare a place for you, I will receive you unto myself.
Again, that is not the full extent of my memorization. I need to remember the scripture numbers as well as the words. LOL.
But the Fruit of the Spirit is love joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness temperance which against is no law. Those who are in Christ have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the spirit.
I’m pretty sure that is the whole verse selection I memorized.
Chad may call soon. He did not call yesterday.
My mom and I watched a sermon on TV by Ron Viette. I loved it. I actually got more in that than a sermon when I am at my church. LOL. One thing he brought up is not judging people obtusely. This can be thinking a person is too evil to be saved or that another person is lesser than you according to appearance. One thing I like about Ron Viette is that he gives real life examples to illustrate his points. His teaching style is very dynamic and sincere. I like my pastor from Calvary Chapel too, but variety is good I suppose. It’s best not to get too comfortable with one teaching style.
I’ve asked God why recently within the last few years, video games make me anxious. When I first got my PS3 there was no anxiety. I wonder what really causes it. I need to get to the bottom of this situation as it may shed light on other things regarding my anxiety.
My mom and I watched some Star Wars Rebels out on the big TV in the living room. We had to because we cannot get KODI on the bedroom TV. KODI is a streaming app. I think that is what it is called. I’m embarrassed to say my mom know s computers better than I do. LOL. That goes with pretty much all electronic things.
My story is almost ready to be read by peers. I have a few more chapters to edit.
I need to keep up with my reviewing. Three reviews a day equal 90 reviews per month. I got my reviewing MB for last month. I did not check what rank I was. LOL. I’ll try texting Chad at 8 P.M. I need to do writing stuff now for the next two hours.
Until then. Tootles and Praise Jesus!
July 7, 2018 at 7:55pm
July 7, 2018 at 7:55pm
It’s been a great Saturday. I did get up late at 11 A.M. I’m working on memorizing this verse. It’s from John chapter three or four; I could be wrong:
Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions, if were not so I would not have told you. I go to prepare a place for you and if I prepare a place for you will also receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also. Where I am going you know and the way you know.
After my readings, I did three anniversary reviews. It took a little bit out of me. Nevertheless, I enjoyed all but one of them. The sentences were too long and he the author used no dialog tags or even dialog that accurately infers who is talking. It has potential; it just needs to be revamped.
Jim is at work. He gets off work at 8:15 P.M.
I’ve done something I should have not done; played games. I only played one battle lasting about one minute. I did it on ranked match because I did not want to get removed from the group – whatever that means. This is what happens if you go over a month without playing any ranked matches. I marked the calendar for today the 7th of July. I felt anxious when I played. That may be why God wants me to quite for the time being until I conquer my fears and episodes. It could take months it could take years. I am learning to rebuke the Devil - before I was afraid to. That just shows yah how scared I was. LOL. I have nothing to for from him. Next to God, he is an ant.
So I will ask my mom to go to VBF tomorrow.
Well, I just asked and I told her to think about it. Perhaps she will go. It will be good for her. She needs to get fed like any other Christian and get fellowship. I get that with my peers at my church.
I wonder how good Gio is really doing. He seems to be a bump on a log and not growing. When I asked him how he was he just said “God has me in his hands.” He needs a job. And he needs to go to church regularly too.
I’ve resolved to write until 7 P.M. every day. After this I’ll edit my novel.
My heart was bugging me earlier this morning. I hope it’s not serious. God’s got my back. I needn’t worry.
My phone says it 104 degrees out. Ouch! I could tell when I stepped outside to take out the trash.
Chad sent me a link of showing how Stan Lee is being robbed. It involved the removal of protection of some sort. The poor guy is not long for this world.
Well, that is all for now. Goodbye.
July 6, 2018 at 7:35pm
July 6, 2018 at 7:35pm
Well it looks like I will not be going to the Vacation Bible School parent show to help out. I called Ricky and he will be at church all day. He doesn’t even have time to pick me up. LOL. But, like Jim said, it is really hot out there and I think the food will be served out doors. Oh, well. I could call Jordan but it will still be hot out. I just called Ricky back asking if the food stands will be held outside.
I failed to go to the g gym. Ugh. I did go over a chapter of my novel I am writing. There was a plot hole I have not seen in previous editing. I fixed it. I will be editing my 16th or 17th chapter tomorrow. I’ll probably go over more.
Jim said it is 111 degrees out. Yikes! Too rich for my blood.
I’m surprised the church group never had a party for the 4th of July – maybe because it is it too hot. LOL.
I think it’s been over a week since I put a hold on games. It bums me out but I am obeying God. That is what’s important. I want to play like crazy. LOL. I’ll survive.
Jim is home from his evening job – good for him.
One of the dogs made a big puddle of pee in the house. I just heard Jim and my mom mention it. Whoever did it should have been let outside. It’s our fault not any of theirs.
I’m still memorizing scripture:
Not by righteous works which we have done, but by the washing of rejuvenation and the renewing of the Holy Ghost. That being justified by His grace, we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.
But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness. Meekness, temperance against such there is no law. Those who are in Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts. If we live in the spirit, let us walk in the spirit also.
The second one I have down. The first was a little tricky. Just getting the end is tedious. I really feel like God is drawing me. I have prayed God would give me hunger for the Word and the ability to resist the Devil.
Heaven is going to blow my mind! Life is short – got to do my duty for God. The age of 35 came real quickly. Before I know it I’ll be 70. LOL. And soon after I’ll stand before God.
It sucks Joel’s number is not working. I really planned to bring him to church. I’ll catch him again sometime soon. And, I’ll get his new phone number. I should probably ask him to go to church when I see him next. It won’t be for a few months because it needs to cool down for me to go to the store. I see him sometimes on the way to or from there.
I am so happy I started going to Most Excellent Way. Pastor Rob is a strong prayer warrior. I can’t wait go to the next session. LOL.
Jim is watching Pastor Ron Viette on TV. I just hope my mom follows suite- preferably going to a real church. She prefers Valley Bible Fellowship over Calvary Lone Mountain where I go. It is a little far away though. I’ll try to get her to one of them. If anyone who read this struggles with fear or anxiety, Jesus and the Bible is the way to go. I’ve tried psychiatrists and relaxing exercises but they didn’t help me. It may work for some people but it did not help me.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.

July 5, 2018 at 9:42pm
July 5, 2018 at 9:42pm
I slept in until 11 A.M. I was able to mop though. The floors needed it badly. I edited my story for about an hour. I got through three chapters. I just go to the point where the protagonist’s friend dies. It’s looking good. When I am finished, I will print out some chapters to for others to read. I’m excited. It’s one step closer to publication.
I reviewed a piece by a person who says he has been writing for a long time. But his story was a little poor. There was no discernable plot and it dragged too. I told the person to add plot by connecting contrived scenes and the weave them into a story. That is the method that I see a lot of writers who have channels on YouTube. I also use outlines. It’s basically saying point A leads to point B and so on rather than pantsing it. It really works with a visual frame to put in content along the way.
I’ll be finishing my MW story entry today. It will finally be done. Phew! It did end up being longer than I intended. Nevertheless, I am satisfied. I hope I win. So far one person has entered.
Chad called me on his break. Then he called me when he was walking to his mom’s house. He said he might call me later.
I did three reviews today. I hope I keep it up. I will try getting up early tomorrow. I really want to go to the Gym.
The lefts are still at it – trying to defame, dehumanize President Trump. Michael Moore is a top leftist propaganda operative within in the White House and popular society. He was on the Bill Mahar show and they both stuck their foot in their mouths. They were speaking against the right to bear arms. Moor did say Trump will win the 2020 race. That much is true. LOL. In other news China has legalized gay marriage. How sad.
Jim is home. He’s chilling in front of the TV. Poor guy’s so tired.
Well, it looks like it’s goodbye to video games. I believe the Lord has told me this. I don’t know why. Every time a look at the plaque in the computer room that says: In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths. I won’t lie, it’s hard and I want to play. But I must obey God.
The PS5 will be coming out soon. I’m sure there will be games on that but this time I’m listening. No PS5 for me. I must be content.
I had a nice time in prayer today after mopping. I prayed for a couple of people, particularly Chad’s salvation. It is up to the Holy Spirit now. I must keep him in prayer. I eagerly wait for the day when I can call him a brother in Christ.
My mom just showed me a vid of his baby daughter laughing. My mom and Jim were laughing hysterically. It was cute bit not that funny to me. She’s adorable.
The fireworks were not that obnoxious last night. I didn’t hear that many when I went to bed.
It’s 104 degrees out now and it is 6:30 P.M. Thank goodness for AC.
Tomorrow is the vacation Bible school parent show. Volunteers are needed. I may go.
Well, that is it for now. Tootles.
July 4, 2018 at 8:40pm
July 4, 2018 at 8:40pm
Today marks a new day. It’s kind of bittersweet but definitely sweeter. I’ve completely given up games. I believe God has prompted this. As far back as when I did not have a PS4, I had this small voice saying not to get it and I did not listen. I’ve waited all that money. I don’t know if God wants me to sell my two consoles but I will if he wants me to.
On another note, I got up earlier today. Not early but earlier at about 7:30 A.M. I meant to go to the gym at 5 or 6 but it didn’t happen. Nevertheless, I went to the store for soda, salsa and bacon. The only peppered bacon they have is jalapeño peppered bacon. I got just three strips and cooked it at home. It was not that hot at all. It did have a good flavor. I’ll get more tomorrow. I didn’t get Starbucks because I had coffee ready to brew at home. It was still hot even at 7:30 A.M. I’m shooting for the gym again tomorrow.
I called an old acquaintance named Kevin and said Happy 4th of July. He did not sound very glad to hear from me. I was on the phone for like 40 seconds. He said maybe we could hang out some time. I don’t know if he meant it. Gio said happy 4th but it was a half effort job. Like I said, I have three friends not including, most importantly, Jesus.
I did three reviews. If I get up early enough, I’ll do three more and so on from that point. I read two chapters today. It took an hour. I have just one chapter and the epilog left. The climax is getting set up. It should be grand.
I just told my sister and my sister-in-law happy 4th just now. I said that to Ann too. I wonder who will get back to me first. I tried calling Joel but his number is not taking incoming calls. I wonder if he blocked me. I don’t see why he would. I wanted to invite him to church. I’ll ask him when I see him next. It won’t be until it cools off. LOL.
Well, I’m going to watch stuff with my mom. Goodbye and happy 4th of July!

July 3, 2018 at 7:39pm
July 3, 2018 at 7:39pm
I did not go to the gym again. I did have a good quiet time. I went over some verses we did not go over on our sheets we got. Last night we went over the subject of the apostasy that will happen on earth. One way it is defined is leaving behind one’s religious beliefs and going to another. We prayed over two young ladies last night. One dude told how he encountered an angel. I brought the subject up. I need to get prayed over for my anxiety. Rob, the teacher, dropped me off and said he would next time with the whole group. I hope and pray I’ll conquer my episodes. Lord, be merciful with me.
I got through two chapters of the book I’m reading. It took an hour. I have two chapters left I think. The protagonist and the antagonist are finally about to meet. I last left off when the protagonist‘s son is being saved by the antagonist’s niece. She also found out he killed her father. The antagonist is a psychopath who wants to kill all the infidels (non-Islamic people) on earth.
Jim should be back from work soon. He works so hard. He is usually off from his evening job at Albertson’s on Wednesdays and Thursdays. He starts his day job at Caesar’s Palace tomorrow.
It’s still too hot to go to the store for soda or whatever. I need more salsa for my eggs. The only way to get stuff from the store is in the early morning. That is why I must go to the gym.
I should be getting a reviewing MB soon.
I’m excited about my bro and his family coming to town for Thanks Giving. Jim applied for a vacation about two weeks ago. I don’t know when it is. I think he said it would be before they come.
I wish I could drive and have a job if it were not for my anxiety. I really hope I find both from this class.
What else? Can’t think of anything.
Well, I’m stumped. I think I’ll do a review. Goodbye.
July 2, 2018 at 8:19pm
July 2, 2018 at 8:19pm
This will be short as I must go to my meeting at church tonight at 7 P.M.
I failed to go to the Gym. I did do an anniversary review though that was relatively long. It was a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction story by an obvious young person. It was done like a ten year old wrote it. Nevertheless, I gave him leeway because of his age. I gave him three and a half stars. The two biggest issues was using commas where periods or semicolons should go. Secondly the writer did not put thought in italics. Instead he put thoughts in quotes. The story was about Tails who goes gun commando like Shadow is.
My mom and I got my meds from my pharmacy. Next we went to TJ’s for some sorbet and Alfredo linguini and some other things. We don’t eat anything after the meeting so that’s why I ate before. It ends at 9 P.M. Coffee is served there. I need my sleep so I refrain. LOL.
The whole time I was out with my mom, I was on the phone with Chad. They’re still giving hours to newer people and shorting him. That’s just wrong. He is still vying for Wall-Mart. He’s applied at other places like Albertson’s and Smith’s. I pray he gets a job - a better job. He rambles a lot about what’s on his mind. LOL. This time I had a relatively good conversation. Eventually he hung up. Then I went to listen to some Christian tunes on YouTube.
All of that brings me to the present. My mom was swathing a 3D movie. She used plastic shades she kept from the movies. It was very realistic and 3 dimensional! Recently, my mom and I have been watching DVDs – mostly CGI cartoons and fantasy sci-fi movies.
Another supposed friend has turned out to be a false flake. It was like talking to Ann or Dan. Okay, probably not as bad as Ann. LOL. Oh well, It’s Okay. I have my mom, Chad and Michael as friends. Most importantly I have Jesus.
So I’m still unsure if God has completely restricted me from playing PlayStation. It sounds weird but whatever God wants I’ll give Him.
“Do you know Dae Wae?” That is so funny! It is classic like the Darth Sidious parody. If I ever go on a short term mission trip and I give my testimony, I’m saying that!
I’m still trying to memorize Titus 3:7. Verse 6 says: Which He has shed on us abundantly through Christ Jesus our Savior.
It is small, but putting everything together is tedious.
But the fruit of teh Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance against there is no law. All who are in Christ have crucified the flesh with its affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
July 1, 2018 at 9:50pm
July 1, 2018 at 9:50pm
I got super early again but it was not of my own resolve; my mom woke me up. Lol. She needed me to hold the ladder so she could untie some of the tarps. I could have gone to the 9 A.M. service but I decided to sleep more. So I had my mom drive me to church. Pastor Jimmy went almost 30 minutes over. LOL. According to a couple who went on a European trip went to Belgium. Jimmy relayed the message. The couple said the two begets religions are Islam and Satanism in Belgium. About 250,000 churches are Satanic. That is mind blowing and scary!
A politician spoke at the first service briefly. It was recorded and then shown on the two big projection screens. He said there are dark forces vying for power in political arena. He was a Christian - and one of the few in his office. One person came to know the Lord today. That was cool.
Dan would have taken me to church, but he is in California. He thinks I should get back to trying to drive. He does not know my situation. First I must conquer my anxiety. Who knows how long that will take?
Justice and Rachel gave me a ride home. But they took me to Funny’s which is a mini-mart. I went for some coffee. Their wedding is close. I may ask to come.
It is hot outside again. It is 103 degrees.
Chad is still vying for a better job. I pray he finds one. He has to walk to the bus stop which takes him 30 minutes. He needs a job closer to him. He has some health problems. I pray he gets help.
I read one chapter out of the book I’m reading. Then I worked on my MW entry for an hour and a half. It is getting to its end - finally! I read over it once or twice. It looks good.
Jim is at work. While waiting to leave he fell asleep and I had to wake him. He was quiet frazzled. I prayed for him.
So a thought went through my head. I don’t know if it was just me, it could have most likely have been me, but I feel like as long as I don’t brood, and think of games I can l play them. Before, that’s all I’d think of. The only thing I’d think of is games. No I’m not like that. I’m going to pray about this.
My mom will be hosting thanks giving dinner. That means a lot of cleanup for me. Uhg. I’m looking forward to the food and my bro, his wife and their baby coming to visit from Denver. my sis and her family should be coming too.
I really want to go to the gym tomorrow. I miss it. It makes me feel great. I just have to do it.
Someone in Funny’s complimented on my short which says in big letters “Man UP.” It was a Nike shirt. It was of my favorite shirts.
I just texted Gio. I don’t think He’ll get back to me. Whatever happened to him? He used to be so cool and responsive. Now he just ignores me. Perhaps he is not a friend at all anymore.
Well, that is it for now, Goodbye.

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