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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
This is a test.
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August 29, 2018 at 8:40pm
August 29, 2018 at 8:40pm
This will be short as I will be going to church soon.
The day began well. I got up at about 6 A.M. after I heard a knock at the door. The person who got our package accidently, put it at our front door. It was a box of anime movies. My mom and I love those.
I went to the gym! I hope to go tomorrow. I did my chest. This one guy I know of was there alone at the front desk. I gave him a fist bump on the way out. He said he will be there on Friday. There are some cute chicks that work there but they’re all too young. lol. The odds of finding a girl my age that is single is slim. I’m 35. Oh, well.
I did not win the Cramp. )= so sad. Every writer gets lots of rejection at first. lol. I will get better – for sure.
Dan just got back to me. He’ll be taking me to church at 6:45 PM. I may not hang out afterwards. He said he was not. Everyone is going to one of the pastor’s house to celebrate birthdays and eat pizza. I’m on a diet. Plus, I don’t want to hang out until like 11 P.M. I have to go to the Gym in the morning. lol.
I hit the PS4 for too long – a little over an hour. I had fun. Other players bite much more frequently with ranked matches.
My mom is talking about my personal and old scholastic life. She’s a blabber mouth. lol. She speaks well of me anyway -mostly.
It was very cool when I went to the gym this morning. It was nice.
My mom was watching Trollhunters for the umpteenth time. It’s all good though. (= I like that show. I can’t wait until the extension of the series comes out. It’s supposed to be more lighthearted and wacky. I’m thinking it will premier in mid-2019.
I had some cereal. It made me tired so I slept. I drooled over my pillow. lol. It’s nothing new.
I need to do more writing. I’ve been slacking. Today’s Cramp prompt very appealing. It was having a weird experience and then explaining it to another person. I could have written so many things.
I read a chapter today. I’m going to see if I can forego the PS4 to write and read.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.

August 27, 2018 at 8:54pm
August 27, 2018 at 8:54pm
My whole day has been alright. I was here when Lonnie was putting in the new kitchen tap spout. It is pretty cool. There is a small light indicator that is near the base tells you how hot or cold it si by the color of the light i.e. the bluer the colder and redder the hotter. It is also touch activated - which is pretty nifty. Lonnie also hooked up the new waste disposal. Lonnie is suffering with kidney stones. He said he was peeing blood. The poor guy needs a vacation. My mom and I prayed for him concerning another matter. Kyle, his future son-in-law who is his helper, quit working with him. It mainly concerns Lonnie’s daughter. I won’t get into it though. Anyway, he’ll be back in a few days to finish everything. There’s a part we need to order first.
Jim is working his eight hour shift at Albertson’s. I hope he doesn’t have to work so long tomorrow.
Chad is still saying that Star Trek is evil. He sent me a link that said totally false or inflated accusations. They were extremists. lol. But Chad won’t listen to reason. It is true Gene was an atheist. But he doesn’t push any anti-God propaganda in his series. And even if he did it would not affect me.
Tonight is Most Excellent Way and I’m eager to go. It is my weekly dose of the Word and God’s Holy Spirit -more so than regular service. Next Sunday Ricky should be able to pick me up. I did not see him there yesterday. He switches from Calvary Lone Mountain and Calvary Paradise.

Blessed is the people who know the joyful sound. They will walk O Lord in the light of Your countenance. Psalm 89:15

I’m just working on small verses that pop out to me.
Psalm 86:12 I will praise You O lord my God with all my heart and I will glorify Your name for evermore.

I hit the PS4 for thirty minutes. I was getting killed a bit. lol. This one dude I was playing with was really good. lol.
I need to get the ball rolling with my paratransit thing. I could visit Chad that way. That is my main motivation. It’s been years since I’ve seen him. We talk all the time on the phone thanks to Chad.
Jim is home. I hope he can just relax. He needs it.
I think I’ll start a new story from one of the prompt on the WdC HUB page. For some reason I have to refresh the page. I don’t know how.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.

August 26, 2018 at 8:23pm
August 26, 2018 at 8:23pm
I’m in that rut stage again – no motivation to write. I was going to enter the Cramp but the prompt was too hard. We had to make a poem or a story and not use the letter “e.” Way too challenging!
Today’s sermon was good. It was called “Fight the Good Fight.” It was out of 1 Timothy 6. Pastor Jimmy mentioned the fallacy of evolution and how it is taught as fact. A lady he was talking to at one time said it is not even a theory but a fact. That’s called ignorant thinking. I saw Ben at church. He was well. Jordan and his new bride Shannon are going to California to go to college. It’s bitter sweet. Chason, the head of the children’s ministry, will be moving with his new bride to Mexico to minister here. One of the workers there will be taking his shoes. Her name is Ashley I think.
Jim is off today. He’s asleep in front of the TV. lol.
My mom is taking care of all this paper work. Tomorrow we’ll go to Walgreens, where me pharmacy is, and print out some info. I think the information is for my snap/food card. It will only give me an extra $10 a month but every little bit helps.
I talked to my mom briefly about getting a job at CVS or Walgreens. I will keep praying about it. It would be a two-fold profit – it will give me something to do and it will give me income. (= I would be checking and that is new. Lines are pretty much moderate at the most at Walgreens.
Being 35, I may never get married at this point. Not to be pompous, but I am a good looking guy. My 25 year old friend Michael is the same way. As a kid and teenager, I resolved to never get married. I intended that my job would be my life - much like being a pro author as a matter of fact. There will be lots of rejection at first, much like what Amanda did to me. But it’s all good. I know I’ll be a fine writer in the near future. I have a YouTube playlist with writing how-to vids. In one of them, a fantasy writer gave some pointers. One thing he said is that as an aspiring writer, “You’re going to lose your faith, you’re going to find it again.” That is a good adage when you feel like you have or will give up. I also know God is helping me.
My mom cooked a burger patty for herself. I had a thick sandwich earlier. If only the deli meat is not so expensive. I like the Boar’s Head brand but only Smith’s carries it. It’s a few blocks down from where we live.
Tomorrow I will go to the gym. I must. It’s something God would want I’m sure. I’ve noticed a lot more people are there in the early morning. That shows you how recently I have been to the gym. lol.
Well, that’s it for tonight. Tootles.
August 25, 2018 at 9:53pm
August 25, 2018 at 9:53pm
I got up late again. I need to start writing on projects more. While I have been waiting for my story to be critiqued, I have done none. )= I have to check out more contests man. I have been reading though. I read three chapters like the goal I set. (= Tomorrow, I’m entering the Cramp.
Amanda still feels the same way even after I edited it. She’s pretty tough. But I’m not giving up. As the saying I heard a while ago, “Losers dwell on mistakes, winners build upon them.” I also asked her if she would review my first chapter to the Gate of Vessels. I hope she likes it. lol.
Chad’s not called me yet. He may though. He starts his new job in a few days. He’s excited. It’s a fifteen minute walk to Dell Taco - his work. I’m hoping he likes it and that it’s not too hard on him.
I hit the PS4 for an hour. I was winning. I may forego games tomorrow though. I’ve got to focus on my writing but more needful I must read more. Reading is the life juice of writing – another quote I heard.
I texted my older sister yesterday. She was shooting me pics of the inside of this alien themed pizza, arcade place. She said it was kind of like Chuckee Cheeze but with pizza that does not taste like cardboard. lol.
Jim is working now. He got off real late yesterday like at 8:45 P.M. He works so hard.
My mom and I went to Smith’s to get some cheese and lunchmeat. My mom got junk food. I got pop tarts.
So I’m thinking of getting a job – at the CVS next door. I asked if they were hiring. The lady on the phone said to put in applications online with as many locations as possible. That was not helpful. First and foremost, I must pray about it.
I need to get up tomorrow and do my regimen then read.
I can’t wait until it cools down. This heat is a killer. It looks like my bro and his family may not be able to come over for Thanksgiving. I hope things do work out though. We’d all love see baby Eliana.
I wonder when Kingdom Hearts will come out. There’s no way of me buying it. It would take away to much time. DBFZ is a match by match game so I can pretty much stop whenever. RPG’s require lots of play time and you have to wait until you get to save points in most of them.
Well, that’s it for me. Goodnight.

August 25, 2018 at 9:53pm
August 25, 2018 at 9:53pm
I got up late again. I need to start writing on projects more. While I have been waiting for my story to be critiqued, I have done none. )= I have to check out more contests man. I have been reading though. I read three chapters like the goal I set. (= Tomorrow, I’m entering the Cramp.
Amanda still feels the same way even after I edited it. She’s pretty tough. But I’m not giving up. As the saying I heard a while ago, “Losers dwell on mistakes, winners build upon them.” I also asked her if she would review my first chapter to the Gate of Vessels. I hope she likes it. lol.
Chad’s not called me yet. He may though. He starts his new job in a few days. He’s excited. It’s a fifteen minute walk to Dell Taco - his work. I’m hoping he likes it and that it’s not too hard on him.
I hit the PS4 for an hour. I was winning. I may forego games tomorrow though. I’ve got to focus on my writing but more needful I must read more. Reading is the life juice of writing – another quote I heard.
I texted my older sister yesterday. She was shooting me pics of the inside of this alien themed pizza, arcade place. She said it was kind of like Chuckee Cheeze but with pizza that does not taste like cardboard. lol.
Jim is working now. He got off real late yesterday like at 8:45 P.M. He works so hard.
My mom and I went to Smith’s to get some cheese and lunchmeat. My mom got junk food. I got pop tarts.
So I’m thinking of getting a job – at the CVS next door. I asked if they were hiring. The lady on the phone said to put in applications online with as many locations as possible. That was not helpful. First and foremost, I must pray about it.
I need to get up tomorrow and do my regimen then read.
I can’t wait until it cools down. This heat is a killer. It looks like my bro and his family may not be able to come over for Thanksgiving. I hope things do work out though. We’d all love see baby Eliana.
I wonder when Kingdom Hearts will come out. There’s no way of me buying it. It would take away to much time. DBFZ is a match by match game so I can pretty much stop whenever. RPG’s require lots of play time and you have to wait until you get to save points in most of them.
Well, that’s it for me. Goodnight.

August 22, 2018 at 8:28pm
August 22, 2018 at 8:28pm
The only constructive thing I’ve done is write and do my quiet time. I didn’t go to the gym. I mopped too. It took a while. I had to get behind the fridge. It just needed to be vacuumed.
My story is really shaping up. Like I said before, I am focusing on character interaction and development. And also POV.
No one has come forward to take up the mantle and lead the group. I hope someone does soon.
The dimmers were put in. They’re nice -very atmospheric. lol. There is still more work to be done with other things but not much.
I did not hit the PS4 today. I wrote just like yesterday. I’ve resolved to read three chapters a day from whatever book I am reading. This will partially depend on when I get up. lol.
My mom is filling up my pill tray. It’s actually my turn to do it. lol.
So Chad does not believe in mental illness. He thinks my meds are a placebo. He thinks that a person who has voices or has delusions should be like that. How cruel to let someone go through that! The delusions I had were horrible! Oh, well. There are other people who believe like him.
Jim was taking a sample question on his IPad for something regarding his work. After process of elimination, we got the sample question. For some reason the site that the question is on does not show up on a computer. /=At first we were dragging the letter with the correct answer to the matching selection. But, in doing so, the letter would overlap to two selection spaces. Then I stumble upon a way to tap the selection space and have all the letters (A-D) displayed vertically. Now he is reading something else about work. I prayed for him. He’ll get it.
Tonight, the group will going to Yogurt Land after service. I’m trying to lose weight so I’ll stay home.
Jordan, one of the guys at church, will be leaving Vegas with his soon-to-be-wife Shannon. I forget where. lol. He did a very animated announcement full of personality. He’s got a great, funny personality! It’s bittersweet to see him go. He will be missed.
Ben, another church dude, came back from being out of country. He is in the Air Force. I’ve only see him once so far at church.
I wish I had real friends at church – friends that want to hang out and text most of all. But none of them are like that. )= It makes me not want to do the fake after service thing. People generally don’t want to talk to me -especially Ricky. It is what it is.
Jim is still doing the work thing on the IPad. I can hear the female voice explain things. lol.
I still need an MRI for my heart. Our regular doc’s walk in time starts at 7 A.M. My mom wants to do that. We should do it soon. I was prayed over by Rob and all those there at Most Excellent Way on Monday night.
Well that is it for tonight. Goodbye.
August 22, 2018 at 8:28pm
August 22, 2018 at 8:28pm
The only constructive thing I’ve done is write and do my quiet time. I didn’t go to the gym. I mopped too. It took a while. I had to get behind the fridge. It just needed to be vacuumed.
My story is really shaping up. Like I said before, I am focusing on character interaction and development. And also POV.
No one has come forward to take up the mantle and lead the group. I hope someone does soon.
The dimmers were put in. They’re nice -very atmospheric. lol. There is still more work to be done with other things but not much.
I did not hit the PS4 today. I wrote just like yesterday. I’ve resolved to read three chapters a day from whatever book I am reading. This will partially depend on when I get up. lol.
My mom is filling up my pill tray. It’s actually my turn to do it. lol.
So Chad does not believe in mental illness. He thinks my meds are a placebo. He thinks that a person who has voices or has delusions should be like that. How cruel to let someone go through that! The delusions I had were horrible! Oh, well. There are other people who believe like him.
Jim was taking a sample question on his IPad for something regarding his work. After process of elimination, we got the sample question. For some reason the site that the question is on does not show up on a computer. /=At first we were dragging the letter with the correct answer to the matching selection. But, in doing so, the letter would overlap to two selection spaces. Then I stumble upon a way to tap the selection space and have all the letters (A-D) displayed vertically. Now he is reading something else about work. I prayed for him. He’ll get it.
Tonight, the group will going to Yogurt Land after service. I’m trying to lose weight so I’ll stay home.
Jordan, one of the guys at church, will be leaving Vegas with his soon-to-be-wife Shannon. I forget where. lol. He did a very animated announcement full of personality. He’s got a great, funny personality! It’s bittersweet to see him go. He will be missed.
Ben, another church dude, came back from being out of country. He is in the Air Force. I’ve only see him once so far at church.
I wish I had real friends at church – friends that want to hang out and text most of all. But none of them are like that. )= It makes me not want to do the fake after service thing. People generally don’t want to talk to me -especially Ricky. It is what it is.
Jim is still doing the work thing on the IPad. I can hear the female voice explain things. lol.
I still need an MRI for my heart. Our regular doc’s walk in time starts at 7 A.M. My mom wants to do that. We should do it soon. I was prayed over by Rob and all those there at Most Excellent Way on Monday night.
Well that is it for tonight. Goodbye.
August 21, 2018 at 9:03pm
August 21, 2018 at 9:03pm
I just got through three chapters of The Presence. I spent almost two hours reading. I think I have three chapters left.
I didn’t go to the gym. )= Yesterday night was good. We had one new person. That is all I can say since I signed a non-disclosure form. lol. Bob had to pick up a dryer so he came late. We just went over some verses. I didn’t write them down; I had no pen.
I am still looking to submit to publishers. I still have to format my page numbers and my chapter titles.
My mom is making stir-fry for dinner. She made the same thing a few days ago. This time she made more. It smells good. My mom got some ice-cream and Jim ate most of it. I didn’t get any. )=
My writing focus is POV and character development and interaction. It’s coming slow but I do have rhythm going. Maybe in two weeks I’ll let Amanda review it again. My original story bombed. lol. But I know Amanda has my best interest at heart.
Chad called and he was going to his house. He shot me this link about people who think that having plastic straws is worse than illegal immigration. /= Talk about dense!
So this guy named Ricky was very rude to me. It really hurt my feelings. I forgive him. He is just ignorant of his own actions. God will deal with him.
Jim will be coming home soon from work at Albertsons’s. He left about five hours ago.
Lonnie and Kyle, the handymen, were here hooking up the water filtration system. As an additional bell and whistle is that the water tubing lights up. Quite weird –but cool. Oh, we have light dimmers now. It’s a nice affect. lol.
I did not hit the PS4 today. I opted to read and write. I may not play tomorrow either. Gio has kind of lost interest in games. That’s what he told me.
Psalm 71:1 In you O Lord do I put my trust. Let me never be put confusion.
Psalm 86:12 In will praise you O Lord my God with all my heart. And I will glorify your name for evermore.
I’m working on another verse too.
Well, I have to eat. Goodbye.
August 20, 2018 at 7:29pm
August 20, 2018 at 7:29pm
Yes! I finally got my new keyboard battery! My writing and such has been on hiatus for the last few days. It’s good to be back. Making the battery exchange was cumbersome, but praise Jesus for making it happen!
I got a very sad group email from Matt, the head of the Fantasy and Science Fiction Society. He is stepping down from his role as leader. His scholastic duties have taken priority. He’s on his way to his PhD. Good for him. I think A.E. Wilcox should take up the job. She’s already managing a contest within the group. And it’s pretty active.
I can’t go over everything within the last two days. It would take too long. I’m still rehearsing versus. I am now trying to get another little verse to memorize- Psalm 89:15.I only know the reference off the top of my head. lol.
I’m almost at the end of the second installment of Soul Tracker. One character, a young teenage girl, died in one of the last chapters. It was sad. I suppose someone had to die.
Chad will start his new job at Del Taco in a few days. He said he was excited. There will not be much heavy lifting I think.
Gio got back tome when I texted him out of the blue. He apologized for being rude, short and brash with me. He said he was really glad to hear from me. He is one of the people I pray for every night.
I just texted him.
My mom and I were happy to learn there will be a continuing series for Trollhunters. It will not be called by that name though. It will star two humanoid aliens that popped up at the end of Trollhunters. There will be a third spinoff called Wizards. The full title of all three series is called Tales of Arcadia. I’m looking forward to that.
Well I have to get ready for the meeting. Goodbye.

August 16, 2018 at 9:52pm
August 16, 2018 at 9:52pm
I did to make it to the gym. )= Nevertheless, things went well in spite of that. My review ranking went from #75 to #45. I did not do any reviews today. I got up late as well. But I mopped the house. And of course I had my quiet time.
I hot the PS4 today for an hour. It’s good that’s all I played. Most people get sucked into games and played in excess of four hours a day! I used to be that way myself. But I shaped up. lol.
I have not heard back from Empire publishing. Something tells me they will not get back at all. )=
I read through two chapters of the second book in Bill Myers’ Soul Tracker trilogy. It’s a page turner like his other titles.
I gave an MB to a another member who made it to the #1 spot on the most credited reviews – still waiting for response. My mom made chicken and egg stir-fry for dinner. It was healthy. Last night I opted out of going to Popeye’s Chicken. I need to avoid the fat and cholesterol as much as possible. I had Dan take me to Taco Bell instead. lol. My mom and I will be joining my aunt and uncle for dinner at Applebee’s. I’m going to ask for a salad.
I had a second quiet time after games.

In you oh Lord do I put my trust. Let me never be put to confusion. Psalm 71:1

I will praise you oh Lord my God with all my heart…”

I forget the last part of the second verse.
May the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirt soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For our weapons of war are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, arguments and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God, bringing every thought to the obedience of Christ.

If only I could recall the reference number. lol.

The Word of God is living and powerful, sharper than a double edged sword even to the divide of soul and spirit, joins and marrow. It is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Creature is hidden from His sight. Everything is naked and open to He whom we must give account.
Jim just got home. He seems well.
Well that is it for now, Goodnight.

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