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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
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balh blah ablan
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September 10, 2018 at 8:53pm
September 10, 2018 at 8:53pm
Today was – okay. I failed to go to the gym. When I got out of bed, I had my quiet time as usual. Then my moms’ air chamber came to the door. When I brought it in, my mom and I immediately got to work on setting it up. We had to strip every layer of the sleep number bed; it has volume and position functions. My mom did most of the work even with her back pain that she was having. I didn’t do very much. lol.
I did two anniversary reviews. I also edited my Inspiration Quotation entry. There were at least five things that needed changed. It looks a lot better now. I still think I should go over it again once or twice.
Well, we have officially trashed the coffee maker. My mom looked online for a good one for about $100. It will not make as much as the old maker though. I only drink two cups a day anyway.
Tonight is Most Excellent Way. I’m happy to go there. It really helps.

For I know my thoughts that I think towards you, thought of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope. Jer, 25:11
I just memorized that verse.

Jim left to go to Costco. I gave him my food card for stuff I want.
It’s still in the triple digits today. Thursday is a high of 95 degrees. That is the lowest for the whole week. I can’t until it gets cool.
I may ask Gio if he wants to hang this week. He said he would soon. Chad called me after work. I had to do something and I told him to wait. When he came back, he had hung up. I don’t know why. I called him back but with no reply. I hope he’s not mad for some reason.
I just texted Craig for a ride to the meeting. He always says yes. lol.
I eagerly await the day when I support myself and retain job and drive a vehicle. Lord willing, that will happen.
I hot the PS4 for 30 minute – which is good. I started the continuation of Blood of Heaven. I got through the preface and the prologue and I got through half of the first chapter. That is when Jim came home from work. I read in the living room and he watches TV whine he gets off.
Well, I’ll stop here. My ride will be here soon. Bye.
September 9, 2018 at 9:57pm
September 9, 2018 at 9:57pm
I only have like 30 minutes so this will be short.
The day began well when Dan picked me up for church. The sermon was out of 2 Timothy 1. It was entitled Guardians of the Gospel. It addressed the demeanor of Timothy as he is being exhorted y Paul. Apparently he had a fear problem. Paul talks of this issue by quoting the known scripture “The Lord did not give you a spirit of timidity and fear but of power and love and of sound mind.”
Pastor Jimmy spoke of his eulogy he gave at his dad’s funeral. Most of his family is Puerto Rican. Hence, they needed a Spanish translator. He chose his sister, It turned out that she knew less than Spanish than him! It was really funny. The whole congregation was laughing.
I briefly spoke with Jared before an after service. We talked about this and that. At the end he bought me a donut. Then Dan took me to buy myself a cup coffee at Funny’s which is a mini-mart. They had Pumpkin spice but I stuck with the French roast.
When Dan dropped me off at home, I continued my quiet time. I then hit the computer to so two reviews. Then I completed my Quotation Inspiration entry. It looks pretty nice to me. I still need to go over it one more time or so before I submit.
Chad has not called yet but he may. It’s the day after the dreaded wedding. lol.
I slid on dog pee today. Darn dogs. My mom soon afterward saw poop where the pee had been previously. She thinks it is Merlin. I am surprised we still have him. Many a time have we been serious about giving him the boot. But every time it just goes away.
It’s still in the triple digits here. It should be cooling soon.
Tomorrow I’ll be getting my blood drawn.
Well, I have to go. Goodbye.
September 8, 2018 at 9:37pm
September 8, 2018 at 9:37pm
I’m a little brain tired. I just did a review what was obviously done by a young novice. It was riddled with errors of all kinds. It was done from a dream of the author’s. It sounded like a very cool experience. But it takes finesse and thought to make the reader to go through what you did using just the right words.
I got up at about 9:30 A.M. The thing that got me up was that I had to do the fans. It did not long.
I hope I am in God’s will as far as my writing goes. I don’t know if God wants me to not play them for now. But that is old news. I hope the Lord will clarify things once and for all.
I hit the PS4 for about forty minutes. I had fun. Then my mom and I went to Trader Joe’s. I got ice-cream and pizzas for myself. When I came home, I finished playing. Then I hit the computer for some reviews. Hopefully I will keep up with my daily review quota of two reviews a day. I think I’m going to give games a break for a few days or so. I need to get back to perfecting my skills.
Jim is off today. Good for him. He is chilling in front of the TV. For the last two weeks he’s had a different schedule than usual. He will most likely be off tomorrow as well. I plan to do reading before church after my quiet time of course. I need to submit my novel to a publisher. I still have not formatted page numbers and chapter headings. I’m going to get on that soon. I must submit.
Today is the bog day – William, Chad’s older brother, is having his wedding today. Chad doesn’t sound too happy. lol. I was told Will spent $15K for the wedding. He rented the reception place for three or four hours according to Chad. Michael sounds happy and chipper, but he’s a good guy and a brother in Christ. Michael is Chad’s younger bro. I am eager to see how it all goes down. Moreover, I wonder if the marriage will last. Will seems to shun his family a bit. He’s cheap with them but he goes all out for his girlfriends. In the words of Chad, Will has “booty on the mind.” He just can’t help himself. lol. I’ll find out how it was tomorrow.

Well, that’s it for now, goodnight.

September 6, 2018 at 8:51pm
September 6, 2018 at 8:51pm
I woke up this morning at the sound of my alarm then I hit the snooze a few times. Then I just tuned it off. lol. Needless to say, I missed the gym.
I did not hit the PS4 today. I opted to do two anniversary reviews and then go over four of my chapters from my novel. I prayed for help.

Psalm 89:15 Blessed is the people that hear the joyful sound. They shall walk O Lord in the light of your countenance.

Psalm 86:12 I will praise you O Lord my God with all my heart and I will glorify your name for evermore.

Isaiah25:1 O Lord you are my God. I will exalt you. I will give thanks to your name. You have worked wonders, plans formed long ago in perfect faithfulness.

Psalm 71:1 In you O Lord do I put my trust. Let me never be put to put to shame.

I have those verses down pretty much.
Chad called me. He was at McDonald’s. He didn’t talk much.
Jim is at work. That means he should be off tomorrow and Saturday. I made some coffee today. It was leaking so I had to let it drip into two large mugs. I covered them in plastic wrap then put them in the fridge. I could definitely taste the latent chocolate flavor this time. I find I put in more cream than I used to. It uses up the cream quicker. lol.
It’s pretty much in the triple digits still. At least it is cool in the early morning. It should be plenty cooler at the end of the month. The following month the whole fam will come over for a Thanksgiving/Christmas celebration. I am asking for some good Christian fantasy books as gifts. That is my genre. As of yet I have not really been reading any official Christian fantasy. I need more of my genre for inspiration and planning. The only real bona fide Christian fantasy series called Archives of Anthropos. It is a YA series. There are a number of fantasy kinds: urban, supernatural, epic, high and more.

Well that is it for now. Goodbye.
September 5, 2018 at 9:15pm
September 5, 2018 at 9:15pm
This will be relatively brief as my ride will be her soon.
I made it to the gym today! I worked on my legs. I had coffee before I left. It seemed to help last time. But today I was feeling lacking in energy at the end of my cardio. I felt great for the duration if the day. Working out really makes you feel good.
I hit the PS4 twice today – altogether I played a little over an hour and a half. I finished reading The Seeing. It ended well. The head spiritual bad dude was cast into the Lake of Fire by the teenage protagonist. Next I will read the second book in a trilogy. I read the first book a while back. I had no idea there was more to the story. The second one is called Threshold. It’s about the two witnesses that are to appear at the end of the world.
I texted briefly with Gio. He seems very cordial. I suggested if we could hang out sometime and he said we’ll hang sometime soon.
My mom and I went to Trader Joe’s some pizzas, ice-cream and some bagged snacks as well as some cereal.
I just got a text from Dan. He got something in his eye that is obstructing his sight. He can’t take me unless he gets it out by service time. I wonder if he’ll have to see a doc. I don’t want to call Ricky because he gets there an hour early. I hope Dan gets the thing out of his eye.
It looks like I’ll have to sign up for the men’s breakfast on Saturday online if I can’t go to church. It will be free for me since I’ve never been. I wonder what they’re having.
Jim is at work now. My mom is supposed to have a pizza ready for him when he gets home. I might have to have one too myself. The group is supposed to go In N’ Out after service. I’d prefer Cane’s. lol.
Its’ officially cooling down. It’s not in the triple digits. I love the cold especially when it rains. Lightning and thunder are so cool!
I’m still really stoked about my bro and his family of two coming into town. It will be cool to see his baby, Eliana. I’m sure everyone in our extended family is looking forward to seeing her.
It’s amazing how fast time goes by as you age. lol. It doesn’t seem that long ago when I had my 35th b-day. It sucks. I hate getting older.
I had Starbucks after I worked out. I have not had that in a long time. I used my card though. My original plan was to take money out for myself and buy it with cash from my allowance.
Today was Chad’s first day at Del Taco. Like always, he was talking really fast on the phone. They gave him a shirt and a hat. He was pretty much watching training vids. I hope is new gig works for him.
Well that is it for now. Goodbye.
September 4, 2018 at 8:35pm
September 4, 2018 at 8:35pm
Today my mom had an issue with one of the inflatable beds in the master bedroom. It deflated during the night leaving a big indentation in my mom’s bed. We had to strip both beds bare so that we could get to where the air hose attaches. We swapped hoses and that did the trick. Oh well, most of the bad coverings and linens needed to be washed anyway. lol. The bottom of the two beds.
Well, Chad has called so I will say good day. Until tomorrow.
September 2, 2018 at 7:50pm
September 2, 2018 at 7:50pm
I was supposed to go to the 9 A.M. service with Rick. Nevertheless, he opted to go to the 11 A.M. service; he was too tired to go to the earlier one. lol. Anyway, we had communion today. It occurs on the first Sunday off each month and then on the following Wednesday night. This coming Saturday is the men’s breakfast. I may go.
Ben was there. He was in in Sicily before. He is a repair man in the Air Force.
So I worked on my story for an hour and half.
I just learned Ricky has a girlfriend. Her name is Valerie and they’ve been an item since April. She goes to Calvary Paradise.
I hot the PS4 for an hour before service. Jim is off today from Albertson’s. I would have played more but he is here with the TV. lol. Usually he works both jobs on Sundays. Pastor Jimmy went about 15 minutes over. And of course Ricky loves to talk afterwards. I made a cup of coffee since I was up at about 8:20 A.M. So I did not go to Funny’s for a cup.
Tomorrow is Chad’s big day; he’s starting his first shift at Del Taco. Chad is excited. I hope it’s not too strenuous for him. He is really in bad health. Nothing anyone says gets through to him. A big plus about Del taco is only 15 minutes away in foot. Good for him. I keep him in prayer.
It’s 99 degrees outside – only in the double digits. It should be cooling down then.
I was talking to Jared. I know and interact with him the most. Nevertheless I don’t think he’s a true friend either. I have two real friends – Chad and Michael.
I’m somewhat tired because of my writing. It’s a good imaginative exercise though.
My mom is still watching Trollhunters. lol. She’ll be stoked when the sequel series debus. I’ll be happy too as well.
Well, I’m going to do more writing later. Now I want to relax. Goodbye.
September 1, 2018 at 9:29pm
September 1, 2018 at 9:29pm
I got up very early this morning. But I did get good sleep. I got up at about 3:30 A.M. I was in the hall and I heard his phone alarm go off at 3:45 A.M. As soon as he left, about 35 minutes later, I had my quiet time. It was great. I’m still trying to get those little verses down:

Psalm 86:12 I will praise you O lord my god with all my heart and I will glorify your name for evermore.

Psalm 71:1 In You O Lord do I put my trust. Let me never be put to shame.

Isiah 75:1 O Lord You are my God. I will exalt You. I will give thanks to your name. You have worked wonders plans formed long ago in perfect faithfulness.
I’m trying to get down John 8:12 Then spoke Jesus again to them saying I am the light of the Lord. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.
I got it!!

I am doing some texting with Ricky. I thought he didn’t like me at one time. But he seemed genuinely happy to hear from me. (= I don’t get people sometimes.
I am entering a contest held in celebration of WdC’s 18th anniversary. Basically you have to write a supernatural story with the number 18 as a prompt. The max word count is 3k. I’ve made an outline. Unfortunately I may have to alter my outline for things to flow and not exceed the word limit.
I hit the PS4 for thirty minutes. I was getting beat. LOL. I read three chapters out of the novel I’m reading. I think I have one or two left. It’s been a fun journey and I enjoyed all three books in the series.
My mom and I had lunch with my aunt and uncle at the Out Back. It was nice. I had the 11 oz. center cut steak. It was very lean. I had fries and grilled asparagus. It was good. I usually don’t eat vegetable at all really. The A1 sauce really helped the flavor. I had very little to take home. I’ll have it for breakfast.
My mom ordered a chicken entrée. She did not like it. She thinks Jim will eat it. lol.
I’m still waiting for Amanda to review my first chapter. I hope she thinks well of it.
Chad shot me a link of a picture of the Cane robot from Robocop 2. Someone bought it for $35K!
Chad would love to have it for sure. lol. He’s drooling over the pic of it. I texted Ricky asking if he is going to Calvary tomorrow. I want to go to the 9 A.M. service. lol. He’ll probably get back to me later tonight.
Well, I’m beat. Until tomorrow.
August 31, 2018 at 7:42pm
August 31, 2018 at 7:42pm
It’s been an okay day. I didn’t make it to the gym. )= I did read two chapters out of The Seeing, the last part in a trilogy. The main protagonist, a teenage boy named Luke, trips on some drug that is supposed to allow him to see the spirit realm. Boy was he wrong to do that. lol. The chapter I stopped on was where Luke is coming out of his trip.
I want some fantasy to read- something wholesome and preferably Christian.
I just checked and there are quite a few Christian fantasy authors out there. I wanted to know more about this one dude that sounded like his books were attractive. His name is Craig Halloran. Most of what I saw was alluring-dragons, magic, swords and shields, mysterious worlds. Unfortunately, most of them are exclusively on Kindle. One author got his muse from fantasy games! Who’d a thought it?
Jim is home. He and my mom are having fish for dinner – yuck! The only sea food I eat is shrimp, crab and lobster as well as calamari.
So I got this real good idea for a Writer’s Cramp entry. Then I realized it was a basic cop out of my unpublished novel The Gate of Vessels. I was in the middle of doing my outline, and then I caught myself. lol. The Cramp prompt was to write about something happening at the end of Summer. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.
Chad called me. We spoke for like four minutes. He was trying on clothes and shoes for his first day at Del Taco on Monday. I need a job. )= I want to get a hold of my anxiety so I can get a job and move out - and drive.
My mom set out some texts to all our family about the gathering together at our house. Its’ going to be a mad house. lol. I’ll be happy to see my bro’s and his wife’s baby. Butters, their dog, should be coming too. She’s a Shih Tzu like our smaller dogs.
I was feeling horrible fro like a few minutes. I don’t know what it was so I audibly rebuked the Devil. It passed.
I’m so happy how closer to the Lord I am. My anxiety is very negligible at best. Usually when I listen to music, I pace around the computer room. Now I don’t. I just relax.
Jim is on the phone concerning a financial thing. He’s on hold in the que. Up, he’s with a rep now.
I checked and I have over 15 anniversary reviews or more. I want to do more Please Review reviews. That will help others to review my chapter; it’s over 3k words long. lol.
I’m excited for the second Tales of Arcadia installment. I’m also looking forward to the new Dragon’s movie to come out. I’ll just wait until it comes out on Amazon in HD quality.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.

August 30, 2018 at 8:54pm
August 30, 2018 at 8:54pm
I did three reviews today – two an anniversary and one from the Please Review page. The one from the Please Review page was atrocious. I surmise it was not proofread. I did four pages of feedback to the author. I hope he or she corrects it so I can enjoy it more.
I got up super late at like 11:30 A.M. Oy. I so wished I’d gone to the gym. Oh well – hopefully tomorrow.
One of the FSFS members said she is not active enough on WdC to promote A.E. Wilcox as the next leader of the group. I plan to do some more Thrice Prompted stories and it called Matt, our former head, to read them when you come to the point where an awardicon is being given. I want more prompts that appeal to me. But Matt can’t do it looks like. Someone better step up.
I think I may want to do another mini contest. I intended to make a one year premium membership a prize but it is almost $100.I think I’ll make it a one year upgraded membership. lol. There will also be MBs given out. I still don’t know what the prompt will be. It should be a cinch. Maybe it will be to write an essay on who is one of your favorite author and why. Or it could maybe to write a story in space, castle, or another realm/dimension. That sounds good.
Jim works today. That means he’ll be off on Saturday and Sunday. Or one day of the weekend at least.
Last night the sermon was about Jesus getting arrested by the Pharisee soldiers. We only went as far as the 27th verse of a chapter in John. I forgot which one. lol. It was good. I bounced when service was over. Before I did Bob, the Most Excellent way Dude, prayed over me. After that Dan brought me home just as Jim was about to go to bed. Jim is at work now. I think he’ll come home by 7 P.M. or so.
So Lonnie came by and picked up a part from our house of a hanging board. My bro broke a part of the first one and bought a new one. We gave that one to Lonnie in exchange for some of his services.
It’s 97 degrees outside. It’s been in the triple digits. That means the temp is cooling.
I just texted Gio. He does not sound like talking. I wonder why. I would have pursued him further but my phone was on 20% so I had to charge it. lol. I said I’d hit him up tomorrow.
I still need a publisher to submit to. But I think I’ll edit my story over one more time.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.

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