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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
This is a test.
balh blah ablan
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August 15, 2018 at 7:55pm
August 15, 2018 at 7:55pm
This has been a very good day. I got up early at 5 A.M. Then at 5:30 A.M. I hit the gym. I actually went this time. I did my legs. I felt so good today.
I did 2 reviews today. I was very pleased and surprised to see that another preferred author gave me an MB for a poem I made! She also favorited my poem. I think it was called The Veil. I wrote a reply but when I hit send, something happened and it was lost.
I finished the first Soul Tracker book today. One of the friends of the protagonist died at the end. It was bitter sweet; she went to heaven. (=
I hit the PS4 today. I played for 45 minutes. I was winning most of the time. lol. I am ranked a Siayon -I spelled that wrong. It was fun.
So I’m still waiting to hear from Empire publishing. I hope they get back to me. I was very concise and proper I thought. I didn’t realize it at first, but Empire Publishing is a self-publishing group. I just want to start submitting. The only publishing group I tried required an agent. I’ll keep scouring the net. There will be lots of rejection I know at first. One dude from the SFFS got his 200th rejection a while back.
I don’t think Michael and my bro Josh will go much further in my novel. It needs editing.
It’s roughly 101 degrees outside. I love AC lol.
My mom put me on an aspirin regimen for my heart irritation and pain. We’ll consult the doc when I do my walk in.
Jim is at work now. I think he gets off at 8 P.M. I texted Dan for a ride. That was an hour ago. I hope he won’t be too late.
Chad called me when he was walking to his mom’s house. He was rambling. All I got was something about PTO and his health card then something about his managers. We only talked for about ten minutes at the most. This happened when we were in Walgreens to pick up my meds. My mom got another doggie bed for Nime I think. She’s the cutest dog.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.
August 14, 2018 at 10:18pm
August 14, 2018 at 10:18pm
It looks like I am on my way to making my first publishing submission. The company is called Empire Publishing. I wanted to find out how to simply submit; there are a plethora of other services and information. I’ll check my email tomorrow. In the meantime, I will continue writing.
I posted something on the SFFS HUB. I was wondering what kind of writing skill everyone is working on. Sir various said he is working on POV transition. I myself am working on character interaction, development and change.
Jim went to work very early like at 5 A.M. or 6 A.M.
I had a little accident with the coffee brewer; it leaked like crazy. lol. I was able to retain the most part of the coffee by putting a very large mug under the dispenser. I covered it in cellophane and put it in the fridge. It should give me at least two cups of coffee tomorrow.
The worker dudes were supposed to come today but it didn’t happen. They’ll come tomorrow.
I am so happy with our new filtration system. It outputs a lot quicker than the hold one. It will make getting the coffee maker ready a lot easier.
I think I will ask Craig for a ride to church tomorrow. Dan is uncertain.
Yesterday we had a full house at Most Excellent Way. It was about God’s thoughts for us individually.

I have plans for you to prosper you, not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope.

There may be more to that verse.

Chad was talking about his job situation. I couldn’t follow him because he was rambling a little. The poor guy is so unhealthy. He was cooking a cheeseburger at home. It’s not McDonald’s but still. I need to visit him soon. I need to make sure my mom gets the ball rolling on the paratransit situation.
I had a nice messaging session with my sister Sarah yesterday. She is working on her house. It is old but it looks classy too. It will shine when things are done.
My bro, his wife and baby daughter will be visiting. I’m looking forward to that. It will be in November. But my mom wants us to celebrate Christmas too – which makes sense. Hopefully Sarah will come as well.
I am going on diet - particularly to lose stomach fat. lol. I also need a haircut. My sides are thick.
I have to mop tomorrow unless the guys come. I think my mom said they are. Something switched yesterday. Now the master bedroom cold and the living room is hot. lol.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.
August 13, 2018 at 7:27pm
August 13, 2018 at 7:27pm
I’m a little fatigued. I just did two long reviews. One was a poem and the other was a story. It took me over an hour to do. lol. The workers were not here today. They may come tomorrow.
Well, my mom and I did not go to the doc’s office. It opens at 7:30 A.M. We’re just going to do a walk in at opening time. My mom told me she and Jim want me to take baby aspirin a day for my heart issue.
Tonight is Most excellent Way. I’m eager to go there. It’s my life line. I always get prayed over. I wonder how many will be there. We sang two worship songs last time - without music.
Chad should be calling me soon. He called me on his lunchbreak. He sent me a short clip of TMNT Turtles in Time. The other was a parody of Toka and Razar meeting Bebop and Rocksteady.
My found a way to read my novel on her new pad. I just email it to her from the desktop. I think I am ready to send my story to an editor. I know it needs lots of work. lol.
I first must rework my MW entry. That will be my focus.

I will praise you oh lord my god with all my heart. I will glorify your name for evermore.

You did not choose me but I chose you that you may bear fruit and that your fruit would remain. Whatever you ask the Father in my name He may give you.

I messed up the second verse some. lol.
I have to go to the gym tomorrow. It will really help me with my anxiety.
Well that is it for now. Goodbye.
August 12, 2018 at 8:06pm
August 12, 2018 at 8:06pm
Well, I didn’t win the Cramp. )= I did get my MB for being in the top 100 most credited reviewers list; I was #35. I just did two anniversary reviews. That may be my daily quota. I had initially intended to do three a day. If I do stick to two a day, I’ll get about sixty reviews a months. Chris Breva is still #1 on the list. When I first noticed, I sent him an MB. He was very happy about it.
Tomorrow, if the prompt appeals to me, I will enter as early as possible. I have mopping to do and a doc pop in to schedule an MRI. I’m having an issue what my heart: it hurts from time to time. Its’ been this way for a while.
I want to go to the gym in the morning but my pop in is with my mom’s appointment at 7:30 A.M. Oh well, maybe the next day. lol.
Jim is home today from Albertson’s. That usually doesn’t happen on Sundays. It’s good for him though.
It is 102 degrees out. That is not how hot it was before.
Pastor Ken was teaching today at church. He taught out of Genesis 22.

I will praise you oh Lord my god with all my heart. I will glorify your name forevermore. Psalm 86:12.

I just began memorizing with this verse yesterday I think. I’m sticking with small verses. I may have altered a word or two.
So I’m dying to play games. After a little over an hour reading, I thought God gave me the green light to play. Now, I don’t know.
Well, I have a story to work on. I bid thee ado.
August 10, 2018 at 10:01pm
August 10, 2018 at 10:01pm
I only have 15 minutes to write.
The day started well. I did not go to the gym. )= My mom and I had veggie burgers for dinner. If it were not for all the condiments, it would have been nasty; it was hard to bear even with them. I had broccoli too. I had this twinge of pain around my pelvis. It was scaring me. I asked where it hurt and if constipation could do it; she said yes and promptly gave me prescription laxatives. I’ve yet to feel anything. lol.

You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed that you should bear fruit. And that your fruit will remain.

I still don’t recall the whole passage. It was in Psalm.
Something peculiar occurred. After reading two chapters, out my the book I’m reading, I felt as though God was giving me the green light to play games. But I could not because of my quiet time that needed attention.
Well, I have to bounce. Goodbye.
August 9, 2018 at 8:06pm
August 9, 2018 at 8:06pm
I got up at 11 A.M. and the two water and light dudes were at work. My mom texted me in my room saying coffee was ready. Unfortunately, I could not get out the cream because the ladder they were using blocking the fridge. I thought I had to move the whole thing to get to the cream. Then my mom showed me a better way. I just pulled out one end of ladder so I could easily wedge myself through.
The ceiling lights they installed were too bright. Today is Thursday. Lonnie, the head technician, will be here Friday to install some stuff. I think he still needs to order one cheap part for the reverse osmosis. We are waiting for the water fixture for it.
This newbie at Walgreens was going through every protocol very slowly. I asked if they got the blood work and he said no. Someone on their end messed something up. My mom went to the blood lab site and it said my blood results were delivered to the pharmacy.
My mom and I watched some Trollhunters. Then she got preoccupied with her IPhone. So I went to the computer.
Chad called me when he was walking to his mom.
Well, Chad is on the phone. I don’t want to be rude. Goodbye.
August 8, 2018 at 9:57pm
August 8, 2018 at 9:57pm
Once again, this will be short as 7 P.M. is under 30 minutes away.
My mom and I just watched an anime movie called Tales from Earthsea. It was cool. The antagonist was a sorcerer dude. My mom and me thought he was a woman until he started talking.
Oh. Lord you are my God. I will exalt you. I will give thanks to your name. You have worked wonders plans long ago in perfect faithfulness. Psalm 71:1

I am like a green olive tree in the House Of God.

The Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run to Him and are safe.

I just recited those verses out loud from memory.
May the Lord Himself sanctify you completely and may your spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Well it is almost 7 P.M. Goodbye. Hope fully tomorrow will be longer. lol. Tootles!
August 7, 2018 at 9:50pm
August 7, 2018 at 9:50pm
This will be short as I am tired from revising my MW entry – the one that was disqualified. lol. Right now I’m focusing on character interaction and getting inside the main characters head as they say. Getting the whole shebang down with all its facets is my gradual goal – one thing at a time though. I’m also trying to define a clear premise. Apparently, my story is all over the place.
I had a nice chat with an old friend named Richard. We talked about the Bible and related things. He wants to chat more frequently. (=
Oh, Lord you are my God. I will exalt you. I will give thanks to your name. You have worked wonders, plans long ago in perfect faithfulness.

I think I have that down.

Well I have to bounce. Good bye
August 5, 2018 at 7:53pm
August 5, 2018 at 7:53pm
I’m a little bummed. I totally failed the eligibility review for the Magic Words Contest; I got ten points out of seventy. )= lol. Oh, well. The review was very helpful though. I asked the owner of the contest if she would look at my story after I have cleaned it up a bit.
Oh Lord you are my God. I will exalt you. I will give thanks to your name. You have worked wonders in perfect faithfulness.

I messed up by three missing words. The second sentence should read-“For you have worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.”

Lonnie, the AC dude, will be dropping by to evaluate the situation; something else is wrong. It’s nothing big though. He’ll also be looking at our reverse osmosis tap that has low pressure.
Church was good. The sermon was from 1 Timothy chapter 4. Today was lunch on the lot – or lunch in the building because it was indoors. lol. I only had $5 on me and I wanted that for a cup of coffee at the mini-mart. On the way there, I realized I could have used my card.
When I got home, my mom was making spaghetti.
Well, Chad is on the phone. I can’t be rude. Until tomorrow.
August 4, 2018 at 8:41pm
August 4, 2018 at 8:41pm
Man did I get up late! – 12 P.M. I did my readings. I just now remembered I lost my devotional. lol.

Oh, Lord you are my God. I will exalt you. I will give thanks to your name. You have done works planned, long ago in perfect faithfulness.

That is the verse I worked on today. I messed up a bit. The third sentence should begin like this-“For you have worked wonders.” Also, this whole thing is just two sentences. lol. There are two semicolons.

I’m caught in a straight; I’m not sure if God is giving me the green light to play games. Proverbs 3:5,6 says-“Lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths.” Better safe than sorry. I should probably abstain just in case. I just felt my heart palpitate.

About 30 minutes ago, my mom and I went to Walgreens. There was some confusion as to why we were not getting the $5 off phone coupon with a purchase of $15. As it ended up, the discount was valid only on the following visit. My mom went through this whole process of signing in and changing passwords. We bought three kinds of items: batteries, two candy bars and some licorice. Batteries are so pricy.
I called Michael at the mountains. It actually connected. The only thing we tried that had problems with was the FaceTime. What he did show me was very pretty. After like 4 minutes, we hung up. I’ll be joining his excursions in the fall when it cools down. I wish I could have gone. lol. Michael said he wanted to go to Valley of Fire where it is even hotter. I’ll give him a ring after dark.
I did one review. It was a poem. That is when my mom and I left for Walgreens. I prefer stories bit most of them are too long. When I used to review, I was primarily looking for mistakes and such. Now I read them to enjoy. It really makes the editing process easier.
I have to pick up dog excrement at dark. Our exterminator is coming in the morning. It should be easy. I did find a baby brown recluse crawling on my Bible.
I am so far from publishing my book.
Well, Chad is on the phone. Goodbye.

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