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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
This is a test.
balh blah ablan
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October 10, 2018 at 8:00pm
October 10, 2018 at 8:00pm
So far the day has been good. Unfortunately, I did not get up to go to the gym. Nevertheless, I did get out of the house to go to the store with my mom. She had to get a flu shot and I needed creamer. I’m still weeing myself of the unhealthy creamer to the healthy stuff. It’s a lot bitterer but I’m getting used to it. lol. My mom got four ground Starbucks bags of coffee. They’re small but they were on sale. Usually their brand is expansive. I mixed the mocha with the vanilla. It was good.
Jim is at work until 6:30 P.M. Tonight is church for me. I took a shower. I still don’t need to shave. I have a nice thin beard with a goatee.
I may hit the PS4 for a short while. I played for 36 minutes yesterday. I’m texting my sister Sarah now while I write. She stopped. She’s encountering some nasty weather. She is hauling alcohol to N. Dakota. She didn’t know we put down Lance. He was 105 years old in dog years. I am still mourning his passing.
It is lovely right outside now. It’s overcast too. I love that kind of weather. I like the rain. October means Halloween is coming-not my cup of at all. I’m happy the church has the Harvest Festival. I may volunteer this year. The church relies on candy donations to give to the kids. But, like the costumes, nothing scary can be on the bags. I skim off the top when I serve in one of the games. lol.
I texted Jared briefly in the evening. I was watching stuff with my mom too.
I have an appointment with the dentist in a week. Uhg. I fear I may have cavities. W0ho knows though. I noticed some tooth pain along my upper and lower right jaw. That was a few weeks ago. Now I have no pain. I was starting to get sick and my mom thought that could have caused my tooth pain. She may have been right- in which case I am most grateful.
Ricky has still not said where we’ll be going to after church to eat. I won’t be eating. I’ll just fellowship. I’m still on my diet. My mom said I’m losing weight. I think I see it too.
Chad may call me soon. He’s kind of at odds with the people at work a bit. He always talks about how they treat him. Now they don’t really treat him bad but they seem to have quirks. He’ll get through all the ins and outs of the job. He s’ still learning.
When my mom and I went to the store, the pharmacist asked where I work. I said I am looking for one. Then my mom said I am a writer in my defense. That is kind of true. I do write but I am not yet published. Speaking of writing, I got a very prompt reply from a person who has a YouTube vid. She did not understand my problem as I described it. So, she asked me to send her my document. How courteous.
I did my two daily anniversary reviews. Last I checked, I was in the 30’s in the most credited reviews list. And I’ll go up gradually if I keep up with my reviewing.
Well, that’s it for now. Good evening.
October 9, 2018 at 7:10pm
October 9, 2018 at 7:10pm
Today has been good I suppose. I did not go to the gym but I did do two anniversary reviews and I read two chapters. I accidently closed my book without any book mark. lol. I had to back track and read some until I came to the chapter I was on. I have not read in a while. It was nice to read again. I have like two chapters left.
I hot the PS4 for about 36 minutes. I could have played more but I knew I had to stop.
I plan to begin my Short Shots story today.

Psalm 86:12 I will praise you O lord my God with all my heart and I will glorify your name for evermore.

Last night was nice. All the ladies were there. We continued on our study on the trinity of man. A new woman named Summer was there for the first time. She was prayed over of course. Then two others went next. Then I was last.
It’s nice and cold outside-perfect for going to the store. (= I got some sushi from the store for $9. It was a good portion. It was ironically unhealthy though. It was high in cholesterol and saturated fat. It will be awhile until I try that again.
Jim is at work. He gets off at 6:30 P.M. He has been very chipper lately. My prayers must be having affect.
It’s been three days since Lance was put down. It’s slowly getting better I suppose. There are times when I think of him and I sob a bit. Now it’s just Merlin and Nimue now. Perhaps we will get another puppy –once Merlin gets the boot that is. lol. My mom and Jim keep saying they’ll do it but nothing happens.
I have not heard from our handy man Lonnie in a long time. I believe I heard he is terminally ill. I could be wrong. He still needs to do one more job we paid him to do.
I always hear that phone tone whenever spam pops up in my mom or Jim’s phone. I seldom ever get any though.
Once again we prayed for a job for me last night. It will come. And it will be close. Hopefully it will be a job like Walgreens or Hallmark where you’re not bombarded with people all at once. I couldn’t imagine checking at a grocery store. I’d have tons of anxiety if it were that.
I still have some issues with MS Word that I need to solve.
Gio said he may come Most Excellent Way. He asked for the time and place.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.
October 7, 2018 at 8:54pm
October 7, 2018 at 8:54pm
Man am I mentally beat. I’ve been scouring YouTube for hours on how to get rid of the blank page that is created when I add text with a doc that has a header. I also need to get a hold of how to properly put space between paragraphs and make the document single spaced. I’ve watched a lot of videos that did not help me at all. But “Seek and ye shall find” as the Bible says. I got to keep on keepin’ on. lol. It may take weeks or months even. Uhg. I won’t give up though.
Church was good. I talked to Jared some. I told him I would hit him up and ask to hang out but he pretty much ignored me. It is what it is.
I’m having trouble coming up with things to type. I’m fried.
The back door is open to let the cool air in. Dan, my ride, had his doors off in the cold. Even with a sweater it was chilly. lol. We had communion today. It happens the first Sunday of each month.
Jim works until 9 P.M. tonight. I didn’t hit the PS4. I’m too wiped to play. I’ve had three eggs and a peanut butter and honey sandwich to eat today. There is not much food in the house. And there’s not much healthy stuff to pick up at the store. Jim said California Rolls are unhealthy. It’s pretty much just fish and imitation crab meat made of more fish. We need to go to Costco soon. Eating healthy leaves you hungry. lol.
I need to go to the gym early in the morning. Jim’s vacation is officially half way done. It went by fast.

Well, I’m wiped. Goodbye.
October 6, 2018 at 5:52pm
October 6, 2018 at 5:52pm
Today is a sad day. After watching our dog Lancelot suffer so bad with glaucoma, lameness, sporadic breathing and racing heard and trembling, we put him down. Our poor dog is gone forever. He was put to sleep at about 6 A.M. It was later in the day that his absence really sunk in and I started to ball my eyes out. I miss so much. He’s at peace now.
I went to the men’s breakfast today at church for the first time. It was nice. They served eggs, sausage, hash browns, bacon as well as fruit and yogurt. I had to use my earplugs because there was worship. Doing so turns down the volume in my ears. It blasts my eardrums otherwise. lol.
It is great outside. It’s actually cold – and sprinkling too. Jim is getting ready for work. He’s a little under halfway through his vacation from Caesar’s Palace.
Michael called me. He loves Jesus so much. That’s all he talks about. I told him about Lancelot and that brought up the idea of animals having souls or spirits. The Bible does say the animals will lay down with the new earth. I do think humans have something significantly more than animals spiritually.
I did my two anniversary reviews today. One of them was a poem from a preferred author. It was great! I gave it five stars. The poem was about nature, specifically summer and winter. It was very image creating and I told the author that. I even created a poetic line to express what I felt from the poem. lol.
I called my bro Josh. I wanted to know if he received and read my pesky second chapter. It is read only. I did find a way to edit it but I have to do this quick method of doing it. I can’t just click onto it from the Documents Files. When I have put page numbers down and put my chapter title headers, I will submit it to this one Christian publisher I found on the net. But I also need to space things right. I did it once but I can’t seem to do it again. When Josh comes, I hope he’ll be able to help me out. But I don’t think he has Word 2010.With God’s help, it will all happen. (=
The front and back doors are open to let in the cool air.
I’ll ask my mom if we can go to Smiths’ for lunch meat tomorrow. I need something healthy but good too. I have a balance of about $181 now on my snap card.
I know I’ll get a job soon; we prayed about it in Most Excellent Way together. The same prayer was made for a young lady too. It will come.
Well, that’s’ it for now. Goodbye.

October 5, 2018 at 7:12pm
October 5, 2018 at 7:12pm
Today has been good. My sister visited Jim, my mom and I for about two hours. It was nice. She showed us some phone pics of her new house she is fixing up. It was made in the 1950’s. She’s gotten quite a lot done but there is still more work needed. We also talked about Lance our dog and his situation. Lord willing he’ll go without pain.
Going back to my sister, she’s been undulated with calls from my aunt who is schizophrenic. She’s been calling my mom too. All in all, it was a good time. Sarah, my sister, looks in great shape. We told her so but she just said she’s been spending a little time exercising.
Jim is at work now. I’m charging my PS4 controller now. The PS5 is coming out soon. It will be backwards compatible. My PS4 will be my last console I’ll buy. I’m surprised the PS3 online service is still up and running. I imagine PS4 service will stay up for a while longer too. I plan to go over and play KH3 at Jared’s house if he’ll have me. lol. I socialize at church with him the most by far. He offered to visit me for my b-day. But I kind of shied away from him - my stupid shyness.
I am finally going to the men’s breakfast. Although I won’t be able to have the main dish, I’ll get some fruit and yogurt. Jared’s bro told me about that.
I’ve done eight anniversary reviews so far. I do two a day. Over a month that will equal about sixty reviews. I may not do two every day, but I’ll still and up doing a lot. I want to review people who get their works selected in the editor’s picks. I love it when I get picked and people review my works. I’ve probably been picked about six times. There may have been times I never knew.
Jim and my mom suggested getting a whole chicken for Lance to have some. Sarah brought over chicken tacos from Del Taco. We fed Lance some and he ate some. He hasn’t been eating for a few days. So that was a relief.
Chad works from today until Sunday. Then he has off. The job is already getting to him. lol. I think I heard him say all three shifts are five hours. That’s good. He’s getting hours. I forget when he gets off today. I think it’s a night shift. So he may call me around 7:30 P.M. or later.
It is beautiful outside! – Perfect for walking to the gym. One of our front trees is growing well. It was sprouting flowers a month or so ago.
Jim gets off at 8:30 P.M.
I love Most Excellent Way. That is where I get hooked up and filled with the Spirit. Bob is a great guy and full of the Spirit.
I think I will go to the after Wednesday night service eating thing. I just won’t eat. It will be good fellowship.
I’m still in a social rut. I don’t know who I am or how I come across to people. I suppose I should not read to deeply into things regardless. I’m confused though. Oh well, It is what is.
Well that is it for me. Goodbye.
October 3, 2018 at 6:14pm
October 3, 2018 at 6:14pm
Jim woke me up at 7 A.M. He was on his way taking my mom to get her spinal shot. The reason he got me up was to look after Lance. He’s not long for this world. He’s blind in one eye and we think he is deaf too. I hit the Ps4 for while I watched him. He kept moaning and wondering around the house aimlessly. I had to bring him back to his bed a few times. I feel bad for him.
I did my two anniversary reviews for the day. One was a super short Writer’s Cramp entry by a published author. It was okay. The other story I went over needed some work. He used very long sentences and lots of commas.
The next official WdC contest is the short shots. The prompt was a picture of a trail through a meadow with golden light shining through trees. I have an idea for a premise. It will be fantasy of course. lol. The picture itself is very nostalgic and perfect for a fantasy story.
Jim began his vacation today. I’m happy for him. He’ll just chill (or sleep) in front of the TV. He deserves his rest.
I’d like to go to the men’s breakfast on Saturday but I’m still on my diet. )= I can’t wait until my blood work geos back to safe levels. I’ll have more freedom-just a little. I mixed the normal creamer with the new stuff. It made a good cup of coffee. I wonder if I will get anymore Starbucks gift cards. Maybe not. Chad will be happy. He literally thinks Starbucks is evil – I mean evil.
There was a presidential alert on my mom’s phone. I only heard it and thought it was an amber alert.
This chick named Jacky Rosen is running for the senate. Apparently, she is a left wing liberal supported by Hillary Clinton. She is a constituent of Harry Reid. That dude is in on a whole bunch of shady deals. Just the pictures of Rosen looks like she’s evil. /=
My sister is visiting us tomorrow. That will be nice. She and I text relatively frequently. My mom spoke to her the other day. She said my aunt Sherri is having delusions again; she’s schizophrenic. She has episodes every year or so.
It has really cooled down. It’s 87 degrees now. It makes things a lot easier walking to the gym. It rained yesterday early in the morning when it was still dark. I did not see or hear it but I eft the humidity when I went to the gym yesterday.
My fly keeps unzipping itself. A lady I came across to the gym pointed it out. She said it happens to her too.
I have not seen my younger sister and her family in a while. It will be nice to see them and my bro in law.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.
October 2, 2018 at 9:53pm
October 2, 2018 at 9:53pm
This will be brief as I only have an hour to write.
I got up at about 9:45 A.M. I had my probiotic pill then mage made breakfast. Then I hit the gym. I did my legs. After that I went to the store. I was looking for this big plastic bottle of almond espresso beverage. I thought it was supposed to be for my coffee creamer. Jim caught me before I left and said I got the wrong thing. Instead I got this almond vanilla coconut creamer. It was tasteless. Then I mixed in some of the regular stuff and it was actually okay. I’m just weening myself off the bad stuff. Soon I’ll need just that almond creamer and sugar.
I’m losing weight and stomach fat. It’s got to be my diet and my working out.
My mom got me a chicken salad from BJ’s. It was really good! And most importantly it was healthy. I ate half of it and put the rest in the fridge.
My oldest sister Sarah will be stopping by on Thursday to visit. That will be nice. I wonder how she is. It’s a shame she won’t be able to come when the rest of the fam comes.
I did two anniversary reviews today – one a short story, the other poem. The story was good but there was really no climax. It left me hanging, wondering what is supposed to happen next. The other thing was it was all in one big block of text. It needed to be broken up.
I hit the PS4 for two hours. It appears there is only one lobby for the whole west coast. I was automatically sent to the first lobby. I fear less and less people are playing. )= In the two last patches for DBFZ some kind of tournament. But I have no clue how to participate. I think that is the case with most people.
Kingdom Hearts III is coming out the 29th of January next year. I looked at some gameplay footage and it looks pretty tight. Unfortunately I will not be getting it. It would take to much from my writing and WdC stuff.
I can’t wait until the new leader of the FSFS will be fully ordained for lack of a better word. I want to start my Thrice Prompted stories again. I have twelve stories down. I need the practice. I planned ot enter the Cramp again but I spent too much time on the PS4. lol. At least I’m writing now.
Jim starts his vacation tomorrow. I’m sure he’s happy. It will last for two weeks. I don’t think he’s off from Albertson’s though.
Well that is it for now .Goodbye.
October 1, 2018 at 7:13pm
October 1, 2018 at 7:13pm
I made it to the gym this morning. My mom got me up to take my pills. I thought she gave me my regular meds but they weren’t. I ended up taking my morning dose at 2 P.M. I think I’ll skip my 6 P.M. and just tale my last three pills at 8 P.M.
A few weeks ago I gave eyestar an MB and another person and awardicon. They both got back to me today. Both of them were very happy for it. I love brightening peoples’ day.
I did two anniversary reviews today – my daily quota. Both of them were poems. One was a specific kind of poem form. I forget what it is called. That poem had won the author first place in a contest. It deserved it in my opinion. The lines were long but the content made it easy to follow nevertheless.
Chad sent me seven links last night. One was about the 30th anniversary of the book Matilde. In England, a statue was made of the snippy little girl staring down a chubby Donald Trump. The most significant link was of the anniversary of the Vegas shooting. A vigil was held where each of the victim’s name was tagged onto different ankles of doves. There were 52 I think. The white birds were released at the same time. It must have been a beautiful sight.
Another link was about the Friday the 13th game and the DLC and some lawsuit. It did not interest me. The last one I recall was a hypothetical question to women in the US: What if men had a 9 P.M. curfew?

Some of the answers included were: “I could leave my door and windows one at night.” “I could go on a job” “I could go to the grocery store without fear.”
well Chad has called. So goodbye.
September 28, 2018 at 9:53pm
September 28, 2018 at 9:53pm
This will be short as it will soon be 7 P.M. – when I stop writing.
I made it to the gym. Yea. Jim is really coming down on me about the new lifestyle thing. I changed my diet, I got to the gym now and that is not enough for him. I wish he would just back off. He means well but that is not how he comes across. Oh, well. That’s all I’ll say about that. lol.
It is cooling down. It was 11 A.M. when I walked to the gym. October is almost here. That means trick or treaters will be prowling on the 31st. I saw some Cadbury eggs for sale at Walgreens. That’s my favorite candy. It’s too bad they’re seasonal.
I checked out a vid on YouTube a trailer of KHIII. The graphics are great. The theme song is beautiful too. But I will not be buying it. It will suck out too much reading/writing time. Speaking of writing, I entered the Cramp. It is 812 words long. It looks pretty clean to me.I proofread it once, and caught two things. I’ll read over it again tomorrow before 9 A.M. my time. That’s the deadline.
Jim just got home. My mom made fish and broccoli. It was actually pretty good. We’re stepping away from red meat like a lot of things.
I did not hit the PS4. I did my Cramp entry instead. I have to learn to write every day. I’ll do another Cramp entry if it appeals to me. I like the prompts I can turn into fantasy works. That’s my genre. I crave more out and out fantasy but Christian. My bro said he heard Brandon Sanderson is pretty good. He is not Christian though. I don’t like sex and over the top violence. Hopefully, this author is clean.
Well, it is almost 7 P.M. so I will say goodnight.

September 27, 2018 at 7:39pm
September 27, 2018 at 7:39pm
So far the day has been good. I got out of bed at about 9:30 A.M. or so and took my health supplement and then had eggs and toast. Then I left for the gym. After about five minutes later, I realized I did not take my meds. lol. So I went back and took them. It wasn’t very hot out. It’s 96 degrees now. It was cooler on the way to the gym too.
I got to the gym and there were three real cuties at the desk. lol. If only I were younger. I have noticed the acceptable age gap between couples has widened quite a bit. That’s just the secular view though. I worked on my legs today. It was nice to be back. I feel great now.
I hit the PS4 for like less than twenty minutes. I didn’t feel like frying my brains today. lol.
I got an MB yesterday for donating fifty GPs to a contest I’ve never entered before. It was fun. The word limit is 1k words.
I wonder what happened to the WdC Game of Thrones thing. I’ve heard nothing from anyone. It’s supposed to be going on now.
Matt has confirmed a new leader has been chose to head the Fantasy and Science Fiction Society - the only group I’m part of. lol. I can’t wait until the new leader steps in so I can go back to making stories for the Thrice Prompted activity - got to practice writing man. I also need new prompts to stimulate my muse.
I still need to find out how to delete my locked 2nd chapter. I totally moved all my other chapters to another folder. Next I just copied my latest draft of my 2nd chapter from my flash drive. Hopefully, nothing else will go awry. lol.
I tentatively plan the next phase in my writing life to be getting published. I think I might be ready. It won’t hurt to submit.
My mom is really cracking down on bad foods and replacing them with healthy ones. She’s going gung ho. Honestly; I can give up anything with no problem but for coffee creamer. I like my java. I’ll be getting seen by the doc in three months to see how my blood is. By then, I should be able to go up on my creamer. (=
I just got this weird call cornering something. I had no idea what it was exactly. It was about some confirmation question asking me to dial one. I thought it was a scam. I brought it to my mom but the connection dropped when it got to her. What a strange call. /=
Jim is cleaning the filter now with the small portable vacuum. It’s been a while.
Someone showed Dan the Ugandan Knuckles meme. I’m going to call him up in the morning and say the meme to him. lol. I think he’ll get a kick out of it.
Well, that’s it for me. Bye, bye.

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