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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
This is a test.
balh blah ablan
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December 10, 2018 at 8:09pm
December 10, 2018 at 8:09pm
I was able to do two anniversary reviews today – one a poem and the other a long story. The story was very good. It was given an awardicon. It deserved it. I noticed the time it took to do those reviews was less than usual. I do less and corrections.
Craig just texted me and he won’t be able to bring me to the meeting. So, I shot Bob a text. I may have to call him. lol. He usually does not check his texts. I don’t want to miss the meeting again.
I edited my Thrice Prompted story one time through. I saw some errors that needed fixing. I’ll go over it again tomorrow a few times.
I practiced my typing today for a little under an hour. I’m trying to get that pesky Y key down.
I tried to run the typing program and it did not work. There was a caption that said Checking for Content and it went on forever. There are some free programs that teach typing but I want to buy one. My computer made this weird noise when I put the disk in. I do have an old computer. lol.
I never did get a reply from Electio Publishing. I may have to email them again. If my story is not published by February, I will enquire why I was rejected. I have thought of sending my story to an editor. That may get price however. lol. That is what I want a job for – to pay for such services. I do know my manuscript will get published. But there has to be a balance between my transcription job and my writing life. If this gig goes well, I may invest in a foot pedal. I’ll probably invest in a headset right off the bat. There are other transcription software available too.
Let’s see, what else? My mom bought something for Christmas. It could be a kindle or a tablet - or some fantasy books.
I didn’t hit the PS4 today. I didn’t feel like it. On the other hand, I have thought of playing Raging Blast 2. That may not happen though. lol. I’m ebbing away from games altogether like my bro has. I will never get another console again. My spiritual life, which also is linked to my writing, will take all my time. I need inspiration for my written pieces that will reflect God in a creative way.
Well, that’s it for now. Goodbye.
December 9, 2018 at 9:06pm
December 9, 2018 at 9:06pm
I need to go back to devoting time to my writing. In lieu of my transcription preparations, I’ve been neglecting it. I need to read more regularly too. I was able to read for forty-five minutes today. The book I’m enjoying is part mystery and part suspense. It is very well written. Unfortunately, my mom ruined the punchline of the whole book. lol. She doesn’t remember reading it even. The cover was different than copy she read. The one I’m reading has a cover that looks more ominous and spooky. It’s a pic of a dark forest with tall trees. My bro said he read it already. He never told me. Dan could not pick me up for church. He was going to see his own bro do some competition this morning. As for Ricky, he was going to Calvary Chapel Paradise. So I got my mom to take me. After service, when my mom picked me up, we went to the store to pick up some ingredients for a meal and also odds and ends. I got three cans of potato soup.
I did not do my coffee in the morning; I did it when l got home. I put too much creamer in my coffee. It was way too sweet. lol.
I plan to text Ann tonight unless Chad calls. I texted Ricky for a brief time. He was hanging out with some church friends. Like I said it was very brief. The conversation ended with me asking a question. He must have been busy.
There is a get together after the second service at the head pastor’s house. I don’ feel like going.
There is a degree of concentration needed to type correctly. But in the end it will be second nature. It is a tedious process. I must have patience. I still have to get things down.
I have decided to put my transcription job second. I’m going to only to do an hour of typing practice a day. I must refocus on writing. That is my passion. I am only doing the side gig as a reference.
I have about one month left of waiting for Electio Publishing to get back to me. If it does happen, that means I am published. Who knows – it may happen. lol.
I actually did not really have any coffee. I had a few sips but than my heart was hurting so I threw it out. I think it was because of the extra creamer.
I won’t do that again. I’m using a lot less creamer than I used to do. I should be getting my blood drawn soon to check my blood levels. I hope all is well.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.
December 8, 2018 at 10:06pm
December 8, 2018 at 10:06pm
Today has been good. I was able to do the floors. It took longer than usual because there was furniture against the wall. Hence, there was more area to mop. At least it’s over. lol. I feel very good now. I took the online typing test about three times. It’s a little cumbersome. I found the trick is to not rush myself and go at my normal speed. The test was 30 wpm. I just need more and more practice.
I learned there is a forum so fellow transcribers can chat. This way I can get help and feedback and encouragement. One thing I see is TranscribeMe cares about their employees. I asked if my account would be deleted I need a few more months of typing practice. A kind man named Kyle cordially said I can take it whenever I’m ready. Yes!
So I went to the store for some food. I got a whole chicken, sweet rolls and licorice for my mom and Jim. It seems that’s the only relatively healthy thing I can have.
I spoke with Chad for a while – a good hour or so. His gout is really giving him foot pains. It’s his fault; he chooses to eat unhealthy. He loves burgers. One day he may have to get a foot amputation.
As usual, Chad sent me some links on my phone. One them was a review of the Super Mario Brothers live action movie. The dude who did the review generally liked it. It was released in 1993. It did bomb however in theaters. The writers went in a totally weird direction with the film. They just strayed too far from the game.
Chad found out the libs are desiring to ban candy canes as it can stand for Jesus if put up-side-down. So it is taking less and less time to put words on a document.
I’m very thankful God led me to this TranscribeMe. I sought and found. It looks like I will be declining that training job that lady offered. Combined with my regular writing, typing practice and WDC stuff, it will not be possible.
So I will eventually be getting headphones and a foot pedal along the way. I am quite excited about my new job I will be starting. I do enjoy typing. After I can type well, I will do the online speed tests. Then I will begin to study for the first exam. I don’t want to over study though. I must be balanced.
Ricky got back to me. He is not going to Lone Mountain Tomorrow.
Well that is it for now. Goodbye.
December 7, 2018 at 8:28pm
December 7, 2018 at 8:28pm
Today has been good. I wrote for about an hour and finished my Thrice Prompted story. Now I will wait a while and then I’ll edit it.
I texted Ann briefly. She was going to her bartending job. She was on her way to her bartending job at the T-Mobile Arena. I asked if she posted any of her model shots on YouTube. But she can’t do that without permission from her agent. It was nice to chat for however short it was. lol. I’ll hit her up tomorrow. I’m trying to get a better relationship with her. She’s super busy.
I am still trying to get better with my typing. I type slow but accurately. I intend to buy a typing program. One I saw claimed to double my typing speed. It will just take practice. I’ll get better little by little. I do need to improve.
It rained pretty hard this morning. The tip of the veranda is swollen from the torrential downpour. I love the rain though just as long as I am not getting wet. lol.
I hit the PS3 for a little over thirty minutes. I had fun.
Let’s see, what else? The battery in the garage door opener panel died. And we just replaced it less than a month ago.
I got my pills came in. One of them was my anti psychotic. The prescription was filled very quickly. It usually takes three days or more to get processed. I got some ice-cream for my mom. I’d have some but Jim would be against it because my next blood screening is close. I don’t think it will make that much of a difference as he thinks it will take.
I type very slowly. lol. I intend for Tobber to review my story – after I go over it myself.
So rather than studying the material of TranscribeMe, I need to type faster. I don’t know how long that will take. lol. Well that is it for now. Goodbye.
December 6, 2018 at 7:34pm
December 6, 2018 at 7:34pm
Today has been good. I forget what time I got up. I’ve been writing for about an hour. I wrote a lot and it looks really good too. I proofread and I did spot some errors. But they were few. It’s nearly 3k words long and I’m at the end of it.
Pastor Ken taught last night. It was good. Afterwards, we all went to a pizzeria called Grand Pizza. I ordered a 14 inch pizza. It was bigger than I thought it would be. I had a total of three slices. I brought half of it home. lol.
I texted Ann briefly. It was more of a hi and by thing. She never wants to converse. I try so hard to be friends but she is so short with me. Why do I try?
I shot a hello to Gio. I can usually coax a conversation out of him. I was playing DBZ at the time though. lol. I played for about thirty minutes. I had fun. I am improving.
What else? I did laundry today. I pretty much washed all my clothes. Next I have to do the white towels I’ve accumulated.
Jim is doing a short shift at Albertson’s. He gets off at 6 P.M.
Chad may call soon. I think he works today. If so I think he’ll get off at 11 P.M.
Somebody gave me a like for my blog entry yesterday.
I can’t think of anything else to write. Pretty mundane day. lol.
Well that’s it for me. Goodbye.
December 5, 2018 at 7:41pm
December 5, 2018 at 7:41pm
The highlight of my day was getting my blood done, getting my fillings filled and then going to the store. I did manage to get up early at like 5 A.M. I had a bowl of cereal – then I went back to sleep. lol. I got back at about 10 and listened to some music. The first thing my mom and did was to get my blood done.
After that it was to the dentist office. I was supposed to get three done but the dentist found one more that did not show up in the X-rays. So that was an extra $75. One cavity was a little deep. Hopefully it will not turn into a root canal.
Following that we went to Trader Joe’s. The main thing we got was cereal, and then we got stuff for turkey for turkey sandwiches from the leftover Christmas/Thanksgiving bird.
Chad called me earlier but I but I left my phone at home. lol. I don’t feel like talking right now anyway. He might have calling from work.
I’m forcing myself to type correctly. It’s a little cumbersome. But I’m barely using the automatic spell checker. I want to use a typing program to get faster. One program said it could double my speed.
Well, I want to take a nap before my ride picks me up. Goodbye.

December 4, 2018 at 9:36pm
December 4, 2018 at 9:36pm
Today has been good. I got up super late unfortunately. I just need to learn to just get up and do it. But I flake out at the last second. lol. My mom and I went to store for some things. I got a few things with my food card – mainly cereal and guacamole. My mom got help from one of the employees on how to do the phone scanning function. We got four boxes of cereal with the phone discount. lol.
I texted Ann briefly last night. She told me she is a model and she is in movies. I was blown away! But for some reason she did not want to discuss it. I shot a text to Ann when I was waiting to get my blood drawn. I don’t think she’ll get back to me but I’m sure she’ll be happy for the gesture.
I just spent an hour with Michael on the phone. As usual we talked about Jesus and the Bible. He was on his lunch break at work. One of the things we discussed was the Shroud of Turin. He said he watched a documentary that proved it. I told him what my pastor said about it who spoke of it, saying it was not authentic. Michael does not think there are any good churches out there so he doesn’t attend any. He cited a Casting Crowns song pointing out how modern day Christians are not using everything God has given us to minister to the poor and unsaved. I agree with him 100%. I did not tell him, but I believe there will be a great revival at the end of days; those days may be upon us.
Jim got home at about 4:30. He’s chilling in front of the TV.
The end of Netflix is coming; my bro and sister-in-law will not renew their accounts. My mom and I will be able to see the next part of Tales of Arcadia. But we’ll be missing the last segment though. )= Or we may get our own accounts. I may have to pay out of pocket myself. I’ll miss watching Dragons.
So I’m still working on my typing. It’s still a bit awkward. I’ll get used to it after a while. It is fun though.
I wonder if transcribing is in the realm of copy writing.
I wrote for a long time today. My story is coming out nicely. I’m almost ready to insert my ending sequence. I think I have roughly 2,500 words down so far. I plan to have Tobber review it. I will see if my composition has improved or not since I began typing right.
Well, that’s it for now. I’m off to do a writing speed test. Goodbye. I wrote a lot compared to how long it usually takes me to write so much. Until tomorrow.
December 3, 2018 at 6:38pm
December 3, 2018 at 6:38pm
Wow, I did a lot of writing just now. And I think it’s due to my faster typing speed. And I’ll only get better from here. lol. I failed to go to the gym this morning.
Well, my bro and my sis in law are here so goodbye.
November 30, 2018 at 9:37pm
November 30, 2018 at 9:37pm
I just spent about two hours studying the style guide for the TranscribeMe exam. Man is it extensive! I plan to study every day for at least two hours a day for a month. I’m on page 24 out of 39 pages. My study also requires looking at the instruction document.
I got an email from this woman who claims she can show the full ropes of the writing business. It would be 3 months to a year to do. All she wants is $100 which she says is a really good deal. I told my mom about this and she said to ask my sister-in-law first before I go on this “excursion.” I think it’s legit.
I know I’m going to start out very slow considering how you have to keep up with the audio clips. I’m still excited.
I’ve been rearranging furniture and such for everyone coming over. She set up lights on one of the trees. It looks cool.
I need to start writing again. I’ve been neglecting my writing lately. My tentative plan is to study two hours a day for one month. I should be well oriented to take the exam by then. Hopefully that person woman I mentioned will still be willing to help me. lol. It may a higher fee but the rundown of all the services she is offering me sounds worth it. I want to do my two hours of study in the early morning then do my writing later. If only I could get up that early. lol.
So there has arisen an issue with our antivirus protection. All these pop-ups saying the computer has multiple viruses. Then we stumbled across something saying we still have 27 days left of protection. so I don’t know what is going on.
Getting back to the transcription thing, I want to search the net for some transitionist practice exercises. I think there will be.
I hit the PS4 for like 5 minutes - - then Jim got home. He did not work out as I thought he would. I believe he is off for the rest of the weekend. Tomorrow the family is coming over here. I’m not looking forward to the cleanup. lol.
My journal length is getting longer. I’m typing faster. Soon I’ll be buying myself a new PC. My mom would prefer a MAC. I want to stick with Microsoft.
Jim ate all the red licorice. My mom made me go get some more. I don’t care for licorice. It is among the least unhealthy candies out there.
President Trump is pushing to put Hilary Clinton and Barak Aboma on trial. Yes! I hope it goes through. Hillary especially deserves to be behind bars. I hope and pray Trump gets elected to a second term so the trial can go on.
Well, that is it for now. Goodnight.
November 27, 2018 at 10:04pm
November 27, 2018 at 10:04pm
I am so frustrated with this whole Transcribe me thing. I keep reentering my password and it keeps getting rejected. I emailed support and I hope I get a prompt response. I really want to get started ASAP.
I hit the PS3 for half an hour. The rest of my time has been trying to figure out the ins and outs of TranscribeMe.
I asked WdC help asking if I could use my account history for a resume. I was told by Northernwrites I could do so and use a link to go to my portfolio. That is mainly I am doing this low paying gig. One thing I need to work on is my typing speed. It’s decent at best. But if I want higher pay I must type considerably faster. My bro and my cousin type very quickly. Succeeding in this area is thinking up words at a faster arte as well. I think I can do that. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Well I just found out that I had to look in my junk email to get the link. The style guide is about 500kb long in content. The English exam is about 200kb long. I’m skittish because I have to get perfect score on the exam. I’ll try to study long and hard. We prayed about this last night at the meeting. Speaking of which, last night was the pot luck. Carl Kirby talked. He talked about the three mediums that are pack full of messages. They are internet, TV and video games. Carl addressed two games specifically: Assassins’ Creed and GTA. I had no idea but in AC the main character saves Jesus from getting crucified. Mr. Kirby went on to say even in the material from as early as the 1960’s had propaganda. He showed one clip from the old classic The Incredible Mr. Limpet. In it, Don Nots, says humans came from fish. He is portrayed as a numbskull. Nevertheless the message was there.
I hung out with Pastor Jimmy and Kirby for a little bit. I told them about my triglyceride problem. Jimmy told me of this book called “The Myths of Cholesterol.” He strongly suggested I read the book. In the book the famous notion of eggs being really hurtful to one’s health is debunked. He said how the proponents of the claim are those who invest in drugs and treatment for the effects of eggs.
So my bro and his wife along with their baby daughter will be in town tomorrow. A lot of people are stoked about them coming. Hopefully Jim and my mom will be all better from their sickness. lol. My mom said she is getting over her sicknesses.
I need to learn to get faster at typing. I plan to time myself. I’ll keep at it. I’ll need this skill so I can make more income at my transcription job.
There are so many things on my plate right now. I have not written in over a week. I need to read too as well as doing anniversary reviews.
I did not make it to the gym today. I’ll try again tomorrow.
I want to get a program or something that will increase my typing speed. When I was a teenager I took this course on this cassette tape about. How to speed read. There has to be something out there that will help me type faster too. I’m getting faster just doing trying now. I’m like at six-hundred words already. Let’s see what else? I told Chad about my soon-to-be online transcriptionist job. I told him the low pay and eh was like “That’s at least something.”
Well, that’s it for tonight. Goodnight.

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