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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
This is a test.
balh blah ablan
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February 11, 2019 at 9:10pm
February 11, 2019 at 9:10pm
It seems I am experiencing lots of technical issues with Wealthy Affiliate. It’s one thing after another. I’m always asking questions. It’s cumbersome. ugh. But I am learning. lol. Right now I’m trying to do my first feedback comment. Unfortunately, something with the tool that searches for sites to provide feedback for is not working. I put my daily quota of six hours in I think. lol.
So I found some very lucrative art affiliate programs on one site. The top listed one has a 20% commission ratio! Oh, and I made my first content post! I sent a text to my bro asking for a comment. I’m satisfied with my post. Now I just need some feedback. That will happen when I give feedback for two other sites. For every two comments I get to request a review for my own site. I think that is a good system. It looks like the average word minimum is 1k per post. And the feedback must be truly constructive. You just can’t say why you like it.
Well, that’s it for me. Goodbye. A
February 9, 2019 at 6:46pm
February 9, 2019 at 6:46pm
It would appear I will be endeavoring to polish my content writing skills as opposed to my general repertoire of creative fiction writing. This is because I have come to the point where I must begin doing posts for my website. It feels cordial and refreshing to go to my highs school style of composition. Nevertheless, I must stay on par with my fiction. For first post, I have to write an entry that is at least 1k words long-which isn’t hard.
I hit the PS4 for about forty-five minutes. I was doing very well. New DLC characters in DBFZ have come out-Videl and some purple bald dude. Oh and I made it to Android rank. It’s been about time. lol.
I took a gander at some cut scenes from Kingdom Hearts 3 Chad sent me. It was from Pirates of the Caribbean with Jack Sparrow and related characters. It was an hour long. Normally I would have waited until I got the game but DBFZ is the last title I will get. It would take too much time play it. Inadvertently, my writing and Wealthy Affiliate stuff will suffer.
I altered my query letter in accordance with feedback from my pal Tobber. One thing I did regarded my use of Abyssal Army and Spirit Wraith to refer to the same beings. So I used the Find and Replace tool to get rid of all mentioning of Abyssal Army.
I’ve ran into another issue. Right after I found a way to number my combined document, it appears I am unable to copy and paste my chapters. I can copy and paste my chapters. I was like-“Come on!” I searched on YouTube for an answer but it looks intimidating. I have to go to the coding platform; I’m scared I’ll screw something up. lol.
Jim works for a six hour shift at Albertson’s.
Chad sent me an interesting link about how Marvel may have derived elements from the Bible to create Apocalypse. Cut very short, he is actually Nimrod, the most evil person to have lived. He is also supposed to be the first mutant. Moreover, the Nephilim are born from angel-human relations. And from there the X-gene comes into existence. The whole clip was about twenty minutes long. It was quite fascinating.
I wonder if my TranscribeMe account has been terminated. lol. It’s been months since I’ve done any activity. I didn’t even complete the English Exam. I am very glad I found the world of affiliate marketing. Transcribing is a sweat shop. lol. They pay you next to squat for hard work.
Pastor Jimmy should be speaking tomorrow. He was at a staff meeting in the Philippines.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.
February 7, 2019 at 10:15pm
February 7, 2019 at 10:15pm
Oh it’s been so long! I haven’t posted an entry in weeks. A lot has transpired since then. I won’t speak of it all but I’ll highlight the most exciting things. The most prevent thing which has occurred is Wealthy Affiliate. It is an affiliate marketing platform. Affiliate market is basically having a website where you put other company’s merchandise up for sale. It takes lots of work to succeed in this business. And it may take over a year to make good revenue but the point is to keep trying and follow all the training. I’ve barely scratched the surface and there is much to learn. Nevertheless, I know I will make it if I keep up with the program. (= I did have to pay a hefty sum for a yearly membership- $360. I have been spending an upwards of 6+ hours a day on WA. But I do not want for affiliate market to overshadow my writing. For the past few days I’ve been on WdC. I wrote my query letter for my novel. It was reviewed with an honest, helpful critique of my outline. I edited according to that person’s critique and apparently my query was better.
I haven’t been playing the PS4 much. I did play today though. I was doing well. I went back to super saiyan. lol.
My mom and Jim have grown a good, closer relationship. They laugh a lot together.
Well. I figured out a way to number my combined chapters. I simply numbered them manually with the
“start from” option for each new chapter segment. I could have done that a long time ago. lol. I do plan to resend my story to Electio. This time it will be properly uploaded. I have high hopes. But I would prefer to send it to an editor first. That’s the reason for joining WA.
Well, that’s it for tonight. Goodbye.
January 24, 2019 at 8:19pm
January 24, 2019 at 8:19pm
Well it’s been a few days since I’ve wrote in my journal. I am still trying to get the whole affiliate marketing thing down. The kind of product I want to market is Christian fantasy books. But it appears there is a problem with that. I got a message from one of the founders of the affiliate company saying something to the affect that I need to find a new “niche” or product to market. I replied to him and asked why my selection is in need of change. If that is the case, I don’t know what I’ll choose. I fear this whole gig may be a bust. What a letdown. I prayed about it and I did not sense the Spirit forbidding me at all. I know that I’ll be making some changes with my life which means getting up earlier and allotting time for all my responsibilities. I want to go to the gym at 6:30 to 7:00 in the morning then come home and spend some time with God. Then I will devote my time to Wealthy Affiliate for three hours a day. Then I will read for an hour or more then write. It will be a drastic change but I will take baby steps. First I will need to get up at a good hour and hit the gym.
I had a tough time sleeping last night. Part of it is how excited I was about WA. I’m a little tired now. I’ve been going through the WA training which includes videos and written content for about three or more hours already. I think if I keep things up like I intend too, it will be laborious and I will be tired at the end of the day. Like WA said, you must absorb the material on a consistence basis and apply them.
The weather has been chilly – and windy. It blew a broken down box into our driveway.
I did my reading for a little over an hour. I was going to write but I am too tired. That will change in time.
Well, Chad is on the phone so I bid thee ado.
January 17, 2019 at 10:45pm
January 17, 2019 at 10:45pm
Okay, so I figured out the chapter heading thing and the indentation issue. Now I am trying to figure out the numbering problem. I do exactly what is instructed on the YouTube videos, but it doesn’t work out right. I have to keep searching. uhg. I think it has something to do with my page breaks. I’m just not sure how.
My mom has been in the Bible a lot. She always tells me what she’s learned. I’m happy for her. lol.
Jim worked a short shift today – about four hours or so. He said it was going to be a late shift though.
I hit the PS4 for an hour total – two thirty minute sessions. I keep getting my but kicked a lot. So, I set the difficulty to same rank. It’s much easier. lol.
I think I have a week left to do my transcription test. But I have to get my book formatted. It’s hard delegating time for all my writing responsibilities. God will work it out. First, I must practice getting up earlier. Most people are in their prime in the morning. I myself am better in the morning. I’ll try getting up tomorrow at like seven to eight in the morning.
Ann is pretty much unresponsive to my texts. Very seldom does she get back to me. She says it is because she is busy. I don’t buy that. She just doesn’t care. It’s sad but true.
Chad called me from Jack in the Box. I was doing the formatting thing and so he said he would call me back when he got home. He hasn’t yet. He may later.
Tomorrow night the group is supposed to go to this coffee place and paly board games. I hate board games. I like coffee though. I’m not sure if I’ll be going.
My mom and Jim are watching House. It’s a decent show in my opinion.
My mom wants to start doing a home Bible study with just us three. I think it’s a good idea.
Well, I’m hungry, Goodbye.
January 15, 2019 at 7:47pm
January 15, 2019 at 7:47pm
Today is a cause for celebration; I went to the doc’s office and my triglycerides have dropped exponentially! The dude who saw me said he is satisfied! Nevertheless, I still have to take my meds for it. I’ll get my blood levels checked again in three to six months. But, that doesn’t mean I can eat whatever I want. When I first saw the physician’s assistant, he read my old blood results that I got for the first time which were very high. I was so let down and anxious! Then we realized it was not the right one. I was like phew! So that means I can give myself some leeway. I can do my coffee after church. (=
Jim is at the dentists’ office. His appointment was at 2 P.M. and now it is like 4:14.
I have to format my story still. I’ll work on that next. I’m sure it’s something simple. It was with the last issue I had.
It’s really rainy outside. I love it! It’s like that across the whole Las Vegas Valley. Chad called me and let me know.
Let’s see, what else? My mom is rambling now. She won’t stop. lol.
So Chad called Walgreens. I believe the store manager said they can hire him back in February. It’s a good thing because they have been shorting him hours at Dell Taco. Next week they only gave him eight hours. If he does get the job, he’ll have to take the bus. That’s a downside.
Another thing I have to do is finish my exam so I can start transcribing. It will be tedious at first. But I like typing.
Well, that’s it for now now. Goodbye.
January 14, 2019 at 8:49pm
January 14, 2019 at 8:49pm
Today has been good. My mom is getting closer to God lately. That’s all she talks about. I just hope she lives it out.
The past few days I have been getting up earlier. I got up at about 10 A.M. Shortly after, Jim went to work at 10:30. I was trying to have a quiet time and my mom kept telling me about all the Lord has been doing in her – which isn’t a bad thing. lol. I had my coffee and she was talking to me.lol.
Well, I just came from the store and my ride will be here soon. Goodbye.
January 13, 2019 at 9:42pm
January 13, 2019 at 9:42pm
Today has been good. Dan didn’t get back to me last night after I texted him last night about a ride to church. This morning he texted me apologizing for getting back to me so late. He texted me at about 9 A.M. Service was good. It was more or less about trusting in God’s promises. Pastor Jimmy spoke out of Hebrews chapter 6. Ricky wasn’t there which means he went to the Paradise location.
So I’m trying to learn to position my hands and my arms correctly with my typing. In a vid I watched, it said not to bend your wrists when I type. I am also practicing to return my fingers to the home keys. I was doing pretty good with the transcription test set at thirty words per minute. I’ve actually gotten better.
Well it looks like I goofed with my Writer’s Cramp entry. I set it for a review item and not a bitem format.
It took me like an hour and a half to read through one chapter of The Oath. It was a good one though. The main protagonist meets the dragon face on. The author describes it as being as big as a wale. Armed with only a shotgun and a pistol, the man hopes to escape with his life.
Well, I go for my blood results on Tuesday. I believe they’ll be fine.
My mom still has a bad cough. The doc will diagnose her at the same time I get my results.
Well, that is it for now. Goodnight.
January 11, 2019 at 7:35pm
January 11, 2019 at 7:35pm
Well, I got good sleep last night – too much. lol. But that is nothing new. When I did get out of bed, I had to go to the store for creamer. Then, I walked a few blocks to Trader Joe’s for some macadamia nuts. I ate all of the ones we already had and had to replace them. There was one package left. It was ten bucks.
When I came home, I had my quiet time.

Heb. 3:6 But Christ is a faithful servant over God’s house. We are His house of we hold on to our courage and hope of which we boast.

Heb. 10:39. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved.

I just got those two down today.
I planned to hit the PS3, but Jim came home. He got something in the mail about his retirement plan and also his will. He called someone for assistance for some purpose. My mom helped Jim with the paperwork that came in the mail. The whole process was very brief, just like I prayed.
I cleaned my bathroom today. It didn’t take too long. The sink and the toilet are nice and shiny. lol.
I did my two anniversary reviews for the day. One was a summary and the other a poem. It was more or less about craving real love as opposed to false love. It was a very interesting piece and well written. I gave it four-and-a-half stars.
Let’s see, what else? I have my transcription English exam on hold right now. I need to go over the style guide. I am now trying to type without resting the inside of my wrists on the table. That’s the proper way. I like typing. And the more I practice, the better I’ll get. I want to purchase some typing software.
I really want to give a reasonable sum of money to some charities – maybe $300. My mom takes out ten percent from my SSI. Nevertheless, I have plenty saved up where I can gave at least that much. My mom gave me sixty dollars for a Christmas. I tithed twenty of that to my church. But as the Bible says, “With the measure you give it shall be measured backed to you.”
My plan is to study at least an hour a day studying the guide. But I want to do it in the morning around 10 A.M. or so. I need to read more as well.
Well, that’s it for now. Goodnight. A
January 10, 2019 at 9:31pm
January 10, 2019 at 9:31pm
I got up super early like at 4:30. From that time I stayed up the rest of the day. I had my quiet time then I hit the computer for some music then I did my two daily anniversary reviews. One of them was a short story composed by a very young writer. It was atrocious. Nevertheless, I did take the person’s age into account and gave the author leeway.
So I have officially begun my transcription exam. I saved it at one point and called it for the day. According to the rules, you can pretty much use any resource at your disposal including dictionary. I am also allowed to use the style guide while I’m taking it. I forgot the rules mentioned that and I got one multiple choice questions wrong. Now I’m on the first of three audio files. Each one is four minutes. I have two weeks left to get back to the exam.
I hit the PS3 for an hour I’m assuming. I was getting my butt kicked by the computer. lol. Raging Blast is like any fighting game; it’s fun when you’re winning.
Well, I’m really wiped now. So I will bid thee ado.

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