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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
This is a test.
balh blah ablan
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December 23, 2018 at 8:41pm
December 23, 2018 at 8:41pm
This will be very short as I am going to church at 6 P.M. I didn’t sleep very well last night so I did not go to morning services. My mom is taking me there and Ricky is taking me home. It’s been a while since I’ve gone to Sunday night service. Ricky is not picking me up because he had to be there by 4:30 P.M.
I wonder what will be taught tonight and who will preach the sermon. It will probably be Pastor Jimmy. He’s kind of a goofball at times. That’s one trait I like in him. lol.
Albertson’s has been running Jim ragged. I think he had two seven hour shifts the last two days. I hope he’s off tomorrow.
So I watched the last episode of Three Below. Well, I only watched half of it I think. I hope Netflix comes out with more seasons. But if my mom and I want to see them we’ll have to pay for more Netflix. My bro and his wife are not renewing their subscription. That means they can’t share it with us.
Well I have to go. Goodbye.
December 22, 2018 at 9:13pm
December 22, 2018 at 9:13pm
Today has been good. I watched some of Three Below, the second instalment to the Tales of Arcadia. I watched it with my mom. There are four episodes left to see. Jim is doing a late shift. He gets off at 8:45.
I did not go to the gym this morning nor did I do my laundry and mop the floor. Hopefully, Ricky is going to Lone Mountain tomorrow. I texted him about fifteen minutes ago. It’s now 5:10. If he doesn’t get back to me in an hour I’ll just assume he is busy. Then I’ll just ask if he can take me or not. lol.
A weird pop keeps showing up at the bottom right of my screen. It said something about drivers.
Tomorrow my mom and I will put on the new antivirus program. I went to the site for Norton but I wasn’t able to get what I needed. I went to the Norton home page and all I saw were packages made for five devises. My mom will help me.
So I’m still adjusting to the proper typing form. Like anything, it’s fun when I’m doing it right. I did no transcription drill ls today. God is showing me how to spend better time with my quiet times. I asked Him to give me a hunger for his Word. My walk is in need of improvement. lol.
My mom and I had leftover minestrone soup and fresh hot French bread for dinner. It was just as good in the microwave as the day before.
Poor, poor Chad. He has such great disdain for life. I was on the phone with him today. He said he doesn’t care if he goes to hell or not. I must keep him in prayer. He has so many health issues that can potentially lead to death – and he doesn’t care. My mom thinks this apathetic mindset is due to depression to some degree. He barely can pay rent to his brother. Chad keeps getting shorted hours at work.
At the present, it will take a few more months of typing practice before I take the TranscibeMe English test, so I can I can start making money already. It is tedious work I’m seeing from reviewers. But, like I said, I need to get better at typing. I’ll be fine as long as the audio is not fast like how quickly Chad talks. But practice makes perfect.
It’s been four days since I hit the PS4. I suppose that’s a good thing. lol.
There is still some time before Electio Publishing gets back to me. There are more places to submit but I have to combine my separate chapter files into one continuous file. I called Laura Leaders about the issue. She’s pretty good at getting back to me. She’s very nice too. lol.
So I told my mom about the paratransit thing. Chad wants me to visit in February. The place where he lives is very small – smaller than his mom’s house.
Well I have to go. Goodbye.
December 21, 2018 at 10:28pm
December 21, 2018 at 10:28pm
God is good! I had a real genuine quiet time with God. I’m trying to get closer to God now. It’s been a long time in coming. Now it may be a little time before I am in closer to Him. It may be kind of intense when it comes.
My mom is having a heart to heart talk with Jim about god.
Well I have to go. Goodbye.
December 19, 2018 at 9:11pm
December 19, 2018 at 9:11pm
As usual my day has been good. I did not go to the gym. I got up super late to like at 12:30 P.M.! Nimy slept in my bed again. lol. She’s so cute and lovable.
Jim is off from his second job at Albertson’s today. He’s watching The Voice with my mom. I don’t like singing competitions shows. Don’t get me wrong, the contestants have stellar voices. They just don’t hold my attention. Karl Kerby, a guest speaker at church about a week ago, likes it. I think Pastor Jimmy watches it too. I may be wrong.
I practiced my typing for about thirty minutes. I definitely have come better at typing than where I started. I think going for accuracy before speed is the key. I still want to get some typing software. There are some typing stuff online and a little bit of games. The Mavis Beacon program is not working. It may be due to being so old. lol. I might be not going to church. I left a text for Dan roughly an hour ago with no reply. If he can’t take me, I’ll ask Craig for a ride – if he is able to. His back went out on Monday. Bob had to take me to the meeting.
I’ll be buying a Norton anti-virus program in a few days. I have 8 days until the Kaspersky license expires. My mom said she thought she got Norton for about 30 dollars.
This Friday is the Downtown Calvary Outreach thingy. I may go. The last time I went, it wasn’t all that great. But who knows?
So I’ll be getting my second blood screening. I hope my blood levels are alright. I miss getting.
Dan got back to me; he’s going to church. Goodbye.
December 18, 2018 at 10:01pm
December 18, 2018 at 10:01pm
Today has been good. I did get up very late but it was mildly productive. I read for a little under an hour. I practiced my typing and I also wrote for about an hour as well. In the book, The Oath, the key element came out – the rumor of a dragon that eats people. It’s really enthralling. I’m on the fourth or fifth chapter.
Both my mom and Jim are in pain. Jim’s side is hurting but on the left side now. My mom is in pain from her constipation injection she gave herself. I think it has passed now though. Thank God.
Chad called when I was on my way to the store for a snack. He was on his lunch break. He called before but I was in the bathroom. lol.
So, I think my story is looking good. I’m trying to make it as close to me vision as possible.
So that dude from West Bow press called me a few days ago. He was hustling me to get on board with this deal that ends on Thursday. Once again, he was pushing for the online platform which is the 30 percent deal that ends Thursday. I am not even calling that dude back. lol. If Electio Publishing doesn’t get back to me, my story may not be ready.
I may start small and try submitting short stories first. I found a site giving twenty-three online magazines to submit to. In either case, I have to keep going and deal with rejection. This may be the first of many rejections. lol.
I’m sick of life. I want to be with Jesus already.
So, I didn’t hit the PS4 today. Good for me.
Once again, I will try the gym in the morning. I really want to go but I flake out. lol.
So at the Monday night meeting Bob, the instructor, said there was a tweet warning of a massive EMP.
Well, that is it for now. Goodbye.
December 17, 2018 at 9:22pm
December 17, 2018 at 9:22pm
This will be short as my ride to the meeting tonight will be here in less than thirty minutes.
I got up super late today at about 12:30 P.M. Our little dog Nimue slept in my room again-the sweet thing. Jim went to work out and came back when I got up. lol. He had a full day off today-good for him. He deserves it.
I did my typing drills for an hour as usual. I’m still getting used to typing the right way. I do get down more words though.
well I have to go. Goodbye.

December 16, 2018 at 8:39pm
December 16, 2018 at 8:39pm
Today has been very good. I was supposed to go to the first service but Ricky wanted to sleep longer. lol. I got to see my friends though. Practically, none of them come to the first service. I was pleased to see Jordan there. He is visiting from out of town with his wife.
Dan took me home and his bro James was in the back. James was talking about fantasy football. I have heard of it but I didn’t know what it was so I asked. I got some of the explanation. lol.
It’s very nice outside. It’s only 62 degrees.
So I forwent the PS4 today-just didn’t feel like it. lol. I did my typing practice for a little under an hour. I’m improving! My goal is to get up to 60 words per minute. That may take time but I’ll get there.
I did some of my story outline. I’ll be putting in some Biblical elements again like I did with the official WDC contest. I didn’t win but it was generally liked by the reviewers. I need to resume writing every day again. Right now the official contest is What a Character. Normally, I wouldn’t do that but I need to practice my character development and depth.
Chad has not called yet. He may. lol. I forget what time he gets off from work. He just sent me a link so he’s off most likely. He wants me to come over in February and play games on his arcade stick. First I need to get the ball rolling with the paratransit thing. I’ll talk to my mom about it.
I did not go to Rick’s b-day party yesterday. I did get enough mingling at the Christmas bash on Friday. I still want to give him a card with money in it.
Christmas is coming soon. I’ll probably get a kindle because I read books. I need to read a good fantasy Christian book. All I have been reading are Christian supernatural books. I like them but fantasy is my genre. lol. I’m thinking of writing and reading more sci-fi. I have not really explored that avenue very much.
Transsexuals have the first contestant to be in the Miss Universe pageant. It’s perversion plain and simple. There used to be a rule against such a thing until 2012 when the rule changed. God doesn’t make mistakes; whatever gender you’re born with, you were meant to be that way. What really angers me is the left is pushing such things on preschoolers. The multiple gender concept is a horrendous notion. If you cause a child to stumble, you’re in big trouble. I just hope people like Trump man up and go against all the twisted propaganda. I really hope he gets reelected a second term. Although I don’t believe he is a real Christian, he is doing a lot of good. I pray he comes to know the Lord.
Well, that’s it for now. Goodnight.
December 14, 2018 at 9:06pm
December 14, 2018 at 9:06pm
This entry will be brief as my ride will be here soon for the Christmas party.
Our little dog Nimue has been shadowing me. Early in the morning she was scratching at my door. I let her sleep in my bed. It was about 10:30 when I roused myself from my bed. As soon I did, Nimy got up too. I had my quiet time and then I hit the computer for some music. Then I started my third Thrice Prompted story. The prompt is a key to another dimension. I really am getting more words down than I used to. Well Chad is on the phone. Goodbye.
December 12, 2018 at 7:36pm
December 12, 2018 at 7:36pm
I got up at about 10:30 this morning as always. Jim is off today for some reason from his first job. He deserves it. He’s spent the whole day watching TV with my mom in the master bedroom. That made it possible to hit the PS4 for thirty minutes. Then I practiced my transcription skills with some exercise drills. I am improving. lol.
I submitted my first two Thrice Prompted stories. I think my second story is the better of the two.
Tonight is Wednesday night service. Afterwards, we’ll be going to Chick Fillet. I may or may not go though. I may just eat my little pizza instead. lol.
Dan will be taking me to church.
My mom asked me to go to the store for some ice-cream and waffle cones. My mom will make cones and then put them in the freezer. I feel like one right now.
So I’m thinking of taking that offer from that person. It does sound promising. But I may not be able to due to my writing and my transcription preparation.
I found a sight that showed twenty-five online magazines that accept short stories. It sounds promising.
I think if I stay in the field of transcribing, I may get a job at the disability resource center at the College of Southern Nevada at the Charleston campus. However, any kind of desk job is not what I’m looking for. My goal is to be a writer. I hope I am able to find a magazine where I can get paid to submit short stories on a regular basis. Of course I do want to publish my novel. But I’ll need money to get editing and such. That is what the job is for. lol.
It is a little warm outside. I had to unzip my sweater on the way back from the store.
I’ve had that Christian song Waiting Here for You in my head. It’s a very beautiful song. I had my mom and Jim listen to it. They liked it very much.
Chad called me before he went to work. He was going to Carle’s’ Jr. When will he learn?
The ice-cream is almost gone.
Well, Chad is on the phone. Goodbye.
December 11, 2018 at 7:20pm
December 11, 2018 at 7:20pm
I haven’t had much to do today. All I’ve done is my laundry. Other than that I go ice-cream and sushi.
Last night at Most Excellent Way went well. It was a moderate gathering. One of the girls there likes me. lol. Her name is Kareena. I don’t know how to spell her name. She is kind of pretty.
The whole study was about the deceitfulness of sin. He used the casinos that have the glitz and glamour advertising easy money. Another facet of the study was about authority. It is used for two things: praise those who obey and punish those who do not. There was a verse that illustrated the idea. Afterwards, Craig took me home.
Jim went to work at about 9:30 this morning. I imagine he’ll be home at about 5.
I’ve been practicing my transcribing skills. I make small mistakes and I glance at the keyboard.
I’ve resolved to look for another online job, one that usurps my creative writing skills. Until I find one, I’m sticking with the transcription job. Like I said, it will look good on a resume.
let’s see…what else?
I chose to forego the games – didn’t feel like it.
After church, the group will be going to Chick Fillet. To my knowledge, there are only two in town. If I do get something, it will be an un-fried chicken sandwich.
Once again, I must go early-Chad is on the phone. Goodbye.

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