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by brom21
Rated: ASR · Book · Biographical · #2118726
This is a test.
balh blah ablan
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November 11, 2018 at 9:00pm
November 11, 2018 at 9:00pm
Not much has happened today. The highlight of the day was church. Pastor Morales taught out of the very short book of Philemon. It was more or less about Paul’s advocating Onesimes as a viable worker in Christ. This man was once a slave and a thief. Pastor Jimmy said in the Roman emperor there were about sixty-million salves. Their overseers were leery of the possible threat of their superior numbers and how they could rebel and overcome Rome. The punishment for a runaway slave was death. In Paul’s letter he tells Philemon to accept Onesimus as Paul himself.
Jared wasn’t very talkative to me today. I wonder why.
so I’m really jazzed. I am looking for dirt cheap online jobs. My first selection was an online juror. It requires a degree of reading and critical thinking though. Each gig (as the site I found it on worded it) pays like $10 a week. But my goal is to build a resume and go from the ground up. My prime goal, after getting published, is to submit short stories for an online job, regardless of pay. I’m still waiting for Electio Publishing to shoot me which means I am published. The process can take up to 90 days but they will of course try to get to an author sooner. I submitted my story ten days ago so there will be some waiting. lol.
I hot the PS4 for too long – an hour-and-a-ten minutes. I will not play tomorrow. Got to focus. I have to hit the gym in the morning. After my quiet time I will read. I submitted my Thrice Prompted story to the Please Review page. It is about 3.5K words long though.
Well, that’s it for now. I want to do some proofreading for a while. Tootles.

November 9, 2018 at 10:26pm
November 9, 2018 at 10:26pm
The left are vying for the removal of our freedoms! Biased, fake news companies i.e. CNN, NBC, MSNBC, are manipulating the people with false, distorted content. I just watched an interview with Mark Dice hosted by Next News Network. So many conservatives are being trolled or shadow banned like the “hate speaking” anchorman Alex Jones. As of right now I don’t know how or if he is still broadcasting.
Concerning the 2020 election, a prominent democratic expecting runner is Bloomberg. It appears the left is using the businessman card after Trump’s success. Chris Mathews, who once hosted the political show Hardball, is another person from the left is a possible runner in the next presidential election.
Our basic rights are being debunked on a national level. The liberals are trying to change the very Constitution! I urge anyone who reads this to get out of the pleasures of society and look at what our country is becoming. I only pray that God will somehow reconcile the US to honor and righteousness.

I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God to present you bodies a living sacrifice which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind; that you may prove what that good and acceptable and perfect will of God is. Rom. 12:1-2.

Got it on the first try. Yes.

Well I have call Chad or he’ll call me. lol. Goodbye.

November 6, 2018 at 7:40pm
November 6, 2018 at 7:40pm
I did not go to the gym today. I am making writing and reading everyday a habit for the past 6 days. Soon it will be second nature. I had a nice quiet time.
I beseech you therefor brethren, by the mercies of God to present yourselves a living sacrifice which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

I think I got all of that passage down.
Jim worked later than he usually does. He left around 1:30 P.M.
Today is voting day. I hope we get as many Republicans in office possible. Last night at the meeting, I was appalled to learn that we almost lost our religious rights two years go. I did not hear of that. Bob told us.
We had a full house last night at Most Excellent Way. It was a continuation pf the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and how to walk in Him. It was nice. We had two new people – a guy and a girl. The girl’s name was Ashley. I forget the dude’s name.
When I was in class, Michael texted me about voting. I said I voted early like I did. But he forgot to send the link. It was something he made himself. He’s very good at making them.
I’ve decided not to hit the PS4 again today. My homie George from CVS said he’s more or less stopped playing games. I could leaner from him. lol. DBFZ is the last I’ll ever buy. Soon my big interest in games will be gone. )=
Chad has not called yet. He may. I think switched days with someone.
So my enthusiasm in a job is going by the wayside. I may not be able to take the pressure and stress. Both Cane’s and Teriyakis Madness are fast food and they will be in such an environment. I want to work at Yogurt Land.
My mom was is pain yesterday-poor soul. I thought the spinal shots were supposed to take care of that.
Well, Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming out the 29th of January, 2019. I won’t be getting it though as I’ve more or less stated. Games like that require long intervals of play. My spiritual life comes first. Other than that I read and write too. lol.
Chad sent me a trailer of an upcoming game with the Joker and Harley Quin. The graphic were atrocious!-I’m talking PS1 and PS2 picture quality. I hope it bombs. lol. Chad will love it regardless.
Eleven days and counting-that’s when my bro and his family of two will be coming.
Well, that’s it for now, Goodbye.
November 5, 2018 at 9:13pm
November 5, 2018 at 9:13pm
I only can write for twenty minutes. I’ve been on the phone with Chad for an hour. I
I made it to the gym. I also read for a little bit over an hour. Then, I proofread most of my story for some time. I caught some things here and there. I’m sure there is more to correct. lol. I am at the ending climax of my story I’ve been writing. I need some kind of grand climax. It has to end with a conflict. I have to brainstorm.
My mom was at our neighbor’s house again visiting. She was there for a few hours only this time.
It’s nice outside. We opened some windows.
Jim worked his eight hour shift at Albertson’s today. He seems well. He bought a wooden nightstand from our other neighbor’s house. It was relatively light to bring in.
I did not hit the PS4. That is when I read. I have like three chapters to finish.

Wherein you greatly rejoice though now for a season, if need be you are in heaviness through manifold temptations. That the trial of your faith being more precious than gold which parishes though it be tried by fire…”
I beseech you by the mercies of God that you offer your bodies a living sacrifice which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Well, that’s it for me. Goodbye.
November 4, 2018 at 6:56pm
November 4, 2018 at 6:56pm
I’m a little fried again from writing. I wrote for about one-and-a-half hours. Next I will read.
I have decided to forego the PS4 again. My mind must stay in form. lol. I’m not missing much. I’ve written every day for the past four days. It is a little cumbersome to write for such a long time. Soon that feeling will fade.
So I’m still hopeful I’ll get published by that Christian company. It may take a month or more before I get a reply. Lord willing I will.
After months of going to the second service, I finally got to go to the first one. lol. I got there an hour early because Ricky was ushering. I spoke with Chad briefly at church while I waited. The worship team was practicing and they are loud. So I retreated into one of the back rooms.
The sermon was good. We had communion. Afterwards, a loose friend took me home. She is married and in her forties I’d say. She’s nice.
My bro is coming soon. I’m excited. All us relatives are eager to see my bro and his wife’s baby girl Eliana. Unfortunately, the holiday will be hosted at where I live. That means lots of dishes. Uhg. Hopefully my mom will pitch in. It will be a nice time though.

1 Peter 7 That the trial of your faith being more precious than gold that perishes though tried through fire…

I’ve gotten that much of 1 Peter 7 memorized.
I only have like 15 minutes left until I read.
Chad called me at work when he was off. Then he said he would call me when he got home. He may.
I went to the gym twice this last week. I plan to do five days next week. I have to go early though. I hate getting up late and going to the gym. It kills my whole morning.
Daylight savings ended early this morning. I probably needed it.
Well, that’s it for me. Goodbye.
November 3, 2018 at 9:11pm
November 3, 2018 at 9:11pm
I’m a little exhausted. I just wrote for almost one-and-a-half hours. I chose to avoid the PS4 to write more. I also read two chapters. My mom has been talking with our neighbors for over three hours. When will she come in?
I made it to the gym today. Jim is so pushy. He means well though. He’s at work today.
My sister visited today. I did not talk much because was at the gym. It was good just to see her. She brought a friend too. Sarah, my sister, bought some jeans from my mom. She still had some from when she used to sell them as a business.
So I am hopeful that my submitted story will get published. Whenever I tell something of my story premise they are interested. Now I have to wait – for at least 90 days at max. I’ll check my email in a month to see if I get a response. Then I’ll wait another 30 days and so on.
My flash drive is gone wacko. I’ll need a new one.
Chad called today. He had just gotten off work and was hanging around there before he left. When he got home he sent me a pic of his bunny. And, he is expecting another package. (big surprise) He works at 7 A.M. on Tuesday. He works for the next three days straight.
well, it’s late and I’m tired. Goodnight.
November 2, 2018 at 9:11pm
November 2, 2018 at 9:11pm
I played two hours of PS4 –way too much. lol. Nevertheless, I was able to write for an hour. I was having fun. I think I have about 1,500 words down. I don’t want make it too long. lol. I’m at the point where the blue dragon meets my protagonist, Terinth, and cannot harm Terinth because he holds a stone that protects him from magical creatures.

Wherein you greatly rejoice though now for a season if need be you are in heaviness through manifold temptations. That the trial of you faith being more precious than gold that parishes though it be tried in the fire. 1 Peter 1:6-7
I have most of it down.
Jim is home. The heating and air dudes came by. Everything checks out. (=
I went to the gym. I was rally blessed on the walk back home. A lady with a sign that said “Super Hungry” was on the side walked next to the freeway. So I went to Mexican place and got a burrito for her. I asked her if she knew Jesus and she said yes. I prayed over her briefly and then walked away. I was blessed.
I got Ice-cream a Trader Joe’s. It’s not for my mom though.
I still need to play to more places for jobs. I’m having second thoughts about a job though. In the application to Teriyaki Madness said I have to be able to work under pressure and at a fast pace. I don’t know if I can do that. I pray God will give me a job I can handle.
I’m happy PSN is back up. I can’t play two hours a day though. That has to stop. Like Jim keeps telling me I need to do things here and there around the house, specifically, the computer room. Next to that I need to keep up with my bedroom.
God is good. He always is there- even when I don’t sense him or when my prayers go unheeded.
It was sunny today. I could have worn a t-shirt on the way to the gym. It was nice though. It’s 46 degrees out and it’s 6 P.M. There are some clouds. I love this colder weather in Vegas.
My bro and his wife and baby are coming the 17th of this month. I am looking forward to that.
Chad sent me trailer on my phone of Super Smash bros. It’s really dark and almost made for older players.
Well, that’s it for me. Goodbye.

November 1, 2018 at 9:27pm
November 1, 2018 at 9:27pm
I’m a little fried. I spent 30 minutes on making more of my outlines and then 30 minutes writing form it.
Apparently, the PS servers are done in Tucson and Las Vegas. And some place in New Zealand. I live in Vegas. It sucks. At least I’m writing. lol. I wonder when the servers will go back up.
Last night was Harvest Festival. I manned one of the kiddie games. It was a ring toss were small children threw little rings on glass bottles. I was the dude who hole punched the cards that are numbered for each game. My game was #5. Two other people were on that station with me. We gave out lots of candy- so much that they were giving out big paper lunch bags filled with candy to the volunteers. I snagged two bags. lol. It was a little cold out there. When the whole shebang was done we all helped clean up and load up the trailer with stuff. Finally at like 10:30 P.M. my ride took me home. All in all it was okay I guess. I did not have the best time being there though.
So today I submitted my novel to Electio Publishing. It is a Christian publisher. I read it could take up to 90 days to get reply that it is chosen to be published. I hope and pray it makes it.
Jim is at work. My mom is in her room watching TV. I thought today was my fillings. It looks like it is next Thursday. I can’t believe I have 11 cavities! I thought I would have two or three at the most. I also need my molar extractions. I have to get on the ball with that situation.
It is weird not having Merlin in the house – it’s quiet. lol. He’s been gone for three days now. It’s just us and Nimue from now on. She’s a people dog. Lancelot and Merlin were not. I hope we get another puppy – preferably a dog that will play with Nimie.
It is beautiful outside. It’s 73 degrees and it’s 6:P.M. about.
So Chad went to his old job at Walgreens. Some people remembered him. Then he went to his present job at Dell Taco. He had fun.
II did 22 anniversary reviews and Sum1 gave an overachievers MB rather than a sampler MB like he was going to give out. It was nice. Next I’ll be getting a reviewing MB from WdC Support.
Matt, gave some pointers on my contest. One thing he addressed was making it an official WdC contest. I’ll need help with that. I hope more people will enter soon.
Well, that’s it from me. Goodbye.
October 30, 2018 at 8:49pm
October 30, 2018 at 8:49pm
Today has been good. I got up late though. Jim has not came back yet from work. I he’ll be home in 30 minutes I assume. It’s 5 P.M. now.
I had two- and a-half cups of coffee. I spent some time in the Word. I read over the rest of the hand out we were given at the meeting last night. It was full of good verses.
1Peter 1:6 Wherein you greatly rejoice though now for a season. If need be you ae in heaviness inn manifold temptations. 7 That the trial of your faith being more precious than gold though tried by fire…

I almost have it all down. LOL.
I spent over 40 minutes on extending my outline and it looks sound. I have been adding more filling content – not that it is fluff or meaningless jabber. It is actually driving the story more. I numbered two of my chapters. I need to submit that puppy. On general basis, people that have seen my book or have heard about it from me are quite curious about it.
My flash drive is messed up. It will not open the stored files. It says it needed to be reformatted and that that would delete my content. I want to make a copy of my story on my desk top to my flash drive. So I am basically replacing my story onto the flash drive. I said okay then it said it could not be reformatted possibly due to a read only memory. I have modified what is on my flesh drive plenty of times. I think it is because it has been unused for a long time. Sometimes after periods of time it takes a few minutes for the file box to come up for the flash drive. I may need a new one.
Last night I was encouraged to got a job. But at home my mom and stepdad are against it, saying I can’t handle the stress. I don’t know what do. I fear to say I am a grown person who can look after myself but then Jim wood say get out of the house, get a job and live on your own then. It looks like am not getting a job. Uhg. Oh well. It is what it is. Only God can persuade them both.
I had three pieces of a small pizza. I put the rest away. I will try to cut out some the fats, oils and sweets. I bought some cheese crackers. I had like five chips then I closed the box. That’s self-control. lol.
Tomorrow evening is Harvest Festival. I’m excited. I will not be eating any candy.
Well, Chad is on the phone. Goodbye.
October 29, 2018 at 9:04pm
October 29, 2018 at 9:04pm
I started my new Thrice Prompted story. I got down about 500 words. It took me roughly 30 minutes to do. I wrote an outline for it and I already got to the end of where the outline stopped. I have to put in more conflict and storyline for it.
I missed the gym again. I’ll try again tomorrow. lol. I honestly miss it.
Jim is off all day today. Good for him.
Not much has happened yet. Merlin will be taking a trip to a potential owner around 7:30 P.M. I fret to think Merlin will be reclusive and hide from whoever tries to be around him. It may be a bust. We have to find him a good home somehow. The poor thing.
I have not hit the PS4 today – due to Jim being home mostly. Tomorrow I will not play either.
I was up at like 11:45 P.M. last night. Chad sent me a link and I got back to him immediately. He was like “OMG your up late for once.” lol. ‘I need to buy eggs. I’m starving. And there is no stuff to make salads. I have a pizza in the freezer. Jim may say it’s unhealthy though. I did pick up some cheese crackers and licorice for my mom and Jim. All the packages at the store felt hard. So I couldn’t help that.
I still have to number the rest of my pages in my novel. It shouldn’t take too long. I need to submit.
For some reason the word spotting function is not working. I pressed Ctrl F. That is supposed to do it. I’ve done it once before.
So the next reiteration of the Tales of Arcadia, called Three M, will be listed on Netflix at the end of the year I believe. My mom saw a fifteen second trailer of it. I still need to see it. From the last episode, of Trollhunters two characters were shown. From some dialog and actions of these individuals, it is implied they are aliens.
They next Dragons movie comes out early next year. My mom and I may see it in theaters. I don’t know though.
Someone fanned me today. And my blog/journal was tagged on a page belonging to another WdC member. That was nice.
I’ve seen some writing vids on YouTube that were recommended for me. I may look at them. One can never have too much information.
Chad sent me a link over an hour long. I did not watch it.
My ride to church went off-roading. His Jeep was caked with mud everywhere. he’ll have tough time washing it.
Well, that’s it for now. Goodbye.

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