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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
         Talk about perks, my job has one of the best ones I can think of! I travel in the course of business, delivering classes for my employer. I am a Senior Training Specialist for Motorola Solutions, and teach classes on a wide variety of subjects centered around 2 way radio communications. I'm qualified to deliver approximately 30 different classes, but about half of those are 'Legacy' classes, and are not in demand anymore. My students are technicians, those who maintain, program, calibrate, and repair large 2-way radio systems. Some of these systems are statewide, and use TCP-IP networking to allow sites to communicate with others. Some are small, traditional type radio sites. The size doesn't matter, in each case the systems must be kept operational at all times, since many of them are Public Safety Systems. So I get to travel, sometimes frequently, 3-4 weeks in a row.... where am I this week?

         This probably won't have daily entries, but I will make entries when I get to go somewhere, and keep an updated list of coming trips. My schedule changes faster than the weather, so don't be too surprised to see me list an upcoming class, only to remark later on that it is cancelled, or delayed. Delays are fine of course, but a later date might mean that someone else gets to go instead of me,,, Well, here we go with this, let's see where it takes us.

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August 10, 2019 at 8:32pm
August 10, 2019 at 8:32pm
Date: Week of August 5th

Locale: Torrance, California

         This week saw me visiting Torrance California for a class with the city of Torrance. I had hoped to meet Jeff and Annette in Paris , but we were unable to connect. I've often wondered about 'broadcasting' where I will be (or am) at the start of a week, just in case there are WDC members around who would like to meet for an appetizer or what.

         This was a good class, when it comes to Networking knowledge, I had a mix of students. Three of them knew as much (and in some cases more) than I do about that subject. The other seven had a varied networking background, ranging from complete beginner to pretty experienced. As a result, I made the three subject matter experts my assistants in class. They were very helpful in guiding the inexperienced students, since I can't be at all lab setups at the same time. The only issue, was trying to get them to not answer questions right away, thereby giving the inexperienced students a chance to think and answer. If I hadn't done that, I don't think they (the beginners) would have learned much at all.

         Some of us went to lunch together every day, which was really good. Tuesday was particularly good, because we went to the Torrance Farmer's Market. I really enjoyed experiencing that, and had an excellent spicy Tuna Poke bowl that day. Dinners were spent alone obviously, and surprisingly, I didn't venture far. Let's just say I ate lighter, and less all week long and was quite happy doing that!

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Blue Salt Fish Grill          http://bluesaltfishgrill.com/food-menu/ This place was so good the first time that I went back for a repeat visit! I could have dined there all week, but try to eat at a variety of places, so didn't. Sometimes I wish I had. Their Hawaiian Style Salmon Poke was excellent, while their Peri-Peri Prawns were a bit spicy. Not too much though.

         Big O Fish Brews And Grill Well, I don't usually visit establishments that don't have a website, so don't ask me why I ended up here. I walked in, and knew I was in the wrong place. Don't get me wrong. I never felt threatened, the food and service was good. It is just a place that I would never willingly visit. Oh well, live and learn.

In Closing

         I am home for the weekend, having arrived last night at 11:30pm. I had today and most of tomorrow free, but will drive to Chicago tomorrow afternoon/evening to deliver a class in Schaumburg next week. It's gonna get busy though. I have classes in Suitland Maryland, Two in Denver Colorado (a month apart), Battle Creek Michigan, Philadelphia, Plattsburg New York, San Diego, and two that I'm assuming will be in the DC area, since I'll be with the Secret Service and the White House Communications Agency. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
July 28, 2019 at 1:30pm
July 28, 2019 at 1:30pm
Date: Week of July 22nd

Locale: Central Illinois

         A short entry here. The month of July has been a pretty relaxing one for me. I've not been scheduled to deliver a class due to a scheduling error. One might think they are keeping me idle for a reason, but that's really not the case. Next week, and the rest of the year are pretty busy.

         I actually decided to take some PTO this week, and spent it here at home relaxing. But, I still couldn't get away from work stuff entirely. I spent an hour on conference calls Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, then another 5-6 hours reviewing the files we talked about in those calls. So much for PTO, huh. To be honest though, the only reason I scheduled PTO is so I wouldn't have to worry about what to do this week. I knew I'd end up working. The curriculum development team in Poland has done an excellent job in modifying the courses I'm responsible for, which is why I was on the calls, and reviewing the curriculum.

In Closing

         Next week I teach an on-line class from home, then head out to Torrance California for a class, then Schaumburg for class delivery there. See, I told you it will pick up! *Smile* Last August will find me in San Diego, and after Labor Day, I have classes in Maryland, Battle Creek Michigan, two in Denver, and Philadelphia. Of course I can't seem to stay away from Schaumburg, so have a couple more classes there. With three weeks that can be filled, my time between now and years end will be busy. Plus, I'm already scheduled for classes in 2020! Two weeks in Folsom, California, and two weeks in Algeria. We'll see when those actually happen, and if they'll stay on my schedule. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
July 8, 2019 at 6:42pm
July 8, 2019 at 6:42pm
Date: MONTH of July 10, 2019

Locale: Central Illinois

         This month I will be home. All Month! Oh wait, I will be in Schaumburg at least part of the week July 15th. Please don't get the impression I hate being home, far from it! It's just that I'm used to teaching, meeting new people and seeing new sights. Sometimes, 'revisiting' new sites. So being home for a month in the middle of the summer will be different. And believe it or not, I'm actually taking a week's vacation too! No idea where we'll go, will have to wait and see. Might end up being a 'Staycation'.

         Monday I will be in Schaumburg for a few days. We just obtained a new piece of test equipment that none of us know much about. We have a class being delivered by field techs, and I've been asked to attend. Yep, the people who are actually in the field working with the customers we train are going to train some of us on this device. Ironic, isn't it?

         It's not all bad here at home though. I will work on the weeds that are threatening to overtakehave overtaken the front and back yards. We have ground ivy in the back, and it's tough to get rid of. I have a pretty powerful poison to use on it, but we have two dogs, that use the yard daily. In the front, it's wild African Violets that are growing, well, like weeds! There's also a couple of things I've been wanting to get done around the house, not to mention working on course curriculum and hands-on activities for a couple of courses. So it's not like I'll be sitting around doing nothing.

In Closing

         My next trip will be to Torrance California the week of August 5th, assuming my schedule doesn't change, and it shouldn't since the class is less than a month away. I'm hoping to get together with Annette in Paris , Jeff , and anyone else who's in that area at least once for lunch or early dinner. I know Schnujo's in Alabama is in the LA area, maybe she'll join us, who knows? Anyone else in the greater LA area that might want to join in? Let me know, no plans are set yet, but I'd like to get something done soon, so need to contact Jeff and Octobersun soon, once I have travel plans set. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
June 29, 2019 at 9:21pm
June 29, 2019 at 9:21pm
Date: Week of June 24th

Locale: Albuquerque, New Mexico

         This week finds me in Albuquerque, New Mexico for a class with the Bureau Of Land Management. While I have delivered several classes in New Mexico, I have never delivered one in the Duke City, the place I call home. I spent 10 years of my childhood here going to school, it's where I graduated High School (West Mesa, Class of 72), and despite the problems the city has, I love it there.

         The class was a tailored class, combining three classes into one week. If delivered fully, it would have been almost two weeks in length, but the price would have doubled. Besides that, they didn't need a lot of the 'Death by Powerpoint' involved in so many course deliveries. That was eliminated (I provided the Powerpoint materials in pdf file format for their future reference), and we worked with the software the whole week. This worked well for them, and being typical technicians, they loved it. In case you're wondering, we are currently working on modifying our approach deliver our classes in a manner similar to this, and not concentrating so much on Powerpoint Slides.

         Being home gave me a chance to connect with a few people, but sadly, my immediate family is no longer with us. If I may bore you for a moment:

James Dorrell Sr. - January 28 1909 - September 6, 1971 (Age 62)
Frances Dorrell - April 10 1920, April 6 2013 (Age 92)
Olivia Anne Dorrell - September 23 1952 - September 26 2007 (Age 55)
Dennis Edward Dorrell - October 17 1956 - September 16 2009 (Age 53)
Terry Lee Dorrell - January 9 1960 - October 17 2017 (Age 57)

         I've long known that my father and siblings all passed relatively young (In their 50's and 60's), while my mother died in her early 90's. I've decided I am like my mother.... *Smile* So while I couldn't visit immediate family, I did manage to see my niece Diana, and reconnect with a couple of High School friends.

         I did not 'play tourist this week, so no interesting sights to speak of, However, Monday when I was heading to work, look what I saw approaching my car!

         I had to be quick to snap his photo, and did so with my cellphone. Sadly, the photo is not near as good as it should be. And contrary to what we all 'learned' by watching Saturday morning cartoons in the 60's, a Roadrunner cannot outrun a Coyote. The coyote is much faster.... I lived in this state for 10 years, and never saw one of these. I did see one driving back to Illinois once after visiting my terminally ill brother, but it was a quick look, since it ran across the highway in front of me.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Tomasita's          https://tomasitas.com/menus/albuquerque-menu/ Being home, how could I resist a typical New Mexican dish? I had to have their Chile Rellenos. Two New Mexico chiles stuffed with cheese, covered with a bread crumb batter and served with green chile, rice, and beans. Yummmmmm!

         Los Cuates          https://loscuatesrestaurants.com/pages/menu For starters, I had their Ensalada De Guacamole, and an Indian Taco. Even better than Tomasita's!

         Ponderosa Brewing Company          https://www.ponderosabrewing.net/food-menu/ This was a change of pace for me. I love Micro-Breweries, and had to visit this one. Very good food, though the Green Chile Cheeseburger fell apart a little while eating it. I had a 'flight' of their beer, and it was excellent!

In Closing

         Well, because of the holiday, and an error with the schedule, I have the next four weeks with no delivery! At least as of now. I will be busy though, working on developing hands-on activities on a couple of new pieces of test equipment, and who knows what else? Besides, the schedule could change, though I doubt it. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
June 22, 2019 at 5:20pm
June 22, 2019 at 5:20pm
Date: Week of June 17th

Locale: Atlanta, Georgia

         This week finds me in Atlanta delivering a class to Motorola Shop Technicians. The class is about System Networking as it applies to Motorola Radio Systems. The students this week are from shops all over the southeast for the most part, though one was from Juneau Alaska, and another from Seattle.

         I hadn't taught this class in almost two years, having last taught it in Sheboygan, Wisconsin in August of 2017. Thankfully it hadn't changed much in that time, so though I was a little rusty, all went well. There was one student who wanted to hang with me in the evenings, so we had dinner together each night. I have to confess that I wasn't all that impressed with his choice of restaurants. The second one he chose was a Colombian place though, so I knew that would be different. And it was. Different, but good all the same.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Oyster Bay Seafood Restaurant          https://www.oysterbayseafoodcafe.com/menu Wow, was their Smoked Fish Dip Yummy! It was topped with a ring of Jalapenos, and as luck would have it, my student (Mark) couldn't eat hot stuff, so they were all mine.

         Three Blind Mice          http://www.tbmrestaurant.com/dinner-menu/ This place is really a wine bar and restaurant. It was good, but not as good as Oyster Bay. *Smile* I had their special, a Blackened Redfish, and it was excellent.

In Closing

         I am home for the weekend, well one day is all. Tomorrow I fly to Albuquerque where I grew up! While I've taught several classes in New Mexico, this is my first time teaching in Albuquerque. To say I'm looking forward to the week would be an understatement. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
May 29, 2019 at 8:13pm
May 29, 2019 at 8:13pm
Date: Week of May 20th

Locale: Phoenix, Arizona

         This week finds me in Phoenix, Arizona again, and I loved it. It always amazes me how much I find I miss the Southwest, especially Arizona and New Mexico. One day, I'll live there again.

         This class was very short, only two days in length. It's one I've taught many times, so everything went smoothly. The flights were okay, at least I gave myself enough of a layover at O'Hare each way so I didn't have to imitate O.J. to get from one gate to the next. Also, I change hotel chains to try and build up point with a second major chain (Marriott), but I think I've decided I like Hilton more.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Bitter & Twisted          https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52851956e4b0d970d0600f3c/t/5bec7ddb562fa7b3c4bf4aaf/1542225374746/B%26T_FoodMenu_11_12_2018.pdf This place was more of a tavern/bar than restaurant, but their food was excellent. The drink menu was extensive, I ended up having something different. No idea what was in it, but it was good. Their House-Smoked Beef Brisket Tacos (4 street sized tacos + guacamole + pico de gallo + cotija cheese) were excellent!

         Mother Brunch Brewing          http://motherbunchbrew.com/menu.html If you ever visit this place, be careful with their sliders. They are really a slider and a half, and the order comes with three of them! Talk about stuffed!

In Closing

         I will spend next week in Schaumburg, meetings and more meetings. Then a picnic. After that, Atlanta, followed by Albuquerque. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
May 10, 2019 at 9:13am
May 10, 2019 at 9:13am
Date: Week of May 6th

Locale: Santa Fe, New Mexico

         This week finds me in Santa Fe, New Mexico for another class with the New Mexico Department of Information Technology. Once again, we didn't have access to one of their sites, and used a trailer containing the same equipment, just installed in a different manner. The class itself was great, there was a lot of discussion, questions and answers all around.

         It is always so special to come 'home'. Being raised about 60 miles south in Albuquerque, this state is still home to me, no matter how many places I've visited. When I was younger, I wondered why New Mexico was called 'The Land Of Enchantment', but now I see why. Simply put, there's no other place I'd rather be, no where I'd rather live, than here. I know, I know, you'll say 'What about Hawaii Jim?' And you're right. But it's too expensive to live there, and despite my love of the islands, it doesn't quite have the hold on me that New Mexico does.

         Since the site we used for doing the hands-on exercises is not installed in the same fashion as what they'll really see when doing their jobs, I thought it extremely important that they see a 'real site'. Last class we went to one in Santa Fe, but there was an employee there who was pretty anxious about us being around the equipment, so the decision was made to visit a different site this time. As luck would have it, we visited one in Albuquerque on the last day of class. This worked out very well, and gave me an opportunity to play tourist Thursday afternoon.

         Once show-n-tell finished on Thursday, I drove eastward to the edge of the Sandia Mountains, and rode the Tramway from the base of the mountains to the crest. We started at an elevation of 6,400 feet, and arrived at the crest about 15 minutes later. Elevation: 10,386 feet. The view from there is fantastic, there's trails you can walk, with one leading you to the 'Kiwanis Lodge'. This is an abandoned stone building that hikers or other people will stay at should they need shelter. There's no windows (all smashed out by weather), no doors, but a decent sized stone building that can shelter you from rain, snow, and heavy winds. I've made the three quarter mile walk to the shelter in the past, but didn't try it this time, I had other things to get done. The descent down was as uneventful as the ascent, sadly I saw no wildlife. I swear, the wildlife hears that Jim's back, and go into hiding. *Smile*

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Maria's New Mexican Kitchen          https://marias-santafe.com/wp-content/uploads/Marias-Dinner-Menu.pdf    This place is excellent, and while it doesn't have quite the charm of La Posta De Mesilla in Las Cruces, it is still a great place to dine. I loved their Green Chile Relleno's (Can you tell I go ga-ga over Green Chile while home?). The students and I returned for lunch on Wednesday. I had their Southwest BBQ Ribs, and they were delicious as well.

         La Choza          http://www.lachozasf.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Dinner_Menu.3.14.19.pdf   This place is also excellent. I couldn't resist, and had their Stuffed Sopaipilla. If you haven't had a Sopaipilla, you're missing a real treat. This was stuffed with cheese & refried beans, and I chose to add Pork Adovada to mine, and smothered in green chile or course!

Photo's From Visit:

View Of Clouds Hugging The Mountaintops, From Sandia Peak

In Closing

         I am in Chicago next week delivering a class at Motorola. The following week, I'll return to the Southwest, this time Phoenix! Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
May 4, 2019 at 7:48pm
May 4, 2019 at 7:48pm
Date: Week of April 29th

Locale: Montrose, Colorado

         This week finds me in Montrose, Colorado for another class with the Western Area Power Administration. It's the same class I've delivered in Bismarck, ND, Watertown, SD, and Loveland, Co. Montrose is in the Southwest area of Colorado, about four hours west-southwest of Denver.

         There's not a lot to Montrose, it's a nice small town. One of those where if you blink your eyes, you're past it. The area is beautiful, the town surrounded by mountains in every direction. The journey getting there was something else. I woke at 4 am for my 8:15 flight, and left about 5:30 so I could stop at a small restaurant for breakfast. My first flight was delayed by about 30 minutes, but I had a 2 hour layover at O'Hare, so that wasn't a problem. The flight to Denver left 'on time', except we sat on the tarmac for 45 minutes. Luckily, I had a 2.5 hour layover in Denver, so being late wasn't so bad. It did make for a long day of travel though. I ended up landing in Montrose at 5:45 or so. I found the training site first thing, then had dinner. By the time I checked in the hotel, it was after 7pm! Needless to say, I wasn't up long. Then I had to shorten the class from 3 days to 2 for the customer, so the first day went from 7am to 5pm. Another exhausting day. The trip home.... we won't go there. It was longer, if that's possible, and I had to run my 'you know what off' in O'Hare to make my last flight. But I'm alive and well, and ready for next week. That's about all I can ask.

In Closing

         I will spend the weekend at home before flying to Santa Fe Monday. Wish me luck with these flights! Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
April 26, 2019 at 6:19pm
April 26, 2019 at 6:19pm
Date: Week of April 15th

Locale: Santa Fe, New Mexico

         First and foremost, this is one of my longest entries!

         They say it's always good to go home, and for me, being anywhere in New Mexico is being home. I can't begin to tell you how comfortable I feel being there. But first, the reason that caused me to be home once again.

         My customer this week was the State of New Mexico, Department of Information Technology. The class covered the equipment on a Motorola Trunked Radio Site. It was a little odd, because they didn't want us touching a live site (and rightly so in many ways), but provided the same equipment in a small trailer near the building. The only thing about that was this equipment was not assembled in the same manner as their sites are. So there was a lot of discussion on how the radio worked, a lot of hands-on activities for them, but it wasn't exact way they would see it. This made for an interesting class. Everything went well, the students learned a lot, and seemed happy with the everything overall.

         The week before Santa Fe, I was in El Paso delivering a class. I spent the weekend in New Mexico playing tourist, and relaxing a little. Since the El Paso class was so short, I was done on Wednesday afternoon. So Thursday I went north into New Mexico, and explored a couple of small towns I am considering retiring in, Silver City, and Deming. Both are great small towns, but Silver City is at 7,000 feet elevation. While that's not an issue for me, it's also very hilly, and may present problems as I age. Deming was relatively flat, and about 2000 feet lower in elevation, so to me, it's a more desirable destination. The drawback there though, is that it's only 40 miles or so from the Mexican border. Don't let the news of today fool you, or mislead you on what's going on at the border. Trump's wall? Yep, it's very necessary, long past due. There's a lot going on at the border that we rarely hear about in the news. Enough about that kind of stuff.

         I spent Thursday night in Las Cruces, and had a great dinner at La Posta De Mesilla. If you're ever in that area, it's an almost must stop kind of place. Very reasonably priced dinners, excellent food and service. Friday I headed north to my true home in New Mexico, Albuquerque. Along the way, I stopped in Hatch, NM, home of that world famous chile festival. Except that happens in September, so right now, it's a sleepy, small town whose whole livelyhood and notoriety is centered around green chile peppers. I tried to stop at Spaceport America, but found out that you can only visit it by booking a tour through one specific tour company. Now there's someone who has a corner on a market!

         Saturday I decided to head a little south again, then west, and visited the Very Large Array outside Socorro. This was definitely worth my time! I was fascinated by the 90 foot tall Radio Satellite dishes, all 27 of them. Reading about how they are used in the exploration of space could have kept me going for days if not weeks and months. I ended up spending about 3 hours there (it's a 2 hour drive one way from Albuquerque), and got back to my hotel about 5pm. I ended up meeting my niece for dinner at a restaurant in Old Town Albuquerque, La Placita. Another excellent meal there too. Sunday was my day to rest and relax some, and get wash done. Sunday night I visited my Sister-In-Law Ruth, and she fixed us a outstanding New Mexican meal of Indian Taco's with homemade sopaipillas, and all the fixin's needed for both the tacos and the sopaipillas.

         Monday was my travel day to Santa Fe, but I took the long route through the Sandia Mountains east of Albuquerque. I got on State Highway 333 (really is Old Route 66. Wish it was still called that) in Tejeras Canyon, and drove along one stretch at 45 miles an hour. Why so slow? At a certain spot on that road, if you straddle the white line on the right hand side of the road, you'll hear 'America The Beautiful' played, caused by the tires on the road! It is truly a unique experience. Sadly though, the song only plays when east bound, not west bound. (Look for a blue sign that states 'Entering Musical Highway zone', or something like that). I also drove through the town of Madrid, famous from the movie 'Wild Hogs'. Maggie's Diner is not a restaurant, it's a store! How sad.

         Once class was done on Thursday, I visited the Taos Pueblo. I have wanted to visit here since I was knee high to a grasshopper. There was no way I was going to not visit on this trip! Frdaiy morning I headed for the midwest, leaving this beautiful state behind. Along the way, I stopped at Fort Union National Monument (I visit National Parks and Monuments every chance I get). I also stopped in the little town of Clayton NM to see dinosaur tracks! That was pretty interesting....

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         La Posta De Mesilla, Las Cruces          https://www.laposta-de-mesilla.com/          This is a restaurant that has seen the likes of Billy The Kid, Pancho Villa, and Kit Carson dine there at one time or another. Outstanding traditional New Mexican food. I chose their Chile Rellenos, and they were some of the best I've ever had.

         Cowgirl BBQ, Santa Fe          http://www.cowgirlsantafe.com/pages/menus.php          Cabeza De Ajo. A head of roasted garlic in melted jack cheese, tomatillo salsa, and Crostini's. Yummmm. And that was just an appetizer!

         Prime-On-The-Nine, Dodge City, Kansas          http://primeonthenine.com/dinner-menu/          Despite this being a steakhouse, I had their Mahi-Mahi. Grilled Mahi-Mahi with a sweet, citrus, cherry glaze, served with green beans and almond rice. The glaze had a bit of a kick, with sriracha sauce in it. Excellent!

Photo's From Visit:

Very Large Array Satellite Dish

Storm Approaching The Very Large Array

Taos Pueblo

San Geronimo Church, Taos Pueblo

The Original San Geronimo Church, Taos Pueblo

Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

         The Very Large Array          vla.nrao.edu  For the geek in all of us, or anyone who loves any subject involving space exploration

         Musical Highway          https://www.roadsideamerica.com/tip/45182  This is worth the small detour off I 40, just for fun!

         Taos Pueblo          http://taospueblo.com/  If you have any interest in Native Americans, particularly the Pueblo people and how they lived (still live in some cases), this is a must see location.

In Closing

         I will spend part of next week in Schaumburg attending a short class before going to Colorado the following week. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
April 10, 2019 at 11:20pm
April 10, 2019 at 11:20pm
Date: Week of September 10th

Locale: El Paso, Texas

         This week finds me in El Paso Texas working with Yselta Del Sur Pueblo. It's a short, two-day class that I have a lot of fun delivering. Since spring is here and the weather has turned warmer, I decided to drive. What a fund drive it was too!

         My route took me down I-44 through Missouri and Oklahoma, then west on I-40 to Amarillo, then SW along state highways through Western Texas and Eastern New Mexico. In planning this drive, there were a few places I really wanted to visit.

         I made a list of places to visit based on the route, with the first one being 'Larry Baggett's Trail Of Tears Memorial. It's a small homemade memorial for the Trail of Tears on State Route D, accessed from exit 172 on I-44. It is a very unique memorial, beautiful in its own way. The second place to visit, was the Uranus Fudge Factory. It is there that you can get fresh fudge, packed daily, in Uranus! You can see the obvious play on words, and they use it to the hilt there. I bought a pound of fudge at the chocolate factory, and the young woman at the register thanked me for picking Uranus. I looked at her and said, "I always love visiting Uranus and seeing what I can pick out for myself." I know..... I know.. .. But I couldn't resist.

         The next stop was Geronimo's grave at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I have felt a strong desire to visit him since learning his gravesite was there, so this was almost a must for me. The final place to visit on this drive was the McGinn Pistachio farm in Alamogordo, New Mexico. It's the home of the world's largest Pistachio, standing almost 40 feet tall! A fun place to visit, especially if you like nuts.

Photo's From Visit:

Entrance To Larry Baggett's Trail of Tears Memorial

A Touching Sign At The Entrance to Larry Baggett's Memorial

Geronimo's Grave

Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

         Larry Baggett's Trail Of Tears Memorial - No website for this beautiful place.

         Geronimo's Grave - No website for Geronimo's Grave, but if you want to visit, just go to Google maps and search for it.

         McGinn's Pistachioland          http://www.worldslargestpistachio.com/          A bit of unique place to visit,. Nice place to shop for gifts, or find some Pistachio's, Wine, or other small gifts for friends or loved ones.

In Closing

         I will spend the weekend in New Mexico, staying in Las Cruces and Albuquerque while I visit the state I love, and plan to retire to in a few years. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell

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