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Rated: E · Book · Travel · #1779685
I travel the country on business, sometimes the world. Come see where I've been.
         Talk about perks, my job has one of the best ones I can think of! I travel in the course of business, delivering classes for my employer. I am a Senior Training Specialist for Motorola Solutions, and teach classes on a wide variety of subjects centered around 2 way radio communications. I'm qualified to deliver approximately 30 different classes, but about half of those are 'Legacy' classes, and are not in demand anymore. My students are technicians, those who maintain, program, calibrate, and repair large 2-way radio systems. Some of these systems are statewide, and use TCP-IP networking to allow sites to communicate with others. Some are small, traditional type radio sites. The size doesn't matter, in each case the systems must be kept operational at all times, since many of them are Public Safety Systems. So I get to travel, sometimes frequently, 3-4 weeks in a row.... where am I this week?

         This probably won't have daily entries, but I will make entries when I get to go somewhere, and keep an updated list of coming trips. My schedule changes faster than the weather, so don't be too surprised to see me list an upcoming class, only to remark later on that it is cancelled, or delayed. Delays are fine of course, but a later date might mean that someone else gets to go instead of me,,, Well, here we go with this, let's see where it takes us.

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November 14, 2018 at 8:15pm
November 14, 2018 at 8:15pm
Date: Week of November 12th

Locale: Schaumburg, Illinois

         This week back in Schaumburg to deliver what we call a 'resident class. For someone who is a 'remote instructor', I sure seem to spend a lot of time here. Especially recently.

         Yep, I was up here last week, but only for a day. I worked on that small Conventional RF System, but got no where at all. The main reason was the computer I was loading Windows 10 on. When you place the CD in the drive and reboot the PC, it's supposed to go into a setup routine, and load Windows. It should get to a screen that gives you a choice on loading Windows 10 home, or Windows 10 Pro. I needed to load the Pro version. Well, on this particular PC, it never gets to that screen. It just loads Windows 10, but it's the Home version! Can't have that on this PC for a couple of reason. End result? I left, and the support crew will use an 'Image' of another PC just like this one, and load Windows that way.

         I came back to Schaumburg this week, ready to deliver this Basic RF Class. Along with this, I needed to get that PC loaded with the correct software, and the stuff I don't need (want) on it removed. I also had to figure out why we couldn't access the system's SNMP Manager. Figured I had my work cut out for me. Removing software was the easy part. Installing the software I needed wasn't too hard either, I've done that many times. Then I tackled that SNMP Manager issue. I tried to open it using Internet Explorer like we had in the past. No luck, it never went to the home screen. I fiddled around a little more, and honestly have no idea what I did, but suddenly the home screen was there. But I still couldn't log on! All it would do, was save a file with the date, and a name/IP address for the Virtual Machine I was trying to access, and it had a JNLP extension, one I'd never seen before,

         A co-worker was nearby, so I asked him about it. He explained what I needed to do, and we did that, Still no go. So I putzed around a little more, upgrading some software, and walked around. It was then I realized I hadn't renamed this computer yet. This is such a small system that it doesn't have a DNS Server. It uses the 'Hosts' file (which every PC has (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) to substitute as one. I renamed the computer to match the contents of the Hosts file, and did a few more things. The PC needed to be rebooted because of the name change, so I did that. Once it rebooted, I decided to try one more time to access the SNMP Manager. And it worked!! I was so thrilled, I about danced a jig! So, my biggest problem is fixed, and now we can teach classes on that system once again....

         On top of all that, I'm teaching a class this week, so I can only get things done when on break, at lunch, or after hours. I left work at 6pm last night...

In Closing

         I will spend next week at home, but will fly out on Black Friday, heading for a class in England! Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
November 2, 2018 at 6:40am
November 2, 2018 at 6:40am
Date: Week of Octorber 29th

Locale: Schaumburg, Illinois

         This week I'm in Schaumburg. Again. <Groan> Okay, not really groaning, but since moving to Central Illinois, I have gotten used to a more laid back lifestyle. Coming north to Schaumburg is a completely different world!

         The reason I'm up here this week is not to deliver a class, but to 're-learn' one, so-to-speak. This class was heavily revised 4-5 years ago, with new equipment added. Plus, I've not delivered this class in 7-8 years, and am scheduled to deliver it three times in four weeks at the beginning of 2018. Thus, time to study and learn. Again.

         This is a basic Networking Class. Our modern radio systems use TCP/IP Networking to connect remote radio sites to a 'Master Site', or Core. The technicians who maintain these systems need to know how to troubleshoot networking issues, as well as replace a network switch or router when one fails. This class covers topics like that, and uses generic network equipment that is not really specific to our systems. We have an additional class that covers our systems, the IP addressing used, as well as system operation and maintenance. That course I still deliver, but have not taught it since July 2018. Why, or how is it that I can go so long without delivering it? Well, when I came to Motorola, for some reason, I learned a wide variety of courses that contain different technologies and such. Most instructors deliver a few courses that are connected. You know how it is. The Hip Bone connects to the Thigh Bone, the thigh bone connects to the knee.... *Smile* What I'm saying is, my courses seem to jump around, and I'm scheduled to deliver what is needed. Plus, there are about 6-7 of us who deliver that particular networking course, so it's easy to find yourself 'off on a tangent' in delivery. But, it's all good, a job I love, and I'm still employed!

         I was here last week delivering a class, and in the process discovered that 'we' (most probably me) made a small mistake when we upgraded a small system recently. Why do I say me? Because I'm the one who did the upgrade, and installed all the software on this computer. Anyway, I ended up installing two databases on this PC, both of them SQL databases, And as Murphy would have it, the two databases don't play well together. What I really mean is, they use the same Ports on the PC, and cause conflicts. Right now, I can't open one of the databases, and that's the one I really need. The other is nice to have, but not really necessary on this system. As a result, I will come back here next week for a day or so, and completely reload that computer. Yep, I'll reload Windows 10, install upgrades, 'harden' the operating system, and make it work again. After that, I'll be back here the following week to deliver another class, a basic RF theory class.

In Closing

         I will spend the weekend at home, be here part of next week, and the following week. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
October 20, 2018 at 5:18pm
October 20, 2018 at 5:18pm
Date: Week of October 15th

Locale: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

         This week finds me in Toronto, Ontario for another class with the Toronto Police Services. Half my students were in classes I delivered for them a couple of years ago, so it was like seeing old friends in some ways. I enjoy visiting Toronto, but I don't enjoy the traffic. My documentation showed the class would be at one address, but when I went there Monday, it was back where I'd been the previous two classes. All was well though since I'd left a little early as I usually do the first day.

         The class itself went fine, but there were a few hangups with software. There was a new release of the software (the same one that caused me such problems installing it on my laptop), and the laptops we shipped for the class didn't have the software completely installed. Installing it was easy enough, but that is something that shouldn't have happened. Once we finally had things properly installed, everything went smoothly, and I managed to show them many things that will help them in the future. This software is totally new to them, so getting them comfortable with it and what it does was the most important to me.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Turtle Jacks          https://turtlejacks.com/menus/?location_menu=729          Well, I ended up dining here twice. Not because it was great (It was very good, but far from great, not too close to excellent), but because it was windy, wet, chilly, and ugly outside on those two nights. This restaurant was connected to my hotel, making it easy to get to. *Smile* Their Shrimp Gyoza was good, but a little overcooked. I really enjoyed their Garlic Caesar Salad.

         The Keg          https://www.kegsteakhouse.com/locations/dixon-road-keg/#!/menu-detail/?id=14961&parent=5/#siteContent          This too was very close to my hotel, walking distance in fact. It's not a place I'd go to often, but again, it's proximity to the hotel made it worth it. I loved their Baked Brie with Pesto and Pepper Jelly. As you can tell, I was eating smaller portions on this trip, and this was excellent!

In Closing

         I will spend next two weeks in Schaumburg, one week teaching a class, the next I will be a student to learn this one all over again. It's been 6-7 years since I've delivered it, and there have been massive changes to the curriculum. The best thing that happened this week (besides returning home safely) is that I got a call from my scheduler, telling me she will be sending me to RAF Lakenheath in England in December! Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
October 10, 2018 at 8:00pm
October 10, 2018 at 8:00pm
Date: Week of October 1st

Locale: Schaumburg, Illinois

         Ho hum, another week in Schaumburg. Except I'm not delivering a class, I was cross training for a new one. I didn't get near enough done if you ask me. but there were a couple of extenuating circumstances that kept me from maximizing this cross-training opportunity.

         First off, my mentor had quite the schedule last week. We were going to work Tuesday and Wednesday on this course, but it's hard to get things done with someone on those hours. I won't say more because I don't want to air this too much 'in public'. But there was so much more we could have done. Secondly though, is that there was a new release for a radio programming software. The other guys who teach that class loaded it weeks ago. I tried a few weeks ago too, but my anti-virus found a virus in the load process. Since this is Motorola developed software, that's not too likely, but there it was. I tried loading it last week after getting a new hard drive earlier, still the same thing. We sent a message off to the team that writes the software, and it turns out this was a known issue. Symantec recently updated their anti-virus software, adding a new scheme to look for viruses, along with their 'old' stuff. Turns out, the new scheme would flag this software during the installation. This was more of a sidetrack to the training effort than the lack of hours. i ended up having to have the IT department uninstall the corporate anti-virus so I could install the program. Once installed, every was fine, and it was. This shouldn't have been an issue, but it was. Our software team is working with Symantec to add an exception to the anti-virus search engine to this doesn't happen in the future.

         And to top it all off, I was (am) working from home this week, and could not log on to the Motorola network via the VPN! More work with the IT department, a slew of e-mails between me and one of their techs, and most of a day doing that. End result, I have a new 'VPN Thin Client' that will be sent out in the near future. So, I have a head start on everyone else! *Smile* Needed to access the Motorola network so I could get my expense reports completed. And now, I owe that IT Technician a cup of coffee, should we ever be in the same location at the same time. She works out of Phoenix, so it may happen. Not going to hold my breath though...*Smile*

In Closing

         It was a very interesting week in Schaumburg; I'm left with needing yet more time on this course. What I really need is time spent with the software, learning all its ins and outs. That will require more time in Schaumburg. That, or get the equipment here so I can work with it at home. Next week I will be in Toronto once again. Will be nice and chilly there, I'm looking forward to it. Till then, write all you can, and love those who love you.

Jim Dorrell
September 30, 2018 at 8:02pm
September 30, 2018 at 8:02pm
Date: Week of September 24th

Locale: Springfield, Illinois

         This week it's almost like home for me. I'm 70 miles south along I-55 in Springfield, Illinois. It's a short class, only 2 days in length. Springfield is a nice town/city, but not really a place I'd want to live. Why? No reason really, other than my heart is in New Mexico. After two weeks in Colorado, and a weekend in the Four Corners area, I really want to move there.

         The class itself went fine, but it was too short. Not long enough to really get to know the city, nor the students. And with only two nights there, (yes, I stayed in a hotel only because I hate driving an hour to get to work), I didn't have a chance to explore much or find excellent restaurants. However, it is the home of Abraham Lincoln's start in politics, and has several sites you should see if you find yourself there. I do want to say that on the first day of class, several students and I went to a place that serves the 'best Chili in Springfield'. To say it was a major disappointment would be a gross understatement. Greasy, oily, not very well spiced, mostly 'blah'....

Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

         Lincoln Home National Historic Site          https://www.nps.gov/liho/index.htm This house is where Lincoln lived while practicing law in Illinois. It was also here that he started his presidential campaign. It's worth a tour, worth the time, if you're a History Buff, or even just interested in Lincoln.

In Closing

         I will spend the weekend in Wisconsin visiting friends, then spend a week in Chicago improving my knowledge of new subjects, and hopefully being able to teach one of them after this week! Till then, write all you can, and love those who love you.

Jim Dorrell
September 24, 2018 at 8:14pm
September 24, 2018 at 8:14pm
Date: Week of September 17th

Locale: Denver, Colorado

         This week finds me in Denver, Colorado for a class with the VA Hospital. Denver is a decent sized city, with all the perks and problems you find in other cities. I was a bit happier 50 miles north in Fort Collins/Loveland. Not so much traffic, not so congested. Oh well.... *Smile*

         After a great weekend exploring the Four Corners Area of the country, it was time to get back to work. This class is easy to deliver (if you ask me), but at the same time, it was one of the hardest deliveries I've had. The main reason was that I only had TWO students, and neither of them were RF type people (Technicians/Engineers). They were technically inclined, but asked me to deliver the class from the '37,000 foot level'; they wanted a very broad overview of things. To put it in perspective using something I was quite familiar with, imagine sitting in a classroom with me for three days to learn about a submarine, and how its nuclear power plant operates. Learning its operation and maintenance at a high level because more than likely, you'll never operate it or perform maintenance on it. A contractor will do all that for you.

         Everything with the class went well though, the students really want to learn, but were often called away to get things done. Nothing we could do about that. Once the class was completed, the drive home was pretty uneventful.

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         North County          https://www.northcountydenver.com/menu/ This was quite the gem really. One of the few places that serves a good sipping Tequila. A shot of one of their Tequila's will run you $60. Needless to say, I didn't have that, but I did have a 'flight', 3 shots of Mezcal. Outstanding! But I have to tell you I skipped the Appetizers, and had just this. Poké Burrito — Soy & sesame marinated Ahi Tuna, sticky rice, shredded Napa cabbage with cucumber & cilantro, mango, avocado, pico de gallo, chipotle crema It was excellent!

Photo's From Visit:

POW/MIA Table at the VA Hospital

In Closing

         I will be in Springfield, Illinois next week, for two days only. I will stay there though, I have no desire to drive back and forth each morning, worried I'll be late for one reason or another. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
September 19, 2018 at 9:13pm
September 19, 2018 at 9:13pm
Date: Weekend of September 14th

Locale: Four Corners Area

         With a weekend free in Colorado, I couldn't just sit in the Denver area, I had to be a tourist. Class was done Thursday at noon, so I checked out of my hotel, and drove to Pueblo, Colorado. After spending a relaxing evening there, I drove to Farmington, New Mexico on Friday. It was a very pleasant drive, made more so by a side trip to the Taos Gorge Bridge. This bridge was completed in 1965, and spans the Rio Grande River just west of Taos. It has been featured in several movies, most notably for me, "Wild Hogs". It was quite the ride getting there, but this momentary destination was even more pleasant. There were quite a few roadside vendors at the rest area nearby, and I shopped a little. But I really enjoyed walking out on the bridge and taking a few photos', as well as a selfie with the gorge in the background.

         After relaxing at the gorge for an hour or so, I drove west alone Hwy 64 to Farmington, NM. A special treat (at least for me), was stopping to visit the Earthship Community just west of Taos. It is very interesting, a lifestyle I can see myself having lived all these years if I hadn't joined the Navy. Arriving in Farmington, I spent Friday and Saturday nights there, using it as a central spot for my weekend 'adventures'.

         Saturday, I drove to the Four Corners Monument, a place I'd never been to, despite growing up in Albuquerque! I found it fascinating, and exhausting. I mean how many of you can say you've walked around four states in less than a half hour? At that elevation, it was particularly tiring.... *Cool* Along the way, I stopped to snap a few photo's of Shiprock. Shiprock is the throat of an extinct volcano, the surrounding land has eroded away, leaving only this volcanic center to rise above its surroundings.

         The real treat was Sunday. I had to head back to the Denver area, so I first drove the Mesa Verde National Park. I had no idea it was so big, or that the drive to the actual Pueblo ruins would take an hour! As a result, I didn't tour any of the sites, only stopping to snap a few photo's and enjoy myself. Needless to say, I have to return there and spend a whole day exploring that park! After that adventure, the drive back to the Denver area was pretty mundane.

Photo's From Visit:

Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

An Earthship House, part of the Taos Earthship Community


Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park

Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

         Four Corners Monument          The Four Corners Monument is cared for by the Navajo Nation, and sits in the middle of no-where really. But that's how it should be, if you ask me. It is the junction of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah. I know that GPS coordinates place the 'true' Four Corners some miles away, but this was the site designated by surveyors years ago, so it will/should remain as the Four Corners Monument.

         Shiprock Rock Formation

         Mesa Verde National Park          https://www.nps.gov/meve/index.htm          Mesa Verde National Park was established in 1906 to preserve and interpret the archeological heritage of the Ancestral Pueblo people (The Anasazi) who made it their home for over 700 years, from 600 to 1300 CE. Today, the park protects nearly 5,000 known archeological sites, including 600 cliff dwellings. These sites are some of the most notable and best preserved in the United States.

In Closing

         Next week I will be in Denver delivering a class to the techs at the Veterans Hospital. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
September 19, 2018 at 8:46pm
September 19, 2018 at 8:46pm
Date: Week of September 10th

Locale: Loveland, Colorado

         This week finds me in Loveland, Colorado for another class with the Western Area Power Administration. It's the same class I've delivered in Bismarck, ND and Watertown, SD. Loveland is quite close to Denver (~50 miles), and since I'm in Denver next week, I planned on staying out west the whole time.

         The class itself went fine, but it was the journey here that made it special. As mentioned in a previous entry, I visited the site of Bonnie & Clyde's last bank robbery, the Freedom Rock (3rd visit), and the Golden Spike tower in North Platte Nebraska. I did manage to find a couple of excellent restaurants here in Loveland, and even had a little time to get into the mountains. I wanted to see a 'Tiny Home' village, but was disappointed to find it's now a tiny home resort of sorts. I also went to Estes Park to see 'The Stanley' hotel. Stephen King and his wife stayed a night here in 1973, and it became the inspiration for his novel, "The Shining". I really wanted to walk in the place and stroll down a hallway, but it's gated, only registered guests or those registering can get past. *Frown* To be honest, I didn't try to get past, I saw the gate and figured I'd not even try. Go ahead, you can call me "Chicken!". *Smile*

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Smokin Fins          http://finsconcepts.com/smokin-fins-menu/ This place was so good the first time that I went back for a repeat visit! Excellent seafood. Their Lobster Stuffed Fried Avocado is something you really have to try.... Not only that, but the Southwest Poki Bowl is excellent too.

Photo's From Visit:

The Stanley Hotel

Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

         The Golden Spike Tower          https://goldenspiketower.com/ This is one for Railroad Buffs, and anyone who enjoys interesting sites. This Union Pacific Railroad Yard (Bailey Railyard) processes over 10,000 rail cars a day! Sort of like a sorting place for Union Pacific trains.

         Freedom Rock          https://www.thefreedomrock.com/ Artist Bubba Sorenson paints a new mural on the ~60 Ton rock every year. Each mural honors American Veterans in one way or another. I've been fortunate enough to visit it three times. I know, some of you are saying, "visit a rock three times?"

In Closing

         I will spend the weekend in NW New Mexico, staying in Farmington while I visit the 'Shiprock' rock formation, Four Corners, and Mesa Verde. Til next time, be good to yourselves and those you love, and WRITE!
September 9, 2018 at 9:39pm
September 9, 2018 at 9:39pm
Date: Week of September 3rd

Locale: On The Road, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska

         This weekend I drove from Central Illinois to Loveland, Colorado. Right now, I'm in Ogallala, Nebraska for the night, but had to share a few things from the drive. I will post more once I arrive in Loveland, and see the sights I plan on seeing. The drive has been uneventful, but I've seen a few places I wanted to share with you!

Photo's From Visit:/Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

Freedom Rock          https://www.thefreedomrock.com/          Freedom Rock is a large boulder (apoproxximately 60 tons?) sitting about a half mile to mile south of I-80 at mile marker 86. Artist Bubba Sorenson paints a new mural on it every year. His goal is to pain a mural on a large boulder/rock in every county of Iowa. Below are three photo's from my visits (Yes, I've stopped there three times) over the years.

Freedom Rock November 2006

Freedom Rock June 2016

Freedom Rock September 2018

Stuart, Iowa, Old First National Bank Building          

So why take a photo of a hair salon? Because 84 years ago, it was the First National Bank of Stuart, the site of the last bank robbery by Bonnie & Clyde

Bailey Rail Yard, North Platte, Nebraska          https://www.up.com/aboutup/facilities/bailey_yard/          This is the worlds largest railyard. They process over 10,000 rail cars there each day! Essentially, it's a sorting facility, much like a mail center. Trains come in, drop off their cars. The facility sorts them, and will make a new train combining cars as needed, headed for new destinations. TEN THOUSAND though? WOW!

Bailey Rail Yard, North Platte, Nebraska

In Closing
         Tomorrow I will continue my trek to Loveland Colorado. I wanted to share these photo's with you, and tell you a little about the drive here. Til next time, take care of yourself and those you love. And of course, WRITE!

Jim Dorrell
August 28, 2018 at 6:54pm
August 28, 2018 at 6:54pm
Date: Week of August 20th

Locale: Amherst, Massachusetts

         This week I was in Amherst Massachusetts delivering a class to the University of Massachusetts Police. It was a pretty interesting class, since none of them had any idea about a radio system, or radios in general for that matter. Fortunately, this class only covered how to program radios, so a little easier to understand than other subjects.

         For the first time in a while, my flights were pretty mundane. Nothing out of the ordinary happend, and no real flight delays. This is my second time in a year to that area of the country, it is quite beautiful in many ways. The area is covered with gently rolling hills that are full of trees and other growth. Amherst is a charming town that has four universities in it! The area really consists of Amherst, Hadley, and North Hampton. I found the downtown area of both Amherst and North Hampton to be really appealing. There's a lot to do around there, plenty of bike rental racks, etc. I consider myself a bit of a foodie, and restaurants abound in that area!

Noteworthy Restaurants:

         Ginger Garden          http://gingergardenamherst.com/menu.html          I love Sushi, and was in the mood for some when I arrived. This place fit the bill nicely. Their Yellowtail Jalapeno appetizer was excellent. The Sushi was very good, but I wasn't completely full, nor did I want to be. But it was early, and I knew I'd be in the mood for a little more later on. Their house specialty Lo Mein fit the bill there perfectly! It was too big for one sitting, so I munched on it all week.

         East Side Grill          http://www.eastsidegrill.com/eastsidegrillmenus.html          Their Seafood Gumbo was very good, I'm pretty sure it was housemade, and not served from a can. But their BBQ Shrimp with Grits and Spinach was excellent! Since this was Thursday and my last night there, I treated myself to dessert. Chocolate-Cherry Bread Pudding with Amaretto. Yummy!

Historic/Interesting Places Visited:

Springfield Armory          https://www.nps.gov/spar/index.htm          The Springfield Armory was commissioned by George Washington, and designed to manufacture weapons for this new country. This way, we wouldn't depend on foreign countries to supply us with their weapons. It is an interesting place, one I'd love to tour in-depth, but I had to get to the airport for my flight. So you might ask why I dropped by? Well, about 10 years ago, I purchased a National Parks Passbook book. When you visit a National Park or National Historic Site, you will find a Visitor Center. There you can find a good old fashioned Rubber Stamp, and stamp your passport to show your visit. The one I originally purchased was the small, hip-pocket size one, but I'd run out of room in a couple of the regions. While at the Flight 93 Memorial earlier this year, I found a collector's edition that was much larger. This meant I'd have to start over getting stamps, but it was well worth the cost if you ask me. So I stopped here to get my Passport stamped, and to see what this place has. I need to come back though, and 'properly' visit it.

In Closing
         I am home for the next two weeks. Yes, you read that right, TWO weeks at home! It's okay though, I have plenty to do in preparing for future classes. Til next time, take care of yourself and those you love. And of course, WRITE!

Jim Dorrell

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